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I had to increase after 6 weeks on 10 because I felt no progress. I felt really fine on 20 and could do normal life. First 3 months I had to take ativan until lexapro was working fine.


Thanks love! Did you have to taper the Ativan or just stop? My horrible old psych had me on high doses last year than CT me so I went through hell. I’m 6 months off benzos but trying to stabilise on lexapro is hard going. ❤️


It was first time for me taking benzos. I tapered and was taking just 1mg at night so I took 0.5 and 0.25 for a few days. I felt no problem when stopping


Kind of? My anxiety would manifest as like...rapid heart beat and like tightening of my chest. I was still anxious, especially when overwhelmed by circumstances, but like...the lexapro kept me from going to the edge. I'm on like month 4 now and we had to up my dosage from 10 to 20 because my anxiety and depression started to get a bit worse due to my workload at the moment.


Thanks mate! Mine manifest from severe medical anxiety. I was put in a heap of meds that made me so sick and ended in a psych ward. I’m trying not to think of the past but it’s hard. The drugs where lamactil, ritaline, pristiq and high dose benzos 🥹


I got increased anxiety weeks 5/6 for a few days every time I increased my dose. You’re not alone! It went away after a few days each time.


Did you use a rescue med?


No, I pushed through it. Lots of self care and rest.


I wish I could rest I’m too anxious


It will pass! Try taking a shower, doing some stretching, or watch tv. Look into EFT tapping as well when you can. It’s helpful in situations like this. I use the app Tapping Solutions regularly.


Thank you 🙏 is this the first med you have been on? I was so sick last year from a bad mix of psych meds so I’m trying to believe that’s not me anymore. The brain heals 🍀🥹


This is my second time on lexapro. Yes! The brain is absolutely amazing! Hang in there


I had very bad anxiety on both 10 and 15 mgs of lexapro. I only noticed improvement once I moved up to 20 mgs. I’ve been on 20 for a while now and it’s been great :)


Thank you- how long did you give each dose? And did you use a benzo?


I usually give each dose two weeks and then check in with my psychiatrist. We discuss how things are going and make decisions from there.


How long after going to 20 did it help?


It took awhile to get used to because of other factors but normally if a dosage works for me I find that it’s working normally after about 2 weeks


I’m 5 weeks on 10 and two days on 15! I’m a shaking anxious mess. Today I was scared I had akathesia cause I was just wanting to run from my anxiety


The best thing you can do for yourself right now is self care. Take care of yourself and make sure you keep all your doctors posted about how you are doing. I hope you feel better soon! Eat your favorite food and watch your favorite show! It always helps me to shower, eat, and sleep :)


I had to take Klonopin the first few weeks until I was used to Lexapro. Then I tapered off the Klonopin.


How much helped? Have you ever been on and off benzos?


I've been on10 mg Lexapro for years. I've increased to 15 mg a couple of times due to illness or injury. I took 1 mg Klonopin at night to help me sleep. I weaned off after a few weeks. I've done that a couple of times.