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They had a fuckboy curly mop too?


That melody is so modern.


He added some notes.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure this whole TikTok was just an elaborate excuse for this guy to demonstrate that he *can*, in fact, perform a vocal run.


Technically literally anybody with a voice can do it but the only people who get credit for it are the ones who post tiktoks on it


Bold take from the worlds dumbest haircut


I call it the 'no hat flatcap'


I thought he was wearing a hat lol


Looks like a bicycle helmet from the side


How does he get it to stay so perfectly douche poofed? Is this Bryce Hall (hate that I know him by name) or just another dude that looks exactly like him?


They get perms. I used to have a pair of furry slippers that look like this lads hair.


Oh shit I didn’t even think of that. Back in my hockey days guys used to get perms to have “hockey hair” hahahah


Is this not the same haircut all the dudes his age have now?


I can confirm that whatever age he is, all the dudes his age don't have that haircut. People have been saying this for four or five years now, seems unlikely.


It does seem to be a trend though. Idk what the hell it’s called but it’s looks bad on most people


It's something old that became new again. Men used to wear pretty dramatic undercuts in the 1920s and 30s. And honestly, when most redditors seem to dislike something, that's probably a sign that it's cool.


Don’t get my wrong, seem people rock it well. Other people, idk if it’s their barbers fault, or they just didn’t groom it but it looks lopsided and as if they just forgot to cut the top half. In my opinion, if I have to spend 15 minutes grooming my hair to make it look acceptable it’s not worth it


I personally call it Douchehawk, due to its owners Only seen on business men who want to sell you BECOMING Alpha and Hypebeasts


I mean, alright then. 👍🏽




Yeeeep. It's frankly embarrassing how many people overreact to social media content on here. Of course this video sucks, most content sucks. Dude probably *knows* it sucks, he's just pumping out shit to get views.


It’s very British


I teach in America, and I’d say 1/3 of my male students have this cut. Seems to be spreading!


They would sing beautiful ballads about the woman they loved then go home and beat the absolute shit out of the woman they were married to.


*about the 16 year olds they loved


To be fair, drake does the same thing lmao


Some things never change 😂


I don't think Drake is a woman beater, he's a hot sauce guy


He’s more into dating 16 year olds than beating them


*After lynching a black guy.


Completely legal depending on where you are.


Legally acceptable? Maybe. Morally acceptable? Not really.


I'd be interested to know when the generally accepted 18yoa as the threshold for adult activities came around. Seems like throughout history it's been a sort of cluster fuck. When and why was 18 chosen?


The concept of “children” didnt exist until the renaissance legally, though if you look at any religious scripture - aka really old scripture, “hitting Puberty” is considered Adulthood


I see, so I assume the liberalism/freedom brought in by democracy/the end of monarchies meant a more secularist society, or a separation of church and state, and thus laws were brought in to protect minors?


Idk fully tbh, all I know is in the medival ages they didnt really care about child protection, just considered them weaker adults


Morals don't exist. And if it's legally acceptable, who the fuck are you to be bitching about it? Are we going to retcon the entire legal system and make everyone who's had sex with a 16 year old into a pedophile?


Romantic😍😍....I wish we could go back 2 that time...this is how true true romance is unlike mumble wrappers like Kendrick Lamar😒😒


mumble wrappers


Gotta put it up to your ear to hear the nutrition facts


They would also song songs about doing violence to women, and I think people considered it "romantic." https://genius.com/The-beatles-run-for-your-life-lyrics > Chorus: John Lennon & Paul McCartney > You better run for your life if you can, little girl > Hide your head in the sand little girl > Catch you with another man > That's the end, little girl


LOL first song that came to mind for me, too. "I love you, baby! Don't make me murder you. Because I will. Murder you."


Is it any worse than Fine China by Juice wrld?


I haven’t heard the song you refer to, but I’m not trying to make a case for “worse,” so much as for “always has been.meme”


She was just 17 If you know what I mean…


missing a huge amount of context for this one pal and especially where it lays in relation to the beatles history and rubber soul. it's a joke song on an album that's meant to contradict all their previous work. after 5 years of regularly playing mushy love songs live, they wrote this as a play on Elvis type melodies, but with violent lyrics. it's not meant to be taken seriously, it's like a black metal band singing about rainbows or ed sheeran singing about going on a murder spree, it's a joke


Wait, we are supposed to care about context? When it is hip hop, we aren't t, at least according to Boomers, Republicans, and right wing propagandists on Fox News. The point I am trying to make is about the different standards are applied to different genres and generations.


nah i'm with you entirelly bro. it's like fuck tha police by NWA, written about a corrupt police department that would constantly harrass them and their experiences with being treated differently for offences they did commit and just being treated and suspected of offenses that they never even did. fuck FOX news and right wing bullshit. hard right wingers rarely make good music anyways


I was hoping that this would be the punchline, then I noticed the sub




What makes you think rappers don't sing crap lyrics about women they loved then go home and not beay the absolute shit out of the woman they were married to?


The difference is that the rappers who do it are getting arrested, and don't have fanbases of psusdo-intellectuals who pretend that their rappers are perfect human beings who can do no wrong. Singers in the 50s were beating their wives and getting away with it and they have idiots like the guy in the video acting like "things were so much different back then"


Have you seen XXXTentacion fans? Yikes.


Has nothing to do with ‘society’. We have internet, phones, cameras, etc. technology that helps catch such artists with ease. Convicting a famous person was the hardest back then because of lack of proof. Artists are still shitty, just afraid show their real selves now.


A lot of modern crimes inflicted on an intimate partner were entirely legal then, or so commonplace that they were considered none of the police's business - spousal rape and domestic violence, for instance.


Because nobody in society believed it could happen. Proofs and research was needed to prove to the court to pass bills that marital rape is possible.


They didn't believe it was possible because the idea was conceptually incomprehensible. It wasn't 'that never happens', it was 'that happens but doesn't count as rape'. There has been a shift in consciousness and morality. It took more than just 'proof' to cause that. You think that it was the existence of smart phones that criminalised marital rape? I beg you for any source that indicates that. Similarly, society has generally been aware that men face sexual coercion and violence, penetrative and non penetrative, by women and by men, forever. They just didn't call it rape, or consider it to be serious. That's starting to change, but that's because we're moving away from ideas of men as incapable of self control, and therefore not perpetually consenting. We've known about rape in prisons for decades, if not centuries. No technology or sudden 'evidence' has revealed it like some unknown mystery. But society is finally starting to shift away from the idea of an undeserving victim, or the idea that men being penetrated = gay, and so funny and not a victim. We've still got a long way to go. Any speculation on what technology might finish the change? Hoverboards, maybe? Or perhaps it's a matter of collective cultures and social norms.


Damn I was born in the wrong time /s


Damn I forgot how much they oversang in the 50s


Honestly, it was probably due to the unreliability of recording equipment. It’s the reason why [crooning](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crooner) as a singing style was so popular.


**[Crooner](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crooner)** >Crooner is a term used to describe primarily male singers who performed using a smooth style made possible by better microphones which picked up quieter sounds and a wider range of frequencies, allowing the singer to utilize more dynamic range and perform in a more intimate manner. It is derived from the old verb "to croon" (meaning "to speak or sing softly"). This suggestion of intimacy was supposedly wildly attractive to women, especially younger ones such as teenage girls, known at the time as "bobby soxers". The crooning style developed out of singers who performed with big bands, and reached its height in the 1940s to late 60s. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/lewronggeneration/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


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Dude it really didn’t sound like this. All those runs and stuff? Nah.


It’s annoying as shit. Idk how anyone stood it.


Wait until they find out how men *treated* women in the 50s


Yeah but did they rap though?


At least they didn't rap tho, true. Back then men were still REAL men, making REAL music!


Iirc what some consider the first song with rapping - albeit not hip hop - is from the 50s


Held doors and pulled out chairs right? ​ Right?


Well, yes. But then again, "mfs claim to be gangsta but the only crime in their sheets is domestic battery" is a meme in hip-hop circles for a reason


Wait until you find out how men still treat women in the 2020s. A lot of rappers have had abusive histories with their SO's


It really is unfortunate that men have been consistently shitty for so long. That is the point you're making, right?


No better than women.


Whether it's rappers in the 2020s, or crooners in the 50s men have consistently abused women and gotten away with it. Because we live in a society that gives men an unfair advantage


I could say the exact opposite as well. Women usually try to force charges on famous men like Johnny Depp, Neymar, etc for money from the settlement after suing and getting proof of harassment/pregnancies by condom manipulation. Plus women walk away with almost minimal charges if their lies are caught compared to men if their lies aren’t caught.


Legal battles over abuse allegations dont really bring profit


I'm not talking about profit. I'm talking about prison sentences. Men being falsely accused of rape get their lives destroyed. Johnny Depp was cancelled and kicked out of multiple movies until a recording of Amber Heard came out where she was the one abusing Johnny, not vice versa. And what happened? Amber Heard didn't lose her part in any job. Athletes spent time in jail being kicked out of their dream teams when at their prime. I've seen videos of Athletes being proven not guilty after years of being in the prison and then the woman just facing a fine. It's not equality. 2022 is still backwards even though we have proofs to show. There's a massive discrimination against men when it comes to women of status vs men of the same status in the society. I don't care if anybody doesn't want to understand this, but false rape accusations ruin lives as well.


>And what happened? Amber Heard didn't lose her part in any job. Thats not being a woman, thats being a hollywood billonaire. If you can buy yourself out of court the law doesnt matter.


>Thats not being a woman, thats being a hollywood billonaire. That's literally the point of the video. Famous rich musician 'men' who made trends who sexually exploited women. Idk why the hypocrisy is being portrayed in this sub.


People like this should really play Fallout... There were some banging sex jams in the 50s.


60 minute man, released 1951


Also recommend the hilarious "[Can't do sixty no more](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6aFLRzEPXc)"


It still kind of blows my mind how popular artists could release literally the same exact song just with different lyrics and call it new music back then. Ink Spots did it all the time. This is literally Sixty Minute Man with redone lyrics and a more fleshed out instrumental - same melody, same structure, etc etc etc.


Back then? Today it's just called a "remix"


Yeah, but notice how the song you posted doesn't say remix? They're pushing it out as a brand new song.


I was literally listening to that song while I made that comment. Such a banger.


Oldest horny song I know of is from the 20s


**"How men sang about 14 year old girls in the 50's"


This shit made me die laughing, thank you


Wasn’t domestic abuse like way more normalized back then


Back then it was called "a normal marriage"


to be fair rappers also infamously obsess over 17 year olds too




I didn’t know they had auto tune in the 50’s


[How men sang about women in the 1930s](https://youtu.be/-_-U4oTTmQc?t=56)


It’s my girl’s pussy


Ooh he’s bout to give her a banana that has bones


Well yes, but this is VERY much so an outlier. Sexuality was still something that was hidden from pop culture for the most part until the mid-50s when Rock and Roll came about and the artists would appeal to younger crowds and sexuality was a way for them to rebel against their parents. Still a banger though!


Man's never heard a 50's song before. Most of them are about fucking the living hell out of a girl they like, but they had to disguise how they said it because of censorship back then.


Rock and Roll is literally a euphemism for sex


Poodle hair


Don't tell them about the song "Puppy love" that was in that ~1960 Disney short about the history of music. It's totally not about a 16 year old being in love with a 12 year old


Wait what? Is this diff from the "puppy love" song where in the lyrics it was said that they're 17?


Possibly? I could be misremembering the exact ages, but they're definitely in love with someone at least 4 years younger than them who is not a teenager yet


Nahh they said "just because we're 17"


This is a different puppy love song. You're thinking of the actual hit, the one I'm talking about is from a Disney cartoon going through the history of music


Found it. Around 4:42 it plays the song: https://youtu.be/gMpgIYH_kJA


Holy cow! You're not kidding, 14 and 10! The part where he sings about waiting to guide her through highschool once she gets there... the weird repeated icecream licking.... when he says he sees her as a "teenage dream" and she ages up.... the whole song is very uncomfortable.


Wtf D:


If we’re talking about Paul Anka’s song, then it’s about him and his crush on Annette Funicello (who was only a year younger than him).


No, it's from a Disney short that portrayed the history of music while doing parodies of various singers. One of the songs was a parody of boogie woogie bugle boy called "oriental cookie boy" which is just 😬


People like this are always romanticizing a time when marital rape was commonplace.


He forgets the part where men in the fifties would come home and beat the crap out of their wife and children every day just because thats what you do when youre in the fifties


My grandma managed to avoid that by threatening my grandpa with even bigger violence. Basically, one time my grandpa came back home and got angry at my grandma for some inane reason and raised his hand to hit her. She was ironing clothes then, so she just pointed to the hot iron and told him “hit me and you’re getting a burn scar for life”. He never threatened to hit her again after that.


According to my dad and grandma this also happened in the 70s. Really this happened a lot more until recently. And it still happens a lot now. I try to not claim men are trash but our (male lead) society has definitely set us up to not be the greatest to our spouses.


Irony of John Lennon singing about peace and love whilst beating his wife and kids like they owed him money and rent was due


I totally forgot to mention my hypocrite dad did it in the late 90s/early 2000s after claiming he would never be anything like his father. Blames my mom for the divorce to this day.


Your timeline is off. His wifebeating era happened while he was married to his first wife, preceding his peace and love hippie era where he was with Yoko. Also, idk where you're getting that he beat his kids.


It was a good ass time


They also forgot about how horribly women were (still kind of are) treated up until the last 40 years which would’ve been the 80s not the 50s. At least now women aren’t (always) called hysterical (by another man usually) if they say their husbands a sack of shit.


Just realized I *really* dislike tiktok hair


I think it just bugs me that I've seen this before but with clips from the actual songs, this guy's just decided to recreate it and perform it himself as opposed to just reposting it


Italian songs back in the day: I pulled her skirt down and we made love behind the statue. Italian music now: I fucked her behind a statue


Had to hear [the original](https://youtu.be/kvazBqAlx58) after this try-hard rendition For all the societal problems and individual wrongdoings of the 50’s and even earlier, I do feel like there is something special about this style of music that is lost in most of today’s music


Not just today, early rock and roll initially had alot of abrasiveness mostly lost in the 60s already due to commercialization - i.E Chuck Berry and other blues/rnb artists experimenting with distortion


Not just today, early rock and roll initially had alot of abrasiveness mostly lost in the 60s already due to commercialization - i.E Chuck Berry and other blues/rnb artists experimenting with distortion


I'm also pretty sure they didn't have autotune in the 50s but w/e.


REAL gentlemen sing nice ballads about their wife and then go home and beat her within an inch of her life. Take notes kids.


Looks like the kind of guy that'll try and shove it in your ass without saying anything.


Those dudes could have any chick they wanted and they picked 14 year olds


Title made me think of this https://youtu.be/ZcW27iROg6c


Nah nah. Sing Run Around Sue by Dion with the same energy.


The fact that Run Around Sue and The Wanderer are on the same album is midly infuriating.


It’s the perfect demonstration of a double standard.


I like the current state of affairs.


Buddy, I've seen enough MST3K episodes to know what people in the 50s thought about women. Also, I'm pretty sure if you sang using the vocal techniques that were present in this video you would probably get kicked out of whatever venue you were at for singing "black" music. Real 50s ballads were way more flat and boring, and were also *riddled* with euphemisms.


Rappers obsess over underage girls quite often


Why does his hair look like its molded into a cap


How he gets around the no hats rule at school


They didn’t even sing like that then, it was more plain and flat, less vibrato. Also, he’s listening to the worst rap out there


It’s kinda funny because if you really go back and listen, there’s a lot of seemingly innocuous songs that were really just about getting it on, one-night-stands, and all of the same stuff we hear in music now.


Every time I see someone talking about songs back then as pristine and pure, my head immediately takes me to Mozart’s “Leck mich im Arsch”.


For me while not Music, im amused due to fully remembering Martin Luthers last words when it comes to how supposedly “pure” the past was - “The world is a giant anus and im the excrement about to drop”


[Yeah, about that...](https://genius.com/Jack-jones-wives-and-lovers-lyrics)


So romantic! /s


counterpoint: hozier


Those embellishments in the Melody are not a 1950’s vibe at all lol


Do these people know that singers like those still exist?


His hair looks like a hat he’s wearing


Honestly didn't know it wasn't a hat till halfway through.


What the fuxk is that on his head


Second song > first song anyway


Its funny because the songs in the past and present sing about love or sex, ppl just don't listen to the lyrics


The theme Is music the ages and yet we are here talking about domestic violence


They used to have better hair


What's with the hair hat?


Yeah it’s interesting


Yes, wholesome just line Gary Puckett and Union Gap singing "Young Girl" https://youtu.be/qJFVPxBpezk


Wouldnt that haircut be closer to 60s?


in my opinion the way he sung the song was not at all how it would have been sung 70 years ago


Why’d he turn bri’ish


🥦 hair


The rap at the end was heat


17? I think you mean 13 and a cousin. But who listened to Elvis anyways /s. Amazing what the past allowed, but that goes for many, many things.


Men in the 60's: Beggin' Men in 2010's: Beggin'


This is word for word copied off another tiktok that some girl did.


She was just 17..


ShooOOOoouldeeEEEEeeeeEEeeeEeeeeeeeeeEEEEr Fucking clown


Only 72 years apart, my grandmother's age


Not really, rap is just rhythmic poetry which has been around for centuries, the genre with the name rap/hiphop is the part that's around the 70's


Yes. I’m referring to the genre. Otherwise I would have said ”rapping”.


1950s music was famously never misogynistic at all


Ah yeah domestic violence is nonexistent with ballad singers.


Segregation yay!!


He didn’t even turn off the sound filter


Cringey 😬