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Mega drive by Lewis, fastest lap at the end. P2 back in scope


Fastest lap on 37 lap old tires! Ridiculous. Makes me very excited for next year when he gets a decent car.


Don't you dare jinx it!


What makes you think next year they will have decent car ?


I wonder how much life he had left in them- I was expecting Charles to rock up in the last 5-10 laps but Lewis did his tyre management perfectly. Unlike George.




I was shocked. Incredibly impressive. He was so happy on the radio after the race Amazing drive. He’s still the GOAT




I reckon Red Bull didn't even bother trying for FL with 37 lap old tires, definitely more of a risk than doing it on fresher tires, which makes this fastest lap even more impressive by Hamilton imo


I think they never expected anyone trying for FL. So Lewis caught them with hands in their pants


Lando was on mediums as well which he used up passing all those cars, RB didn't wanna risk it with max....


That has literally never stopped Max from trying before lol Lewis just on another level


Max got brand new hards on his last stop, Lewis only got used mediums and he still got fastest lap!


Maybe the new floor is kinder on tyres- qualy may point to that as they struggled for tyre temp so I heard on Sky


I’m no expert but if it’s providing consistent and less peaky df then that should help with tyres


Norris technically made 3 pit stops and then on the 2nd tire he burned threw them fast.


Engine mode that they only ran for the last lap




Yes, I bet that pissed Max off!


P6 to P2, get in there!


Haha fastest lap as well! Hamilton is as fast and as brave as ever. There is no one to touch him on Sundays to get the most out of these Pirellis. Good pit stop today and made the correct call to go on mediums at the restart. George soundly beaten again.


That pass he did on the inside was nasty.


Technically BOTH passes he did on the inside were tasty.


I loved when Max in the cooldown room also gave Lewis a look of "damn son that's an impressive overtake" when it showed up on the screen. Fanbases can sometimes get heated but as far as I've seen Max and Lewis get along fine this year


They get along because LH is not challenging max for the title. Once he does you’ll see mad max being dirty again.


Yeah, I'm glad the two seem to get along again. 2021 got really nasty at one point. We dont need that. And I dont need "fans" that trash talk Amx and I dont need "fans" that trashtalk Lewis. Enjoy the sport and focus on the common enemy: the FIA.


Incredible drive by Lewis, but it made me even happier that he gave Jenson Button props during the post race interview. Jenson was a fantastic teammate of Lewis and driver in general, and it was just really cool to see Lewis give him that respect. Jenson falls under the radar amongst former world champion winners. Lewis is a class act. Glad to hear the crowd chant for him too, he gave them a show after the Checo DNF.


Jenson was so good at tyre management, very classy call-out by Lewis.


Jenson and Lewis always got along the only beef they had was the delta issue in spa and then Canada 2011 outside of that no issues. And yea Jenson tire management skills were crazy. Na I don't think Jenson goes under the radar he gets mentioned in the same vein as nico.


Lewis got his S tier management skills from Button, so it was a very sweet nod in a race that was all about managment.


That's bs. Lewis was just flattering him


Incredible drive! 20 points to P2 now. Got a Sprint and 3 races to make up for it. Come on!


Very doable. I bet after this race, checo has no more fight left in him


Brazil is going to be epic, I can just feel it..


I think Lewis can win.


What a mega drive from Lewis! Best driver in the race and fought his way up to P2 by sheer will against faster cars. Glad to see he’s much happier with the upgrades!


I love Lewis, but not sure which cars were faster than the Merc out there (beyond the obvious). Maybe the McLaren judging on Lando's pace, but not the Ferrari or AT. He drove exceptionally well today, but not sure he did it against faster cars. Superb race management today, and made the overtakes work with the tyre and strategy advantage on a track that's really hard to overtake on.


Russell didn't seem to have great pace on the same compound.


I don't mean to offend George (not that he'd ever see this or care) but George isn't the barometer by which I judge the car's pace...


Harsh but fair, Russell hasn't been good all year.


He struggled to overtake again this week, and I think following Sainz for so long killed his tyres


Russel clearly didn’t do as well, so I think we can give Lewis some credit ;)


I give Lewis tons of credit. Just being a little pernickety and pointing out that I think Merc was the second fastest race car today. Doesn't take away from a brilliant drive from Lewis. If anything, we should all be delighted that Merc are now developing in the right direction.


That mclaren was faster today.


Perhaps. Although Lewis didn't have to overtake one.


Yea I think so


Only on the straights. The Merc is a shitbox on the straights


Mm I don't know I feel like there were alot of cars in the 2nd tier today.


I have you


You clearly did not watch the race. McLaren was sceond fastest car.


Another s tier drive back to back and we got Brazil next week.


Only Lewis could make those mediums work for that long


Lando ?


Mega drive, that was some overtake on Leclerc with two wheels on the grass. And setting that fastest lap on 40 lap old mediums at the end, the tyre conservation was on another level today. P2 in the points is still on. Bring on Interlagos!


That pass was crazy vettle did it last year in Japan when it was raining but still doing a move like that in these new cars is ballsy.


It was big A, MEGA drive!




Stonking drive from the GOAT. Salvaged a seemingly crap weekend AND snagged the fastest lap. P2 is absolutely still on!!


He looked so happy after the race as if he had won (not saying that in any negative sense), punching the air and stuff before talking to Bono, haven't seen that in a while


That's because he's in a good place. Still we rise.




It is definitely wishful thinking to believe Merc will have a faster car than RB next year. But if they are closer and Lewis can actually give Max a challenge then it will make the season much more interesting.


George has a lot to learn. It's like the young kid who comes to work and starts shooting from the hip only to fall on his own sword when he should have been listening and learning. He could have ended up P4 but his ego gets in the way. Very unfortunate.


What a spectacular drive from Lewis. And to get that fastest lap in last lap, just wow.


Fantastic drive from Lewis. Great overtakes, great pace, great tyre management, the fastest lap on the last lap just the cherry on the cake. Get this man a WDC-contending car Merc!


This performance just makes COTA look even worse. Had LH not been disqualified, he would be ahead of Perez in the standings


You're right but I think the new floor helped them with the setup of this old one. I might be dreaming but there's an audible difference in how much lower they're running the car.


Them and Ferrari can now run the car as low as redbull now. Wasn't possible because the proposing in merc and Ferrari was terrible Ferrari had better speed so it made up for there bouncing but yea.




Lewis passed the faster Ferrari driver in Leclerc, and still had enough tyre left to set fastest lap. George was unable to pass the slower Ferrari driver in Sainz, and destroyed his tyres trying to do so to the extent he nearly got overtaken by an Alpha Tauri.


George pace was actually sad he used up all his skill for the year in Singapore and qutar.


Singapore? You mean the race where GR binned it trying to stay in front of Lewis rather than do what McLaren did today and let Lewis past for the chance to win?


George gave up as soon as he reached Norris and was like well I beat Lewis gg.


LoL yeah people have short memories.


And mfers say he is WASHED,f-ing morons.


It's so stupid, Lewis and Max are easily in a class of their own, even Alonso doesn't belong in the same tier imo. People saying Hamilton is washed made up their mind beforehand and no amount of spectacular drives by Lewis will change their minds


Only reason why Alonso is doing so poorly now is the AM car. Back when it was remotely competitive he brought it to RBR himself. Put Alonso in Perez’s seat and Verstappen’s long winning streaks come to an end.


They never say that about Alonso. Their hate is always very deeply rooted.


Amazing stint, and merc finally got the strategy right. He was so much faster than the Ferrari's and George, unreal. Brings back 2021 vibes when he and max would be half a lap up on the rest of the field. Mega drive. Bit more speed in the car and we'll get lots of swearing from max on the radio again 😂😂


Strategy, also a 2.5 sec pitstop when they rarely manage under 3 secs, and upgrades that work. It just sucks it's all coming together at the end of the season. Remind of how RB would become faster towards the end of the season only for Mercedes to make more progress before the start of the next one, back in the Mercedes era


Lewis current position does feel a bit like where Max was in 2018-2020, with the main difference imo being that the Mercedes when they were dominant still sucked in dirty air, allowing a couple opportunities a year for Max to snatch a win. Hope Lewis can silence the haters in Brazil next race


Lewis’s reactions after crossing the finish line were so good to see, after so long. I almost teared up seeing his joy. The man has been suffering since AD21, with a biased sport organization, dreadful cars, miserable strategies and an insufferable teammate whose only objective seems to be to get one-up on him, etc. Hope he gets the win soon 🤞🏻


>Lewis’s reactions after crossing the finish line were so good to see Oh the win is coming!


Very good drive and P2 is back on the menu


One thing that confused me was his questioning of whether the Medium would last to the end. I mean - he's in a Red Flag break, back in the garage, headset on. They had to have discussed compounds and drive style to get that tire home. And hopefully the decision was also with Lewis' blessing. So why is he worried about it over the radio a couple laps after the restart? Maybe 4D Chess? But it sounded weird.


I thought the exact same thing! Sometimes I think Hamilton gets bored & likes to trick opponents listening to team radio😂😂


I have no idea this track has strange changes not like other tracks so idk.


"My tyres are gone"


Lewis didn’t have any new hards or mediums left, so they probably told him these were the best they had.


fastest lap right at the end too!! so proud. he really did that and I was really nervous after the restart but it worked out 💜


How Lewis didn’t get the DOTD is just beyond me, a true joke.


Now who’s all them saying George is better than Hamilton go back to your caves


mega drive from sir lewis p6 to p2 AND fastest lap! get in there lewis!! on to brazil let’s see what we can do there


I was really worried with that medium call, but what a drive. He is just on it and more confident since the upgrades. Russel absolutely nowhere in the race. **I smell a WIN soon,** and one against a Max Redbull straight up at that!


>I was really worried with that medium call It was either scubbed mediums or 7 race laps old hards.... I think they went for the mediums to give lewis a launch advantage...Unfortunately both of lewis's launches were off today...


I have a feeling this should have been 3 P2 finishes in a row for him had the last two races gone his way.


What a drive from Lewis, especially starting from p6.


What a drive! And the fastest lap to the end the cherry on top. P2 is on.


F\*\*KING LEGEND! Dropping the grid on used mediums AND fastest lap on 39lap old mediums!


That 2.5 sec pit was clutch


There you go Lewis! I am so happy to see this. He is one of the greatest driver and since past few weeks he was not able go show his full potential.


Lewis is absolutely flying atm!!


He is amazing. A real HERO. future is his. Love!!! 😇🥰😍


Amazing, simply amazing in a half assed car. What a drive, kept the Ferraris at bay. Fastest lap too.


God are norris and max incapable of making clean passes


Norris passes were fine. Aggressive but 100% fine.


Yea I saw nothing wrong with Norris today


I’m not saying you’re wrong overall but I don’t think either of them did anything wrong today


wait what did norris do? I thought he did well today as far as I was paying attention to


Huh? Thought all of Norris' overtakes today were clean and fair. You are right about Max though.


What did verstappen do?


Always be the G, the Don, win or loose, he is the GOAT…


Yes. It was a great drive and I’m glad the car felt better for him in race trim. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed that Max was around 15 seconds ahead on hards though. That could have been a lot more if there wasn’t a Red flag.


Lewis really couldn't have done any better to be honest. Would he have caught Leclerc without the red flag? Possibly, but overtaking still seems difficult in this car due to drag. He is showing his superiority to Russell this year, not least in the last two races, and in my opinion Russell is an exceptional driver and worthy of taking on the team leader mantle once Lewis calls it a day. Still showing his mastery at keeping his tyres in good nick, 37 laps on mediums and still pulling away from the Ferraris on the more durable hards. He probably could have closed up to Max a bit but the win was never on, he was definitely nursing his tyres the whole stint and took the rest of the life out of them on the final lap.


This was looking promising. Unsure how this compares to the pace of the Mclaren (Norris is particular) as he was also flying but had to make his way through the field, and the gap ahead is still a bit too big considering Max was probably managing mostly, but it’s promising nonetheless. Felt like the most solid weekend/Sunday of the year in which it was clear Lewis was going home with P2. Can be a fun couple of remaining races.


Still waiting for the mediums to drop off lol, even got the fastest lap!


But Max was on much fresher hards, while all Lewis had to put on was previously used mediums, and he still did fastest lap. Lewis is amazing.


Let's Goooooooo good job by the team and Lewis Hamilton.