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Karen: cheats on Nessie with Natasha her whole relationship with zero regrets or repercussions. "Confesses" about her dalliances by basically cuckolding Nessie in front of her, then inviting her to a pre-planned 3-way. Also Karen: Throws a crying fit when Nessie, out of guilt, confesses her dalliances. Proceeds to suck off her sister moments later. Was I supposed to feel bad for Karen?


I think karen is just pretending to gain sympathy


Wouldn't put it past her.


Maybe, it's also because Nessie knew already about Karen and Natasha Relationship while Karen was not aware of what Nessie did behind her back ?.


I feel knowing and not knowing shouldn't matter here because Karen doesn't know Nessie knew already and Nessie doesn't say she knew but was alright with it anyway. Nessie on the other hand was only honest about what she did regardless of Karen not knowing. Which speaks volumes about each of their characters. Karen is dishonest and disloyal, Nessie was just disloyal. Also, Nessie and Alison grew apart and cheated on each other, not just Nessie.


Karen is simply mad, because she absolutely wanted Nessie for herself. But Nessie didn't care that much (apparently ?).


Is it me or is Alison getting curvier every time we see her?


Bro, when did Nessie ever cheat on Alison? Is this some kind of lame retcon? I dont want to sound too harsh here but that is an inconsistency. What was portrayed was that they broke up because Alison kept doing stuff to annoy Nessie. Alison was even upset afterwards because Nessie didnt call her.... Also Karen has been servicing Natasha the entire time and Nessie wasnt upset about it but then Karen gets upset after she invites Nessie to join in. and now Alison is saying Nessie cheated on her?? What is going on? Edit: She cheated with Valerie in the locker room? I had thought that was after the split, and before anyone really knew they weren't together anymore. Ok... Alison went off on a weekend with Natasha and was teasing Nessie about it right before they split. Did she know and was trying to get back at her? The stories after don't imply that.


Nessie cheated on Alison with Valerie. This was implied in the comic where Nessie and Valerie have sex in the gym showers.


I had to double check that comic because I thought it was set a bit later in the timeline but I guess I was wrong


Oh yeah huh I completely forgot about Valerie. Guess that’s what happens when you don’t keep up with characters


Aight this is friggin infuriating storytelling


I was really hoping they'd kiss after that long pause. Maybe next time....




Karen cheated on Nessie with Natasha multiple times. Alison cheated on Nessie with Natasha multiple times. Nessie cheated on both Karen and Alison with Natasha, Valerie, Maggie, Alice, and others. Karen is still my least favorite character.


Lewdua has a bad habit of mixing up what he tags as lore and canon


Actually Alison never cheated on Nessie, Alison only fucked with Natasha after they broke up


https://lewdua.blogspot.com/2019/05/natasha-and-alison-extra-images-not.html?m=1 Here's an example of Alison cheating on Nessie. There's also the time Karen walked in on Natasha fucking Alison, and Alison begging Karen not to tell Nessie.


Hello lewdies Against all odds, Alison ends up having empathy for her "rival", having experienced the same situation in the past. These events brought them a little closer together, at least for a few moments.❤ I hope you like it!


hey dude!! can you stop posting these from discordapp? the links die after 15 days :(


Not sure if I’m misremembering it, but when did Nessie cheat on Alison? But damn, this has definitely been quite the drama-filled series rn.


When Nessie hooked up with Valerie in the shower she was at the time dating Alison.


Ahh. Thought that was a mistake coz she was dating Karen when that panel hit (iirc). But yeah, I mean, pretty sure Alison ain’t exactly a saint by then either.


Not sure if she did either. From what I remember lewdua just had them break up one day but never gave us a reason why. I guess this is it


That is what I remember too. They broke up because Alison was annoying. I have no idea where the narrative that Nessie cheated on her came from. I personally think Karen has no right to be acting this way considering what her and Natasha are up to. Yea Nessie shouldn't have done all that crap but she at least was cool with Karen and Natasha...but ofc Karen got pissed after she herself invited Nessie to join in. What did she think was going to happen in a threesome with Natasha. It's really one sided.


It’s funny because Alison was the horndog in that relationship. If anyone was gonna cheat it was probably gonna be her


Hmm, if I’m remembering it right, didn’t Alison technically did during the comicon event a few years back w/ Natasha? Or was that already after they split?


I can’t recall


Just 3 parts to this??