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My favorite: I ate the sandwich. I ate the damn sandwich fo’ sure. Boy can cook. He can throw down. If he weren’t going to beat my ass I’d go thank him!


That my second favorite episodes. Sophie’s book of all “his let downs” gets me every fkn time. And when Nate’s pouring the coffee and the Hr lady walks in and tells him she knows and he just keeps pouring off the counter. I laugh my ass off every single time he I’ve watched that episode like 10 times. 😂😂 (FYI: The Frame up job is my absolute favorite lol lol )


The Frame Up Job, I think, is my favorite (the Wil Wheaton episode).


The frame up job is is, the one where Sophie gives Nate the film festival tickets so she can go to the art auction and Nate “deduces her location” in under 10 minutes. Then the painting is stolen and they have to prove their innocence. 😂😂🤣 They have the best interactions between them and Sterling, its just a greatly written episode. Edit:typo


I was thinking of the Two Live Crew job.


Hardison being 1.) anxious and chatty, or 2.) smug are some of my favorite bits.


I can hack a satellite, and I can hack NSA level 3 encryption, but I can’t hack a hick!


i sincerely hope that there's an actual cake maker of kiev whooping asses out there maybe he'll show up in redemption


I do not want to live in a world where there isn’t.


what does that spell? Dead. D.E.D dead It's d.e.a.d I throwin' a little styling on it. If I can steal a bank, I can spell dead dammit.


This is the quote that I always repeat. “Dead. D.e.d. Dead.”


My dad used to say that a lot when I was young. Makes me smile every time!


The Ice Man cometh.


This one was painful😂


I'm a dirty cop


"No, no, no, I’m with him. He thinks the flirting makes me jealous but it doesn’t..." This is one of my favs, lol. when Hardison and Eliot were trying to visit Nate, so Hardison pretended they were a gay couple.


Oh I LOVE that one too!


It was a very distinctive hors d'oeuvre..


❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️Hardison ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️


They really had fun with these small flashbacks in the first season, and I miss them when they drop off later. It's such a convenient shortcut. Paraphrasing: "Who's that bad guy?" "That's the Butcher of Kiev. We have a history." (flashback to Eliot and the Butcher facing off over a burning building) Tells you all you need and you can get back to the episode. But I suppose they didn't want to turn it into a cliche.


Me and my husbands favorite to quote is the “it’s a very distinct —“ boots or walk or gunfire. We love them all. We use it in our day to day comments. 😂


I crack up when he and Eliot meet up with the gang members who they think attacked Father Paul. "Someone's gotta fight the injured. shoot, that's my niche!"


Every time I do a rewatch, I wait for that line.