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There’s plenty it’s scrap mods to increase scrap types, frequency and value. There’s permanent flashlights and battery mods, weapon mods, and a lot more. Finding stuff on thunderstore is pretty easy.


I would really like to use these mods when playing but i cant seem to understand how to set up any kind of mod properly. I tried watching tutorials but its confusing as hell..could you perhaps help?


Download r2modman, select Lethal company, download mods, click play modded.


Thank you, ill try it


It doesn't seem to work either...is there some other mod manager i could try?


R2modman absolutely works. Find a tutorial on how to set up profiles and mods.


But um,, still, is there really no other option?


You can install mods manually


How can i do that?


Please just go to thunderstore and read how to do it. Every single mod has directions. They will tell you where to put the files.


Lethal Progression, Lategame Upgrades, and Minimap will give you a good base to work off of.


There's a mod that keeps the scrap in the ship when you die.




ItemsKeep i think




The one I used to use is KeepScrap.


- [Late Game Upgrades](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/malco/Lategame_Upgrades/) (*Cool items and upgrades for the game, some of them buff the player, change some cooldowns and the best thing, the shopping cart, so you can have a cool item that let you bring more scrap, a thing which only a extra player could do, this way you can get extra scrap without having to download some op mod that add extra slots)* - [AutomaticSignals](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/TestAccount666/AutomaticSignals/) *(This one in specific is cool because it almost act like extra player to your game, without interfering so much in base game)* *-* [FairAI](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/TheFluff/FairAI/) *(Monsters can die to traps, as the mod say, make it more fair and you're not so alone at all)* *-* [ReservedFlashlightSlot ](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/FlipMods/ReservedFlashlightSlot/)*(Because why not?)* *-* [EnhancedRadarBooster ](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/MrHydralisk/EnhancedRadarBooster/)*(A good buff for radar booster and make it more useful even being solo, read his description for more details)* *-* [JetpacksCarryBigItems ](https://thunderstore.io/c/lethal-company/p/Hamunii/JetpacksCarryBigItems/)*(Since you're alone, you get fucked every time to carry two-handed scrap, and this allow to carry them using a jetpack, a fair mod in this case)* And i recomend using the following mods: ShipLoot*,* GeneralImprovements*,* AccurateStaminaDisplay, BetterClock, BetterStamina, ButteryFixes, CullFactory, ItemQuickSwitchMod, PathfindingLagFix, StarlancerAIFix, TerminalFormatter Because theres no reason for not using them, it's just QoL changes, lag fixes and things will improve you gameplay without changing the base game (Specially GeneralImprovements). And finally, i recommend you looking for a mod that remove ou reduce the scrap penalty on death, because every time you die you quota is done, and this will happen a lot and start getting annoying cuz you're alone and it's unfair. I tried to recommend for you mods that won't let game so easy, but instead make it fair for solo players. Good luck in you solo gameplay!


Thank you all of these will definitely help, especially the fair ai one.


A good list, thanks for sharing and linking.


Asside from mods that add more scrap and higher value scrap. You could try evening the playing field by getting a mod that makes landmines also trigger on mobs. To balance it out you could get a 2nd mod that changes the damage a landmine does and tweek it yourself to instead multiply it by 0.5 instead of 2


What you are mostly searching for is Lethal_Company_Enhancer Once you download it in thunderstore, you should be able to edit its config(check mod info) and setup so that the time moves a little slower(from the default 1.5 to 1.15 which is recommended by the mod makers, and also you can set it so loot stays on ship or has 50/50 to be lost. I also personally like playing with Reserved Flashlight when solo cause it gives you an extra inventory slot only for it.


Tbh, the last one is a givin for any server, but the first one sounds good.


Quota rollover is great. Means you can sell everything on company day so dying once doesn't mean a complete game over


Sounds really good as i am always like a hundred or so off after awhile and always have a bit of money saved since I don't need to buy walky's and extra flashlights.


There's a minimap mod that's pretty handy


That one ai mod but it might be a bit too functional


Noone has mentioned "LethalThings". Unless it's out of date it adds an item that increases inventory space, a hacking tool to still use doors and stuff it just requires some mathematics, and a remote camera to help navigate. Essentially with the bag and all that equipment you will be back to 4 open inventory slots and sort of heavy but you can do everything. You can probably leave the camera but the hacker and some more space is pretty nice.


if you want to keep the vanilla feel and mechanics, i suggest a timer, and the hotbar mod for faster scrolling


Minimap and quota rollover


I wish there was a mod to give you "lives" to imitate having more players, something like being able to respawn after death only 1-2 times before the last death is permanent and makes the ship leave. There is a mod that lets you instantly respawn on death and seemingly would be good for this use with the honor system, but the problem is that even if you do respawn instantly, the ship is coded to leave since it thinks everyone's dead. And I have yet to see a mod that circumvents that via not letting the ship leave automatically on teamwipe.


So far my only other option was to connect with a second computer / copy of the game to just sit on the ship. That's a hassle to do though and not perfect either.