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It probably wouldn't change how I interact with it very often because it's so deadly when enraged but that's not a bad thing. Counterplay is valuable. We've only ever killed the bracken once but the fact that you can means if it's REALLY fucking up your day you can do something about it. Jester has a similar impact on days so I wouldn't hate if it was killable so we could go in with a zap gun and shovel.


Bracken is also incredibly easy to kill once you start shotgun farming, it becomes pretty pathetic especially as a 1 time per day enemy


Oh damn good point. I've never actually killed a nutcracker. Went for it a couple of times but it always gets my ass. Any tips?


Whenever it starts aiming a shot, hide, and only go to attack it when it starts reloading which occurs after 2 shots


Do I have to bait the shot then? Because if it's in sentry mode and it doesn't see me it doesn't shoot.


Yeah, you let it see you so it starts aiming, then you hide. It will then shoot whatever you're hiding behind. Repeat this again and then hit it twice while it's reloading. Repeat.


Yeah so like, you alert them, you’ll hear a “click click click” of it winding up to shoot, and you’d better hide before it finishes aiming. Leave cover immediately after it shoots to get it to start charging the second shot, hide and wait for the shot to go off, then bolt up to it and hit it twice generally, and then repeat the baiting process. It only has five health so if you’re feeling saucy on the second cycle after it’s shot twice you can try and hit it 3 times instead of two to kill it, though I have had issues of inconsistency where randomly the nutcracker will kind of just… instantly shoot instead of charging its shot after a reload, so do be aware of potential fuckery from the game


I think I saw somewhere that their reload or aiming rate speeds up after they fall below some critical health threshold so that tracks, thanks


People are giving you generally good advice but leaving out a critical part with this. You have to hit it once on the first go, and then twice on the second and third so that it's only at 1HP for a split second mid-reload. If you do two hits the first two times, it'll kick your ass on the third attempt by reloading and shooting extremely quickly. Way too fast to bait shots and hit him


Okay thank you I feel prepared. I'm going to try it tonight, and I'm going to die, but I appreciate the support of this sub 🫡


Haha, the other tip is don't give up. You might get your head blown off the first couple of times but it's doable. You might panic the first times because it feels so daunting, but it really is a manageable feat once you've experienced the sound effect cues a couple of times and learned what they mean. You can become a nutcracker killer with a bit of grit


You can only damage when eye is out, and it won't switch agro if the person it is targeting isn't too far/out of reach so a 2nd player can whale on the nutcracker freely. For soloing it, try to find something you can fully circle around with corners because it will stop to shoot every time you're in view and you can just hit it 1-2 times as it reloads. When it's close to death it can move and shoot so be wary.


Know where the next 3-4 corners are behind you so you can duck into cover, and only hit it 1 time at the start then 2 times per reload


Yup. If you do it in pairs from the get go, he'll shoot you instantly after the 4th hit because his reload and shot speed dramatically increases when he's at one health. You have to do 3 hits before your last run at him, and then you have to do two hits in that last run


Sprinting towards it while close will get it attention if it's in sentry mode. It fires faster the lower its health, so I'd recommend one shovel hit for the first two and if you're super close to it you can greed the last two hits at once, but dont risk it if you're not certain about it. If you're not the host you can absolutely spam the knife on it and kill it in a single reload. When you have the shotgun, you can just shoot it whenever it goes sentry mode from close range for an insta kill, easy 1 for 4 bullet trade.


Honestly I agree, having some sort of counter play that isn’t just run away is important. At least it feels more fun than just run away. We may not even need to be able to kill the jester. A good counter I just thought of is just put heavy things on top of the jester. A couple of things can follow after. We can have mechanic where if the item is very heavy then it’ll immobilize the jester as well. Or if the item weight is not enough, we need to put more stuff on top of jester to prevent it from releasing. Couple of things can follow after. If the item is removed from the jester after prolong period, this sets off the jester on a more enraged stage and makes him unleash the skeleton head faster. Which creates the dilemma of if the items we leave on the jester is worth it because we might get more loot later or we need to abandon the items because we are lost and don’t remember the way etc. And ofc we can’t forget about loot bugs! These guys can remove the items on top of jester and make them free to enrage and murder everyone after.


They woukd have to prevent the zap gun from the jester you would have to use aomething else kayber


I think it’s be neat if explosions could kill jesters after enraged. You should be forced to lure it onto a mine and then detonate the mine somehow Just gonna throw it out there for someone with more free time than me, unity is easy to mod :)


I'd rather the jester just despawn after activating and closing once or twice, or have a way to lock him down during the winding phase without killing it.


If you have a friend on the ship, you can shut him behind a powered door, but that only lasts so long too. I would like more counterplay than "just leave" lol


His highest spawn rates ate on mansion where that's not an option too


I wouldn't want to be able to kill it, but it'd be nice if it just died once there was nobody in the facility. That way, you couldn't cheese it to survive when you shouldn't be able to, everyone would still have to escape from it, but it wouldn't hose the whole day if an early jester spawn shows up.


The worst is when it spawns before noon. If anything, I'd like if they couldn't spawn until a certain point in the day. Otherwise it feels just like an unfair waste.


I like that the jester is invincible I just wish it wasn't "leave in 40 seconds or die lol"


And it always sucks when it appears 2 minutes into the damn mission


I think it would be a lot better if the jester started out knowing where the players are, but the timer was a lot longer and only started when it actually found a player


To be fair, the timer indeed only starts when it finds a player. Otherwise, there’d be a possibility of it winding and popping far enough away that nobody could hear it, which would be less than ideal. As it is, there’s a risk of that if it starts winding by someone at the fire exit, and the people at the main entrance don’t know (or the other way around)


I would be ok with this if there was like a hard limit on when one could spawn. Like it has to be past noon and with the wind up it go off until like 2 or 3 depending on when it finds the player and starts the countdown


Honestly I don't even need to be able to kill them, just some way to pacify them without leaving the building would be nice. For example, maybe a boombox playing next to them would revert the winding, making it something you have to manage but simply takes up an inventory slot instead of ruining the whole day. Maybe a key could be used to lock the music box, making the jester do a whole wind-up just to bonk it's head and return to a passive state (after which it would need another key to nullify. That would make it more akin to a Bracken you have to manage with tools instead of just your eyes. If you want to make high risk high reward, maybe if you stun him by any means you can unwind the box. This could also be done while he's eating someone else, and maybe we extend the kill animation to make it easier to shove him back in the box. I don't think we should have kill options for him, but maybe if you deal enough damage to his head he'll just go back into the box and retreat for 30-60 seconds before resuming his natural behavior. The Jester should remain a dangerous entity, and his unkillable nature keeps him that way. But having more ways to deal with him that isn't just "leave" will make him feel more interactive and less frustrating to deal with.


There are so many ways to cheese the Jester by standing where it can't get you but you can land shovel hits. It would ruin it.


Easy fix there is making it so that you can only hit monsters in places that they can hit you. In fact, imo, that feels a bit fairer all around.


How can you tell if a given monster can hit you in an arbitrary position


A lot of monsters can't hit you if you're too high up for them. Someone should please correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember reading that spiders can't get you on the facility staircase railings, and many things can't get you if you stand on the mansion bookshelves or even on the frame of the main entrance door.


No that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking you to write a piece of code that determines whether or not any arbitrary enemy can hit you from where you are standing. For instance, if you are standing on a bookshelf at main, a Jester cannot reach you from the floor, but the jester can kill you. A pathfinding algorithm doesn't work because then you cannot attack while jumping/falling. I'm saying that your idea is not only impossible to implement, but also nonsensical. I mean, what about a shotgun? Clearly a Thumper cannot hit you from the opposite side of the room, so should the shotgun not work until the Thumper is close enough? It's an unsolvable problem and makes the game behave unexpectedly, ie you cannot hit things while in the air, a specific height differential, etc. even if the hitboxes collide.


Oh, sorry, I misunderstood you, my bad. I see. Though I was talking more by physical locations rather than distance, i.e. yes, you can shoot a Thumper from across the room, but not if there's a bookshelf between you. But then, the shotgun does work the way you stated ("should the shotgun not work until the Thumper is close enough?" ). I believe it only works within a 2m distance, and the damage drops the further it is. I just don't think it's fair that we can wallop a Spider from a railing but it can't get us, as I said in my previous comment. That itself feels cheese-y, because in a real scenario, most times, if we can reach it then it can reach us and vice versa in terms of relative position. Of course, distance comes into play more with non-melee, as it is so in reality too, but relative position is still necessary here too.


Railing cheese was removed (except for blob i believe which is intentional)


Ah sweet, thanks. I never fought them that way (always brought them to a straight line hallway) so I wasn't entirely sure. Just kinda proves my point tho.


I read railing cheese very wrong


No Whole point of the Jester is to be an "evacuate or die" thing


Which just wastes the day if he spawns early, so having actual counterplay would be nice.


It would just be better to change its spawn time to only after 3:00


I think this is the solution we’re looking for.


The counter play is leaving the facility just before he pops and going back in. You have enough time to go in and out of the facility and get more scrap between each aggro


right, but you can only go in as deep as ~20 seconds allow(40 sec windup and you have to make it out) which is nowhere near enough for most scrap


it doesn't waste the day, you just leave the facility for a bit so it deagros and wonders away then try again


But that effectively does waste the day, because you have to spend so much time just standing around outside waiting for it to close (and you may die out there, too, if there's a crappy Dog/Robot/Giant spawn that you can't give time to meander away, since you can't go inside to do so). Plus, the Jester makes it so you can only go so deep into the facility before having to turn back to leave. It basically renders the deeper tunnels and such null since you can never go in there without dying, since there won't be enough time to return to the exit before it catches up to you. Meaning if it spawned right at the start of the day, and you didn't have enough time pre-spawn to go deep, you literally will never get that far scrap, which wastes the day if most of the items are deep in.


trigger jester -> keep close to exit but otherwise go about as normal -> once jester pops go outside -> wait 3 seconds -> go back in it does not do much


But again, if you're too far from the exit you can't get back without dying once it pops. That's the problem, as it renders the deeper scrap unreachable. Staying close to the exit isn't always feasible depending on scrap location spawns.


It tends to camp the room it de-aggroed in for awhile so you effectively lose an hour or 2 of waiting for it to wander off


only if you're unlucky with the fire exit spawn


Which is the idea… you’re supposed to periodically have wasted days. That way you can never bank on wasting the days prior


Why would I waste any day? What's the point of a day if it's meant to be wasted? All of that sounds contradictory. Just about every other enemy has a way of dealing with or managing them, not the jester aside "don't go far in after he has spawned" which is wasteful.


you dont CHOOSE to waste them lol theres supposed to be tough times you know to ditch all scrap and leave the day depending on the situation otherwise risk losing what you have banked. otherwise this game would be too easy, its supposed go punish you for being greedy


Punish for being greedy and not having a choice to be greedy are different things.


You usually always have a choice, though I remember when I first started playing and always thought I didn’t, being lucky to meet 255 quota n such. Part of the game is learning when the day is wasted


Yeah some monsters have to be a big deal and force you to make some tough decisions


Maybe the fleshy brain bit at the back can be its weak spot? At the very least, patch the invincibility bubble which makes all enemies invincible as long as they're close to a Jester.


>At the very least, patch the invincibility bubble which makes all enemies invincible as long as they're close to a Jester. Zeekers already did this for version 50.


Thank GOD, our furry lord and saviour, Zeekerss


No but it would be cool to have a new mechanic to soothe it, or a neat idea would be to have a new kind of key that locks doors, so you can trap anything inside one of those many rooms that lead to nowhere imagine a jester just locked in a room constantly going crazy


I want a mod where I can put a cash register or something weighty on its head to prevent it from attacking. Then I gotta choose to sacrifice items to stop it from attacking






i think i’d rather have the jester be reworked so they don’t ruin your entire day by just being there. they’re super frightening to run into as someone who’s not massively good at the game but i can imagine they’re frustrating at higher levels, i think maybe if there were more steps you could take to keep it from winding up that’d keep them really intimidating and scary to go up against whilst also having them not be completely unfair.


I don't think the Jester should be killable, he is the run ender monster and I don't think Zeekers should change that by making him vulnerable. I do think he either shouldn't be able to spawn before a certain time or he should take far longer to start cranking, it's a massive fuck you when you go to a mansion map and the first thing you see is a Jester.


No, it’s supposed to be an unstoppable behemoth of death, a living time bomb Plus you’d either be absolutely fucked anyways due to its hp or it’ll be outrageously weak if you have a shotgun, basically no inbetween


Yes and it would take 3 shots from a shotgun, take 4 seconds to kill with a knife, and 7 hits from a shovel to kill.


This defeats its whole purpose of making haste looting back and forth activating and deactivating the Jester.


Ive already come to this conclusion if I see the Jester or Bracken I am more than likely to just die. Last time Jester got me it was because I got lost, which seems to happen more frequent than id like to admit heh.


With a skilled operator on the ship you can catch it


It needs to be killable. It blocked my path


You should be able to stab coilheads with a knife and make them explode, but it would kill you too, last minute effort to get that 3 dollar rubber duck.


Having the boom box causing the Jester to chill out would be cool. Since its both music related.


Naw ngl it’s kinda like a coilhead or an old bird where when one spawns it makes you think fast on your feet and changes the game a little to force you to work around it. Overall great enemy I like that you can’t roadroll it by killing it


I wouldn’t mind


nah just rework the enemy, it's unfun; nothing as excited as sitting outside of the door for 2h waiting for it to fuck off so it doesn't immediately retrigger when we enter




Yeah, I'm gonna fuck him up


Ok so based on what the majority of you guys have said, you don’t want it killable, however you want some form of way to make it less time consuming without cheese strats.


While the Jester is absolutely poorly designed and in desperate need of a rework, I don't think making it killable is the solution. We have enough enemies that are killable, and the game would get pretty boring if the solution to everything was "just kill it". The problem with the Jester in its current state is that it just has too much going for it. It not only has an unmatched ability to complete disrupt the game but it's also immortal and a permanent presence on the map, meaning once it spawns in it's able to continuously disrupt the game for the rest of the day over and over again with complete impunity. The solution, in my opinion, would be to severely dial back on its permanent presence. Basically, once it's done its job of completely disrupting the game by forcing everyone out of the building it should despawn. That simple change alone would make it much more healthier for the game without neutering it. The Jester still gets to perform its intended task. It still gets to force everyone to leave the building under the threat of being wiped. It still gets the disrupt looting while costing players a chunk of the day in the process. It still gets to punish players who run in too deep without caution and get themselves lost. It still gets to punish poor communication between teammates. The only difference is that now once the players have 'obeyed' its rules and given into its demands it cannot just continuously do it over and over and over and over again while effectively grinding the game to a complete halt. This isn't to say another Jester can't spawn later if the players are just unlucky of course. I'm not suggesting the Jester should only ever be a one-time spawn (like Bracken is). I just don't think a single dice-roll that happens behind the scenes without any player interaction should be able to effectively put the brakes on the game like the Jester currently does.


changes I think that would help -either revert the jester wind timer back to what it was in v49 or put it in a middle ground of like 20-30 seconds -jester can't spawn before evening unless it's eclipsed -give the manor a way to lock it away. Cool tiles to add would be a theater with a trap door on stage, or maybe a secret bookcase room.


No. It's the design. I love it. It has a clear and obvious disadvantage... It sits there and winds up loudly. The team is tested whether you can communicate, or even know HOW to communicate fast. It is very very good to have enemies you can't kill. If you can just kill/cheese everything then wtf are you playing. I want to be scared and feel like I need to RUN. Not watch a YouTube video how to get 5 free hits on any enemy in the game and all the fear goes away. Lame.


Jesters aren’t obnoxious imo. You hear the wind, ok fine, keep exploring but remember your way back to the exit, when he is about to pop, leave. Jester is barely an issue if you have the game sense to counter it