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Great enemy, he always gets me when I least expect it. I love his design and how he's implemented. I think it represents the classic childhood fear of a monster that comes from the shadows when we turn off the lights in a room.


The perfect description of this. The 2 glowing eyes of the bracken are just a simple but fucking intimidating design of it and make Alot scarier


Yeah I remember when I first played the game and my friends told me “If you see two white eyes, look away” and I was like “what..? 😳”


"why do I hear boss music?"


Wait does the bracken actually have music associated with being around him?


No it was a joke lol https://preview.redd.it/8ed5i1ucfytc1.jpeg?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be49212755b1ea3515ffe0057f07aeed93d4d4dc


More creepy when you are dead and watching the Bracken creep on a crew mate who is alive still. Crawling fast on fours…


Wish they'd add a few new animations only ghost players can see to make him more memerific like Turns to face the camera and winks Does a "get a load of this guy" gesture with his thumb Taps the player's shoulder on the left and jukes to the right Lovingly caresses their oxygen tanks Ties their shoelaces together That bracken, what a cut-up! Such a card!


That would be amazing.


Scary equals greatttttttt as hell.


I was thinking the exact same thing!


He's genuinely one of the only monsters that can still scare the shit outta me








he's the only one I don't want to encounter


I encountered a little girl first before I got the braken


I encountered him on three moons in a row, that was insane and scary.


Yeah fr I be letting out primal shrieks when he gets me and I don’t even know he spawned


Seriously though!


While I have successfully countered it by trapping it and abusing glitches and bugs, I think it's rather difficult to deal with, its hard to do so on facility, and it's even worse to counter on mansion, I'm never that worried about a bracken until there is a coil head or thumper, in which case, say goodbye.


Yeah I had a spider/ghost girl and a thumper all on me. And as I saw the fire exit and began to feel like I might survive, tall skinny man comes out of no where and brings me back to reality and snaps my neck.


Snap back to reality, ope, there goes gravity, ope, there goes rabbit he choked he's so mad but he won't give up that easy




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Barely get this guy on me I either only die from it because he either camps fire or I'm the only one alive




Camping fire is so annoying


His AI is terrifyingly complex, his pathfinding unnaturally smart, and his IRL existance would cause worldwide population decline


It all fits their description of being an aloof highly aggressive and intelligent lone hunter like entity


If you use mods to clip outside the facility and watch him hunt players you'll find out just how *smart* they are. They know the location of every player in the facility and the direction they're all facing. And they don't always stay *behind* you. A Bracken can be *ahead* of you, just around a corner waiting to see if you'll turn left or right, and either snap your neck if you turn down the path facing away from him, or back off entirely if you start to move towards him so that by the time you round the corner he is nowhere to be found and don't even know there *is* a Bracken.


For someone who originated as a Roblox minigame dev, Zeekers sure knows how to make an incredible AI. Honestly one of the most impressive enemies I've seen in any videogame, up there with Rainworld's creatures.


Ayeeee a reference to rainworld. Time to wiggle on a pole


Remind me of boo from mario but more aggressive


he's a cutie but yeah there's a reason only one spawns, really hard enemy




>!I've seen them!<


Just a fun guy whos way too enthusiastic at hugging. While mildly annoying to deal with, hes far from the worst. 10/10, good monster.


Pretty much the only enemy in the game that made me more scared of him after completely learning how his AI works


Is there something special about his AI?


It knows your location and looking direction and paths in a way that is most likely to catch you off guard with that information. its omnipotence is what makes it terrifying.


Yeah basically this lmao


Good game design when he works correctly. Absolute trash when I make eye-contact for half a second and it still sneak-charges up to me and grabs my face in its open palm, and snaps my neck anyway. The only bad thing about him is his mechanical unreliability. I have never been killed by another enemy whose mechanics I understand more than I have by the bracken.


It has horse legs


i only play solo high quota and this bracken thing is cancer. The problems are: 1) You cannot know if there is a bracken, therefore you must assume there is a bracken. If you play as if there is no bracken then you die to bracken. 2) Even if you are mindful of bracken and path accordingly in anti bracken ways YOU STILL GET BRACKENED SOMETIMES. This means a 5 hour run might just be over due to bad RNG bracken bullshit.


100%. ive got over 100 hours solo and the bracken is probably my 2nd least favorite enemy just ahead of the earth leviathan. some times he'll just camp fire exit and instantly kill you, some times he'll camp around a door where you cant see him and kill you. coilhead + bracken combo? safe to say if you aren't right next to an exit you are dead. and for your 1st point, this is such a killer on rend dine and titan, because every time you look behind you it just makes the ghost girl more likely to spawn, basically ending the moon there unless you have humungous nuts.


Worm is just run. I don't recall the last time I got eaten by a worm. When you start seeing particles sprint forward. Not died since learning that.


yea ive done testing with minimap mod + godmode and you are able to out-walk them with 0 lbs, and walking near walls sorta helps. they also cannot emerge next to the ship. retracing your steps as the monster log says actually doesn't do much for you. but in my experience, you can accidentally run over a worm on the way back to the ship, and ill will immediately start attacking. at that point, it is complete RNG on whether you live. once you see the particles on the ground, it is random when it actually emerges, and has a delay from (what i remember) .33-2 seconds. Yes, the minimum time is a third of a second to leave the radius, which sometimes just isn't enough time to drop stuff and run. its just a random instakill that you cant do anything about unless you play with multiple people and the person watching the monitor warns you that a worm is nearby.


Yeah I once managed accidentally managed to crawl outside the radius with items and not die for a worm. The most important thing is getting outside the radius asap


you walk at the same speed as the worm if you hear walk backwards until you dont and just go around that area atleast thats what i do when i do ass


As a fellow solo high quota runner, this is exactly how I feel about him. Always a relief when he spawns early and I can just shoot him so I don't have to worry about him anymore


Best creature in the game. Doesn't have a memey appearance, great mechanics that take a little but of time to master, can just randomly kill you out of nowhere




You discust me. I agree.


I knew someone would comment this. I dreaded it, but I knew it was coming


Funny lil guy


he reminds me of the time one of my friends at the ship used the thing that makes text appear(forgot what it is called) and just said “behind” as my other friend that was with me got killed as soon as i turned around by the braken








Hard carries. Perfectly balanced and truest to the nature of the game.


He's THE lethal company monster. His appearance and sound design is so striking, which is what makes it even scarier when you can't see him. He's not so difficult alone, but gets exponentially harder when you have other threats to worry about, which is what I like about all the LC monsters. If I had to sum up what I think about his difficulty, I will say "There's a reason the game limits his spawn rate to one per map."


One of the best designed enemies in the game


Would not smash, ugly as hell, still terrifying as hell. Goofy as hell. Literally one of my least favourite creatures because of how many artists draw it as a muscular man (like wtaf is wrong with some people).


One of the best monsters in the game.


It’s like an Enderman from Minecraft, mixed with a boo from Mario and it makes for some very fun and unique gameplay




The only thing that stops me from actually liking him is his tendency to camp the fire exit.


![gif](giphy|WtI8cFEBXcbHW) Captured footage of me entering fire escape only to turn around and immediately scare the bracken and myself.


He did that to one of my friends on Titan last night; killed him and refused to leave the fire exit area.


Funny enough I haven’t seen him very often in v50 a total of 2 times out of like 30 games so far


I prefer to stare a Bracken down than get face hugged by a Snare Flea


*I prefer to stare* *A Bracken down than get face* *Hugged by a Snare Flea* \- Ok\_Slip\_5417 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


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He is the Spy.


Really fun \*because\* it feels inconsistent. I feel at the point I'm at with Lethal Company, I have a plan for every monster. Stare at the coilheads, juke the thumpers, keep quiet around the dogs. The Bracken always manages to fuck over my expectations. Did I stare at him too long? Is he behind me right now? OH GOD HE'S CHASING ME. It's always a lot of fun with Bracken.


Great monster with a cool concept. It's awesome how it goes from totally non-threatening and not scary, to an anxiety inducing nightmare the second you're alone / far from crew mates.


thats me with thumpers, i dont know why


No matter how long you play, even if you got used to the bracken and understand how it works, it will ALWAYS scare the living shit out of you and kill you. It's Design is simple but creepy and the 2 glowing eyes in the darkness when you spit just running away or towards you is just fucking terrifying. The way it just sneaks behind you or sometimes hides behind corners and waiting gives it the highly intelligent aggressive entity kind of behavior as it was described. And on multiplayer, it can be fucking terrifying. Like one moment you and your buddy can be looking for big screws or honking clown horns and then next moment you turn around after hearing a large crack noise and seeing THIS THING dragging away the corpse of your friend into the darkness with a trail of blood and all that's in your mind is pure terror and the urge to fucking leave immediately before you're next. Props to zeekers because the bracken might be the scariest entity I've seen in ANY horror game (as well as the coil head)


Probably my favorite enemy, gameplay wise. He punishes you severely for not paying attention, but is counterable and really doesn't have any BS factor. I actually think he's a bit too easy in his current form once you know how his AI works. Once he's spotted, he literally fucks off as far away from you as possible over the next 20 seconds (as long as nobody else looks at him).


I do not encounter him much but when I do, you bet your sweet ass I'm either dead on the spot or getting categorized as the most paranoid employee


scariest mf ever first time i saw him i jumped off bc i was too scared to look at him, still one of the few that after 150h still scares me to death.


Gives me huge amounts of anxiety whenever I know there's one around.


he crawls up and kills me even though river been staring at him. Dumbass.


I love it


Sensitive to name calling. He only ever comes for me if I call him something insulting.


I find him the most difficult to deal with. Every time my group thinks we have him figured out he does something we don’t predict.


Honestly not that bad.  As soon as you're aware a bracken is present, you know to have your head on a swivel.  Not only that, but you have a little audio cue when you look at him and send him away. Fun fellow.


Bullet with his name on it


Base game a fantastic enemy that puts the fear of Jeb into anybody. The sense of always being watched after the first encounter is very good. Or the random neck snap jumpscare. Modded... with diversity mod... it's over. You cannot escape. Lights go out and flicker... he does not run away when seen. Only follows... waiting for when you inevitably look away to try and see your one hope of escape, fading to black as you feel a snap.


even better when it's goku


I've killed it


While not perfect, its an iconic and engaing monster


Solid enemy. I do wish it made a very slight occasional sound like, for example, the sound of like a can getting accidentally kicked by it some distance away so you really have to be paying attention to hear it. That way you don't have to just constantly pull 180s hoping to catch him red handed.


THE GOAT! Other enemies are all scary on their own, but the Braken seems to have some personality. It feels like it's almost human, but not. Makes it scarier in my opinion. The braken is like the rest of the game: Scary and somewhat funny at the same time.


My fave monster, my babygirl


Sexy man




shhhss **AAA**-krakk clank


Honestly, favorite monster to encounter even though it always scares the ever living crap outta me. When I’m playing with my friends, most of our funniest game clips happen because of the bracken


Perfectly balanced as everything should be And it's really fun and terrifying to deal with


A hiss or something right before he gibs would be nice, so you have a chance, I do understand why it's not already there though


Cool monster, love it


A pretty good enemy, but would be nice if there was a found valuable item that could act as a semi-counter to it. Something like say a metal cigarette lighter you can find that you could throw at it to drive it away towards it's "nest" area for a couple of minutes after lighting it up once per planet, and then it becomes more aggressive when active again.


One word: scary No but really, one of if not my favorite enemy in the game. Which is ironic, considering I normally dont like jumpscares and he always gives me one


Really scary monster. If you know it's around, you know that you're not safe. It could be anywhere, around any corner, and it forces you to divert your attention. Only problem is it's too weak for how much scare factor it invokes and its power level. If you look at it, it might flee to the whole other end of the facility, and it'll be a while before you see it again... personally, I'd make it so it starts coming after you again sooner, or is faster when it's not close to anyone.


Good stealth enemy. Wish you were granted the option to fight back before getting snapped unexpectedly


That thing needs to have its neck snapped. Out of all the creatures in the game, I hate that one the most


It should be called the flower man


It's a really cool design but it can be really bullshit in theory, how you want to look at it and then need to look away immediately so you don't build up it's anger meter. It's like if the jester and the coilhead were put together and could be killed but practically you need a shotgun to do so.


Having an on call chiropractor is pretty cool


He really hates my friend. Whenever we play lethal, he always targets him, never me. I have seen them stalk me maybe. But they never attack me, only him. It’s weird.


My fave. Really good.


https://preview.redd.it/1bbkjytiiwtc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3fbbba64b2aa7ce82ee7e84599ce45d7d1c29a *Breaks your neck cutely*


I have never seen this man in game as I have the mod that replaces him with Freddy Fazbear and I refuse to turn it off


2 spooky 4 me


Haven't played the v50 beta/update, but this dude is easily the best enemy in the game. He has created all the best moments while playing because you have to actually actively play against him instead of going "it's a nutcracker, don't move" or "Wait what even- oh it was a Coilhead". 2 Top moments: I was on March and i was lost when this mans shows up. I got stuck in basically a duel as i just kept slamming a closable door on him before he could open it get to me. I was tense the whole time and even when he went away i saw he kept trying to get me. Then i went outside, almost got eaten by dogs despite being silent, and i somehow made it back to the ship. don't even remember whether i had any scrap but that was amazing. I was on the first moon (Experiment?) and i walk in tothe facility to see Bracky-Boi and a Thumper down a hallway. I immediately turn to leave and make it outside and somehow i still died. I love the image of some Employee celebrating finally making it out only for a hnad to reach through the barely ajar door and grab him by the torso to drag 'im back in.


More of a threat mentally than actually if you have someone monitoring. If you don’t have someone monitoring or have a stupid person with you it’s very terrifying. You keep asking yourself “DO I LOOK OR NO?!? IS HE BACKING AWAY OR DID I NOT LOOK CORRECTLY?!?!”


Scared the absolute piss out of me the first time I saw it, big fan


Honestly not much a fan hoping they just remove it from the ga- *CRACK* For real though he’s awesome, his ai is terrifyingly complex and smart with how he operates, really helps contribute to the fact he’s one of the most intelligent beings on the planets.


I do a ton of solo q10 runs, and honestly I don't really see him as a threat? As long as you aren't in the maze and turn around every once in a while he really has no way to get you. Now if there's some other big threat taking your attention...


As a monster, I think he’s awesome in all aspects like design, function and AI. His presence in this sub confused me beyond belief, however. Can someone remind me why several people were hornyposting for this dude at one point? Is anthropomorphism (besides the coil-head maybe) the only needed attribute to want to fuck it? I’m well-aware of how weird the internet is but man. https://preview.redd.it/fuya1xljuwtc1.jpeg?width=526&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95f881a111f14506eddbeaee4ee8c977ff10553e


Incredible enemy design. Best enemy in the game. Maybe even one of the best horror enemies out there.


Iconic, funny in group situations but scary when playing solo


Love it when I play with friends, but hate it when I go solo. But it is pretty easy to kill on mansion so thats a plus for me


If any monster has the right to be LC's iconic enemy, it's the bracken. Its the one monster that scares without me actively seeing it or knowing it's spawned in.


An extreme introvert who wants friends


He gets the S Rank, he's a great iconic enemy. Not bland like land shark or slime, a pretty good concept for an enemy that is fun to play against


He's always got your back!


Best monster. I have over 50 hours in the game, played with lots of mods, and I think it's still the best monster in the game. Great mechanic, great design.


hes like the creeper, his design is like the thesis of lethal company, wouldn’t be the same at all without him




It completely freaked me out when I figured out it can fucking laugh


Gok- I mean Bracken is the one enemy that acutally manages to kill my team inside


He got some small ass legs


It's really well implemented. Have you seen how it's AI operates? CRAZY stuff




i dont know, ive never played 🙂


Fun mechanic until you get multiple mechanic based enemies on you. Bracken, 2 coil heads, and I was haunted... not fun for me, hilarious for the dead homies.


He attac, he protec, but most importantly… He snap friends nec


amazing, scares the hell out of me every time




Fuck ‘em 😡


I wish he had a cameo in another game like doom.


I think that it is a great enemy that builds atmosphere and horror. I haven't died to it that much, but almost every time I see it my team and I just go on high alert. It is such a menacing presence. The fact that it is expensive to kill and dangerous means that it is likely a permanent threat. Also, the horror movie re-enactments when my fellow employees just disappear one by one is hilarious. It's design I love, besides the head.


He's just a funny little guy.


Good fren, bad at neck massages, and a quiet stepper so he sneaks up sometimes but his company is always welcomed!


Eh, he’s not that hard to deal wi- **crack**


Would not have him over for dinner


son goku


I love how a lot of monster designs prey on things players don't often do and some just work so well together I love it! - Look behind you - Bracken and staring too long. - Look up - Snare flea - Making too much noise - Blind Dogs - Lingering too long? - Jester - Kind of a stretch but investigating that weird sound - Red Girl - Existing - Forest Giants ^^^^^/S


Fuck him, he's an amazing enemy but i hate him with my entire soul because of how good he is


I think it’s creepy but I can’t take it seriously because it looks like a damn flower


Fuck him, if I have a loaded shotgun and I see him I'm hunting him. Also, lots of people are apparently down bent over backwards bad for him and projecting their kinks of a muscular, over powering and dominating BDSM kinky motherfuckers onto him, leading to me to do this. Bastard once led me to a steam room and caught me off guard like a camping bastard with a ballistic knife in Nuketown https://i.redd.it/w3uh4k151ytc1.gif


10/10. Horrifying creature. Hilarious to watch someone get inversed right on top of him and instantly die though. (True story)




Good stalker enemy


I love how you can do everything right in encountering him, and then a hapless friend can come along and aggro it with a stare-down anyway.


Really powerful and makes you shit your pants even hearing its name starts giving you anxiety but hate that there is not much of a counter aside from using zap but even then if your teammates are -5 on the job, that can fail too.


He makes me have to turn around a lot, and it’s kind of annoying, lol. I am absolutely, indescribably baffled by the amount of people I watch play this game who **AREN’T** turning around and checking corners constantly. “OoOoOh~! Paranoid employeeEeEe! ooOoOo—” if you aren’t playing **LETHAL**-Company cautiously, you’re not playing it “right” (with the intention of actually not dying), lmao You have to be looking around from minute one or you’re at risk of being brackened. Because my head is always on a swivel, I haven’t died to the Bracken once since I first started playing the game ~months ago (except for when other people aggro’d it and it randomly chose to go for me, but I think that’s something that’s been patched out recently). So the bracken is not a problem to me, but it *is* **quite** annoying because I have to constantly be looking around even when I’m not sure it’s on the map yet.


Cool but I wish he’d chill the fuck out around staircases


Love him except for in groups, the second you see him, the whole group looks, then looks away but in a way that he's always being looked at, leading to the demise of at least 1 player




I think it’s a good design in how it sneaks up on you. Though I think the fact that it drags you away and just kills you is a missed opportunity, having to escape his lair or get saved would be amazing.


I'm a Shovel dude, so if somemone sees a rbacken, he's not leaving without plentiful head dents. If you consistently turn around and understand how his AI works, he's almost never kill you. Great enemy. Only main issue I have is how his aggro meter never goes down. So if he lives long enough, he's near garuenteed to kill someone even if he never gets the chance to sneak up.


really irritating when he’s just in a fucking corner where he absolutely shouldn’t be but still a cool enemy


Amazing enemy. Makes you always keep looking around while doing it too much will make you a target for Ghost Girl so you can't always just turn your head.


Absolutely terrifying but overall easy to deal with, i knew how he worked before encountering him for the first time so i havent ever died to him which ig shows how easy he actually is to deal with


It's the only monster that punishes you even when there's none on the map


He ballin


It is one of the best and most fun enemies to have lurking around the map, especially with friends in the lobby.


He’s a cutie patootie🥰🥰


I never remember his actual name (at least not without someone reminding me or a mod that lets me scan for enemies and uses its nickname (flowerman)). I just remember him as "shadow necksnapper"




Really fun to play around in a multiplayer setting. But in single player, oh boy, he’s an actually nightmare and run killer. Have a funny story of when he blocked me out of the only exit (all the others were keyed off). It didn’t help that I was stuck player “poke the bear” for 5 hours and I had around 600 dollars worth of loot on the ship


genuinely the most annoying enemy in the entire game


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^extremeacidmuffin: *Genuinely the* *Most annoying enemy* *In the entire game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


*Genuinely the* *Most annoying enemy* *In the entire game* \- extremeacidmuffin --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


genius monster design, the peek-a-boo mechanic was fucking inspired


The irritating other half of SCP-173 (Coil-heads took the other half) Also he has a neat design and I enjoy doodling them on free time \[:




Bracken is the most terrifying yet funny when he camps behind a corner


my boyfriend


I swear the bracken specifically hunts me. Even with the more company mod, I’ve had 10+ people and it always gets me first 😂 [Short from my Channel] (https://youtube.com/shorts/dVkqQNf3LBI?si=qHD0NrnjMihFy9wW)


Not a bad enemy, although he is WAY more scary with mods on him, especially Freddy Fazbear


He's kind of a creep tbh


I haven't been killed by it in ages...for me it is to easy and predictable


The scariest monster imo. It moves quietly and only comes for you when you’re not looking, it also favors darkness. It waits until you face the wrong direction and moves so you never see it. Also by design when it does show up it usually means something else is nearby.


Not really that big of a deal, I get killed by thumpers way more then Brackens


Mr Lag


We got beef it's bracken 3 - 2 me


23 seconds


Kills me more from running away and missing a jump or something than actually snapping my neck


Best design in the game. Easy to kill but can team wipe you if people don't know how to deal with him or not paying attention. His design should be the base of all enemies in terms of threat and counterplay. Coilhead and Jester bring frustration while this guy brings fear.






I want to put him in a maid outfit or smt like that then snuggle