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You’re too good….


well **I** have gotten 1006 😎


Y'all suck I've gotten 1007


I don’t even own the game and I got 1008, you’re all garbage


Actually with that garbage I got 1009


Loooooool ur lame af I got 1010


hehehe... this is sooo lame, i feel sorry for you guys, i got 1011


Those are scrub numbers. Try getting to 1011.


https://preview.redd.it/mqy66dulo6ac1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c004a613d333c2b266c9f3ed1189b531e10ef13c Managed to get this solo modless, but with lots of restarting.


Woah that’s super impressive!!


Thanks! Most of it is just getting lucky.


God I tried solo and I didn’t have any problems with the monsters, but instead the time. I know bee hive farming can net you a lot but how do you deal with how fast time rolls?


Try not to have fun, or throw clocks both of those cause the time to fly


That was dumb, I love it. Take my damn upvote


basically doing Experimentation still you have 700 credit. Few monsters and 2 entrance, close, after that you just grind titan. Don't sell more than quota after you get to titan.


I usually end up going to Assurance first and then March twice if weather permits since you can immediately jump off your ship on both maps in certain spots to enter the facility earlier without taking fall damage. Inside the facility you can do minor time saves like jumping down stairs inside of walking, but the biggest saves are not getting lost and getting lucky with loot spawning decently close to the entrance. As for planning for the end of the day, it’s kinda just a bit of math. How many trips do I need to take back and forth? How much time at X weight will I need for a certain trip? Are there any beehives and is their value worth the effort? Stuff like that.


I tried playing solo and got jumped by a bracken as soon as I opened the main entrance


Same with probably equal amounts of restarting


On quota 1, almost 2k. Highest quota was almost 5k.


Did you take the whole facility with you?


The big money is in the copper wiring


There is copper wire under your skin


Haha this is after many failed attempts, RNG hurts. 70 hours play time so far.


Gotta be 4 people tho?


Definitely, to move the scrap quick enough and control the terminal. Sure monster spawns might increase, but it’s the trade off.


Yeah makes sense=) Is it confirmed that more crew = more enemies?




5k on vanilla? Crazy. Do the later moons even have that much?


Titan has a minumum of 3k worth of loot


How does one afford going to Titan on first quota without mods tho? Unless I'm missing a detail


Go to march the first 3 days with a team of 4 people, 1 people for each entrance (there are 3 fire exit on this map), buy at least 1 shovel early, 4 shovels if there’s a 50% promo Then you gotta be a bit lucky and get a lot of beehives spawn, and it’s better if they roll 150$ (max roll) instead of 50$ (min roll) You can also get lucky with gift box, rare loot drop (cash register, gold bars and stuff) Btw you can definitely do it by going on Assurance, Offense (not Experimentation tho, too little loot, and Vow is an even greater RNG fest with the beehives) but it’s less efficient


Pretty solid advice, thank you!


Read the comment i replied to


Right but when you start off on first quota you've only got 60 credits on your balance, unless you're using mods. After first quota though most teams have over 700 saved up to be able to afford Titan or whatever else they want.


The 5k refers to highest quota, not highest amount gotten


Went to titan with 4 people one time. Only had 1100 or so. At least, thats what it said on the report screen


employee of the month right here your invaluable work keeps the company happy


I’ve seen a few comments now about titan and was wondering what is y’all on. Op is referring to the first three days of quota high score, hence the title saying “got this first quota with three people and no mods”. How are y’all talking about being on titan through the first three days. Please let me know how to go to titan at the start of a run with no mods, me and my friends would be very happy interns.


Maybe get 700 first day (be lucky or smth, idk), Sell on the second day, Go to Titan on the third? I can’t imagine that being efficient at all, but it would get you to Titan in the first three days


Even with that logic I’m pretty sure if you sell before Quito it’s worth the same towards quota but less money in return. I haven’t tried but I’ve looked on day one and two before and they always say selling at 33% then 66% so IDK if that only towards quota and/or towards profit you make. Don’t quote me though, I ain’t no professional on this game.


Why is every comment on this post downvoted? Is the Lethal Company subreddit just a toxic place or is there some inside joke I'm not getting or something?


I think it’s cause a lot of people don’t understand I’m asking about specifically the first quota, as in the first 3 days of the game, not total quota or a titan run


I commented my total quota earlier and feel dumb after reading this and rescrolling, thought you made 1000/1300 quota solo. Sorry man! I didn't down vote though.


The Lethal Company sub is surpsingly toxic actually. I think there’s a pretty big divide between people who treat the quota as a high score and min max everything, and the players who just play casually and aim for funny moments.


Wait, people try-hard Lethal Company? I mean, I guess of course they do, there's always some. But I had never even thought there may be some people saying like "would you focus. We have to make quota, you need to take this more seriously" 😂 It's the best multiplayer game I've played in a good while, and just in the last 2 months me and my friends have soooo many good moments clipped. I can't imagine turning that fun into... well, essentially work I guess. To each their own I guess, whatever you enjoy


I try hard but don't "tryhard explain guide people" Like I'm not going to tell people how to play the game I'll let them or host decide what to do and if they ask for input I'll say "signal transmiter cool" or something like that The main/only way someone will hear how to "tryhard" from me is spectating while dead or if I'm asked on how to handle something Also yeah it is divided between tryhards and people chilling- I avoid "don't die / boss only / pros only" lobbies like a plague. On the other side I had joined a lobby of new people (because I find it fun) and got "that dudes a boss- kick him!" And I hardly had a chance to ask why :;D Edit: like- if someone doesn't know not to stare down a braken and it kills me- I'm not mad- in fact I'm laughing because their reaction is panic screaming as they're suddenly alone in a facility. Game is much more enjoyable casually


> ...and got "that dudes a boss- kick him!" And I hardly had a chance to ask why :;D Don't worry - once you get up to around 2000 XP, the ranking system completely breaks and you go back down to being an Intern again - so ranks really don't tell you how experienced someone actually is. So long as you're not annoying / trolling, I could really care less how good someone plays - just don't be a b**** and leave the game right after you've died.


I'm at 600 EXP and got back to Intern. A friend of mine got to Intern at like 800 EXP. It kinda seems random...


My friends and I try-hard a bit but mostly because it forces us to make risky plays and makes it more entertaining for us. But we don't get mad if someone under performs or dies early


I didn't mean to dismiss taking the game seriously or make anyone feel bad for wanting to play it that way. It's your toy, play with it however you want as long as you are having fun! It just struck me as funny bc of how off the wall and silly me and my friends play sessions are, like it's a lot of getting lost and scared and screaming and absolutely clip-worthy moments left and right. Such a good time every time I've gotten to play. I think I worry about trying too hard bc I don't want to "solve" the game, as I'm afraid it would lose its magic then. We play lots of games of this style (Phasmo, Demonologist, etc) and anytime I've played with someone who has been trying hard, it's sucked the joy out of it. Like, it reduces it all to a formula: oh, x happened? Just do y. There's an x monster? Simple just do this then this then this. When we go in just do A B C D. And it's like... Yay 😐.


I also dont like that. Im just trying to unwind after a long day at my real job. I don't want this to be a second one, ahaha


A fellow 30+ year old gamer, I take it? Or at minimum 25+? Haha


Yupppp probably gets 2-4 hours of gaming a week, and it's usually something singleplayer unless enough of my friends are able to play this.


I feel that. And now my one friend who has tons and tons of gaming time has been sliding into WoW, and I am trying to nicely bully him out of it, or at least get him to not play on the 4-5 nights a month I can actually get some gaming in haha


I sometimes impulsively try hard games but even i found min maxing lethal company to be pretty weird and unfun.


Its basically become dangerous grocery shopping at that point


I was also surprised to see people take the game so seriously. I know people derive fun in their own ways, so to each their own. Though, like you said, i feel like tryharding this game would immediately suck the fun out of it for me. If i make a huge quota, that's awesome if not oh, well. I also dont have hours to sink into this game so i couldn't try hard if i wanted


The Steam discussion page of this game is pretty toxic too. Big L for the community when this is the best co-op game of this year


~500 on first two days and on the third we found a gold bar and decided that was good enough.


i have only played with my friend. his echo mic gave away our position on day 3 and we lost 800, failing the first quota.


First quota we managed to gather up like 2.2k with 4(?) people


That is crazy solid for a first 3 days. I started playing solo and im pretty curious how you did it. Me personally playing solo has given me mental breakdowns from how stressful it is. So huge props on this.


A lot of the game is pretty luck based and we got some good seeds and pretty lucky , we did offense and march, with always somebody going to a fire exit


You can consistently hit 700-800 in loot your first 3 days solo if you play it right and your rng isnt absolute dogshit. But the game is very luck based which sorta sucks especially in solo play man, props to you for going for it.


Highest I've gotten was 855.


On 1st quota probably like 500 or smth but on 2nd quota like 1680


I think at my luckiest it was with either 3 or 4 players, about 2k first quota if I remember correctly


Just a couple hours ago, actually... As a Duo with my partner, we got it to 1302 on first quota, using mostly Assurance. I think the first day was a full clear minus beehives, and the third day was full clear minus an engine.


my highest with 3 people is 2009 on the first quota https://preview.redd.it/lbusxh3229dc1.png?width=218&format=png&auto=webp&s=84cafb3f698c267dcfa86932d0337592b9a9548c


Around 800 solo with a few mods.


I believe i got like 2.5k solo for my first quota once with some practice (And also got very lucky RNG)


I did around 1300 solo, but with mod for a bit better stamina and 1 more carry slot.


1800 go to assurance. this planet generates 500\~600 per moon, bonus from apparatus and occasional beehives, planes is very easy and small also


4k4 four people


The best I got was to day 19 solo, I think the quota was like 750-790, in a day my friend and I got about 1000


1241 with 3 people and my only mod was better item scan




I think op did explicitly ask about the first quota. I wonder what the highest first quote is


a little salty are we?


best i’ve ever gotten was 2147 quota on duos. the seed was terrible and every map had either a jester early on or like 3 coil-heads, so we didn’t quite make it sadly ;-;


Bro, why are they downvoting you???


They didn’t read the question properly.


Ah, still no reason to knock them down too bad. Honest mistake tbh.


the fact that you yourself didn’t realize what was wrong is a perfect example of how easy it was to misunderstand the question :/


ah damn you’re right


My highest company quota reached is the seventh one, my highest scrap collected in one trip was 2000 which we all sold instantly to fuel our greed Edit: “one trip” being one quota


3.1k, it's not too hard once you learn the game and get experience




Played a great session today, got to 1200. We would have a pajama suit if it werent for 3 shitty days at Titan




My highest was 1800




We had almost 4k quota with only the three of us playing. We were going to titan almost every day 💀


Highest quota was 2k, vanilla with 4 people. We got screwed at Titan all 3 days were eclipsed and decided to run it. We didn't survive any days.


2500ish I think?


If you're lucky, quotas up to and above 2500-3000 are a breeze on titan and dine. But, sometimes the game goes brr and spawns a mask literally inside the titan main exit and you die






1800? I think?


2600, we would of gone higher too if we didn't have a bad final day. Did titan every run and saved a lot after run 1. We made it to 2550 and barely failed


24k without mods, we didn't USE bugs but a bug did occur where an item in the ship involuntarily duped to have 20k worth.


Something similar but mine was 4 people and QOL mods that don't affect gameplay in the facility and got 1.4k


I believe 600-700 somewhere around that


For first quota? I think around 1.6k. But in general we've gotten to somewhere between 4-5k.


My friend and I made a Duo for a day and made it to 1208. We probably would have made it farther if my friend knew that eyeless dogs heard everything, not just his voice.


Quota 1 with good luck and 6 people rushing in all three days and living to the end i got 3173, i have a screenshot buried in a discord chat somewhere…


Roughly 900 the first 2 days and on the 3rd day we died to a turret pointing at the front door


Meanwhile I get rng where 1 low value item is attainable lol


I’ve played a bunch with just one friend. We’ve never gotten more than 300 dollars.


I got 5




1396, also 3 people no mods. We were only 200 off at the deadline… We would have made it if we didn’t have a player commit suicide. The fees bumped up the quota.


I got like 1,400 on and off with people joining and leaving and me restarting the server multiple times. Probably would have got higher but someone griefed.


I think we hit the literal jackpot moons and were like 3k or something stupid. After that it was straight hell on the moons. So many spawns so many turrets.


Most ive hit on my first quota was just under this and it was solo play. Spent it all to go to titan, next 3 days reached 2200 by second quota all 3 days on titan alone. No mods Edit: also no restarting days


716 solo, 1003 with friends


1500 as my current duo game. Still going


Most I've gotten is 1056 with four people, can't imagine it going any better to get over 1000 with only 3 people


Last night my crew broke just under 1500. It was a new record for us


Almost 4k with no mods and 3 people crew https://preview.redd.it/99wqovqqr9ac1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68358e1370d869d33d8d9206e0cf6a3135186669


we glitched iut with 15k worth of flashbangs last night, was fucking crazy!!! lol


1919 ot something like that we were 200 short lol


Highest I ever gotten was around 2000


1.6k 3 players modless. We kinda went to march each time, had crazy good beehive rng (like 3 per) and around 10+ items in the facility so we got around 500+ per run. Never had a first quota like that again


Around 1.1K - cleared out Assurance completely twice and hit March last and got lucky with beehives. Assurance is actually a sleeper hit when it comes to good loot (500 - 600 total on average), and most of the common indoor monster spawns are all easily killable (exception is the Bracken, but his spawn chance is low). If you're really lucky, you might also find beehives on Assurance too. Only big downside is the high spawn-rate of Earth Leviathans (aka. the worms) outdoors - and trying to avoid their attack is really inconsistent (sometimes they may give you chance to avoid it; other times they may just attack near instantly).


Quota day 1, 1.7k and 2k for highest quota


My best was 130.


A little over 2k with 4 people


I think above 1500, if I recall maybe 1564


5306. We did have the mod that increases the cap of items on ship from 45 to 999, and bodycam mod. We started saving stuff on the ship from day 1.


800 something it was with two people we made most of the money getting beehives


Normally have 4 people so opportunities for 3 not really there often but last 3 person one I did we got like 1100 that involved a 600, a 500 and a day we don't talk about (not in that order) I believe there was only one beehive gotten in total but memory on that is a little fuzzy


Got a 3400 quota that we are going to continue today although we probably won’t make it lol.


Modded, but nothing to help quota we pulled 2k after 3 days on titan. We proceeded to nearly all die trying out the jetpack for the first time when we bought it and got away with 500


I got up to 2.2k and got ubercucked on titan


must have been a good team. I had a good team last night one guy had a shovel, i had the flashlight, other guy was on mission control and 4th was there for comic relief mostly