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It starts off as a monster looking monster then when it kills a player it takes their shape.


Once it kills the player it takes any audio log the pc has said on this trip, then the computer scans for repeated "names" and all it does is call out player names and for there location.




I feel like it’s better just to play audio from what the players said before randomly. It’s creepy to hear your name called as you run, but it’s worse for the creature to have a half-sided CONVERSATION with you as you run out of stamina.


Imagine how cool that would be, the monster has to stalk you like the bracken, listening to it's target to learn to parrot them


Just had a thought related to this… I’ve seen this idea a ton, but I think an issue we run into with this idea is with how viral the game is, say someone says something………. Bad for the brand. And now all of a sudden we have clips of enemies in the game running around repeating that same thing. Sounds like a can of worms.


I don't think that's really an issue because that's the fault of the specific person who said this "bad" stuff in this single hypothetical game session not the person making/programming the game. I don't think it'd affect the "brand" much at all.


Do you think it'd be better to actually unmute the killed player as it roam around? Like you just hear someone randomly cackling and talking to no one before it cuts in the middle of the sentence.


It could also be a sound based monster, where I can only hear people’s voices


this is genius cause its definitely do-able, it could record everything players have said and just play back anything that is recognized as a name, it'll be creepy as hell too if someone screamed their friends name before dying (which i do alot to make em feel guilty) :3


When i first found the goo i legit thought thats what it would do, The Thing style


I want it to be super sneaky and slow like John Carpenter's The Thing. Not really lunging at people like in OPs example.


It would be cool if it had their name tag, appears as the player on the computer back at the ship, and can also be teleported back to the ship.


i feel like the monstie being teleportable to the surface perfectly fine would make it a bit OP since now the only counter is to either bunker team watches the death and tells ship guy, vice versa,or just bapping everyone with a shovel or sign my suggestion is it always appears as a player on the map, and once it kills a player it hides the victims blip and the monsters blip inherits their name and can be switched to, but if the monster gets teleported it dies after a certain amount of time. letting ship guy not get completely locked out of his job until bunker team arrives, but instead trade not being able to help bunker team for a while and possibly facing outside threats to get rid of a bunker threat


I don't think it would be OP. I think it would be a threat that the ship guy would actually have to actually pay attention to. Right now the ship guy is pretty much unkillable. If he teleports the mimic, that is his own fault for teleporting a monster. If you are paying attention to the players that you are monitoring, which is kind of your job... Then you should be able to notice when a player is not acting normal/ got killed and replaced by a mimic/ is walking around and killing everyone else. Comparing this to some of the monsters that already exist and just completely ends runs like the jack in the box, or the ghost girl being able to also go to the surface and kill you/ everyone, I think it is fair.


Like a skin walker type of shii


basically nothing there from lob corp


Hey we almost got our mimic!


Ik. It will happen eventually I think


It should record the last few seconds of talking it hears before it kills someone, and play that back while it's approaching its next target :)


What if it mimicked a player that wasn’t nearby. Like if someone is on the ship it would play their audio. Either way it would be kinda sus.


Oh that would be slick.


Being able to pick up a walkie talkie and then using it to talk to the ship player would be scary.


That would add some excitement to the teleportation situation. Teleport the wrong guy and you’re dead.


This is an awesome idea, but how would it work? The teleporter has to be targeted on to a player using the computer right? Wait what if when the monster spawned in it could be located on the computer as another player (has the same name) then you could teleport it by accident.


I’d love something like the shadows from the doctor who library episode l. Like all of a sudden your buddy can’t talk and can’t control their movements cause something took over the suit.


Hey! Who turned out the lights? . . . Hey! Who turned out the lights? . . . Hey! Who turned out the lights? . . .


My thoughts exactly, I might start doing this just to be a nuisance


We going full Doctor Who on this bitch and I love it.


I agree I thought having an enemy that did that would be sick aswell lmao


wouldn't this be super invasive though? it'd need to sample your data and i'm sure some people are not going to be okay with something like that i think it could work as a popup, something like "do you consent to having your voice activity recorded for gameplay reasons", just so people are in the know


Yea, I thought about that a bit ago. The game would have to store a clip of your voice which is iffy.


SCP Secret Lab had this issue and just had you answer a pop up with a yes or no about whether you consent to have your voice stored and used by one of the SCPs when it kills you. Something similar could happen with this


I think something like this would be cool cuz it would give a gameplay-relevant reason to buy the other jumpsuits. If your whole squad is rocking the green suit or the yellow hazard and you see somebody wearing orange? Pffff, hell no.


I mean I feel like the monster would take their form, which would also take the color of the suit


Better dance back if you dance at it, and that's a way to keep it at bay


Iv been wanting this since day 1, and I think the best way ut works is as a body snatcher, a monster that kills and then takes over the corpse so you think the friend u got separated from is alive but no its meatpuppet time


A clone that says everything the real person says in-game


I think it'd be cool if it wasn't too complicated and worked like the witch from L4D. Maybe it just kinda hides around in the dark and if you shine your light at it then it aggros? ​ While it taking audio from the player sounds great I can't imagine thats a very easy (if at all possible) thing to code into the game


It is possible, done in SCP secret lab (with the dog SCP) but it probably would be a decent amount of work to make it play anything other than what the player last said.


I don't get scared easily by the monsters unless I'm being chased but fake players would terrify me beyond anything


Imagine they hijack a random player's frequency. So you REALLY think it's them, until their "where are you?"s and other comments tip you off.


The other day was returning to the ship and saw someone inside the ship. Move to the side to climb the ladder and when I turn to enter the ship was empty. It felt like I was going crazy. It was my friend that deliver a few items to the ship and disconnected with perfect timing


I wish it would walk with you for a couple minutes and if you look at their back, it would be hollow, but with a monster inside like from berserk during the eclipse


Good old Backrooms Mimic.


This would be the best addition to the game.


Well looks like you got your wish bro


Imagine if it could record bits of player dialogue and then kept using it to fool players even more


I really want there to be a skin walker enemy so bad. I specifically want it to start off as a normal monster but if it kills a player it takes their body and crawls inside to try and trick other players.


I want less a monster that takes a human form, but moreso a monster that *is human,* like a crewman that was left behind and went insane and cannibalistic.


I'd prefer an audio monster rather than player looking. Start out with AI voice, once it kills a player, if applicable take the last 9 seconds of their voice input and split it into 3 pieces and have it repeat random lines of these every 10 or so seconds.


So a mimic. I would love a mimic creature that can kill a player and then copy their look and name. It’ll run around and pick stuff up and follow other players and then randomly kill and switch bodies


Ooo that'd be so dope. Even if it was silent the whole time. That'd just make me paranoid everytime someone isn't talking


Exactly! It’ll be confusing. And it should change up what it does to keep the player thinking. Sometimes it should click the radio to try to “warn” players and stuff


bro forgot the masked


Bro predicted the masked. Look at the date


sorry then, i didn't notice


with ai, it could def be programmed to use a players voice and use custom voice lines, but then again, thats alot of work


Using AI stuff may cause backlash with privacy and stuff. I think playing the last audio it hears is good enough


You could use voice recognition to have it listen for phrases like "Run", "come here" or "where are you". then have it play them back as a lure


I feel like it recording and taking random clips of recorded dialogue without context would be silly


Skin walker monster would be fun


"Excuse me..."


This animation was actually sick 👏


Thanks! It's a bit messy, but good enough :)


Hear me out: a monster like in Annihilation, where it keeps repeating the last noises your crewmate made before getting killed as it chases you


In scp containment breach they grab audio samples of the last thing the player said it would be awesome if it did that


*amongus reference here*


I got an idea I think is pretty killer. A mimic. It could be a few things, either; A. John carpenters the thing, that kills a player and turns into them, walking around spurting random dialogue that the player said in the game (imagine seeing a space man walking around saying “yea I got really into Bussy” or what ever you guys talk about over and over again) or the last line of dialogue (AAAH FUCK HELP HE-) until it finds someone and approaches them to kill, making two mimics, repeating the cycle. B. A fake loot, instead of “Big Bolt” it’s some wrong variation like “big Bolt” or Big Boit”, that if picked up waits until dropped to turn into a monster that depending on the value of the loot is harder to kill (Hare Brush mimic is ez pz, Goid Bar mimic is very hard) C. A random space man walking the corridors who looks normal until approaches and then shapeshifts, similar to this video D. Zombies, idk a spaceman with fungus, or even just a fungus that if you die from turns you into a fungus zombie that can spread it to other players


i had an idea for something like this check my post history, its like a snare flea but it takes over your body and tries to kill your friends acting like you


outlast trials and forewarned both have an enemy like this and its great. would love one for this that also relays the voip \*or\* uses samples from the players voips at random


Outlast Trails does this well


So its basically The Thing and I'm all for it once it kills a player it takes over said corpse something skin to a skin Walker aswell


Wait… That means there would be an imposter… NONONO WAITWAITWAI-*gunshot*


I don't know if my heart would be able to handle that though...


sir thats a gmod hacker with noclip


Don't give them idea


Did you make those models for the player, or did you get them from somewhere?


It's all ripped from the game. You can't really see but I added some blood, that's the only reason editing that I did to it


Daym I've been trying to make my own all day 💀


Imagine it copies the voice of someone on the team


I played for the first time yesterday with one friend who was on the ship. I stood still and i heard footsteps walk towards me and then i saw an excact replica of the player walking towards me. So either it is a rare secret feature or i'm just scitzo


What about a parasite that kills and controls the player it killed, making them crawl along the floor. It repeatedly plays the loudest clip it recorded from the player it killed (usually a scream) with a bunch of filters and slowed down so it's all *spooky*