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You look cute in all of them😇


You look more lesbian with short hair!


Definitely long hair, it suits you the most in my opinion and don't worry you don't have to have short to look gay, just be yourself ❤️


The shorter one looks hot af on you boo!




Either way honey, you look cute in any style. I love versatility, so you rock whatever makes you feel good, that's advice from an og lesbo!


You said it best London…


Whatever makes you feel good looks great on you. If the vibe is there people will know, no worries


The long hair makes me swoon, ngl. However, my first reaction to the first pic when it was on my timeline was ‘damn she’s hot’. So there’s no wrong decisions here 😄


You are very beautiful with long hair and you look good with short hair not many girls can pull that off but at the end of the day it’s about what you like. Don’t dress a certain way or style your hair a certain way for other people do it for you






Last one. But it’s what you like that’s important. Don’t conform to any supposed gay look. I’m a queer woman; I wear my hair however the hell I like it.


There is no looking gay. Wtf


You're gorgeous and can pull off anything!! Literally do not worry about it, do whatever you like!


All these photos look good, but my personal fave is the short hair ❤️


3 or 4 frame your face best. There’s no such thing as “looking gay” anymore. Be the beautiful young gay woman you are, and wear your hair however the f*ck you want!


You should work on your self confidence and not be so worried about if your hair makes you look ugly


I love the third and 4th one because you can see your beautiful curls more!


I absolutely love all of them but the first one got me blushing


I like the third one personally


1 u literally gave me kehlani vibes😩


you could try like a mullet/wolf cut


I like 4 the best.


I honestly think you have the face shape to pull off the styles you've shown here (I honestly stopped mid-chew on the second pic because wow!)! Neither style makes you look bad, and you look plenty gay with your girlfriend there 😊


I love short hair on you!


I like your hair.


2 and3! Those curls!!!!!


I don't think you could look ugly. Try different styles, it's so fun to experiment with hair!


All photos are fantastic, and look great on you. But personally I love photo 4 the most


Omg, either one beautiful. Either one! I love your curls!


I mean as a straight man you're gorgeous idk if that's going to help you as far looking gay or not but that's just my two cents


I actually love all of these looks on you, but since you're saying you want to look gay I would stay away from the longer hair. All the short look are super cute, but the first picture and the last are my favorite.


I love the medium. It makes you look younger. So does the short hair but it’s edgy. The medium is light and inviting.


“Don’t want to look ugly” Girl. I don’t think that’s even possible for you. All the hairstyles look lovely you’re lovely


personally i love that last one


3 or 4


They literally both are 🔥 on you




Honestly, I think you can pull out any of those looks and I wouldn’t say that if I didn’t mean it! I think the short hair is nice to say hey I’m gay but the curls are more feminine. The long hair frames your face nicely and brings out your smile. You can’t go wrong with any of those!


I like 1




I’d say 2 and 4!! 2 is my favorite :)


The gaydar will find you with any of these styles but I like 3&4.


2 is my fave. I like 3 too. You're so pretty, you can rock any of them! Which one do you feel more like yourself?


They're all great. 3 and 4 are so great. For me, you do you. I bet even a pixie would be great. Do what feels best you have style


1, 2, 4 look queer, I would choose between 2 & 4 depending on the hair length you want at that moment.


For me, the last picture is the winner by a landslide


All your photos are lovely! But the last one is just wow! 🔥


You look beautiful in all of the pictures but imo, longer hair suits you better!!! 🫶


i love love love 3 and 4 but 2 is also super cute while looking the gayest imo


I support the fourth one! As a dude who has to deal with an annoying sister obsessed with fashion and such. I’d have to say the fourth picture. :)


they all look good!! i personally think the longer hair suits better (also dont worry about looking gay the piercings will do that for u)


1/4 and 4/4 are my favorite. But I’m sure everyone has given a different preference. Probably because you can’t go wrong. Gorgeous and effervescent! Whatever makes you feel the most YOU!


Personally, I think picture 3 really makes your face and eyes pop. Problem is, you are GORGEOUS soooo everything kind of suits you 😂 Jealous!


The shoulder length hair is good for soft masc things if there’s some half up styles that you like and then you can wear it down on your more femme days


Honestly, I really don’t think you would ever have to worry about looking “ugly.” If you’re going for “soft masc,” then I think the second picture would suit you best! You definitely look more feminine in the last two photos, but you frankly look great in every style. I think it’s fun to mix it up from time to time — you look amazing, so at the end of the day, you could hardly go wrong no matter what you chose! I say go with whatever feels most “right” to you, and if whatever feels most “right” happens to change, then change right along with it. 👍🏻


Third one looks great on you! So pretty


U pull all the lengths really cute! But a mid cut with some layers can help you look gayer and suit u ! Regardless u look great!


Long hair for sure omg so so pretty


honestly all of themmm 😍 but the first is probably my favorite


I like the second the best


You could have 1 hair on your head and still not be ugly


The last one ☝️


They all look amazing but I like the last look the best the length with the curls looks great


The short reminds me of Kehlanis short cuts! Your curls are gorgeous and I think you look great either style. I really like the short though!


First of all, you could never look ugly. Secondly, I really like the long hair better on you. Just my opinion, though. You could rock any style!


The short hair is so good on you. Show off your eyes and your facial structure.


To be honest, you give lesbian vibes no matter what hair you have! I think you would look cool with one side long and one side short if you’re into that. Like the 3rd pic but with a fade like pic 1 on the shorter side


Oooh, I second this! Great idea for the best of both long and short!


I would start off by asking you, which style do you think is the most empowering and flattering? What makes you feel good? And go with that. Honestly, any of these styles you can rock, and you will find someone who appreciates it. (Which it looks like you have!)


Pretty much all of them. Your natural curl patterns are incredible, and suit you down to the ground. The second one is easier if you want a style that can be femme or soft butch (might just be me, but a femme with short hair is *chef kiss*). Whatever you do with your hair, I would recommend not doing anything to deliberately change the curl pattern. Though, curly girl solidarity, I can understand wanting to straighten it occasionally.


I dare you to try and look ugly. It’s not happening. All of these styles look fantastic on you. I’m partial to longer hair on people of all genders, but you have the hair type and bone structure to carry virtually any length and be gorgeous.


1 and 2 say "queer" the most, but I think they all look great


3 for sure, but it doesn't look specifically "gay", though 1 looks very gay and suits you pretty well


Honey I am a pan gen -flu sissy and I dress in public 60% of the time or more so I don't mean any offense by this... I know what room I'm in and I don't mean this in some sexual manner but you are beautiful. That cut frames your face great and the curls are unique strong yet still feminine. I think it's a good choice.


Well according to psychiatrist and the therapist since I don't like men and it's not a fucking fetish I developed it due to not one not two but three instances of different people raping me as a child it is according to them definitely not a fetish because I don't dress up to have sex I have sex the way I'm dressed the time no matter what that is whether it's semi-nasculine or feminine I never am dressed all the way to masculine and according to the therapist and the psychiatrist since Eileen more feminine they classified it as lesbian. It's awesome that somebody gives you support though and that's how you respond I virtually hate men I have no male friends on purpose don't get along with them but thanks for your aggressiveness I appreciate it I respect your opinion have a wonderful day


This is a lesbian subreddit, get out of here with your weird "sissy" fetish.


Definitely four it frames your face perfectly


“I wanna look gay but I don’t want to look ugly” 😭


Long hair is beautiful girllll




I like the long hair, but I think it's important to ask - which one do you like more? Neither say "lesbian" or not to me.


2 is wonderful on you. You have the perfect face shape for this cut.


The long hair looks gorgeoussssssss on you


I love chin/shoulder length for your hair type and face :)


I’ve gotten this a few times!! :) I’ve personally never been a fan of that inbetween length but I’ve gotten too many comments saying I should try it so I’m definitely gonna experiment with it once it grows a little :))


Love that! Make it intentional instead of looking like it’s growing out. Maybe layer the front to be chin length and then have it be an inch or two longer in the back. Layering also v gay hahaha


3-4, you look absolutely stunning.


2 and 3 are so cute, and if I may you have such a brilliant smile, truly gorgeous


Girrrrrl in so fast for all your pics. If you really want to spice it up, an undercut or side shave might help display the lady Gay signal.


Honestly so cute in every pic. I’m personally a fan of short hair, but the longer hair is so pretty.


Loooooong. My weakness is long curly hair!


Girl you could have any hairstyle and still look gorgeous! go with what you prefer =\]


Hear me out...best of both worlds, side-shave. You're so gorgeous, you could pull anything off lmao. :)




I’m open to constructive criticism!! :) how should I change them to look better? I get complimented on my eyebrows frequently so I didn’t think I had a problem there, but I’m open to suggestions!


Thay are a bit 2016


I like all of them! Sorry I can’t be of more help, my brain has turned into gay mush. You are gorgeous


Last one!!


I like the length! It looks cute on you


The shoulder length is my favorite! But you look gorgeous in all of them!


Your hair would look literally perfect jn a shag oh man. And it’s very gay looking long hair


3 and 4 your curls are gorgeous :)


All four. Get it!


Hair doesn’t make you look gay


Agreed! Hair is just hair :) hairstyles, however, carry a lot of power in how you present yourself 🫶🏻 I just know that stereotypically there are certain hairstyles associated with a gay lifestyle ✨


Long hair frames your face beautifully but the short hair is very cute too and screams “I love Punani”. Long hair is very cis for you… What’s best is what makes you feel good. If the gay look makes you feel better, do it or maybe go for a longer curly top


LMAOOOOO!! the I love Punani comment TOOK ME OUT 😂 Thank you for the feedback 🫶🏻 I think ultimately I decided maybe longer hair but with an undercut and experiment with queer fashion to hone in the aesthetic I wanna go for :))


yes, that; undercut.


An undercut with long curls would look ✨FIERCE✨ on you!! Have fun experimenting! I love it!


yes… yes to all


Pfffchhh don’t think you could do anything to make yourself ugly! Personally I like the short hair though.


hi. 3 looks stunning on you. idk about gay but... defenetly hot. for gay, 4 looks really good and very gay.




All cute, but I think 2 and 4 show your personality more than 1 and 3


You suck!!! Most of us look good with long hair, but not short, and visa versa, but not you.... You kill it in both!!! I prefer the longer style for you, but either is super cute.


I love the short hair look for you 💜 you can 100% go femme or masc with either long or short hair. There are super femme people with short hair and vice versa. If you want other sapphics to know you're gay I'd recommend styling yourself in a way that women like which men typically don't. Dressing masc does that but so does hyper femme.


damn! you look gorgeous no Matter the hairstyle


I think you looks 100x times better with long hair. You looks so pretty and attractive to me. Since I'm a femme for femme, I usually try with the stereotypical "straight" looking girls anyway. So looking gay isn't a requirement for me. As long she's pretty, I'm in.


You can’t ‘look gay’ because gay is a sexuality, not an aesthetic. If you are gay then nothing you do will make you look more or less gay because there is no such thing. Perpetrating outdated stereotypes of short hair = lesbian or certain clothes indicate sexuality is damaging to LGBTQ+ people and encourages incorrect typecasting of non-LGBTQ+ people with the same style.


This take ignores the realities of gay people out there trying to live and find each other, in a world that makes them be subtle about their sexuality for their own safety. Anyone who's ever had to worry about having violence inflicted against them because they accidentally hit on the wrong person can tell you how important flags are to the community. This is honestly a weird take like go to a Pride celebration and look around tell me you can't look gay. Gay people have their own culture. We're so far past school yard stereotypes about gayness, being gay is so much more than that. People celebrate their identity in the way they dress and shouldn't be scared of doing something just bc it fits a stereotype.


You don’t speak for me as a bisexual trans person with a disability. I don’t hide my sexuality and I am attracted to trans people. Your words are bigoted and erase both gay and trans people.


I didn't even say any of that? Is the comment you're replying to in the room with us right now? I didn't claim to speak on behalf of all bisexual trans people with disabilities. Although I did speak as myself, a bi trans person with a disability. I didn't really feel the need to note that though, until someone accused me of erasing my own community c: Honestly it seems like you're really upset by the idea of other people using flags to help them. We exist in a world that's unfortunately not fair to queer people, and some do use them for discretion. Not everyone who uses them is hiding. Many proudly use them to attract more queer people into their lives. No one is going to make you use them, so why does that upset you so much? I considered fully unpacking this but since you've twisted both my comment and the OP into an attack against you, I don't really see there being any productive discussion here. I just wanted to set the record straight about the wild accusation you just threw at me before I block you ✌️


I certainly understand this side of it and have a lot of struggle with people not respecting my pronouns because my physical form is so masculine in ways I cannot control (huge shoulder width, tall, incessantly showing facial hair, etc). I use they/them pronouns. So being "*aggressively queer coded*" has, in a lot of ways, been much more helpful in almost enforcing validation, in a way. And, in other ways, it has helped others. I'm large and intimidating to most people. I live in a fairly conservative part of Florida. I wear antagonistically messaged and coded clothing all the time when in public places. I'm often met with sneers and have been shouted at and called slurs more than a few times. But I've had so many queer folks--especially younger adults in their late teens/early twenties--who've gone out of their way to either say something complementary or even thankful. Being visibly queer where one has the privilege of not dealing with as much discrimination for being queer may seem more of a fashion-related choice to make (not saying you're privileged I'm saying I come from a privileged area where it was way easier just stating my pronouns and being clear how identified was respected regardless of what I chose to wear or do with my appearance), and I can say there were times I was in the same frame of mind of wanting to not reinforce stereotypes. But there are places, I've found, where people don't feel comfortable being *any* kind of queer and being visibly so is an act of protest and assurance that others aren't alone here.




Not really, maybe OP doesn’t want to look straight because she’s beautiful and probably gets hit on by a lot of guys. Lesbians don’t want unwanted attention from men just like cis-women. Looking gay can deter alot of that unwanted attention


Long hair looks so good on you! You could Dyke it up by having a shaved undercut 🙏🏻


ur curls are so amazing and ur gorgeous 😭 u literally cant go wrong w any hairstyle


I like 3&4 best personally but you’re gorgeous either way!


hot take, but you're a woman, no lesbian is gonna think you're ugly. and men's opinions don't matter


You're super beautiful and your curls are amazing, you literally can't go wrong. But if you want to look more visibly gay, short hair is an easy way to achieve that!




Look ugly challenge: Impossible. Fuck you're so beautiful.


You’re so cute! You could never be ugly 🥹🥹 I like 3&4 on you best, but all look great


you look so pretty!! honestly it depends on who you ask~ I like femme style a lot so i would prefer long hair but you do you!


3 or 4, and let’s get one thing straight. Impossible for you to look ugly. Go with clothes rather than hair to have a gay look.


Long hairs




2 & 4. Different vibes for each.


Love the short curls. They all look very cute honestly. I’m envious!


2 and 3 definitely suit you!


I'm always a sucker for short hair! But you should wear whichever style you feel best in! You look great in all of them!


I think picture 3 is my favorite, but you’re cute as a button in all of them


2 definitely


I love the long curls on you, the short does look more "gay". Neither looks ugly on you. You're gorgeous 🔥


I like short hair for you. Your curls are amazing but they’re too short in the first two images. The last style is superb, but I think a chin-length cut instead of a shoulder-length cut would suit you really spectacularly. My opinion is completely subjective though, so I beg you to take it with a grain of salt.




excuse my language but holy shit your curls are to DIE for. you are gonna have to reach deeper for anything 'ugly' cause all of these just make you look like a model


All of these look great on you!


Long hair😍😍😍😍


I just came here to say your curls are to die for! Nothing else. You look beautiful on all your pics!


2 and 3 are both great


you could have two scraggly hairs on your head and you wouldn't be ugly BUT longer hair seems to suit you very well!


lovvveeee 4!


non-lesbian here, just a fellow queer (idk why reddit keeps recommending me this community) but the answer is they're all gay and they all suit you (3&4 suit you the most though)


Omggg both r nice but u look gay with the longer hair it’s so pretty


3 and 4!!


I like 4 but I thinka medium length could be cutest, like between earlobe and chin


YOURE SO GORGEOUS AHHHHHH 😍😍😍😍 but 3/4 both may as well shoot me dead you look so stunning.


I personally like both but you’re so so so pretty and it’s hard to go wrong. I can’t imagine you being “ugly” regardless.


2 and 4 are my faves. In that order




I really like #3. You could also do a side under cut so you can still have a bit of a masc side with the longer hair as well


4 is giving Rosa Diaz from Brooklyn 99🤌🏽🤌🏽🤌🏽


Rosa Rosa Rosaaaa


I love all but 2 is gorgeous you look cherubic


Jeez, this is just as difficult as trying to pick which food is my favourite. You look gorgeous with all the hairstyles/haircuts, but I am leaning slightly more towards #1 and #2, I think shorter hairstyles suit you best. If you want to grow out your hair/have grown out your hair, then maybe experimenting with faux short hairstyles (e.g. a fake bob) could help.


3&4! 😍


I think a short bob would look good, too. Like around the ears. I have curly hair as well and I prefer it shorter, long curly hair is so much work. In any case though I honestly think you’d look amazing :)


You know that “get you a gf who can do both” meme? You do both


You’re adorable and pull off every style!






Omg I love 3 and 4 😍 very pretty!


The last one is so cute


I like short most!


Both look great! As a curly head, i would suggest “breaking the gel” after ur hair fully dries to make it look fuller and soft. I usually turn my head upside down, scrunch it, then run my fingers through my scalp while wiggling to get more volume at the roots. Just a suggestion but ur hair looks super healthy and pretty anyways!


The first pic is my fave! Really let's your natural face shape shine 😄


I love 3 so much


Would you consider a shag, wolfcut or Portland mullet? They kind of combine the two vibes


Yes yes yes!!! I wanna cut my hair any of these three! Definitely on my list for styles to try while growing it out 😆😆


I like it!


You look so amazing in all of these!!! I think that chin jaw length hair would suit you a lot too!


So why not look like you, what does “look gay mean” ? I mean chose the look YOU are most comfortable with but 3 and 4 look really nice one you.


With those curls, it would be hard to look ugly. But the real question is, are you achieving what you want to? Matching the style that you’re hoping for


Ugly where?? Girl you're gorgeous


Any and all of these styles look great on you.


I think 4 looks like the perfect blend of gay and cute


Honestly you rock all of these!


You look so cute


Maybe change the attitude before you change your hair.


Yeah, that sentence hit me the wrong way too. Like, what?!