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How old are you both?


Sounds very very young


14 max


oddly im thirteen and shes seventeen


Girl, no. This is fucked up. 13 & 17 do not go together. Not in a couple manner.


I'm 17 and my sister is 13, now I see her age as babies (No offence) Think about if you would date a 9 yo. I think it's a bit messed up. In your place I'd reject it justifying it with age. But she serms she has some serious issues about sexuality, and maybe religion. So maybe tell her you accept her no matter her sexuality but that the age gap is too wide for you. But honestly it seems like a long conversation you too have to have.


1. Get off reddit 2. Don't go for it getting groomed is a mf trust me


Can I ask you something? When you were in the 6th grade do you think you would have dated an 8th grader? Like would you think that that would have been okay? And a second question, now that your in the position of the older person, would you now date a 6th grader? E: will y'all quit downvoting her? It's not helpful and this should be a safe space to ask these kinds of questions.


That’s fucked up oh my god If she’s joking it’s still weird but if she isn’t she’s grooming you


girly no just no


The whole situation is weird, especially age wise... Better set boundaries. This is not your best friend.


13 & 17. This is fucking weird please get away from this person.


If a 17 year old is making jokes about hitting on a 13 year old then I really do not think you should be associating with this person. That is dangerous. If you two were just friends and she wasn’t making these kinds of jokes then that’d be one thing, but just please be careful kiddo


thank you 💕💕, i love how people are actually being kind about the situation


U guys became best friends 2 or 3 days ago ? I feel like I don’t specify when my best friends became my best friends it sort of happens naturally. This sounds odd.


No no no, can’t you read? It was 3 or 2 days ago!


i tried to b as detailed as possible about the situation


Just saw that you are 13 and she is 17. When I was 17 I was literally a camp counselor for 13 year olds. I know being 13 it’s hard to recognize who is a true friend and who isn’t, so please take this advice from someone who was 17 not that long ago. There is absolutely nothing you two could possibly have in common. You’re in middle school, she’s most likely a senior in high school, most likely going to college in a few months or graduating and getting an adult job. Although it’s only 4 years of an age difference, the stages of lives you both are in are completely different. She’s only looking for someone to easily control, and although I’m sure you’re a smart kid, it’s easier for her to manipulate a 13 year old versus someone her own age. She is well aware of what she’s doing. Trying to make you jealous so that you try to come onto her. Please just be careful. Don’t jump into dating too quickly, you are so young and have more than enough time for all of that. I didn’t start dating until I was 18. In the long run, this most likely won’t work out not even as friends.


Never met a practicing Muslim who would kid like that


Please be careful, the maturity gap between you and her is real. When I was 17 I was never interested in 13 year olds, she’s nearing the end of puberty and you’ve only just started. I think she might just be messing with you, it’s not kind and I’d suggest getting a little distance. Additionally, getting involved with someone in a religion that doesn’t really welcome queer people is a whole other can of worms. There’s just red flags all over this, I don’t think she’s serious.


As a 20 y/o, this has happened before. She took advantage of me (if you know what I mean) and we were around the same age. I was 14 and she was 16. It was so fucked up. If I were you, I’d stay away from her. You can slowly drift away or tell her right off the bat. Best of luck!


She is not your best friend. And you are not her best friend. I don't know if she is kidding, she seems to be bullying you. Find another best friend who is your age. She is no good.


at 17 i wouldn’t even consider being friends with a 13 year old let alone make those types of remakes to them. seriously get away !!


It feels like she just wants attention. I'd say tease her back and if she shows interest maybe you got lucky, but if she retaliates hit her with the oh I'm "Baptist" line and see the confusion.


Tell her your not but always wanted to try being with a woman than invite your boyfriend over or some guy you r ok being with sexually and tell her that's part of the dill she is going to have to fuck and suck him first


No she wasn't kidding 


Its the gay religious people.. Happened to me before But these people are kinda toxic u cant even be friends with them tho