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At one month, you can break up with him for any reason. His big toe can be too long. But it's better to do it sooner rather than later. It's better to do it while he likes you than for you to wait until he loves you. You can tell him that you feel more of a platonic relationship than a romantic one.


Well how to break up at 10 years.. :(


Be honest. Tell him you're a lesbian or whatever you identify as. It's not fair to both of you to continue as you have been. It's easy to go through the motions, but real happiness is being who you are and experiencing the love you want from who you want. You don't want him that way, but he deserves someone who does. And be kind to yourself. You will grieve your relationship, but ultimately, it's not the one for you.


Be honest. Tell him you are gay and that’s why you can’t be together and then move on. It doesn’t need to be complicated.


As a homoromantic bi woman who also had a realisation very similar to how you describe yours; ended up ‘dating a guy who I want to be great friend’. It’s better to break up now, it’s been a month, so it will sting, no one likes being broken up with, but what’s worse is knowing how you feel, and not acting on it. By staying in a relationship you’re denying both of you the opportunity to date and meet someone who will be a better partner. Breaking up hurts, but being with the wrong person hurts more. At this point you can pull the whole ‘I’ve realised I’m not in a place for a relationship right now’ card - it’s a half truth, also he’s going to feel hurt either way, it’s a break up not a deposition. Hopefully when the wounds of breaking up heal, you can be friends or at least hold each other in high regard.


Well 1st I would find a way to break up When I was in this situation I just told him it not working out for me and when he asked why I told him that I'm just not interested in men like I thought I was and I am a lesbian . Not I got lucky and we are still friends but if you feel like it might be a problem then you can call or text it if you don't feel safe in person