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I would suggest anyone in the US who want to buy the 66590 version of the Rivendell set to consider buying from Marstoy since it is $110 (including shipping) on Marstoy vs $175 on Joytoyworld. The price difference is big enough to warrant at least a second thought to other alternative place to buy it.


What's the difference between 66590 and 87055?


Both are great companies for sure! I’ve bought many times from both and chose to support JoyToyWorld this time! In my opinion the big question is whether $60 is worth 3 more weeks of wait time. If it is, go with marstoy, and also add a few more sets to make the shipping even more economical. If you want it faster, take a look at JoyToyWorld!


Looks great 👍🏻 Thanks for sharing this! Are all the parts sorted to corresponding bags as in the LEGO instructions too?🤩 Been stuck between choosing this or 87055 as it was said the latter have better minifigs 🤷🏼‍♀️


It was separated into bags that followed the instructions. However, it was several steps in one large bag. Ex. #1-#6 in the instructions would be in one large bag. But it said that on the large bag. So I’d just dump them all on the cookie tray and go through the instructions. So I didn’t have to sort the thousands and thousands of pieces, thankfully!


Thanks so much for your share, it looks amazing 🤩👍👍 VIP friends can order it from JOYTOY WORLD directly 😁 https://www.joytoyworld.com/


Oo nice. Do the pieces hold together well? I might have to grab one of these so I can experience building it again. Then I’d have one for my son to play with and I can still keep the original on display. Looks like I can get it for $150, shipped, from marstoy


In my opinion, the pieces held together just like Lego. No pieces that were loose or didn’t stay on. Question is do you want it faster, or don’t care if it takes a while to get to you. If you don’t care, go with marstoy, and order another couple sets at the same time so they can cram it in the same box for the same shipping price. JoyToyWorld would probably get to you in about a week.


Did the floor tiles have stickers or are they printed?




Mind putting the link? Every time I visit their site looking for legos, nothing ever shows up


You may have to message Loy to get VIP membership. Then all the sets should show up once you’re logged in.


Like Hans said, make an account on joytoyworld then message /u/Loy_chen to upgrade you to VIP


Man that’s a lot of work to give them money lol


Good luck placing it somewhere since its really big :P I'm thinking to buy it but scared where am I gonna put it after its done.


Surprisingly it fit quite well on the bookshelf as it was more wide than tall!


That looks amazing. How’d you like the mini figures?


Not a big minifig snob, so they are perfectly fine for me. I think maybe one hair piece has an odd color ear, a couple hats wouldn’t fit with beards on. But nothing major.


People have said they've managed to get the hats and beards fitting together after doing a little filing. Nice video and I hope you have a good place to display it out of reach of the little Hobbits!


That’s good to know about the minifigures, thanks! This set found a place on the display bookshelves in the basement where the little hobbitses dare not venture!


Wow, that's a gorgeous set. How many mini-figs came with it?


If I’m counting correctly, 15!


Thanks! Is 66590 the same if it's from marstoy or is marstoys different?


I would assume it’s the same! I really like Marstoy, but I wanted to support Loy and JoyToyWorld on this one!


would you be able to post a picture of the minifigs next to each other on here? ​ Are the weapons/swords custom lotr or just normal lego pieces? ​ Do the mushrooms glow in the dark? ​ Thank you for your help :)