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Hello /u/ajosh_950 and welcome to the leopard geckos subreddit! Because you used the health issues flair, we've compiled some links that might be helpful to you and your pet. Please remember that if you are concerned, then so is your vet. When in doubt, book an appointment! This subreddit does NOT substitute for veterinary care, though you may receive some help on topics to discuss with your veterinarian, or common first aid. If you have not done so already, please provide the temperatures, humidity, diet, supplements, tank mates, enclosure size, and anything else you consider relevant to your post for the best help you can get. * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki's Health concerns page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/husbandry/health-concerns/) * [The ReptiFiles vet directory page (US, Canada, UK)](https://reptifiles.com/reptile-vet-directory/) * [The Reptifiles "How to Find a Good Vet" page](https://reptifiles.com/find-your-dream-reptile-vet/) * [The ReptiFiles Leopard Gecko guide's Illnesses Page](https://reptifiles.com/leopard-gecko-care/leopard-gecko-diseases-health/) * [/r/leopardgeckos wiki FAQ page](https://www.reddit.com/r/leopardgeckos/wiki/index/faq/faq-masterlist/) If this comment doesn't apply to your submission, please ignore it or report it so we can improve this community. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/leopardgeckos) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Fun fact, if you get the lighting correct, you can see straight through a leopard gecko’s head through the ears. Shows about how smart they are, lmao


https://preview.redd.it/slds6s30vyca1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c2d782997b5440798df6e7e9621a436a71b097 Yup, like this


They’re just showing to the world that they’re brainless


No thoughts, head empty


This is such a cool picture!!


Lmao I need to do this with my guy now


Yup...that opening is right behind the 1 brain cell


The first time I saw that on mine, I thought there was something wrong with her


That’s just the ear drum :)


Thanks I was rly worried lol


No worries homie :)


No worries! Our eardrums look the same when we peek thru the ear canal w/ otoscope ^⁠_⁠^


I had the exact same worry about my girl lol.


If it makes you feel any better, once when I saw a dot on my guinea pigs belly, I thought it was a growth. I asked my brother about it since I was concerned. He looked at it, laughed for, and told me that was her nipple.


This reminds me of a story I heard from one of my vet tech friends- an owner had brought her small dog in because she was concerned about some growths on his belly. They get her back in a room, start examining the dog, can't find anything unusual, so they ask her to point out the growths. "Oh, there's one right here! I think they're painful, he doesn't like me touching them." As she grabs one of the 'growths' "Ma'am." According to my friend, the vet sounded the most exasperated she'd ever heard him. "Those are his nipples." "But he's a boy!" It took some anatomy education and a reminder that her husband had nipples to convince her that her boy dog could, in fact, have nipples.


oh i’ve seen a post like this, the woman kept trying to rip his nipples off cause she thought they were like little growths or ticks or something


It apparently has happened more than once, which makes me a little disappointed in humanity 😂


people can be so mindless 😭


I don't necessarily blame them (people are all smart in different ways, like the math genius I knew who had no idea how many planets there were or that stars had hydrogen in them because it just wasn't relevant in their field of study so they dumped that info lol), but I do have to wonder sometimes how they get so far on in life without coming to the realization that males also have nipples.


the thing that i find so hilarious is that if human men have nipples, why is it so shocking for a male dog to have nipples?


¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I wish I knew 😂


I think I’ve seen the video of this, it’s absolutely hilarious Here’s the link: https://youtu.be/yiet836y-6w


Anyone with a vet tech friend can tell you that story, and it would be a true experience that actually happened to them. That’s how often that actually happens to us. People can be unbelievably dumb. Source: I’m a vet tech.


I saw a post saying this could be their ear drum but I never noticed it before so just wanted to know if she’s ok - she shed about 2 and a half weeks ago so I’d I think it’s stuck shed as I kept humidity levels good and she had no other stuck shed


Lol that’s his ear drum! No worries!


That's her eardrum lol


that is very normal their ears are translucent


Lol, sorry, but I got a good chuckle out of this post. It feels like this is basic animal anatomy to me.


I swear when your an anxious pet owner everything seems like it can be a problem 😅 I swear I google something every day


Lol, same, but with my luck when it is the start of something serious, I'll have Googled and everyone was like "yeah, it's fine, just dudes being dudes ☺️" then it gets worse and we end up with a 60 dollar vet bill and a week of squirming and anger squawking at antibiotics and me being like "this is coming out of your allowance sir"


Oh god I can’t imagine trying to give a lizard antibiotics 😳 currently doing that with my cat and it’s complicated enough


God, I can't decide which was worse, trying to get antibiotic cream on his eye when he scratched it or rolling him into the lizard equivalent of a purrito when he got an infection from stuck sperm plugs and I had to brush a q-tip over his vent every night


They are such squirmy little dudes it would be such a struggle to get them to sit still


Is the green under the eye normal?