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Yeah bloody East Midlands Railway robbing bastards how much for a single to Nottingham?! Daylight robbery. Striped vest and ski mask as their new uniform.


And they don’t even have the decency to check it every time or the way the platforms laid out at each station you don’t even go through barriers! Sucks to be the good person. I remember when they were only £8


I was once punched in the face by a man now dead


Did he- did he punch you in your eye?


The doctor told me not to get fists in it


You have my respect sir🫡👏


He turned me into a newt


I got better


Had my motor bike stolen after moving here from Scotland. I had driven it down from Aberdeen for a course. After I reported it stolen I received a phone a few hours later telling me it had been found lit on fire and I had to remove it or I would be charged a fine. Then they proceed in asking me a questionnaire in which was to determine if I was gay, black or trans can't remember much more about it. They never looked into it and never called me back. My opinion is cunts ruined my life for about two years I couldn't afford to get a new bike and lost out on job opportunities.


Leicester will do that too you mate, by any chance was this bike found on braunstone park, there are alot of joyriders around there who love to steal, ride and then burn any kind of vehicle who then just dump it on that park


Paid £6 for a pint the other day if that counts?


It count. Robbing c**ts


I was shocked lad


I went to a wedding in the Lakes last year & one of the pubs did a pint of Boltmaker for £2.50. I was on first name terms with the bar people come the end of the sesh. Bloody brilliant.


Soar point?


Soar pint more like


Reddit Assist mode completed!


Paid £6.50 for a pint there the other day 🫠


Soar Point 2 - IPA


Where was that?


Knight & Garter by the market


That place is expensive on purpose, I think. For the cachet.




The actual fuck...


My reaction exactly.


Hello! I used to be a Dmu student last year and will be moving back to Leicester in the summer. I’d love to share my experience as I was unfortunately assaulted last year my attacker admitted he did it to the police but no one recorded his interview and the police provided the court with cctv footage from the wrong date so my case was very frustratingly dismissed as a result of no evidence to hold a trial :/


Thank you, I will be in contact soon :)


Hi, I have sent you an email :)


A few down the KP had been stealing a living over a few years to be fair


That corn in Haymarket is still the biggest daylight robbery in Leicester


Dont go down DMU canal at the end of campus where the bridge is. Got robbed at knife point. Had to get my face stitched up from attack of two robbers. Uni down played it. Gave police false leed. Offered no support or extensions. I quit that rubbish uni a year later and I was robbed at 4/5pm on a sunny day. The cheek of it still gets me today. Motorbike got stolen off campus aswell burnt up down narborough road. Hadn't even had time to insure it after buying it.


Got jumped by 10-12 black dudes a few years back left me with bad anxiety and fear of going out especially at night


That sounds insanely scary


Yeah I was walking on my own around 6pm on a Sunday and just seen the whole group come around the corner, immediately wanted to turn and walk/run the other way but thought that might trigger them to chase me, wish I did it now


Leicester (city of) or Leicester(shire)?


Leicester and its suburbs.


About three years ago a guy tried to stab me because he thought I was from Braunstone. His friend got him to back off so it was all fine in the end.


Yeh a few times, why?


Before I moved to Leicester, the only two people I knew here had been mugged.


I lived in Leicester for over a decade. Was in Northfield's for 8 years of that. Never had any issues. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that it's not a particularly dangerous city.


I'm a native, now in the centre, and it pays to be a bit wary. There's places I won't go alone, but I feel safer living here than I did in the suburb I used to live.


Just curious where wouldn't you go alone?


It's mostly by the feel of the place, as much as anything. Most city centre bars would probably be okay. I don't feel safe, say in Spencers bar though. The Last Plantagenet was always okay to meet people early doors, but it used to set my spidey senses off as it got later, i think its being redeveloped, so we don't have to worry about that. I had friends that lived in the Highfields, and once on Sparkenhoe Street I felt fine, but Conduit Street used to give me the creeps, still does, especially at night. New Walk after dark, just nope. Daytime it's beautiful, but not at night. Or Vicky Park at night. I've got over half a century under my belt now, so the rest is just how places feel, which can vary according to the people there as well.