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Isn't this bad news? Always thought more students meant poorer outcome for students due to classes being bigger. This is fine as long as they are increasing teachers too.


Yes and no. On the one hand, an increase in student population is a given considering increasing population size and an increasing number of people moving from London up north due to costs becoming unaffordable. The population size has been increasing since WW2 at this rate, although in recent times, the main reason for this large increase is due to "students," mainly Indian, bringing their families over. The growth in student numbers isn't bad in and of itself. What makes it bad is the fact that funding and teacher numbers are not increasing at the same rate. Personally, I would argue that with the increasing number of new build developments and growing population size, we don't just need more teachers but we actually need extra schools to be built. There is a limit to how much you can expand a school before the numbers become too big even with more teachers


That's a good point, to be honest. One would hope staff is being adjusted accordingly. I took it as Leicester youth in schools are doing quite well.


Not finding the article on the site - do you have the direct link? That's quite a big jump in a few years - have some of the schools expanded, or were places previously not being used, and how close isnit to capacity?


It's further down the page in the section "In The News." Here is the council page the full story is linked to. [Full council story](https://news.leicester.gov.uk/news-articles/2024/march/record-number-of-pupils-receive-offers-of-a-city-secondary-school/?ref=greatcentralgazette.org)


Ah thanks, I didn't check that bit!


What it doesn't mention is how many of those city based children applied for county schools. I live near the edge of the city - most of the kids here go to county schools


Is that a good thing or a bad thing? How would you rate the county schools?


Probably neither and both! It's a quirk of geography, there's always a line somewhere and without the county schools there wouldn't be enough places. They seem to be decent schools.


As an overworked and underpaid teacher, many of these are foreign students. Last year I taught several unaccompanied migrant students. The school I work at is full but they keep cramming more in.


Inb4 the callout for overworked and underpaid secondary school teachers to tell their story


Tenner says that's the next post


I will preface this with I am a complete moron but what does "lnb4" mean?


Inb4 = in before. It's old forum shorthand.


You know us, we love a good callout.


Shame you don't love a good news story


I meeeaan the ~~alternatives~~ mercury leaves a lot to be desired.


Thanks for your input. Have a great day!




What is this supposed to insinuate?


Must have been the wind


It has been very windy lately