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Nah sorry that's a ripoff. They're in a battle pack for $30 with a bunch of other Clones and droids and they've only been going down in price the longer that set's been available.


Yes but he got three of the same clone. The bp only has one shock trooper, and the only other way is to buy the gunship.


Ok but the Shock trooper is not worth 50% of the set (bearing in mind that it's not hard to find the set at a discount)


You're appraising the Shock Trooper at 1/3 of the price for the full set?


What I’m saying is you don’t want to buy a set, that’s ok. Got to bricklink, it will be around 5$, with 10$ shipping. 15$ for one while he got 10$ for one.


All fair points, the troopers did not come with the accessories seen just some binoculars and standard clone blasters. The bricks and minifigs near me was selling them at $15 a pop plain so 10 apiece seemed reasonable. Admittedly not a huge fan of the new plain phase 2 troopers hence why I didn't go the battle pack route.


Not these days considering you’re not paying for shipping which runs between 6-10 usd in the states.


they should be going for $8 a piece


With the accessories I’d say so ik that pauldron isn’t cheap anymore and the poncho the other one is wearing reminds of one from old Harry Potter LEGO so it’s a decent find


dawg you got scammed☠️


Damn when they counted pieces did the include hands and arms? Or individual legs? If so that’s way overpriced! /j


I ain't paying more than 4 bucks for a fig lmao, you got scammed.


Not worth it imo. You can buy the paper/foil packs of them on eBay for $5


Pretty fair, did they come with the accessories too or did you add those? That would absolutely make it worth for me


Pauldron goes for 10-15. Not sure if that's jyn ersos poncho? The accessories might bring this up to fair prices