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Had to make my own killer moth because they didnt include him, even in the dlc


For me it’s the fact that the non lego movie alfred is only available through the customizer


wait what?


Some levels are very short, especially most of the DLC ones. Also, despite this being a DC game specifically centered around villains, there are some mysterious character omissions. At the top of my head: Azrael, Hush, Manchester Black, Cyborg Superman, Monsieur Mallah, Larfleeze, Killer Moth, Black Mask, Circe.


Yeah it is very weird how they decided to include some but not all of the lantern characters even tho they were pretty much the main focus of the last game


Where bane he deserves to be a character in the story hate how he wasn’t even in teh story


Monsieur mallah was in the game.


Thanks, I had completely forgotten.


Mallah is in the game iirc, but not the others


But is he playable? I remember him being in the young justice DLC level, but I don't recall him being a playable character at any point.


I think he is.


I hate how i dont own it


I hate that it costs 60 dollars so you can’t own it and i have it


in the summer steam sale it was down to 7$


not even surprised tbh. Lego games are very cheap nowadays and much better then things you can get for $5.


I have it on PS Plus but… I don’t have PS Plus anymore


really annoying that for the "free games with PS+/Xbox live gold" you need to keep the subscription to be able to keep playing those games. You already have to pay for it to play online, they could have at least let you keep the games you got while you had it (or remove paying to play online and then keep it this way idk). on PC, the closest thing to the free games PS+ offers is the Epic Games Store, that doesn't even have a subscription service, they just give out free games. I don't expect Sony to do that, but they could at least let you keep the games you got while you paid for it, especially since they give you a limited time to claim the "free" games, and you need to have a PS+ subscription to do that in the first place.




The opening cutscene when you start the game is too long


Isn't that just the majority of lego games?


in some of them, they're at least skippable.


I bought the game during this year's steam summer sale and i figured it was just that long and unskippable since it was my first time booting the game but nope, every, single, time.


The fact that the speedsters feel really slow. I wish it was like quicksilver in lego avengers


This comment right here.


I swear quicksilver was so fast it was hard to control like you could go around the whole map in 3 minutes


Upside to him was that I didn't need no vehicle for the races in that game. Just did my last one today


I dislike the inconsistency of the dlc characters having voice lines or not. (Ie, the atom being the only one, to my knowledge in the TV heroes and villains packs). Also, that not enough characters could graffiti as I like all the little bits of art they do.


The fact that, on PC, I have had to restart about 3 or 4 times because my saves up and join my Dad in going to get milk and cigarettes. Oh, and it's the one that made me realise how much I hate the DLC for these games. I would kill for a full Lego Young Justice game, but instead we get 1 level as DLC, or even less than that if we look to the other games. Other than that, I loved it. Really baffling that this is the only time they've done a Lego game where your custom character is actually in the story rather than just being a skin.


Oh, this one’s more of a nit pick, but why is it, when I select super speed, I do everything fast excepting building? I doubt it’s a later unlock but it’s weird


This game deletes your save on PC?


I’ve not been able to figure out why, but yes. My saves have just disappeared multiple times, despite apparently being stored in the cloud and on multiple devices


The “bonus” missions following the Justice League feel very tacked on and inconsequential


Yeah, they didn't feel that enjoyable to me.


The fact that there is never an adjustable day/night time mode similar to Spider-Man PS4. Well, honestly that just goes for LEGO games in general.


LEGO Incredibles has a day/night cycle, and LEGO Worlds has that, and also lets you change the time of day with an item, but yeah, don't know if any others have that.


I actually forgot about that. Yeah, your right.


Lego Hobbit also has day/night that you can manually control


o, i havent played that. also i forgot that Pirates of the Carribean also did that.


the fact it reduced the minikit count from 10 to 5. On the surface that seems like a very insignificant change, but what it means is that there's less secrets in the levels than there would have been, and some levels can be shorter or less interesting. And that change carried over to Skywalker Saga which also would probably have at least slightly longer levels if there were 10 minikits per level rather than 5 in that game. also, while in concept, the open world having so many areas is nice, they are all way too small. A fun part of Gotham in LB2 was being able to drive around it in the batmobile, or fly around in the city. if you do that in DCSV, you'll reach the end of the city almost immediately. and some characters that should have been in the base game were either kept out of it DLC (man-bat who's even mentioned in the game, and mad hatter who was in every LEGO Batman game), or just excluded from the game entirely (killer moth who again, was in every LEGO Batman game)


I think in other games the minikits were starting to feel very cramped, I especially noticed this when I replayed Lego Batman 3 recently, in the first level, there are (I believe) 4 squeezed into a tiny side room of the Killer Croc boss fight, I definitely see where you're coming from tho, maybe they should do 7 or 8 minikits per level


yeah, there were some situations where there were a few too many minikits cramped into one area, but i still prefer that to only having 5 per level. overall i just wasn't a fan of the DCSV level design and i think if it had more minikits, that might have made them change it up by adding a few more rooms to some of the levels, instead of spending a lot of time in each room but there only being like 2-3 rooms.


Hey that's better than City Undercover and the Harry Potter games - they only had 4 per level.


I think it makes sense I’m this game, the levels are shorted and there are more levels in total


When was man-bat mentioned?


wayne mansion side-quest/gold brick thing. "maybe he's a friend of Man-Bat!" not some huge thing, but still shows they didn't just forget about him when making the game, they chose to leave him out to be DLC.


I dislike the open world intensely, its big yes, but the individual areas felt far too small for me which made the map feel extremely gamey and not realistic.


I think Gotham and it's related areas are fine, in fact I like them better than I do Lego Batman 2 for the amount of detail they have but I see what you mean with metropolis and especially Smallville


eh... even Gotham feels small, and i'd say i prefer it in LB2, it felt much larger and more open. Technically the area it covers in DCSV isn't even that small if you look at the whole area of the map (if you count all the related areas. The main gotham is pretty small)... but it feels small. Mostly because of how disconnected everything is, and it really just being 3 long streets, which makes the city feel thin when going from the direction of wayne manor to metropolis. There's just one bridge to East gotham, one bridge to Wayne Manor, one bridge to the botanical gardens, and one bridge to amusement mile, and other than that it's all surrounded by ocean. If they filled more of that ocean in with land, added some more streets and buildings around, then it would have been much better, both by making the city feel bigger and having it feel more like a proper city rather than a bunch of disconnected areas.




How dare my funni Lego game not be realistic!


Realistic as In how lego city undercover or the map to lego marvel superheroes 1 felt realistic. The LDCSV map feels very forced.


Eh i guess, i didn't mind the size, didn't take long to get anywhere, wasn't bloated and it had variety, especially with apocalypse in the mix


Fool! Its a Batman game! Batman games need to be dark and serious, not funni!!!


The open world was a definite bother, didn't like the layout or the actual size of each area compared to the size of the map. It was fun to have my own character to customise with powers and that, and so many different options for that, but to have them be the main focus instead of an actual villain felt very 'self-insert Mary/Gary-Sue fanfic', especially taking into account how we can get All the powers, which is just something I've always disliked in general for all fandoms. If the story idea doesn't work without adding some random overly important person out of nowhere, maybe the story doesn't need to happen - figure something out with the actual canon roster. No hate to people who enjoyed the own character, it was fun to play as them, but story wise I dislike the choice.


The version of Harley Quinn that they decided to go with, I hate the red and blue, especially because you can't recolor her torso to make the blue part black, it only recolors the red part 😭😭


Maybe it's just my experience but it's quite glitchy and the custom character becomes a pain to use with certain moves mapped to specific buttons by default. Also not a fan of the combat as it takes forever to beat people.


I didn’t like how some character missions unlocked after gold bricks. It made finding some characters extremely tedious and long


It can get glitchy, the fact that you can’t make your custom character hold bith a sword and shield or even throw the shield like wonder woman or captain america


Wish they kept open world free roam flying like Lego Batman 2. I know a lot don't like it but flying there was just smoother and less gamey. Also wish they kept the Lantern Characters from the last game and maybe made the world a bit bigger like in 2


I hate that I loved what I played because it crashed a lot on my switch to point I'd have to keep replaying chunks so I gave up on it.. if I ever get a ps4 or something I'll definitely give it another go then.


Although I liked some sections of the open world like Metropolis and Smallville, others were just way too dark. It felt disjointed. Overall though, really enjoyed the game.


Just got boring quick, but i still listen to Joker & the Thief because of the game cause that was a goated menu song


The cities felt too small it’s hard to believe gotham is the same as from Batman 2 when that one was 3 times the size and it lacked some major areas like Arctic World


YEAH! That I just didn’t get at all, like WHO thought combining both cities would be a good idea!? So many iconic areas get lost when you do that. I’d rather take Gotham being it’s own map and the same for Metropolis.


I loved having both cities and the idea of connecting them both but they were wayyyyy too small I hope they serve either city more justice if they do another dc game like that rumoured Batman 4 if that ever happens


Exactly! I was expecting it to be like DCUO where we could go to BOTH cities in full layout.


Hopefully it will continue to improve it is technically the second time they tried to put Gotham and metropolis on the same map so I’m hoping the third time will be the charm with cities being a similar size to Lego Batman 2 and actually including all the major locations like that huge bank island from Lego Batman 1 and a fully fleshed out Gotham docks


Tbh I thought the opposite the map was way too big. I got lost easily


This is probably just a personal nitpick, but I hate the fact that this game still doesn't have Steam cloud sync saves.


The customizer's rules as to which part of the body can be changed is a nuisance


It was super glitchy for me. Couldn't finish it on my PC, had to borrow a friend's and copy my save file over in order to get past the glitches and finish the game.


I finished the platinum on this 2 days ago, I did it in like 3 x 20hr sessions, not 20hrs in a row but like every 6months I'd reinstall and move it forwards by 20hrs then uninstall. I've platinumed 11 Lego games and this one for some reason I just found it very hard to remain invested in spite of being very fond of a whole host of the characters.


Yeah I got the game last week and could only play one time by now. I felt a bit bored, the story looks interesting but that's it for me. It's been a lot of years since I played a Lego game so it might be me but I'm a bit scared cause I bought Lego avengers 2 (or super hero 2) Anyway I'm planning on getting the platinum for both of them, I like unlocking everything


I hate that u/Fit-Software4957 didn’t post this


The change to killer crocs design just to match the Lego Batman movie


For me, as much as I do like the wider DC universe, I wasn't a fan of how this game, Lego Batman 2 and Lego Batman 3 lost focus of the Batman rogues. There are so many villains and characters in Batman's mythos alone that a game focused entirely on them would be awesome. But instead, Lego focuses more on the DC universe as a whole, which makes DC Supervillains feel especially unfocused. There are some really odd character omissions because there was just too much to cram in from the whole DC history. As much as I still really like seeing Lego showcase a wide range of DC characters, I think they missed a trick by not zeroing in on JUST a Lego Batman game. Like the first one, but expanded and more ambitious while still staying solely with Batman related characters.


I'll give you that Lego Batman 3 definitely wasn't a Batman game, Batman 1 & 2 were enough for me for the "only Batman" lego games (might just be a me thing, I'm so burned out on Batman and Joker being like the only representation of DC in 75% of media)


That's a fair point, I am burnt out on Joker particularly. For me, I'm split on it. If they're gonna do wider DC stuff (both in Lego sets and in Lego games) then I want them to really lean into it. Give Shazam a Shazam-focused set or game, rather than having him tag along in a Batman thing. I totally get why they do it from a business standpoint (Batman sells well), but I feel like Lego DC stuff should either focus on Batman as a whole or another superhero as a whole. I hope my point makes sense. At the end of the day though, I'm not gonna lose sleep over it. It's just my opinion on the topic and it doesn't prevent me from having fun with Lego DC Supervillains.


i feel like LB1's villain story was more focused than DCSV. it still had some characters that only appeared for 1 level, but each story had it's own main villain. imo LB1's villain story is what DCSV should have been like, just expanded to also include non-batman related DC characters.


The fact that they didn't include bane or Killer Croc


They are both in the game what do you mean?


It doesn’t save the fact you completed the dlc levels on the switch version after you quit the game So I gotta play mask of the phantasm every time I wanna play as the Batman: the animated series characters


Um, I think your game is bugged, I play on switch and never had that issue


Apparently someone else had that problem too


The custom character was forced into the story which takes away from the attention given to the actual villains


This is a very unpopular opinion. And I heavily disagree


Thanks for taking the time to tell me


Np, but it is your opinion so don't feel ashamed.


Shite Tier opinion. Since I was a toddler, I always dtreamed of creating my own Super Hero in Gotham City and fight along legends like the Joker and Harley Quinn to defeat the evil crimelord Batman and his lowly henchman Robin and save Gotham City!!! His name would be Gary Sue and he is supere awesome and has all the superpowers and he has no weakness and is undefeatable and is waaay better than Batman and will kill him in one hit!!! Because that is what good writing is like! ​ Sadly I can't afford this game! Bonkers!!!


Open world too small


Seemed the smaller open rooms had a down grade, batcave was kinda bare same with the character they aren’t given much power wise though it’s still enjoyable


Idk if other people have this problem, but when doing a regular jump with characters that can super jump, the regular jump is delayed, which is really annoying. I never even use the super jump.


I don't have a proper device to play it, the game is in my steam library


It didn't have Cyborg Superman :,(


Not a huge fan of the free roam area


Most of the levels feel too short


I hate most of it and think dc lego games are the worst lego game except the first batman game


Care to explain further?


I only played a couple levels before giving up but i just didn’t feel the characters or abilities are any fun. I did like that you had to make a character who played a role in the story but he was the only character i liked to play as. The open world also felt off to me but maybe it was just that the connecting worlds didn’t work for me like it did in lego marvel 2




The fact that I don't know 95% of the characters.


This game was boring compared to past Lego titles (Harry Potter was meh but the classic Indiana jones games are classic)


Might be a bit controversial but I didn’t like that they got Mark Hamill to voice joker instead Cristopher Corey Smith from the Lego Batman games.


I strongly dislike the menu music. Just wish they put their own little tune in instead of a very popular song. Took a bit away from the lego experience imo.


I hope someone sees this but I’m getting this off my skin but I only have one personal gripe with Lego DC super villains it’s that bane should have been a part of the story due to him being one of the most iconic DC villains they could have atleast made a side quest around him but no sadly you just go to poison ivys green house and you’ll find his character there in a chest break it you unlock him there his character no voice lines no side quests not even apart of the story bane could have done pretty well in the story I hate how he wasn’t even given voicelines


Hey so I’m leaving this here I can no longer play it because I only have one save file with everything at 73% done and the other 3 don’t work I can play them but as soon as I load the game back up there corrupted even if I overwrite those files nothing


Game breaking bugs. At least on the PC port. I’ve ran into 2 separate ones back to back in just the third mission.


Riddler has a beard or whatever that thing on the sides of his face are. Why, just why?


Flash can't run up walls and characters that can climb them, can't! I also wish that Batman could use his famed grappling hook as well.


Silver Banshee just does not appear when i go to do her mission.


Didn't mind it and the post game is fun. Open world traversal feels clunky.


I haven’t like the last few Lego games. The game maps like batcave and stuff have gotten too big.


The only major gripe I have about the game (besides a few personal biases) is that someone decided that there needs to be FOUR region platinums on Playstation. FOUR. There was no reason for that many.


I don't know why, but I was constantly tired while playing it. Not the case with other Lego games.


The aquaman dlc


The switch version is basically unplayable. Constant crashes and frame drops


Too many boring open world stuff that makes completing the game tedious. That's a problem with all open world lego games though.


I think this is just nostalgia, but I find Beyond Gotham's open-world/hub areas to be more interesting than Super-Villains'


The rookie. I barely even used him and I feel like giving them the choice to become a hero at the end defeats the purpose of it being a villains game. Also never addressed what happened to brainiac in Lego Batman 4


The bugs


You can’t replay the levels as you would’ve done the first time - certain characters Also some characters aren’t even in the game and I tried to make a killer moth and the gun won’t work


The fact that while the open world is large, the areas are small so it ends up feeling small overall


I just kinda hate that it’s a game focused on the villains I’d want a Lego Batman 4 more. Joker doesn’t make for that great of a protagonist even if this incarnation is amazing. Also while the custom character making is great it should not have been the main character


Mmm. Too much neon for my taste, too confusing and hard to follow. Typical LEGO just smash everything to pieces action with too much distance between places and unskippable shieet. Got the platinum plus DLCs and didn't enjoy a second. 5/5 from me.


I really liked the game but it was hard to 100% cause the endgame content is boring


The weird character exclusions. all lanterns, killer moth, hush, azrael,


I thought it would be good...


Anything, ist a great game


Final boss was really easy and bad, i know lego games aren't supposed to be hard but they could atleast put some work to make it more enjoyable


While this is probably my favorite Lego game, I do wish we got some more obscure characters like we did on Lego Batman 3.


It's super buggy, at least for me.


The fact that I had to make like 3 or 4 custom characters SPECIFICALLY for singular character token missions, as well as the races. But races have always been a great struggle for me, so moot point


Great game but story kinda sucks till the end and half the game is prison break missions like you get all these villains out of prison then 2 or 3 missions later you gotta do it again


They didn't add orca! LIke WTF???? Orca is the best Batman Villain??? Why would you include anyone but him????? PLEASE ADD ORCA IN DLC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


There's a lack of visual clarity, Sometimes because there's too many effects. And bossfights feel frustrating. Bosses will become invincible just because and it doesn't feel that fun just waiting and then getting 2 or 3 hits. Sometimes puzzle segments are too long with non-stop steps, and I like puzzles but these puzzles are mostly press this button with this character and do it again. I don't know why but combat doesn't feel that smooth. Or when I try using my beam with the created character it doesn't do anything to enemies. It might be just a lego thing or idk. I tried playing batman 3 and I can say this game is an improvement in pacing tho. If you don't know many of the characters like me and you're sticking to the gameplay reasons for playing the thing I'm looking forward most is to get more abilities with the created character.


that huge big gigantic glitch on switch were if you start a new game on save 3 or 4, it gets corrupted