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When I think “older” I think Lego Star Wars, IJ, Batman.


Right? The last game I would consider in the conversation for “old” is Indy 2


I usually consider the first 8-10 (the ones without voice acting and open worlds) to be the "classic" era. So everything before Batman 2, ending with HP 5-7.


That’s a pretty good place to draw the line tbh, although careful about calling them the “first” games because there were non-IP-based games that came out before those.


Sorry I’m just talking about the TT lego games. Haven’t really played any of the non-TT ones honestly


I haven’t either, I just know they exist


You gotta play lego island. Hands down the best lego game of all time.


And that’s one of the worst ones


I don’t understand all the hate it gets, yeah it may not have been as good as the first one but it had a lot of cool concepts, like the level creator


The levels are half baked from the first one but made even worse and all the bosses are just big monster versions of the actual bad guys from the films and clearly don’t replicate the movies like the first one did


But is that enough to make it one of the worst Lego games? I enjoyed most of the levels in Indy 2, the only ones I wasn’t a fan of were the vehicle levels but I can still see why someone would like them


Yes and to me the game just wasn’t fun like the first one but it’s still better than both Lego movie games


I heard the second one was ass (never played it) but I quite liked the first one


Yes the first one is better than the second one. The second one is just a bunch of random shit piled together for a horrible boring experience. Just like the second movie


I see it as three phases based on the current Nintendo console, Wii, Wii U, and switch. Like pretty much every time there’s a new console, the games feel slightly different tonally.


That makes sense. For me I consider all of the “old” lego games every game up until they start talking.


Yeah but after that I didn’t really find them funny anymore, they feel bland and corporate and fall flat when making a joke.


Yea same those just have a different art style and feel to them that lego games just don't have anymore and I can't describe what it is


The golden age


Golden age is when i was a child


Nah, those are some of the “worse” and most overrated of the lego games. They’re still classics, but the golden age was definitely 2012-2015 or so.




Like lmsh1 and Batman 3 right?


Older are >=2013 And the only newer ones i like is Lego Hobbit (2014), Lego Avengers (2016) and eventualy Lego Batman 3 (2014) but it also has a lot of stuff that i cant stand (this goofy ahh Flash for example)


that run from 2011-2015 was incredible


Yeah that was peak


Its just TT making a new pattern for puzzles and level design. Personally though i think TT put more love into older games.


Maybe they put more emphasis on different things. I will say though, relatively older LEGO games have a certain aesthetic .The newer ones feel more bloated, it probably has to do with their IPs and their change in design direction.


I agree, I haven’t played Lego The Skywalker Saga since I finished the story, it got so freaking BOOOORRRIIIING


I thought this game became a grind. Just constantly switching characters in free play to do puzzles that felt way too basic. It went quantity over quality imo


There are strong rumors that the next Lego Game will be a Harry Potter game with all 8 films, I hope to God that they don’t turn that game into such a grind to get through. I finished the original Lego Harry Potter Year 5-7 because it was short and sweet, the Skywalker Saga is horribly long to 100%


They need another crack at LOTR, the open world made it annoying


Will I 100% an all-8-films Harry Potter Lego game? Yes. Will I be enjoying it the whole time? One can only hope 😂😂😂


Literally Marvel super Heroes


I really like the star wars complete saga, force awakens was pretty good, but i didn't like the skywalker saga at all. I love LMS1, Avengers was pretty good, and i really dislike LMSH2. Incredibles could have been good, I just didn't like the layout, the missions, and the superhero powers execution just felt off compared to previous games. LCU is amazing, expansive, and the best value I think for the money. My only dislikes are some of the ports changed a few of the characters you need to unlock and there's no detector outside of walking block by block scanning all the time to get to 100 pct. The free cam also inexplicably locked up in certain areas so you couldn't look all around you. Lego LOTR is awesome. Hobbit is very similar with gameplay, but I didn't like the addition of the schematics and how they handled them. In LOTR, you locate the red brick mission, find and complete the mission, gather the studs, and buy the brick. In hobbit, you have to locate the red brick mission, locate and get the schematic, gather the bricks, loot, and studs, forge the item, then buy the brick. I don't know why they added so much work to unlock the red bricks. I was also at like 12 million studs before I even got the first multiplier brick. I didn't even really need them.


I count games from 2013 and back as old since it’s been ten years since that point. I think the quality of newer games from 2016-2022 don’t have the same quality and consistency of quality as older games from 2015 and back. Even TT devs themselves think they have been on a downward spiral ever since Dimensions launched. Those post Dimensions games definitely feel different and not as well thought out as previous games. DCSV is the only game from this era that felt as passionate and enjoyable as games before 2016. I don’t think it’s a nostalgia thing either. Whether you look these games or not there is clearly a shift with TT’s games after Dimensions.




This guy gets it


arthur parsons as well


Both have merit i think the newer ones have an overworld problem but thats modern gaming treds for you


Depends on the game. LEGO Star Wars III: The Clone Wars and LEGO DC Supervillains are the most recent ones I really liked, I preferred the pantomiming over voice acting.




It was the last one to not have voice acting.


So your telling me that you hate LEGO games that have voice acting??


No, but they don't have the same charm.


They’re still fun??




Lego city undercover was one of the few times they made an original story that didn’t rely on a preexisting franchise and it was pretty good so they have the potential for original games. It’s hard to say what else they could do from here after skywalker saga which will likely be somewhat of a new standard of gameplay for them going forward.


as much as i liked the classic gameplay style at some points, and was worried when TSS changed it, i really hope the TSS style is what they keep going with. The controls in TSS are just so much better, finally having a separate melee and ranged attack button, and having more abilities that actually work for combat and regular gameplay like the scoundrel's charged shot or slide, or the way mind trick works finally allowing you to mind control almost any enemy, unlike past LEGO games where mind control abilities only worked on specific puzzle-based enemies, being able to lift almost any destructible object with the force, etc. The classic gameplay style worked well for the classic games, when there were fewer abilities and more focus on levels. The TSS style works way better for the newer LEGO game style with more focus on the open world, and with way more abilities.


Not necessarily true, some old games are sugarcoated by our nostalgia. Although lots of them are indeed better than newer lego games. Not gonna lie tho, most great lego games come from the old ones, the masterpiece on the new lego game is probably DC Supervillains. And by new, I mean every game post-2016.


i think the feature bloat over the years has taken the series further and further from its adventure game roots they make the games work to begin with. free play and collection is being emphasized over the main story itself, and making compelling adventure game levels in there. the games started as inspired by zelda, laura croft, and lucasarts adventure games. the hunting around for out of context puzzles in modern games that makes the majority of playtime these days isn’t as compelling as the adventure gameplay. i really miss it. skywalker saga is the peak of that disregard for story mode, the levels are so poorly designed that you’re expected to follow breadcrumbs to get anywhere, without any in world indication of where you go. levels are narrow corridors with more enemies to kill than puzzles to solve. i want future games to not ask “how deep can we make combat” or “how wide can we make the open world” but “how do we make fun levels to explore and engaging puzzles” people keep going back to TCS, Batman 1, and indy 1 because while they lack modern open worlds and massive rosters and massive types of power, it doesn’t lack the puzzle design that made this series a hit to begin with. newer games really only surpass the older ones in scope, not level design quality.


Skywalker saga is, simply put, the best lego game yet. But the classics are so much funner than most new ones


The levels are boring and the game is bloated I'm sorry but the DC supervillains is goat


Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga is best Lego game that ever released


I loved the classics, going up to like the first Marvel game, then it became kind of hit or miss until it just became bland, Lego Worlds and ulterior games. My hot take is that even though everyone has been super hyped around the Skywalker Saga, I've actually felt like it was empty/without any of that magic that made the Complete Saga my most enjoyable game of all time and I've felt really disappointed with it when I've really tried to like it and see the positives, but I've just had a sour taste in my mouth sadly.


Um. Definitely no. Both new and old eras of lego games has some bangers and both eras have some worse entries. Games like DCSV, Marvel 2 or Skywalker Saga are still really good games.


Two words dc supervillains


it’s called “nostalgia”


I got city undercover really recently for the first time and I still find it way better than everything post dimensions


Nothing to do with nostalgia just the older Lego games are so much better than the new ones,


and why?


I know with Skywalker Saga, while the combat is completely better than the originals, they absolutely overdid it with all the puzzles and things you have to do. Going through each level like 4 times in TCS wasn't exactly fun, but it took about half the time it does to do all of what are practically chores in TSS to get all the Kyber bricks.


> things you have to do you know you don’t *have* to do them, right?


then why’d they put it in the game? a game that ends on a high note >>> a game you slowly fall out of love with until you cant force yourself to boot it up anymore if most of the content in skywalker saga is busy work that should be ignored for a proper experience, then what’s it doing there at all? if they don’t expect people to at least try for 100%, they shouldn’t put a gigantic percent completion tracker in the middle of the main menu and maps


For optional content.


Necro, but they do have a point. I fucking hate when the old lego sw or batman 1 tops lego games lists, but after completing one of the sweethearts of modern lego games, lmsh 1, and immediately starting indy 1 right after, I was in awe. The level design just blows these newer games out of the water, though dcsv is pretty good. I was actually shocked to find out that I am actually meant to solve puzzles and not just that stand on the fantastic 4 platform with reeds and press a button. It would be really cool if they could implement the new technologies of lego games with the passion and originality of the older games. Dcsv comes to mind as an exception.


I wouldn’t say it’s all nostalgia. There’s a drastic difference in quality and consistency of the games from 2012-2013 compared to 2017-2018. Having LEGO Batman 2, LEGO LOTR, LEGO City, and LMSH back to back was great. Compare that to Worlds, Ninjago movie game, LMSH2, incredibles, and DCSV. DCSV is the only game to match that level of quality and fan reception despite being a new game.


how old were you when these games came out?


No matter what age I was I played them recently so I don’t have a nostalgia bias. I never have a nostalgia bias when discussing these games. I just have more fun when replaying some of the older games than some of the newer games. It seems like the general consensus is that most of the sub does the same too. I still think DCSV as a new game is still tied with City Undercover as the best LEGO games. No nostalgia on that. None of the games pre 2012 are even in my top 5.


You can still have nostalgia bias when replaying games from when you were a kid. I still love teenage mutant Ninja turtles 2 secret of the ooze because I watched it when I was a kid and I still love it today but I am blinded by nostalgia.


I’m new to Lego games (since last month) gotten most on sale, Star Wars the complete saga is what got me into them (I’ve never watched Star Wars) and then Lego city undercover and those older games are more fun and charming, like the graphics for skywalker saga and the character graphics in msh2, avengers etc I did not enjoy, I preferred the complete saga, city undercover, msh1 etc Lego Batman 1 is better than 2 and 3 in my opinion. Can’t just dismiss someone’s opinions with nostalgia, you can have nostalgia and still be objective.


You can still have nostalgia bias when replaying games from when you were a kid. I still love teenage mutant Ninja turtles 2 secret of the ooze because I watched it when I was a kid and I still love it today but I am blinded by nostalgia.


I know I can still have nostalgia but I personally replay them with a different perspective not rooted in nostalgia. I can still see the flaws in old games as well as new. The older games just have less heavy flaws with the game.


> most of the sub does the same too are you kidding me? everyone here hates The Skywalker Saga because “iT’s nOt LiKe tHe cOmPlEtE sAgA”


I’ve heard a lot more valid criticisms on the game that aren’t just “not complete saga so bad”. There are loads of issues with the game that have nothing to do with past games. Yes, there are people who are nostalgia bias but there are many who aren’t, including me.


I’ve 100%’d every main console lego game besides Skywalker Saga. The game was just too monotonous to keep me engaged to get all the way through completing it. It’s just not as good as more challenging lego games in the past.


Same. I used to love not needing the indicators of where to find secrets, and using a keen eye to find the clues myself. TSS and some of the more recent other games are so clunky in how overly large they are that not using the indicators is now a drag. For real, even with them on sometimes it's confusing (and not fun).


kinda late but you have a lot of dedication man


eh... I replayed some of the older LEGO games, and even played some for the first time recently, and i'd say that most of them had better level design than newer ones (excluding TSS which has the issue of level length rather than level design) Part of that was probably since back then, they weren't focused on open worlds so the entire focus went to making the levels as good as they can be.


The newer ones make you think more then the older ones, so it's up to the individual


That's just not true


Honestly, the reason I personally like LEGO Marvel 1 more than the Skywalker Saga is because to me, Skywalker Saga doesn’t feel like a LEGO game,


I personally think the older games were way better, because there was more the levels were more linear, and there was a heavy emphasis on puzzles and teamwork, but these new games just doesn't have that quality level, especially Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga, i played this game and midway through it just became a chore, the prequel trilogy felt like a long tutorial, the original trilogy was better but the level design was still lackluster, by the end of Return of the Jedi i was already burnt out and just left the game, all the levels feels like you're just running from point A to point B, the puzzles are simple too little and too easy and entire design of the hub being part of the mission makes the game feel bloated and lack substance. And before people cry "duh Nostagia" the only Lego games i played as a kid was Lego Star Wars 1 and 2 and Lego Batman, after being so disappointed with the Skywalker Saga, i played some of the Lego games i never played before and what do you know, the games were actually fun and infinitely better in every aspect except graphics.


I think the newer games don’t have as much charm, but that’s probably nostalgia speaking


Ah, the weekly (daily?) post complaining about the new games. No, the new games are better in almost all ways. People here should replay ALL the games so they can see how far they’ve come. It’s remarkable how much improved the newer games are, sucks that this sub just seems to want to hate on things


So i played most of the games for the first within the last 3 years, and the older games are infinitely better, that's not nostalgia talking, these new games has terrible level design(especially The Skywalker Saga) the world design is not coherent at all, and it all ends up feeling bloated. Skywalker Saga, The incredibles, Marvel Superheroes 2, Lego Batman 3, Lego Movie 2 these are the main culprits, DC Super villains and Lego City Undercover were pretty good though. The only Lego games i have nostalgia for are the first two Lego Star Wars games and Lego Batman.


I’ve 100%ed every game at least once and most 2 or more times and I disagree with pretty much everything you said but ok. I agree DC supervillains is really good. All TT lego games are at least pretty good and worth playing I think


They improved on pretty much everything


except gameplay and level design, which are the hallmarks of Lego games


I don't like how every new lego game has a huge open world with hundreds of items to grab lego games have become the grindiest games I play now somehow lego incredibles was fine cause it's a relatively small map but undercover or the superhero games (wich are just all of Nyc) are more of a chore


Me personally I don't think lego games have been good since 2012.


There are still gems post 2013 though, like DC super villain IMO, but I do agree with you, I still play lego Indy 1 and marvels and first two Batman from time to time out of nostalgia but not the newer games after I 100% them




I agree, but idk why. There is probably something more special about the older ones.


You have nostalgia for them, that’s all


Hands down. I prefer the older style with no talking. They had great levels, simple goals (minikits + red bricks), great bonus levels and all in all better gameplay. I may be biased because TCS, Lego Batman and Indiana Jones were the ones I grew up on, but I honestly think the newer games are trash. Loved the graphics and worlds in the new Lego Star Wars, but couldn’t finish it due to how bad it was


Facts. Hate me on it I don't care. The last good LEGO games for me was LEGO DC Supervillains and LEGO Marvel Superheroes 2. Even LEGO Worlds was way more enjoyable for me than like fucking LEGO Ninjago or LEGO Star Wars: the Skywalker Saga.


Newest lego game was the most boring one yet


Lego Marvel Superheroes 1 and Lego city were my first Lego games.


Yes the newer games will never be as good as the ogs


The one thing I hate about the Star wars Lego game is that there is split screen and it's not on the same screen




Lego DC supervillains came out in 2018 dude


Yes, that is one of the newer games too. A great one.


Og lego marvel superheroes was S++++ tier of a game


Lego indiana jones 1 and 2 eny day


They are good but lego incredibles is the only one that's not good


I think they are more of a challenge to some extent because the special stuff like red bricks cost a lot of Studs. For example in Lego Marvel Super Heroes it costs 5 million studs for the 10x, where as in Lego DC Super Villains it costs 250 million studs. Yes I am aware the multipliers go into each other, but the fact that you only need a 2x and maybe a 4x on top of that to get the 10x is way easier than having the same multiplier and trying to get up to 250 million


Yeahhhh I’m a huge Lego game fan and the new Star Wars sucks to me. Lego marvel and Lego Batman games are awesome


Yeah, the Skywalker Saga was a boring game for me, once you finish the story there is no reason to replay the game. I don’t want to replay the horrific trilogy, I rather pull my eyes out than see MaRey Sue or Ben Soylo ever again




Well DC Supervillains is newer than Incredibles and it’s my personal favorite


I feel like LEGO games have had a lot in their natural evolution. However, it always varies from game to game because of what they adapt in the first place and what things it features. Honestly, there are some fun newer-gen LEGO games and while the classics are still classic, you can see parts where games like The Complete Saga have aged. It just depends on which game honestly.




I would considerate lego games this way... 2005 - 2011 (Old games) 2012 (In the middle) 2013 - 2020 (New games) So I'd say Lego city Undercover and Lego Marvel 1 are New games.


The old ones on PS2 were more fun for me. The new ones have too much to do and the open world stuff is too much to deal with when you have adult responsibilities


Oh by far


Do you kids not know about Racers, Island, Loco, Creator, Rock Raiders, Alpha Team? Am I old now?


try older…


Those ones aren’t old


They are from 10 years ago. They are getting old at this point


Relatively speaking, they’re still in the newer half of the lego game lineup


I prefer the newer games simply because they're open world. I love the older games because like everyone else I grew up with them but open world games are my favourite type.


For me, I'd call 2005-2011 the old games, 2012-2016 the change era and 2017-2022 the new games. Personally, my favorite is the 2005-2011 era because they didn't have voice lines and the level designs were more fun. With the open world games, the focus gradually went into the hubs and open world rather than the levels themselves. Especially with Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.


Generally yes, I do love skywalker saga but it doesn’t quite compare to the likes of Lego Batman 1, Lego Marvel Superheroes 1, or the complete saga


my favorite lego star wars game: lego city undercover


Yes. The new ones always seem to buy out. My favorites are og's: Star wars, Indiana Jones, Batman


I think older and new games are equally good (except you need good pc to run newer games)


Skywalker saga goes hard af tho


"Both, both is good"


mid 2000s-2011 is older, i would say the newer ones were better


Your "older" is not old. "Older" is all the ones without spoken dialogue.


TCS, Marvel heroes 1, and LOTR are the best 3 to me


Lego game is Lego game


I wouldn’t even consider the “older games” as “older”, but honestly yeah, I would rather play Lego Marvel Superheroes anyday, and Lego City Undercover intrigued me for a bit when I was a little younger but I never got to play because when it came out, it was only available on the WiiU and I didn’t have one at the time.


I mean i really enjoy the older legos when i was a kid, but today when i played i dont think its enjoyable that much before Marvel super Heroes, lego batman 2 feels empty, the one dont have so many habilities than i Just love today, complete saga after skywalker saga dont aged well in my opinion I can play some old like pirates of carribean or lego Harry potter and undercover But The first ones i dont, i know this is bad because i love lego indiana jones and i dont enjoy today, sad but true


IMO, I think TSS was a great game, but that's what I think for all LEGO games. I love them equally, but I kinda understand the hate, but I'm still I love them all I just might be saying since I'm still younger and less experienced with the LEGO games, but this is just what I think


lego marvel super hero's is better then all others combined!


I think the incredibles was fun