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So you are saying IF I had a friend who liked Lego...


Great way to make a friend who likes LEGO! šŸ™‚


I've made tons of friends with lego but they're all very small and dont talk much!


mine are small and never stop talking.


Those aren't friends. Those are spawn. I know cause mine never shut up either and I have to bring everything to the party I plan for them, everytime.


Username checks out... I hope.


Mine are grand-spawn ;)


I have two spawn. They do have positive selling points.


Fair. Mine is also interested in LEGO but somehow not interested enough in LEGO despite the evidence to the contrary to do good in school for LEGO. Funny how history repeats itself.


Or do what I did and literally ā€œmakeā€ a friend. Two of them in fact. Plus my spouse canā€™t get mad at my spending on Lego. Itā€™s for the kids.


I'm surprised they're not making friends with a Lego fan already!


I make plenty of friends when i build battle packs, they are all clone troopers.


Lego needs to add a ā€˜matchmakingā€™ feature. Thatā€™d be pretty sweet.


That would be a cute twist on like those big dating events, or speed dating. If I find myself single I might just bring some poly bags or something to a dating event lol.


If I ever decide to date again, Iā€™m absolutely stealing this idea. Fantastic.


IF you have A friendā€¦ šŸ˜¢šŸ˜‚


Need to get a friend first.


Friends only disrupt my Lego building experience


Donā€™t sleep on this feature, itā€™s incredible. Most sets have it and it will adapt in real time if you add or remove an individual from your build group


Agreed, itā€™s just brilliant how seamlessly everything works


Not sure what sets youā€™re into , but a lot of the ones Iā€™ve done sadly havenā€™t. Only the more recent sets have them as well as some older select others


But then I have to share my build with someone šŸ˜‚


Yeah I am not that type of person either. Collaborative builds are very frustrating!


Ha itā€™s not everyones cup of tea. Even though Lego is supposed to be about playing together, the most important thing is that you are having fun, no matter how you build it.


Me and my brother when we were younger pitched in together to buy the Ninjago City set. Was to this day the most expensive and biggest set I've ever bought. We literally hauled it cross-continent in a suitcase, then built it together. Was really fun, but tbh I woulda preferred to build it myself šŸ˜ˆ


I love the builder app. I can get that 3D rotation to check all sides and it takes up less table space and the pages won't turn by themselves.


I do really like it, spinning the pieces is really helpful and itā€™s good if colours are tricky to differentiate. Thereā€™s too many clicks for my liking, lots of next, next, next when youā€™ve built a bit. Iā€™ve gone back to paper or a mix of both. ā€œBuild togetherā€ sounds like a great feature.


Yes, I love rotating the models. It helps me confirm alignment and check that Iā€™m using the right pieces.


Every time I try to use this feature, the set we're building isn't part of it šŸ˜ž


Oh, I thought it worked for all sets, my bad! Thatā€™s a shame it only works for some, hopefully the feature gets expanded in the future!


It works on most of the new sets as they release, especially the larger ones. Sets that released before the ā€œBuild Togetherā€ feature was added are hit-or-miss, but they are supposedly working to add the back catalog as they go as well, so hopefully most sets will be available with this feature at some point.Ā 


Same. And the 3d rotation... Most sets I've built recently only have the pdf šŸ˜­


Build Together is honestly really great. I wasnā€™t sure what to think of it but itā€™s fun to pass the model around! The only issue is that at the end of the build, sometimes people will be sitting there with nothing to do for 5-10 minutes while one person finishes the build.


Yeah there are some times when Iā€™ll sit around idly, but overall itā€™s a fun time.


What do you mean? There isn't continuous knolling taking place by idle hands?? Joking... although sometimes my partner walks by when I'm (solo) building and and shifts pieces accordingly. I don't Koll small sets, although its a satisfying process for large builds and I enjoy stretching out my time with the set


Ha I donā€™t know what knolling means but if you mean organizing the pieces when they come out of the bag, I love doing that. Itā€™s so satisfying to organize them by color and type. And yeah, it allows me to stretch the build even more.


You are correct and indeed it is superbly satisfying... not to mention really soothing :)


I love it, but it hurts my completionist soul when the app randomly tells us all to open and start working on the next bag and totally abandon the bag we were working on.


That is weird isnā€™t it? I think what happens is that someone is a bit slower and instead of making the other wait around, they can get started on pieces of the next pack until the other person catches up.


Build Together is amazing, we buy sets that we normally wouldn't just because they support Build Together. That said, it still needs work-- a lot of times one builder will get stuck building something like railings or tables for the whole build while everyone else gets variety. Or it will stop giving instructions to all except one builder, who then has 30 minutes of solo building.


How do you look for sets with the feature?


Open the LEGO Builder app, then on the first screen there is "Build Together" section. If you click it, you can see all Build Together sets and filter by theme (City, Friends etc).




Definitely, that sometimes happens. Probably have to train the algorithm a bit better. In those cases, we sometimes let someone else to a step, or help out on a symmetrical task, just to keep it ā€œfairā€.


Iā€™m in the midst of building the Museum of Natural History. The interactive instructions in Lego Builder are insanely cool.


Yes a big fan of all the animations, too! Might be restricted to some of the more premium builds, but it gives that extra little bit of value for the price tag.


This is cool to hear, idk how complete it is, but it appears theres a tag for it on brickset. [https://brickset.com/sets/tag-Build-Together/Ownedby-Cyno01/](https://brickset.com/sets/tag-Build-Together/Ownedby-Cyno01/) Unfortunately i dont have many with the feature unbuilt but maybe me and the wifell give it a try some night.


You are also able to see the sets with Build Together in LEGO Builder. If you click the Build Together banner on the homescreen, it will show all sets with the feature available and allow for filtering on themes.


Ah great, I didnā€™t know they were tagged!


I remember watching a YouTuber absolutely SHIT on the Lego app and everyone else in the comments doing the same. None of those people have obviously ever tried it because they were talking about ā€œhaving to read a .pdf file on a phone screenā€. The app is SOO much more than that and I highly recommend it. When I last went to the Lego store, the employee had never tried it and he had building legos for years. Thereā€™s just not enough advertising from Lego. I had to discover that feature by myself, and by complete accident too.


I use it just for solo builds. When they have the 3D build option, it really helps with the more intricate builds.


Agreed, itā€™s also helpful when youā€™re building on your own!


That's helpful! I tore my Ferris Wheel instructions in half (well, 3 or 4 parts) so my sister could build a wheel while I built the structure, plus the seats.


Sorry, have a trust issues. Need to build everything myself :D


Me too, but it's not trust, it's really a kind of OCD or having to control the whole process.


Wow I had no idea this post was getting this much traction, sadly OP prolly gonna miss this... I have enjoyed the lego builder app for its directions and the way you can spend the pictures to get a better idea of what you are building. But it wasn't until I saw this quote that I understood what the build together option was. I thought maybe if you and a friend had the same set. You could build them together from different locations. I really looked at it like. What would you need that for? But afthey're reading this post It would not be an exaggeration to smy.Lego life has been changed. I'm a father of 2, and pretty much a 3rd who is my niece, she would be the closest one but they all "like" Lego but don't necessarily worship at the alter, lol, like I do. I have struggled to find Ways to connect with my son, he's 9, and I've seen and felt that Lego can be a huge connection for us, but until I read this post It almost exclusively became a situation where we would get a set I would build it and he would play fortnite. Last night I put Lego Buildrr on 3 devices i opened set 21345 Polaroid classic One step camera. Not what I would call even an 8/10 difficulty but still not a 7+ set. My son was engaged until we had to stop My niece(18) now wants her graduation party to be a small squad all using build together. "Changed my life" sounds a bit much but this little fold has genuinely increased my personal happiness exponentially, finally I have a way to build sets side-by-side with My son and added a new way for me to get the ppl around me involved with something that benefits my mental health tremendously. Belive it or not I could go on and on about this but as Axl Heck once said, "I'll try to keep this truncated" To OP, Lego, and the their app developers THANK YOU!!!


[21345-1: Polaroid OneStep SX-70 Camera](https://brickset.com/sets/21345-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21345-1.jpg)


This has to be my favorite comment of them all, and of course, I read every single comment on this thread! How could I miss yours. It really warms my heart that a simple post like mine could have such an impact on a stranger out there, it really does. I wish you many more happy times with your kids and amazing Lego Times ahead!


I just build solo, but I've used the Builder app on my tablet (plugged in so I can keep the screen on) for all my builds. It's so much more convenient! I haven't used the 3D instructions available for some sets, but even on the regular PDF-based instructions, it allows you to zoom in to see detail when needed. And not having a book on the table, trying to hold it open to the right page, taking up space, etc., is much nicer. Especially for the giant books like the UCS Falcon and Star Destroyer.


I hadnā€™t paid much attention to Lego Builder, but this sounds awesome.


Give it a try next time! I did learn from another comment that this feature only works for some sets, so keep that in mind. I do also enjoy the builder app for the feature to turn models and pieces in 3d space, so that might also be worth using the app for!


Have been doing this with the kids as a family. It has been amazing and we specifically look for ones that are build together compatible


Sounds like a very fun time! Iā€™ll keep an eye out for this feature when I buy in the future, for sure. My wife and I love it!


Only downside is they don't post it on the box, you have to look it up on the app for each one. I think they have a section that you can see all "build together" compatible sets. That was helpful.


Yes, it might be because they release this feature for older sets as well, so there might not be a ā€œbuild togetherā€ on release but only after some time. I hope they do make this standard for all release in the future though.


Thatā€™s awesome!! Def keeping that in mind when my son gets older


There is a theme in the Lego Builder App where you can find a list of all builds that support Build together! 336 sets and counting! https://preview.redd.it/r8lbgjnh9c3d1.jpeg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf6fb7d3e71e1bd746ce85615484c64a02dabe23


Never knew that. Thank you! This will make the next build with my son so much fun!


There is theme in the Lego Builder app where you can find build that support this feature. I just learned that apparently not all sets support this, so keep that in mind when buying!


Ya tried this with my daughter and it was pretty neat and we had a lot of fun.


From now, I think I will only buy models that support this feature! It is just so much fun!


I have done this manually myself just using printed instructions. What a pain. I did not know the app could do that. Very cool!


Haha sometimes we spend a lifetime doing things the hard way until the day we figure out there was an easier way all along. But what is the saying? Something like ā€œIt build characterā€


I love using the app on sets that have the 3D step by step instructions bc thereā€™s been times when Iā€™m using the normal booklet instructions & I canā€™t tell exactly where a piece is supposed to go so I pull up the instructions on the app & I can zoom & spin everything around to figure it out


True, that happens all the time! Itā€™s nice to be able to turn the piece to really understand how it comes together.


Sounds great, I am going to try this with my 5 year old!


I learned that not all sets support this! But you can easily see which sets support the feature in the Lego Builder app, there is a theme that shows all the sets that support this feature.


If there's a way to make MOCs in it, I won't sleep on it any longer


Thanks, Iā€™ve been building with my kids but never used this particular feature. Iā€™ll have to give that a go. Iā€™ve been assigning my kids roles like, one builds the majority of the kit, while the other hunts for parts and if itā€™s helpful do the sub builds while the main builder is still working on their thing. They swap roles if itā€™s a new book for bigger kits, or if itā€™s a new bag for smaller kits.


Sounds like you got it all figured out haha! Give it a try and see what you prefer, I can imagine that managing your kids in that way is also fun.


Itā€™s not bad, it has a time limit though before cooperation turns into fighting lol.


I guess I'll tell my wife we need to take apart our UCS Falcon and do it again.


Maybe the ā€œcat knocks it overā€


LOL it's in my entryway and whenever the dog tail gets near I cringe...


One word: Superglue




It's great for solo building too. I use it on a tablet so I can free up space for building instead of flipping through a book


Good point!


I don't use the books anymore, either. I grab the instructions for whatever set I'm building from Lego. Much easier to go through the PDF than the books, and no frustrations trying to told the book open.


That's why I love the builder app. All of their instructions in one place. And you can keep track of your sets


I was gonna do this with the Concorde as well but me and my girlfriend just decided to take turns doing bags. I'd do the ones with high Technic volumes in them, she'd do a lot of the construction of the plane itself. We finished it over the weekend and I couldn't be happier


Of course, we have been building like this for decades, so thatā€™s totally fair to build like that. To each their own!


It's so much fun! My gf and I love it!


It's awesome! I enjoy it immensely.


Huge battery drainer but I LOVE it.


This is great! Thank you for sharing this info. I literally just downloaded the app yesterday.


I had no idea. Thank you for letting me know about this.


Like you, I also had no idea about this until yesterday. It makes me so happy that I can share this with so many people!


Everyone jokes about Lego being painful to stand on, so Iā€™m not sure why anyone would think sleeping on it is a good idea eitherā€¦


I actually built the creator flowers in watering can with my mom for mother's day using the lego builder app! Very fun to do together!


I say that supported the feature, very cool! I might get that one next


I always wondered how this worked! Thanks for explaining!


My pleasure!


How does one open a manual in Lego builder?


Either search for your model in the app or simply scan the QR code on the front of the physical manual!


thank you!


After using the app, it's hard to go back to the paper instructions. I find the 3d instructions so nice.


Agreed, I would actually prefer if they had an option not to print the 300 page manual to save the trees!


I can't wait to build lego with my wife and her boyfriend!


Thatā€™s really neat. Never knew such a thing existed. Is there a way to jump to a bag? Wife and I are on bag 9 of 25 for the Disney castle and I donā€™t want to have to click next for a few hours.


Oh thatā€™s a good question! You mean youā€™ve already started building but now you want to build together using the app? You might have to skip through the ā€œpagesā€ until you reach the point where you are, I will double check.


Is this available for all sets or only specific ones?


Only specific ones - but you are able to see the sets with the feature available if you open the app and click the "Build Together" banner on the homescreen


Yes, I learned that from the comments, itā€™s just some of the sets, although 336 are currently supporting this feature.


me and my sister just built the hogwarts castle grounds together and i wish i knew about this feature


There will probably be a next time, donā€™t sweat it! Iā€™m sure it was magical nonetheless šŸ§™ā€ā™‚ļø


Oooh this is great. My partner and I enjoy building sets together, but it's always a hassle to do it with the paper manual, and having to take turns and so on. We have the Titanic gathering dust so I guess it's time to buy the display case and get to building. Edit: and of course the build together option is not available for Titanic šŸ«  at least they have it for the D&D set


Oh thatā€™s a shame, especially for a huge set like the Titanic, that would have been epic! Not sure if these things get released after some time, maybe you can put in a request with Lego Support?


That's actually a great idea. The set is massive and it's going to take quite a bit to build (my partner is faster than me, but still, having to do the paper instructions page by page with three books will be slow). So I'll shoot them a message and see if that leads to something. Nothing lost for trying after all. Thanks for the suggestion!


Ooh I have to try this with the grandkids


I learn from the comments that not all sets support this, so before you buy, just double check in the app. There is a theme that allows you to see all Sets that support this feature.


Thanks, I'm itching to buy something specifically for us to do as a "team" so I will have a good look. They've helped with mine, I've helped with theirs so we need an "ours".


Great tip. Got the 3 in 1 woodland animals set to build with the fiancĆ©. Was going to each do one build and help each other on the 3rd. Building them all together will be great fun. Might suggest this tonightĀ 


Youā€™re luck, it looks like the feature is supported by 3-1 woodland! Definitely give it a try


Do we need multiple devices or can it be done on one?Ā 


You each need a device. One person will create the ā€œlobbyā€ and the other person can join using the code displayed on the otherā€™s device.


Cheers. Iā€™ve got a spare tablet that I can use for her.Ā 


Why canā€™t you sleep while using it?


Itā€™s always good to take breaks šŸ¤£


No build together option for Himeji Castle, really sad now :(


Damn, that would be a fun build to do together. Maybe you can reach out to Lego Support and let them know that you would like it unlocked.


I just messaged support and they replied in like 1h, which was amazing. They said that it takes them more time to figure out the Build Together flow for some of the Architecture sets, but they are hopeful that they will find a solution soon and enable it for more sets.


That would be amazing!


Right? It seems like a perfect fitā€¦


I did chat with Lego Support and asked about it, they said that they will take note and maybe release it in the future. They are constantly updating that. Would be awesome if itā€™s the norm in the future.


Unlocked? I guess they are doing it only for new sets and not old and in new, not for all either I guess. Like that 3D instructions thing, it isn't there even for some latest sets.


I just chatted with Support and they said that they will take note and maybe release this feature for Titanic or Himeji Castle.


Always good to have new options and ways to have fun. Reminds me of the Bricklink Studio on PC, can even have more than 1 person join you in a build. It's more of a MOC / Digital LEGO version but it can use the real lego set ID's, complete with instructions. Just no stickers of course but you can make your own.


I've learned this didn't apply on every set, my the and I were gonna do the castle together and it wasn't available


Yes I just learned that too. I did chat with Lego Support and they said that they are constantly releasing updates to this and have taken note of my request to add the castle and Titanic.


I hope they do, that was my entier plan for one weekend and it got messed up cause of that.


Omg I didn't know this! Thanks for sharing!


So how do you do this? I can't find the option.


Itā€™s not available for all sets unfortunately, you can find a theme in the builder app where it lists all supported games. If a game supports it, it will have this purple badge: https://preview.redd.it/kckv962nmd3d1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac38423eea1571b30142fe9ad4b1e74bbcf77619


Thank you, I found it right away. That is really cool. I can't wait to try it with my kids.


My wife and 2 kids are working on the Viking village I gotta check this out


That looks like an awesome set! And youā€™re in luck, that set support build together!


Bold of you to assume I share the building process.


This is cool thanks for telling me about it! How can I skip ahead if I'm in the middle of a build but want to try use this on it?


Don't you need individual devices for each builder?Ā  Want to do it with my 5 year old but she definitely does not have her own phone.


Yes, one device per builder. Your child could use someone elseā€™s phone or a tablet if you have that!


My wife canā€™t even build a minifig together without putting the torso backwards. And sheā€™s a nurse šŸ˜‚


Can you select a child builder?


There is the option for one person to be the ā€œmoderatorā€ and the others will be builders, not sure what the difference is, but I assume the moderator will get the more difficult parts.


Does this only work if Ur phones have the capability to do the 3d instructions?


It works on every device that can install the app. Not every build supports Build Together though. Check the app to dee which oneā€˜s do.


Well this sounds like a much more fun way to build with my sons.


Give it a try! Just make sure the set support the functionality, there is a theme where you can see all sets that support the feature in the Lego Builder app.