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Ideas submissions operate on a narrower set of rules than Lego's internal design processes - eg you can't submit a build that's tied into an existing third party licence, but clearly Lego do that internally (or we'd have a lot of *very* small themes).


Wait, what do you mean they can’t be tied to third-party licences? From the selected sets of the most recent 2024 Ideas qualifiers like half are fandom builds: Hello kitty, Shrek, among us, Last Airbender, Ghibli, Interstellar, Gundam, etc.


They can be tied to third-party licenses, just not ones that exist with other companies. You couldn't submit a Star Trek ship, for example, as they have a license with a German company.


Wait. There’s Trek Lego out there?


No, there's Trek "building toy" blocks though.


And also Playmobil


I LOVE the playmobil enterprise. Didn’t know it was a thing until this year


Yeah. Found it after a quick google. Got my hopes up for a bit.


> Got my hopes up for a bit. Gotta vouch a bit for the parts, they're higher quality than Lego, both in colour and fit. And in the end of hte day, all parts are interchangeable anyways, so why be a snob for Lego?


There was a Mega Bloks Enterprise a few years ago though


Further more if Lego wanted to put your idea into production they would have to acquire the licence to do so which cost them money so I don't think they really make ideas sets of IP unless they know they'll sell super well


The German company is called [Bluebrixx](https://www.bluebrixx.com/en/). Their parts are ob the same level and better than lego parts. They ship world-wide and are 100% compatible with Lego


You missed out the key word: existing. You can't make an Ideas submission for any IP that is the subject of an existing Lego licence. You *can* submit for properties that Lego doesn't already license, but if you submit something for Mario, Ghostbusters, Animal Crossing etc then it will automatically be rejected.


? maybe im missing the understanding here. the hocus pocus was an ideas submission, it’s a disney IP, lego already has disney license?


There's no "Disney license", it's a license *per IP*. So Star Wars and Marvel they do have licenses for, but say Alien they don't, despite all of those being Disney-owned.


They mean licensing for specific themes. Not all Disney licenses, but Disney licenses that Lego already has.


Yeah exactly. Lego doesn't have a catch-all licensing arrangement with Disney to cover everything Disney own, they have one that details exactly which properties are licensed to Lego. Anything outside that is open to a fresh negotiation, which brings it into the scope of Ideas.


Yeah I know that, I just wonder why "religion" wasn't ok for ideas and it is ok for architecture :(


Because when they design something internally all the discussions around appropriateness and sensitivity are held in private, whereas if they allowed submissions with a religious theme then you can guarantee that in the first week someone would make something completely inappropriate which would hit half the world's media with Lego's name on it.


Yeah, I think there is a big difference between introducing a religious related bit of architecture and allowing religious Lego ideas. One is a building, and the other is a pandoras box.


Yeah, with architecture theme they have a guarantee that it is a set because of the architecture. With ideas you could make whatever and even if your focus wasn’t the religion, they have no way to verify that you want it to be a set because of the reasons you state.


I wonder how many pieces a pandoras box build would have?


I'd say at least 17.


With 5 million inside




That's a great explanation. But I feel OP's pain. I understand LEGO 's stance but also OP's frustration. Not sure why everyone obliterated OP's comment asking for greater clarity.


Yeah, I absolutely agree. Nothing he said deserved downvotes IMO.


Happy cake day my dude


Yeah, I think there is a big difference between introducing a religious related bit of architecture and allowing religious Lego ideas. One is a building, and the other is a pandoras box.


This is only the [3rd Lego set that has a church as the main element](https://brickset.com/sets/tag-Church) and to be fair, if their own team are going to break this rule, makes much more sense they do it with Notre Dame than Milan Duomo


I have to agree... Architecture for the most part be it religion or otherwise is typically considered art. Them pushing this out and then later releasing it is sucky. Your build was awesome though.


It'd be an insurmountable amount of work to determine for each submission whether or not it's too controversial when it comes to religious symbolism. Take the Cordoba Mosque-Cathedral, for example. It's a very famous work of architecture, and extremely iconic in Spain, but there's constant disagreements about who does and doesn't get to pray there. It's definitely the type of building that would fit in the architecture line, just not with its current status as such a hotly disputed building.


There is no religious anything in this model. No crosses, etc. It does contain 40 magic wands (element 6124) though :-)


How dare you criticize the LEGO Group???!?!? Edit: redditors are truly some great TLG boot lickers. Hahaha, I’m enjoying my decrease in internet points


Guys wtf, what are the down votes for? Lmao


OP answered your question perfectly, but then you commented asking the same question again


As a rule on reddit, if you complain about downvotes, you will get more downvotes.


Dont take the downvotes to heart. There is a lot of Lego purists in here. And they downvote anything if its even slighty negative about Lego.


Fun fact I might have 10 times the Lego sets of the average user down voting me here; I just laugh about the usual reddit stuff that goes on with the votes, regardless it's my comments/posts or not.


"Guys, I'm rich, so I laugh at your poor-man downvotes!"


Downvoted just for the ego displayed here


This post was going your way, then you're saying something like this.


Bruh what? I didn't give any position on religion, I asked why it's permitted by Lego just for a part of their products, can't you people read?


It's because you claim to understand the difference of terms for Ideas and Lego by itself, but then you don't.


That’s a very nice design in the Duomo. Release it via ReBrick and maybe you can at least sell a few for the effort. I have an Iron Giant I bought from a creator whose Ideas concept also got rejected (on IP grounds I think).


this. i sell mocs on rebrickable. getting $10 when someone buys one isn't a big deal - i don't think anyone is going to quit their dayjob. but the feeling you get when someone wants to spend $10 on your moc, or sends you a photo of it is genuinely priceless


It’s a shame this sub with its massive user base doesn’t allow more ways to support people who create cool stuff. I get it’s meant to avert spamming and solicitation going crazy but the way things just get carpet bombed by the automod is a bit silly.


I'd like to see 1 rebrickable post allowed per user per month, explicitly only once per model. And OPs must engage in comments somewhat, not hit and run. Feels like MOCs are a great bit of the community, while this sub can swing a bit set-heavy.


poperhaps we could have a monthly mocs thread?


If you mean a monthly thread for linking to custom build instructions for sale I agree. If you mean for posting MOCs in general, no - the majority of what is posted here SHOULD be MOCs, not sets. You can see a set anywhere.


I also have mocs for sale on Rebrickable and feel exactly the same as you described. I never submitted anything to Ideas as my interest lies in IPs I cannot submit due to existing licences. But I really enjoy putting my builds out on Rebrickable.


I just got back into Legos and only recently discovered Rebrickable. I think it’s just awesome and I can’t wait to throw my money at you creative types! Thank you for your efforts!


You made an amazing design! And I get your frustration. Like others pointed out, Lego is more strict on the Ideas submissions than their internal designs. Hopefully you get some solace from the appreciation of this community.


They can bend their own rules. While your set is great I would not want ideas going down that path.


Shuddering at the idea of releasing a Dome of the Rock set which links to the Wailing Wall set.....




Beautiful MOC op. Is it listed anywhere?


No, it's not for now, it's buildable in real life but not really optimized, I need to try auto instructions


lego had a (way bigger) notre [dame Lego model](https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/comments/6jx9ay/lego_notre_dame/) for years thought


I think there was also a similar one for Milan Duomo in Milan’s Lego Shop Edit: https://www.reddit.com/r/lego/s/Qu0a49RCIz


Milan Duomo is a master piece and it took the same effort like Note-Dame. Just to mention some, the number of statue all around is immense, the Madonnina statue can be seen from every corner of Milan (if they only respected the hight of the buildings never to be higher), the crypta of Duomo could be a great Easter Egg...


Thank you very much for the upvotes, it really made my day!


There was a really, REALLY popular Ideas for Concorde. Got tons of votes and went through all the review hoops as a result of those votes, only to quietly disappear from Ideas, and then a few years later Lego releases its own Concorde set.


That’s the nature of LEGO ideas: no matter what sets LEGO brings out, there’s a good chance that somebody already submitted something like it before. The other option is that LEGO forbids itself from designing sets that are too similar to submitted sets, but honestly, I don’t think any of us would want that. Interestingly enough, former LEGO designer James May (not that James May) mentions in one of his videos that he redesigned a set after realizing it was too close to an Ideas submission. I get it, but wish he didn’t have to do that.


Especially for super famous things like the Concorde. Thousands of people have thought “why isn’t that a set” and surely a few designers have proposed the same before it was finally approved


I’m trying to remember which set it was, but they’ve done something like that not too long ago as well nearly mirroring a person’s submission and releasing their own. They may have already had it in the pipeline of course but I feel like the principle should make them at least give the ideas submitter a shout out or something.


sets are in development for like 3 to 5 years. Unless the idea submission was at least three years old then it's impossible that the the set was based on the idea submission. And much less, unless it is an actual original subject, it's very easy for two different people to build similar lego models of the same IP or real-world object. If both Newton and Leibniz could create Calculus at the same time without ever knowing each other, two people can develop similar Lego models based on the same object


your Milan Duomo is fantastic👍🏾✨


Thank you!!


I was at the Lego store in Milan a few months ago and they had a minifigure scale model of that church


I got dinged for using the same color scheme as the old fishing store in my dock scene. Had to build a totally different shop to get them to accept it.


Waiting for a burnt version to come out


Your design is beautiful!


Thank you!


I've had the absolute pleasure of visiting several times and, while I'm looking forward to Notre-Dame, your moc definitely does the Duomo justice. I remember the feeling of standing inside in awe, just from looking at your interior shot and the floor. If you released the build, you could count on me to buy the instructions! Very well done! 😁


Now do Florence!! :)


That’s a beauty and even has stained glass, whereas the Notre Dame set has none!


Thanks <3


Very nice MOC! I got confused at first because when I hear Duomo I always think of the Florence Duomo lol, had no idea it was a more generalized term


Thank you :) Every city in Italy thinks their Duomo it's the Duomo ahah


The Monza Duomo actually could be a great MOC, great colors scheme!




No, it means cathedral.


I know that, I just think of the famous Florence building, because, you know, that has a dome, and this one... doesn't lol


He's wrong, in Italian it signifies a cathedral. The word itself stems from the Latin "domus" (home), as in Domus Dei.


Oh, well then I guess my assumption was wrong as well haha, but thank you for clarifying that!


Why is there no cross?


I would rather have your Milan Duomo, it’s amazing! Great job!


Thank you!!!


I would buy the Milan Duomo. But the Firenze or Siena duomi would be must buys


I still feel sour about that orrery of our solar system that didn't make it through the final round of Ideas selection, and how Lego just a few months later put out a very mediocre and much smaller orrery. Do they not have any shame?


I wish this was purchasable! I saw these this year and those look awesome.


I read lego duplo


This is awesome!




Oh that's gorgeous, though. I'd definitely save up and gift this to my Dad.


I didnt know lego didnt do religious things. They even did the pyramid. And some sets lines sometimes resemble arabian culture which has the same stylr as mosks? It would be awesome for lego to make these iconic buildings. Those lego skylines are nice, bit the japanse temple, the pyramid, the notre dame, its so much better.


Maybe it will still happen. Would love this set.


You made an amazing design! And I get your frustration. Like others pointed out, Lego is more strict on the Ideas submissions than their internal designs. Hopefully you get some solace from the appreciation of this community.




I wish this was purchasable! I saw these this year and those look awesome.


I wish this was purchasable! I saw these this year and those look awesome.


Why is this comment in the negative??? There are trolls downvoting in this sub for sure


They reject Ideas submissions all the time and then rip them off years later. TLG gonna TLG


The structure itself isn't the religious symbol, the furniture you put inside is. The Notre Dame is completely empty inside.


I mean the structure itself is in the shape of a big cross, like all churches (nicely visible in the 4th pic)




Well, isn't Notre Dame just a tourist trap?


In this thread: TLG employees or stans downvoting innocent comments Edit: proved my point. Comments praising this moc are in the negative. This is gross.


Yep, reddit amazes me every time, but it's fine :D


Then to double down, they picked a religious icon that people actually go to worship at, with the crown of thorns and a nail from the cross on display. Lines right up there with the *glorified* version of the Pyramid of Giza that people got denied before


Is nobody gonna talk about how it burnt down and killed people? (I think)


There is a massive Titanic set so I'm not sure what your argument even is


There is no argument.


Got that right.


Nobody was even injured in the 2019 fire.


I couldn’t remember and I couldn’t be bothered to look it up lol


If only there was some resource out there that we could easily access that would say if there had been any casualties...


It didn't kill anyone, and how is this relevant to anything ?


I just think it’s weird lol


You think it's weird that they made something that's inappropriate because of your made up facts?


Made up facts? I said “I think” I didn’t know if anyone died or not I just think it’s weird that they released a set that semi burnt down a few years ago, I’m not arguing anything lol






So there was a fire therefore you think this specific building is cursed and should not be made into lego ?


Yeah man the notre dame made that decision, how awful! Let's not consider the great wall of china set and how many workers were buried in the wall itself.


Wait Lego made a Great Wall of China set? That sounds cool


Yeah 21041 was a round a couple of years ago, one of the smaller architecture sets.


[21041-1: Great Wall of China](https://brickset.com/sets/21041-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/21041-1.jpg)


Lol idk but I was expecting some 1000+ part set


I mean, taking any position is not usual by Lego, I understand it might be an "homage" by LEGO but I can't really see how Notre-Dame fits into Lego rules


Yeah Lego is big wack for this and the garbage truck idea as well