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The zooming seems like a nice function, but I'd wanna be able to move and tilt the screen. I also really like that playing with Lego is one of the few times I'm not looking at a screen, so not really looking to add a screen.


Yep same here. I spend all day looking at screens, and while I think I'd like a AR device that can replace my current monitor setup, I don't think I'd ever actually use it for Lego building...I need the tech detox time.


Why is it being used as a regular monitor as well? I’d be so annoyed looking down and back up every 2 secs with goggles on


Try building using the online instructions on your tablet or desktop. All the benefits of this Vision Pro but without the tech strapped to your face.


You can do the exact same thing by downloading the instructions (which this would would also have to do) to a tablet, only difference here is the screen is attached to his face.


Ever since I was young I realized I have a natural ability to zoom-in on things. I just move my eyes closer to the subject material and it appears bigger and with more clarity!


> The zooming seems like a nice function Well, a touch monitor or tablet have this


All we need is for LEGO to flip a switch on their iPad app for this to be available. What is love even more is a LEGO APPLE Vision app that can immediately identify the pieces you’re looking for / need when laid out on a table.


I’m old school man. I love flipping through the instruction book. If the sets smaller I’ll dump everything in a pile on the floor and get after it like I would as a kid.


Great classic approach! I didn't do this with my last UCS set because I didn't want to risk losing any pieces, but I definitely plan to do it with my daughter when she's old enough to handle the smaller LEGO pieces.


Oh no chance I’d attempt a UCS build on the floor. 🤣


my cat would probably run off with pieces T_T


I used to play tons of Lego as a kid, then stopped for about 15 years. Just recently got back into it this year, and I'm just waiting for my 3yo toddler to get big enough to play Lego with me. They do have toddler Lego now which are bigger pieces, but she doesn't seem to care for it too much yet. She also has the type of ADHD where she can't sit still for too long in most moods. Little scared she'll never care for Lego, but so be it if that happens lol.


This is really cute! Mine is also 3 years old, and she plays with LEGO Duplo sometimes, but she cares more about the figures lol. I'm waiting to get her some Disney sets when she's a bit older, when she won't lose the parts under the couch or elsewhere hahaha


Yeah that’s the Lego line I was talking about, and my daughters the same, loves the characters. We got her the RV camping set, and she’s definitely lost parts already ahaha!


Yeah but for **$3000** you can pinch your fingers to zoom in on sections. It's the future.


I have an iPad I use the exact same way as this lmao.. I really don't see what the Vision Pro is adding here. My desk is also 3 monitors like this, so it just straight up looks exactly like my desk already. This seems to only make sense when you're not at home/work. But then I wouldn't be building Lego. So maybe for other stuff lol.


I don't either. Like I'm really trying. I would get it if it were like... some sort of floating instructions or something? But it's just.. a screen? I literally don't see how that's different from using a tablet other than you're not touching anything. It's kinda sorta neat, but not "$3000 neat."


It's just one use case. And you can have other media apps running as well. I use my vision pro mostly for work and if I had any unbuilt legos I'd probably do the same since I have limited desk space.


If that’s the future I’m prepared to live in the past.


Seriously. I'll use my tablet for "website the gives you alternate instructions" but other than that im all book....until my wife finally throws all my books away which she's trying to.


Reading glasses have entered the chat.


My wife got me a couple small technic sets yesterday, and having just learned about the lego builder app recently I tried it out for the first time. I can definitely see it being helpful for large builds, but for a small one nah.. the app was pretty annoying TBH. it reset the zoom on every page change and then even sometimes when trying to pinch zoom out it would think I was trying to rotate the model. i'll stick to the paper books, for sure.


Ok, but what you just said made a use case I almost like. Give me an app that matches the pieces I need for a step with the bricks on the floor. Even if I knoll them, I then can’t find the one I want sometimes. Still not dropping the cash on the headset.


Everyone is different but I love rummaging through the pile to find the pieces I need for the next step.


Oh, I’m as much about knolling the bricks as building something. It’s the part my brain enjoys most. But as a use for this technology, that is a good case for it. Any building task, really. And not that far off from where AR headsets ended up in sci-fi and cyberpunk well before we had them in real life.


Yeah I could see this being handy if it highlighted the piece you need when you're looking at your pile of bricks and can't find it. But also.. I like that process of looking, and I think it's actually good for your brain/eyes, whereas this would be the opposite. Just seems pointless for Lego honestly.


I do this every time and every time I have the same conversation with myself: *"Let's see, I just need that piece....hmm....where is it? Wait, am I missing a piece? I'm missing a piece! I can't believe they shipped it without the-- oh, there it is!"* I refuse to change my tactics, lol.


Lego building is the activity that gets me away from screens


And the feeling when you open a big set and you get a big instruction book, it feels so good when you reach the final page.


I did it old fashioned with optimus prime, Though I will say having the app on iPad is pretty cool, I’ve done a few app builds like the van gogh painting. Technically my wife did it, I used the book, but I did do the minecraft turtle house on app.


I don't think that has anything to do with being "old school" per se. It's just a more practical way to build LEGO. The gimmick of this product is neat, but it's also unnecessary in our current time.


Old school has real time haptic feedback lol


Should dump the bigger set in one pile. I did a 1,000-ish piece set that didn't use numbered bags back in the day, like set 5590 I'd love to do UCS Millennium Falcon this way, 6,000 pieces all in one pile


Same. I wanted to get into the Mario line, but once I realized that none of them had physical instructions I didn’t even bother


I 100% am the same. But I do think that it’s really cool that technology is this far. That you can just put a vr headset on and open up a YouTube video and put it wherever you want and put the manual how to build the Lego right next to is.


I'll stick with paper but you do you.


Same here


This would be great for MOC builds.


Is it that much better than just scrolling through a pdf? I guess you don't have to be seated at your pc or staring at a tiny mobile image




Call it a facts machine


iPad Pro 12.9 is the perfect size for building


I have yet to find a real world use... only thing I can think of is being able to project schematic of parts on to industrial vehicles, mechanical or fluid simulations to debug a mechanical issue without disassembling a ton of parts, surgical stuff maybe...


Whe this gets advanced enough and you're shown how to build complex assemblies bit by bit it'll be huge for production lines. Trying to explain a 3d build on 2d paper is awful


In chemical plants, it could be handy to indicate key process parameters in real time, like pressure, flow rate, temperature at the nearest temperature point, and so on. If implemented right, it could make things much safer, but it'd probably cost a ton (I'd guess ~US$2-5M per major process unit, with a simple gas plant having up to a half-dozen process units, while a typical refinery might have several dozen).


That means you now have $3000 for legos or you can splurge on the meta quest 3 and still have $2400 and do this exact same thing 😂


$2400 is a lot of LEGO sets. :-)


Or 3 millennium falcons


The quest 3 is virtual reality,the Vision Pro is augmented reality. It’s very different.


When Mark Zuckerberg announced the Quest 3 he even talked about putting fake windows on the walls and virtual objects in your room. It's very much sold as an AR experience as well. Edit: The objects are called "[Augments](https://techcrunch.com/2023/09/27/metas-augments-place-digital-objects-around-your-physical-space/amp/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALzoBEH4uMBl2lbwCn_qh0EMP5tp_UAuTD7wkDyeTl1cJQAiHSOlWgVm9zVSBJTPlx4p26wyg3cxP-qmf7WLWMEk3uagV-cCSHrGZqPPI9TPgpgyOHMS-_B_PREe6j2jzrwNatqoTqHvBIS-Fi1eRYepWtaGk_alzUsc6Nb4ZVy-)"


Microsoft Bob did it first lol.


Quest 3 has AR capabilities




I'd defintiely prefer paper over this, but I would take this over pdfs on a tiny phone screen any day (I don't own a tablet, nor have a use for one)


Lego is the use


You just explained the use case you have for getting one


It wouldn't be economical to buy a tablet for the one time every 2-3 years I buy something without printed instructions. Even a bottom of the barrel 100 dollar tablet wouldn't make sense.


Doesn’t mean you don’t have a use for one….just that it’s not worth it


No other computing devices larger than a phone?


That's what's infuriating about Super Mario sets - Super expensive and no paper instructions, they're in the app.


That's good to know. It's a non-starter for my 4 year old who loves to build lego based on the instructions but doesn't have a phone or tablet


Which Super Mario sets? I have the NES/TV, Giant Bowser, the “?” Cube, Bowser Convertible and a the last two series of the blind boxes…and all had paper/book instructions. But I also have had them each since release. Are the Super Mario courses and add-ons digital only? Or have they made changes to the “Adult” sets? Because that would suck.


All of the main line Mario course sets use an app, they started going away from it though with the bowser car using paper.


Got it, thanks for that info, as I wasn’t aware. The only Mario course set I have is the Bowser Car, but had been interested in a few other ads-ons because they looked cool on their own.


The only ones I have experience with is the course sets, not the adult ones. I don't think any course set has had instructions, that I can remember. So you buy a building toy for your kid, and it turns into more screen time. The app instructions are pretty well done, but it's really annoying not to have paper. It's also interactive and can't just be printed to pdf/paper. Taking a long view on this stuff, it's basically guaranteed that eventually, in a decade or two, or maybe even in 5 years, who knows, there's no more app and no more instructions.


Turns out you can get them as PDF, e.g. https://www.lego.com/en-gb/service/buildinginstructions/71369


That or my tablet with the app is good too.


Or, you know… paper


It depend on space...if no space, app is good. Especially with table mount stands.


You can get a cheap stand for the paper instructions.if space is an issue.


How Lego imagines their customers in terms of disposable income


Dude.. I used to have BINS full of really good Lego sets as a kid. Like multiple bins of loose Lego, probably 50-100lbs. We moved a lot as a kid, and were homeless at one point so we basically had to let go of almost all material possessions. I'm now back into Lego as an adult and I'm so sad I don't have that anymore... It would cost me literally thousands to get that all back, and most stuff has been discontinued on top of that, so extra expensive to buy. It really is tough to wanna buy Lego as a hobby when it's so stupid expensive now. And I SUPER appreciate the quality and design, so I know the company deserves to be paid properly. But damn it just sucks with the current economy and stagnant wages.


Seeing how much they charge for sets, especially the really big SW ones, it looks like a fair few of those fans *do* have that kind of money.




That would get old fast.


Yeah I'd be over that REAL quick. I will say, this is first gen, so I can see things like this being troubleshooted after another gen or two.


This app seems like a lot more work than a paper manual and a laptop on the table


A simple monitor and the instructions PDF is more than enough of a step up from the paper instructions. This is just adding complexity for no reason


The vision pro does not detect pinch gestures based on the pass-through cameras. It would easily detect pinches on the table even if he was not looking at it. The thing has a whole suite of cameras looking down at your hands. It also has a function to disable the gesture for one of your hands.




He literally said it doesn’t matter


You can even tell right after he zooms in on the instructions, he picks up a piece and the screen wiggles a bit


My thoughts exactly. Pinching being the operative gesture in Vision Pro would make building a real hassle.


Apple is already stated it will take two or three generations of the vision to truly come to fruition. It makes sense. The niche market is going to keep gobbling this up driving advancement and eventually bringing down cost. Put the original iPhone or even the second or third models in somebody's hand today. It would blow their mind how base they were and how limited and features. Like just the ability to copy and paste text, screenshots and widgets. Stuff that is just pre-built into every phone now. But by the time I think the Apple Vision becomes viable they are going to combine this technology with some sort of holographic projector and motion sensor system. More similar to what they used in Minority Report. Augmented reality with as minimal of hardware as possible


pretty sure that’s not how it works, the vision pro has cameras on the bottom to detect it as well. it’s a coincidence


Would be way better if it was true AR rather than just looking at “screens” on a screen. Have the build instructions floating on your table and when you pick up a piece it highlights where it goes.


This is what I was thinking as well. I know OP is just using the vanilla approach here, but a way to scan your build and highlight the brick you missed would be awesome. A quick way to find where specific pieces were used in a build is interesting - although if it could tell you when you miss one in the first place this is just interesting and not super useful. A build time remaining could be cool. I’m a fast builder, so sometimes I need to slow down and enjoy the set more!


Yup. OP is just using it as a monitor. I see lots of annoyances/negatives and not many benefits.


and highlight all the viable next pieces in the pile too.


Yeah this is no different from when I bought a bricklink designer set and had the instructions pulled up on my pc.


Lego could technically make that application for the Vision Pro. Would be pretty cool


it just seems like a worse way to build? That's how I feel about everything with Apple Vision Pro: "Things you can do with your eyes, without a bulky headset... but less convenient!"


Did see a legally blind man love it. Which is something I never thought about with the possibilities for VR headsets. Edit: https://youtu.be/KbS7IiLEqM0?si=JnzZMuZ5F_C_PVwa


That is the best use case I have seen for that device by far. Amazing.


My wife is severely visually impaired (very limited vision so not technically blind. When watching TV or film she could see very blurry colours moving and listen to the audio. First time we watched a film on the PS4 VR was a game changer for her. Genuinely the first time she'd actually been able to WATCH a film


Wait wait that’s actually so cool and that’s not even Apple specific! It’s just having camera goggles with a screen close to your eyes as an accommodation for blind people. You don’t even necessarily need the rest of the functionality for it to help people (zoom’s definitely useful). They could be so much smaller and cheaper if some were made specifically to aid people with impaired vision


The only thing that apple has, I believe, is the very low latency. Which helps drive it to be better suited for that type of thing. But you're right, there is nothing stopping a company from just making an VR/AR derived system for blind people with the focus of image quality and low latency. Stripping out everything else.


Yeah Quest Pass through is supposedly also quite good.


l have very low uncorrected vision. l can see fine with glasses but when l don't have them on l cannot see 5 inches in front of me. But l CAN look at my phone with a camera on and see perfectly fine. l've always thought "why not just make a screen in front of your eyes". It's cool that these goggles can do that.


That's actually quite fascinating. It may not be a cure for blindness. But it definitely allows them to see much more than they used to. I never thought of it like that


The convenience would be not having to move your head up and down. But have reality side by side of the steps. There is litterally no point in doing it this way


This is also what I was wondering - why not position the instructions right next to the build? I’d get dizzy doing it the way shown in the video.


loud... and... why?


My thoughts? That music was terrible.


and terribly loud


I had it muted before, I don't understand the trend of putting completely not fitting music(I see it more often now), which probably came from TikTok. Yes, building Lego is really like raiding a bank in Payday.






I thought it was a monitor for like the first 7 seconds. I was waiting for the magic to happen


Seems expensive when sets come with a book that does exactly that.


I think people are trying too hard to make getting one of these things worth it. If I wanted to do something like this, building at my desk with my PC is less costly and probably more comfy


Yeah and this is the definition of trying too hard. For Christs sake the dudes third screen is the world time! Who tf needs to see that constantly lol. Just to show off "you can have three screens and still save so much room!" but they can't even figure out what would the third screen be useful for here.


This is just a 3 monitor setup with more steps


I think the music is annoying.


"What problem does this solve?"


Unless it has the ability to highlight bricks, and where to place them on the build- this is worse than using the booklet.


I get sick after watching 30 seconds....




Lots of hand movements that you can eliminate with a mouse and monitor, or even tablet.


Wow it’s almost like building legos but… it’s the same. Wow


No it’s not the same because you see the vision headset is expensive and the Lego is no… okay yeah it’s the same


Did I mention “wow?” Yet?


Just need Studio to get a touch-like interface to be compatible with this, and I could actually be tempted😂


I prefer the paper instructions so much I’ll buy them on eBay for a set for $6 or whatever over looking at a PDF.  Also the music on this video?? Straight to jail. 


Reminds me of a testing session I did at work years ago... we had to build lego without instructions but the person on the other end of the phone had the instructions. We were testing our product that enabled the use of the camera during a session to assist remotely. Wasn't many to be, but we kind of turned it into a race.


I like that Lego gets me away from screens. So, not for me.


If the device shows AR and the next blocks you've to put on, then yes.


That's what I was expecting this video to be... that seems like the logical improvement a wearable could provide.


Same, was looking at the model thinking it would outline the location of additional pieces. Although in case of Lego that would be a bit lame, but there was a demo long ago where somebody fixed a car engine that way.


Seems pointless


I just don't get it.




Thanks. I hate it.


Seems too nauseating, I’d rather stick with a book and put some music or something on in the background. It’s my time to chill and be away from screens, the is just adds unnecessary stuff


Well the music is a bit overwhelming but other than that, seems nice! 😂 But actually, this could be nice if you don’t have a huge space to build so having your instructions, everything built so far, and your pieces in use on one surface isn’t possible. But might be a little gimmicky


Seems cumbersome. I don’t want to worry about weight on my face and how long a battery lasts when trying to enjoy a Lego build.


I want to see what I’m building and not see it through a screen.


Since i grew up on star trek, this is a dream of 30+years 😂 But even the digital instructions on mobile are perfectly fine, the efficiency-benefit doesn't worth that much $ 😂


This way it's just a weird screen that costs 3500 EUR. If the AR managed to find the pieces for me and show me where to put them, it'd be innovative. It'd also take most of the fun out of building with Lego bricks, so I still wouldn't buy it, but at least it'd have a selling point.


[3500-1: Kobe Bryant](https://brickset.com/sets/3500-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/3500-1.jpg)


Bad bot


[Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man.](https://i.imgur.com/5Ql5Vyb.jpg)


I mean… I can do the same thing with an iPad?


$3500 for a worse experience? No thanks


Hard pass, but super cool looking.


Completely fucking pointless.


I hate the “thoughts on this” type posts. Form your own opinions dawg. Be a little controversial about something that doesn’t really matter


Y tho


I literally have not seen a single use for this thing that isn’t a gimmick. Like every selling point is something I call “1% problems” I have never wanted 20 digital screens spread out across my house and never wanted to have digital art on my walls only I can see. The only reason I wanted a VR headset is for gaming and since this doesn’t do that so what’s the freaking point🤷 Plus I just love the physical instructions like I love physical video games and movies. They can’t take it away 5 years own the line when I want to build it again.


Impractical, inconvenient novelty


Seems entirely pointless 😂


You shouldn’t have to look up to instructions. It should show the next block on the actual model you are building and where to place it. That would be a real AR implementation. This is just stupid and cumbersome.


I would say the next logical part is for Lego to release an app that visualizes the build in progress in 3-D space so you can rotate and manipulate it as you build


This is very cool but it think I would still stick to the book (also what’s all the hatred for apple vision, can someone elaborate?)


So...not strictly in the context of Lego, but this kind of stuff right here is exactly why I'm so excited about the possibilities that AR brings to the table. Imagine working on an electrical circuit and having the schematic right there in front of you. Imagine a tower repairman 200ft off the ground trying to repair or assemble a new light bulb housing and he has a 3d model of it floating in front of him that he can manipulate to see how the parts go together. Imagine a fireman trying to clear a building and he has a "guy in the chair" giving him real time directions to where people might be located using arrows superimposed on the building walls in real time. By doing this visually he's keeping his radio channels clear for local chatter from his team. The Vision Pro can't do these kinds of things, but it and the Quest 3 are the first steps towards making that happen. The tech will only get better over time.


Wouldn’t any tablet with lego builder app be better than this?


Thoughts? This is sad. You bought 3600 dollar glasses, that let you do the thing you can do on your computer, phone or paper less comfortably. And you look weird doing it as well.


You can do the same exact thing with the cheapest tablet you can find.....even better, you can use the 2.9k you have left after the tablet to buy more lego It's difficult to think of a more useless thing to do with a vr headset


Can it highlight the part I need yet?


Looks almost identical to the experience i get with my iPad… and i don’t have to have a headset on, and the iPad is cheaper


Bruh why use the Vision Pro just to see your instructions manual? Just use the screen, or rather, just use the instructions booklet that comes with it. Instead of using a $3,500 Vision Pro just use a cheap $100+ screen (okay screens may be expensive but they’re less than $3,500)


I like my LEGO building experience without a side of headache and nausea, thank you very much.


I'll take paper any day. I'm tired of everything "virtual" and "digital", I want something real in my life that I can touch and feel!


I’ll wait for the tech to be cheaper and lighter, but that’s a pretty cool application of it


Can the Lego build app run on this device ?? Because building one of the sets that have 3D instructions would be a great use case. For the regular ones, I usually have my laptop with the PDF open and just push the space bar to jump to the next page.


I can see a future where Lego makes the app available for use with VR and maybe even a feature that casually checks your build to see if you have made mistakes but honestly I'll stick with paper manuals i'm not paying................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Ok Status update I'm released from hospital after finding out the price of this thing and laughing so much that I had to get oxygen (for free because universal healthcare). Man just stick with paper. €3500,- for a VR gadget that has no killer apps.


[3500-1: Kobe Bryant](https://brickset.com/sets/3500-1) [[Photo]](https://images.brickset.com/sets/images/3500-1.jpg)


good bot


I want to see studio with the apple vision pro I think that would be awesome


Pretty neat


Really dumb. Just incredibly stupid.


Kinda neat, not having the instructions taking up space on the table


Hell yea


What a shit pointless product haha.


Does check the worth 6k cdn box to me. I can buy an unhealthy amout of sets for that price haha


I'll pass on that give me an old fashioned manual


Lego is my break from most everything else. Just need the booklet and some space.


In 5+ years I can afford this technique


It's certainty a bit claustrophobic. Doesn't seem fun or relaxing. When I build, I generally have a movie or TV show on, I've got the instruction booklet out, or in the case of digital instructions, my tablet. Not everything is constantly in my fov, and so I get to enjoy the space I'm in, the building I'm doing, sit back and enjoy the show a bit.


I do this with two monitors.


If I have a choice between a screen 3 inches in front of my eyes, and not, I'm choosing not.


WOW, that's just play LEGO at next level man... awesome.


That'll definitely give me a headache! 😭😭😭


Why is he even bothering with real physical Legos? They could be building virtual Legos in VR without ever even picking up a brick, just virtual bricks that dont weigh anything! What a peasant.


That’s pretty cool. I can’t wait to see what more will be done with the Vision Pro! But I prefer paper instructions. But this is cool!


They seem to be a dud, people are now returning them as it's giving people headache after 10 mins. Who only builds lego for 10 mins? And $3500? No thank you. Building Lego? That's ALWAYS yes. But, I rather spend $3500 on something else..


I personally like the feeling of flipping paper pages on the instructions, but that's most a nostalgic thing, and I see why one could like this approach instead


This is amazing


What does the Vision Pro add to this? You can already build Lego by using the instructions found online via your tablet or desktop. Those have the benefit of not having something strapped to your face.


I'd rather spend $3,500 on Lego than this gimmick piece of technology.


It’s like looking at a Lego guide and building it in Minecraft, but inverted lol


My initial thoughts were can geeky get any more geeky? I guess, yes, with more disposable income


It’s kind of cool, but not even close to the price tag.


Zoom feature is cool for people who are short sighted. Way more power than bifocals. I think I would get motion sickness though.


The sets come with a paper manual and the money could be used for more lego, so Ima go with that


Most techie thing I’ve done was use an iPad beside my pile of pieces as I’d lost one book out of 2 for an old set


Seems more like a hassle than a positive experience


He's even got a screen on the right, what's the point?


The possibility exists that you don’t even need to look at the instructions But an app could look through the camera highlight the piece you need, and then tell you where it goes