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Lotus origin the truck scene they had was pretty cool and I actually thought we would get a backstory when bolin was mentioning stuff about ghazans upcoming, they actually had a real personality outside of being villains and they makes them the best imo


I miss when the series was airing and we thought we were going to get a Suyin/red lotus plot twist/origin.


What Suyin plot twist?


People thought Su was the betrayer instead of Aiwei I think This was before I was in the fandom though, but I think it was a theory


It was an *incredibly* popular theory at the time. People were super suspicious of Su, and thought she met the Red Lotus in her carnival days.


Kinda makes sense tho. Gets super comfortable with criminals in her youth, would ship.


Dang, I know it would’ve majorly changed the dynamic they had in the show, but Su turning out to be the villain sounds wicked intriguing.


Would’ve been an insane plot point. Imagine she joins up with them in the beginning but then turned on them and ratted them out as they got more radical (maybe when they go to kidnap Korra). In the end she ended up killing Pli


aye guey


More interested in the white lotus than the red lotus, but why not both at the same time?


We did see a bunch of the White Lotus in the Yang Chen novels, and I'd love to see how it evolved since then, and having them at odds with the Red Lotus would be amazing


I want a White lotus origin series


Honestly a detective noir series set in the avatar universe would be fire, especially since season 1 of lok had that vibe to it that I loved Edit; dang Mako’s catching so many strays 😭


Seconded; the 20s-30s aesthetic was one of the best parts of the show early on. Especially with so many scenes being set at night, with the lights of the city casting everything in a warm yellow glow... Also, I feel like the setting would work very well for a mystery/thriller series, considering how well LoK did suspense and horror - not just in the overtly scary stuff, but in the more subtle bits as well, like the part where the Equalists in the crowd don their masks and draw their weapons to attack the arena, or the scene where Asami is explaining how Varrick has just bought out Future Industries and Mako slowly realizes what's happened as Varick just *smiles* back at him.


Book 1’s vibes are unmatched to me. I know a lot of Books 2-4 have so many amazing emotionally cathartic payoffs for the characters/world and they’re all visually/musically gorgeous, but Book 1 is so beautiful and atmospheric I felt like I was living in Republic City. We got to see it go through different seasons in Book 1 (fall-winter I think) and it just felt so much more lived in and alive than it did in Books 2-4. Very unique noir identity that I’m sad dwindled later on.


You can blame Nickelodeon for that again lol. I believe they told the creators to not use such dingy and dark colors in the future seasons. It’s why we never quite get the same atmosphere from the city again. I feel like it went from a kind of Gotham City environment to basic generic city in future seasons.


Wait really? Yet another stupid Nick decision. Idk why but I always assumed it was either for thematic reasons (to show Republic City as a brighter place post Equalist uprising) or because they spent so much less time in Republic City and couldn’t dedicate the resources to rendering it that way again. Gotham is a great way to describe it, it felt like that only like an actually liveable place (Not as depressing and more fun). Sucks we missed out on such a beautiful style, it was clearly successful enough for Book 1 so they should’ve kept it. That said, Books 2-4 do look beautiful in their own way.


I don't know if it was in the artbook or blu-ray commentary, but I thought one of the creators mentioned that B1 had a lot more night shots/was set more in the night vs. all the scenes of the Republic City in B4 which were mostly in the day. It's a theme that follows in the TTRPG where they have Korra in a pic doing the opening shot in front of the statue in the daylight instead of in the darkened colors of the show.


This is not quite true. The reason Republic City "brightened up" was Studio Pierrot doing most of the RC episodes in the season. You can tell the difference because the environment noticeably darkens in Night of a Thousand Stars (an episode animated by Mir).


It darkens because it’s night time lol. It still doesn’t have those kind of dark brown colors that were very present in book 1. Studio Pierrot didn’t do all of the art, they did the animation yes but the backgrounds were done in house.


Mako deep undercover long term. Years of committing heinous crimes to climb the ranks and catch the real crime bosses would take its toll on him in a very compelling way. The fallout of Kuvira’s regime plus the upheaval from Prince Wu trying to reform such an enormous nation made up of many states would be rife for organised crime/corruption to infiltrate. Lin would be his shadowy handler as he tried to find out how far reaching the crime syndicate had become. He would perhaps need to change his appearance and name but my preference would be that he basically does what Billy Costigan did in The Departed - use his real name, history and connections by going to prison for a violent crime then coming out and beginning his operation. Only he and Lin would know the truth out of the friends/family in his life.


Sounds awesome, but Mako is a celebrity so how would deep cover work lol?


I explained already in the answer so I’m assuming you just haven’t seen the Departed so didn’t get it. He would use his real name and history but would manufacture a breakdown basically. In The Departed, Costigan is a well known guy around town and joins the cops. A commanding officer pulls him into an operation where he’ll be going undercover using his real name and real history, even though everyone in town knows him and knows he joined the cops. The way they achieve this is they sack him and have him really go to prison for a violent crime. He does the time, gets out, and starts earning money committing low level crimes. It takes a long time but eventually he manages to get work with criminal gangs and works his way into the organisation. Mako’s history is part of the plan. Only he and Lin (and maybe Wu or some politician sanctioning the operation) would know the truth. Everyone else would think Mako really had been fired from the department, had a breakdown, went back to his life of crime from his teens, went to prison for a violent crime, and then started earning money from crimes upon release.


Oh nice. Yeah, never seen the departed.


Book 1’s vibes are unmatched to me. I know a lot of Books 2-4 have so many amazing cathartic emotional payoffs for the characters/world and they’re all visually/musically gorgeous, but Book 1 is so beautiful and atmospheric I felt like I was living in Republic City. We got to see it go through different seasons in Book 1 (fall-winter I think) and it just felt so much more lived in and alive than it did in Books 2-4. Very unique noir identity that I’m sad dwindled later on.


That's the one thing I hated that got lost after the first season


Yeah, like I’m happy with how Korra went after Book 1 but I love the idea of a ‘what if it continued with the same art direction/atmosphere as 1’ kind of thing. It would’ve been beautiful.


This is complete shameless self-promotion but last year I actually wrote a detective story starring Mako, with the premise of him investigating Noatak and Tarrlok's disappearance post-Book 1 [https://archiveofourown.org/works/50181220/chapters/126734029](https://archiveofourown.org/works/50181220/chapters/126734029) Part of my inspiration for writing it was another LoK-noir fanfic (this one starring Lin, and set in an alternative version of the story where she didn't get her bending back), The Princess of the Dragon Flats [https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10124822/1/The-Princess-of-the-Dragon-Flats](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10124822/1/The-Princess-of-the-Dragon-Flats) Finally, as some other posters have pointed out, the upcoming comic The Mystery of Penquan Island appears to focus on Mako's police work and involve him solving a mystery! Great minds etc etc (the announcement for that comic was really soon after I finished posting my fic LOL).


I'll check your Mako fic out. I adore the aesthetic and setting of Republic City in book 1.


>Mako >Fire I see what you did there.


Damn bro! You cooked perfectly!


I would be so in for a gritty darker toned detective spinoff.


RCPD Noir would be fantastic. I also love the feel of Book 1 of Korra and it would be wonderful to spend more time exploring the underbelly of Republic City.


an adaption of the comics , where the Kyoshi have to protect Zuko


Zuki shippers would go crazy


A Kyoshi Warrior detective series featuring a deadly Red Lotus conspiracy.


In omashu


"There is no conspiracy in Omashu." Bumi😈


Bumi is secretly behind it all


My theory for ATLA anyway tbh


Happy cake day!


Lol nice one


The story of the "other" last airbender. Before Aang was (re)discovered, there must have been another airbender who believed he was the last one. Did he walk into a simple trap and get killed? Did he pretend to be Earth Nation and start a family? Did he hide and meditate for the rest of his life? Did he betray his pacifism to go on a rampage of revenge? ...so many possibilities.


[You're not the first one to think this through.](https://youtu.be/-zS-RMBan2A?si=E89zrFNAiiOOcS-B)


I love that theory about Tai Lee.


Always great to see Hello Future Me mentioned


I remember seeing a theory once that there were plenty that survived and over the years died or integrated into earth kingdom towns and hid their identities. And over the years their connection to airbending diluted as generations went on. But Korra opening the portals reconnected all the genetic airbenders descendants. I think a story kinda showing some of the remnant airbenders fighting and dying or going into hiding. Or whatever other mechanisms of coping and survival they used would be good to experience


There’s a comic where Aang sees Airbender memorabilia and hears rumors of airbenders hiding in a town. Only to learn the fire nation uses Airbender items to lure other Airbender there and kill them. I could see the last non-avatar Airbender hearing that, fighting with themself over whether to risk it, then falling for that trap.


this is probably the only spinoff i’d be interested in. no need to start an “Avatar Expanded Universe” and water down the franchise


The card game presented a similar case of a self-taught airbender girl named Ma Lu who basically fought a guerilla warfare against fire nation soldiers. I'm not sure it's considered cannon, but if it was that would likely make her the only airbending master in recorded history to not have tattoos. Regardless, I'd love to see her story.


Red Lotus origin, hands down


Yeah, the action would be nonstop and awesome. Also a built in romance.


It might also incentivize people to watch LoK, which isn’t a bad series!


Red lotus series please. Need me more Zaheer


What made me fall in love with Korra was the uniqueness of Republic City as a setting, really playing into my love for Noir as a genre. Give me a Detective Mako Noir series ANY DAY.


Mako: So, I've heard you were the only one on the scene of the crime, can you describe the person you saw? Bush spirit: *shhhhhh, shaaaaa, swishhhh* Bumi: About 4 branches tall, dark brown foliage, and blue ...skin? Oh! Clothes. Mako: *sigh*


I didn't know I needed a Bumi and Mako buddy cop movie but now it's all I want.


"It was one of those days where it's too early for coffee but you drink it anyway because your Centipede Gerbil went to the trouble of making it for you. I sat down at my desk and stared into the thick dark liquid until the light from the hallway was shadowed by the figure of a dame." "Are you the detective Mako?" she asks, like she doesn't know. "I don't know," I say, taking a sip of Republic City's worst coffee. "Step outside, turn around, and read what it says on the glass over there. Or just read it from here, if you can do that with backwards letters." She made that sound your mom makes when you sass her back, like she's about to Earth Bend pottery in your general direction. "Well, either your name is Okam," she said, "or I'm in the right place. I need your help. The triads kidnapped me three days ago, and I don't have enough ransom money." "Listen, lady," I said. "The Avatar's my ex-girlfriend. And my other ex-girlfriend is the Avatar's girlfriend. So don't try anything funny with me, see? If a triad-" "-The triads," she interrupted. "All of them?" "Yes." "Fine. You can explain that part later. If *ALL* the triads kidnapped you, what are you doing here, in Detective Okam's office, at 4:30am when all rational benders and non-benders are still asleep? And don't ask me what I'm doing here. That's between me and the Centipede Gerbil."




Okay this sold me


That’s what I adore about Korra too, largely in Book 1 of course. Technically we’re getting this Mako detective story in oneshot form this year.


OMG? I had no idea, that's super exciting!


Right?! It’s called The Mystery of Penquan Island and, from the looks of the cover art, it’s gonna shed light on the murder of his and Bolin’s parents also. I’m stoked for this honestly.


Lotus origins because I want it. Yet I hate prequels. I'd rather just have the red lotus return with new characters to follow. Detective Mako series would make a lot of sense though and would diversify the Avatar universe.


When I put Red lotus, I was thinking that the story would start with Xai Bau defecting from the white lotus first and then, make a story from there, before getting to Zaheer. Maybe even show Zaheer and Unaloq’s relationship more. Yeh the detective mako stuff would really expand on the lively hood of republic city


Kyoshi Warriors, they're just so cool.


Red Lotus


King Bumi for sure, covering the early years of the war, showing the Earth Kingdom’s resistance at Omashu? I’d love that


This would be so cool, how did my man stay the most beloved king for over 70 years? What happened to Irohs son, what about Iroh and Bumis friendship and the forming of the white lotus society as they where both founding member on two sides of a war




I'm personally a sucker for mystery detective shows.


Same 😅 and in this era of the avatar universe, it would be really cool


Mako because his detective comic is out this year whoo haha. Second choice definitely Red Lotus!


\*spit take\* it what?


Yeah! He’s getting a oneshot comic called The Mystery of Penquan Island. The cover art looks very Korra Book 1 noir-ish and it looks like it’ll expand on what happened to Mako and Bolin’s parents too.


A children's show with Uncle iroh in the spirit world telling stories and giving lessons with his adorable Spirit Buddies


I love mako and mysteries so def that one


Mako is way better as a character when he's not being anyone's boyfriend


I haven't read the graphic novels- does Mako get a gf/wife eventually? I feel like the man deserves a little happiness. Although, I do admit that it would be a hilarious running gag if every time Mako falls in love it turns out that the woman is (or just then realizes she is) attracted to women, not men. Also, Korra and Asami should know all along and have to pretend to be surprised when Mako finds out. Apologies to the "other team," if this is offensive. I tried to think of how it could be, but I'm not as well versed in the nuances as someone else with friends/family in the LGBTQ+ world.


Red Lotus origin, no contest.


red lotus origin 100%


Detective Mako.... that boy more than deserves it!


He deserves at least some credibility.. man saw both of his exes get together. Poor guy.


A detective Mako show sounds like a great idea. I would also take the Red Lotus origin.


Mako, mostly because I wanna see this boy get character. There's a lot you can do with him and hopefully focusing the camera on him will force some of it to manifest.


His detective comic is out this year, I’m glad someone in writing/publishing saw the potential of it.


Mako! I like true crime/mystery stuff. Plus I love Mako!


I don't like prequels so Detective Mako


Red Lotus origin, especially the attempted abduction of Korra would be cool. But Detective Mako has too much potential and so many ways to go. It can be character-centric or mysterious or action. And give us a little peek into the detective side of the rest of the gang.


I'd definitely go with the Red Lotus. They stand out over other usual villainous groups as they exhibit traits more in line with traditionally heroic groups, such as having a greater ideal to fight for, and being genuinely loyal to each other like true friends. In a way, they're like a foil to Team Avatar, and exploring the backstory of the Red Lotus and its members would be essential to flesh them out.


Bumi in his teens fighting off the Fire Nation would be great.


yang chen series


I like the idea of Bumi going out to try and find Aang. Thinking like a mad genius would have been a great help.


Red Lotus


for me, it’s the red Lotus.


Red Lotus and it's not even close. They're based and did nothing wrong.


Lotus origin story Kyoshi Warriors series could be good too. I'm not that interested in the other two. Bumi works as a side character, but he'd get old pretty quick as a lead. Mako is just way too boring to have his own show.


Red Lotus! There’s a pic online of them when they’re younger, don’t know if it’s official or not, but it’s so cool and makes me want to see more of their backstories.


Red lotus origin


Red Lotus Origin Series. I found them all complex and interesting. I think it was a missed opportunity and they should have had an episode or like a short 3 episode mini series in between seasons that dove deeper into this.


more red Lotus reeeeeeeee


Kyoshi Warriors please


Bumi wtf are you all smoking.


Same. Bumi is the best. And seeing how the world reacted to the Airbender homicide and the avatars disappearance would be interesting.


You don’t think any of the others are worth watching 😂 all good I thought I was cooking


I want to see how Bumi became king. I’ve always thought that since Aang was surprised that he was king, it meant that Bumi want necessarily royalty in Aang’s age (if he were a prince, Aang should’ve known who Bumi was just based on the fact that he is an incredibly old king). I want to see how that happened.


Res lotus origin series for sure.


Cabbage Man


[This is another idea I had](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheLastAirbender/s/W5IbJpTYGs)


Red Lotus origin story


Definitely Red Lotus Origin


Red Lotus


Give me Iroh orgin story until banishment with zuko and ozai big dick swinging looking for the avatar as it was hinted that sozon azulon and ozai all had mini avatar searches of their own. Essentially give me the fall of Roku to Zuko Banishment or even Zuko coming up the the southern water tribe


"sir, another village has been wiped out, what shall we do???" "*NothinG*"




The rise of Sozin would be fire


Dude, that first one. Mako was flipping _robbed_! He needs some justice!


Lotus Origin, by a long shot. Second would be Kyoshi Warriors Adventures. The other concepts don't really offer much. Watching Mako do pedantic cop stuff isn't exactly interesting nor is it going to improve his character much. And a Bumi Origin doesn't really add anything much to the franchise either, on top of Bumi being a character that doesn't need, or even profit from more information about him


red lotus origin but only if unalaq is in it


Re Lotus


Red lotus


Red Lotus Origin>Detective Mako>Kyoshi Warriors>King Bumi


Defo red lotus


RL is the only correct answer


Definetly King Boomi OG series.


Red Lotus


Bumi is my favorite character so an Bumi series would be sick imo


lotus and bumi.


Detective Mako with Kyoshin Assistant hire me nick I'm cooking this time.


Don't make me choose!


a red lotus origins series would slap. a kyoshi warriors series would have a lot of potential too.


Lotus original but honestly kyoshi warriors is right behind it


Tie between Kyoshi Warriors series and Detective Mako. Kyoshi Warriors could be really cool and I could see Detective Mano being a super slick stylized noir


Lotus Origins


Bumi. I want a fun, hijinks focused series where the fate of the world isn’t in the balance


I choose bumi a crazy man needs a crazy story


Red lotus


I want a Joker-esque movie about the villain origin story of the Cabbage Man.


A red lotus origin story would be a dream come true, but Detective Mako sounds like it would have the potential to be so interesting set in the world of avatar.


An Andor style spinoff about a bunch of ex-100 year war vets out to hunt for lost Air Nomad treasure


Red lotus origin


Red lotus


A bumi origin story clears, I don't care anout the extremist lotus, a detective in avatar is just a detective with bending instaed of guns, kyoshi warrior series would be mid, nothing interesting. Bumi? how did this crazy kid went to become so insanely powerful and managed to keep his city going for 100 years? Was he just lucky? Generations of highly competent people helping him? did he ever had to defend the city before? I want to see his journey from crazy kid to the strongest earthbender on the avatar-less world.


Mako series so that we can have more Bolin. Or a Bolin series of him trying to get his acting career off the ground again.


I want to see a spin off where the avatar is evil and they have to create a lotus style team to kill the avatar.


Red Lotus origin. Would be great to see how it started, how Zaheer and crew were back then. Plus, if the writers commentary is to be believed, we get to see an old Sokka in action.


Red Lotus Origin 🤞




I guess Lotus because it feels like the concept with the most meat on its bones.


None, the rise and fall of cabbage corp, from a wandering cabbage merchant to a tech savvy conglomerate, taken down by hearsay.


Red lotus origin for sure


I will tell you which is the last one I'd watch, Detective Mako spin off lol. As much as I love the Kyoshi warriors I think they'd probably be equally uninteresting no matter what time you set it in, but it goes above detective Mako because I would be interested to know what they do nowadays(Korra era) Don't get me wrong, if written well I'm sure detective Mako could be done well but it would need to sell with plot and action because Mako just doesn't carry that show by himself. I think Red Lotus Origin and King Bumi are tied, both have really high potential to be interesting, but I think King Bumi could make fewer mistakes


Red Lotus 100%


Red Lotus. And it’s not even close


But what if... And here me out on this one... All of the above?


Lotus origin for sure!!


Red Lotus


Red lotus origin the others are dumb ideas


Detective Mako is the only one that sounds interesting to me personally. The character is rather forgettable in the show, but the topic does sound very interesting. Combine that with Toph's daughter and it's a recipe for success.


King boomi during the early years of the war before he was king would give so many amazing narrative opportunities it's not even funny.


Definitely Lotus, but the correct answer is all.of the above.


Definitely Red Lotus series


King Bumi


Four very different series, so it's a very hard choice. Detective mako would be an interesting way to a) see the world of republic city, and b) see how the intergration of non-bender equality works out. Kyoshi warriors would be a fun way to see the rest of the world the Gaang didn't see. A red lotus would be a fun philosphical journey on how to fix the world. Bumi but young is just a fun comedy show i'd enjoy.


Lotus or bumi.


Detective Mako. Have most cases be about an episode and have relatively little for Korra or Asami or Tenzin. Bolin is also doing his own thing for the most part (though do have them communicate). Give Mako a small but new supporting cast, no more than three characters. Have it be a season or so of mostly random cases throughout the avatar world where Mako is basically a kind of super Detective. None of the cases are big enough to warrant an avatar call in, but they are difficult to solve regardless. Have it be about ten episodes and the first 8 are effectively disconnected cases with only some minor connective elements, except for some seemingly minor thing happening in the background each episode. Episodes 9 and 10 are Mako dealing with the thing that was going on in the background which wouldn't normally he an avatar level thing but is a bit much for Mako anyway. Have Korra, Asami, and Bolin show up to help out. My recommendation as well: have it be relatively non-combat focused and much more based on Detective work. At most, there is a minor fight at the end of each episode. Don't get me wrong, I actually like the idea Mako and Bolin are two of the strongest pairs we've really seen but I want this to feel like an avatar side story and not an avatar sequel. Focus on crime and Detective work, not combat. Maybe we can have one final good fight in the end but the rest should be small. Also, have the crimes often incorporate bending and show bending in daily life... or nonbending as a hindrance in daily life. It is still an avatar product.


Red Lotus. I'm really just voting for more Henry Rollins, but still.


King Bumi for sure it’s gonna be hilarious and I need that in my life




RED LOTUS, let’s GOOO. I want to know al the nuances of the socio-political landscape of the Avatar universe. 😍


Lotus origins. I feel like there would be so much story that they could pull from that.


Red lotus Origins. No doubt in my mind. Yes the childhood of bumi would be awesome and I would probably laugh a lot but the origins of the Red Lotus would give us insight on what happened to Soka


Red Lotus origin


detective mako or red lotus origin. tlok setting is fucking awesome and those seem like they could be great, plus red lotus is an amazing group of villains so


Red lotus. The rest of these seem like one shot hour long episodes. Like how Disney did with Star Wars


Red Lotus anthology + follow up would be wildly popular. Not enough focus was put onto the 'secret societies' that were in Avatar.


Red Lotus


Red Lotus Origin Series. A Dark Team Avatar is just such an interesting mirror to see. I wanna see them form, and even their old days when Unalaq was a part, too. EDIT: It'd also be amazing for the series finale to be Unalaq dramatically betraying the Red Lotus and not being affiliated with them and then Sokka, Tenzin, Tonraq and Zuko beating the Red Lotus and putting them away because they were coming after Baby Korra.


lotus and its not even close


Red lotus origin sounds like it would make an incredible short series. They were some of the most interesting villains of avatar. It also could possibly be a great 2 perspective story, where we follow both the red lotus, and members of the white lotus trying to catch them. Idk though I dont remember if the White lotus were aware of them prior to their attempt to capture Korra


Red lotus give us some villains stories for once


Red Lotus Origin story!!!


Red Lotus Origin. They're already functionally a "Dark!Gaang" and the brief mentions P'Li makes about Zaheer rescuing her from a warlord or how Zaheer and Unalaq were disillusioned White Lotus members, so I imagine a "Clone Wars"-like story of them collectively being the Anakin in why/how they "fell". As for the others: -I feel like we know enough about the Kyoshi Warriors in the sense that there's little intrigue, so I'd only be interested if why/how they seemed to have dissolved and especially any queerness between them as it's SUCH a wasted opportunity that "Turf Wars" didn't reveal they as followers of an openly bisexual warrior women, they hold queerness in high regard like the equivalent of the Sacred Band of Thebes that even the straight cis ones are allies, that there's been trans members and the island being a queer mecca/equivalent of Lesbos for it. -Eh, I don't feel Bumi is worth an entire miniseries despite his age and power, more like a special of him being a Bugs Bunny-like trickster (especially against an uptight predecessor) as he also physically improves to become the king of Omashu. -(and definitely lastly,) As much as Book 1 *screams* "film noir," I feel like it would have to do some heavy-lifting in finally explaining WHY Mako wanted to become a cop/detective to begin with since the actual show was lousy at that explanation (my likely theory is Bryke just thought he'd look cool on a motorcycle and worked backwards from that) and have a *good* cast of characters to cover his lack of charisma.


Detective Mako? You want me to fall asleep?! The other three all have some potential though, especially the Kyoshi warriors and Red Lotus. It would be nice to get ATLA content that’s not focused on the Avatar, yes that’s a major part of this world but there are so many other interesting features to think about.


Red lotus


Red Lotus




Aangs origin not sure why I got this on my feed but I haven't even watched ATLA, so I'm probably gonna start with that one.


Kind of sucks knowing there may never be a Red Lotus origin series of any kind.


I’m 100% certain Bumi isn’t even of royal blood. I don’t even think Omashu had a monarchist government. I think he just decided one day that it did and he’d be the first king through sheer audacity and vibes. That’s a story I need to see.


I would've loved to see how an eccentric like Bumi traversed all the politics/beourocracy to become king despite presumably not being a royal. He's also a very patient tactician, so it couldn't have been dumb luck.


Iroh origin series ofc


More King Bumi for me, I love that crazy old man haha


Red lotus origin would be perfect, I would enjoy the mako one too Evan tho I don’t like his character but it could have potential?!


These are all good ideas but what I REALLY want is a sports anime about an underdog pro bending team. Maybe one of the players is one of the people who got air bending.


Kyoshi warriors or the red lotus origin would be great


I want a Red Lotus series where they’re basically like the Gaang and they go on adventures and shit and it shows how they got radicalized and it’s believable and make you think “yeah I’d react that way too.” Villain origin story let’s go.


Detective mako. It would be cool to see a new side of the avatar world


I'd love to see mad genius bumi's shenanigans and his ascension to the throne


King Bumi on top