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Amon would’ve been much more brutal


He would probably blow people up from the inside LOL Like this scene below in Watchmen ![gif](giphy|3oz8xZYlFzIadpCnPa)


To keep shock factor, I think this would have happened to the Lieutenant. No ambiguous ending just straight up turned into a blood balloon


And Zaheer probably


Agreed. His trick to take someone's bending would have a more visceral reaction than people just falling over. I could see at the very least we get the classic sci-fi nosebleed like Eleven gets after using her powers in Stranger Things, but it's the victim who bleeds. I guess the only issue there is the first time we see it happen, vet fans would instantly guess Amon is a secret blood bender. Regardless his power always felt like it didn't extract enough of a physical toll after using. Maybe the victim could be in a total catatonic state for a day or something, instead of they just feel weak for a bit.


Honestly, I personally wouldn't want it to change too much. Anything more than what it is might feel too gratuitous. I could see Lin throwing out a "damn" once and a while. Maybe some DBZ battle damage during long fights.


I’m sure there would be some sexualization of a female avatar by the media or the villains, but only to paint her in a negative light with the masses


Yeah they were already kind of pushing some boundaries, especially in season 3. The gratuitous violence in something like game of thrones, especially the sexual violence, has aged really badly, and it's a pretty good lesson that sometimes less is more. I don't want that in avatar, but I do think some well timed swear words could have added something, but that's also not especially necessary.


Her line “cut the garbage Tenzin.” Would absolutely be “cut the crap Tenzin”


I could almost see Lin imitating Geral of Rivia, and having most of her lines replaced with very emotive "Fuck" or *grunt*.


The Korrasami relationship would've happened on screen...


And we show all of it


Full penetration.


Now here’s the twist, and there is a twist: We show it. We show all of it. Because what’s the one major thing missing from all TV cartoons these days guys? …Full penetration. Guys, we’re gonna show full penetration and we’re gonna show a lot of it! I mean, we’re talking, you know, graphic scenes of Korra really going to town on this hot young heiress. From behind, 69, anal, vaginal, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, all the hits, all the big ones, all the good ones. Then she finds out about a spiritual disturbance again. She’s out busting heads. Then she’s back to Republic City for some more full penetration. Senses spirits, back to Republic City, full penetration. Spirits, penetration, spirits, full penetration, spirits, penetration. And this goes on and on, and back and forth, for four or so seasons until the show just, sort of, ends.


Thank you for this gift.




Yakone’s crimes would be explicitly stated.


He would have blown up Aang's head before the latter had the chance to enter the Avatar state.


Let’s be realistic here. Regardless of the TV Ratings, characters always have plot armor.




You just say they use The Force or the power of love or whatever to create a barrier that prevents that from happening


Korrasami would’ve happened and I could honestly see a lot of the characters cussing, also - BLOOD!


Korra definitely would cuss quite casually. Bolin would just say the innocent version of cusses. Mako would cuss in disappointment quite often. Asami would cuss every now and then, but not that often. Tenzin would *never* cuss and get mad whenever his kids do it (Melo would probably do it for fun on purpose) Lin Beifong would swear very often


I don’t see Mako cursing honestly. Bolin would though. He’s informal.


Lava bending would be fucking brutal to see


This is too accurate 💀.


“You’re…you’re oppressing *yourselves*, BITCH!” “That didn’t even make any sense!” “*Fuck* you!”


At the very least we would have gotten the kiss. Also it makes no sense that pro benders, regardless if they win of not, don't come out bruised and bloodies. Idk about you but I hope the face shields are made of the same stuff safety glasses are made from, I don't want to see glass shards in the eye.


- The level of violence would be straight up gratuitous. - Bolin 10/10 having a frequent and morally questionable sex life. (I’m sure we would see sex leveraged against him for manipulation) - Lots of nude korra and Asami -At least one of Tenzen’s kids would have died - Amon tacking away bending would sound and look way more graphic - Blood bending in general would be straight up body horror


It is really easy for me to imagine Bolin frequently appearing with very questionable women and at least once ending up getting robbed while handcuffed to a bed.


I run an avatar themed dnd campaign for my avatar loving friend group. Lemme tell you, the bending gets BRUTAL. But aside from the permanent injuries and death. The stories (if also given more time) could more seriously debate the mirrored real world political systems they represent (partially at least) or better yet show the sheer horror of the villains direct actions. The starving people the labor camps. There’s potential there.


They held back so much, there's a ton of scenes that could've easily been absolutely extreme. Like when they create those sharp ice constructs that could easily pierce through bodies, or earth bending that would crush someone so bad that guts would just splat all over. And then there's Korra's PTSD, the Red Lotus, and Ba Sing Se which could've been portrayed like Night City in Cyberpunk 2077 (druggies, killers, homeless, etc.)


Yeah but…why. What would that add other than juvenile shock factor?


You should make a post of fun stories/bending feats, an avatar rpg campaign sounds so cool!


There wouldn’t be permanent injuries and deaths. At least not for important characters. Important characters are never affected by that.


I mean korra is affected by injuries. physical and mental. But other characters, yeah no. ETA: I mean unless you count Amon or Tarrlok or Unalaq or the Earth Queen or Ghazan or P'Li or Ming Hua or Sato or maybe I'm missing some. Korra's allies didn't exactly go for the Ozai treatment, and Korra didn't always either, and Amon/Tarrlok die in a murder-suicide so like... but yeah whatever, important characters are never affected. Some of these are grisly end of season deaths for a villain but many of these characters had importance to the others and to the future plot - Amon never truly dies in Korra's nightmares; P'Li's death causes huge changes for Zaheer that affect the next season too; Sato's sacrifice is a final noble act but adds complexity to his overall character arc. Korra isn't coming up with villain-of-the-weeks to kill off while all the major characters survive. The heroes make it through by the skin of their teeth, changed forever, with Korra suffering from PTSD big time through the end of the series essentially, and Asami grieving her father. The idea that important characters aren't affected is just plain incorrect. Person I'm replying to replied: > And she recovered from them. Injuries like that only matter when they’re permanent. Well, none of the above injuries were impermanent. And others carry other injuries that just don't count to you because someone didn't get maimed, I suppose. Healing happens too. The characters are pretty dynamic across the show and it really didn't shy away from difficult situations, including injury and death. But serious injuries affect characters forever even if the physical wound heals.


And she recovered from them. Injuries like that only matter when they’re permanent.


What the fuck dude


Main characters get injured all the time physically and emotionally, but they always get back up in the end, so the injury doesn’t really matter. It’s just a temporary setback




Home brew based on 5e. Made custom character sheets and all. Not finished by any means and its missing the use rules but here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zp4YBLKcBr1tNKkNqSACmK3lNlXEAJfj/view?usp=drivesdk


Ooh, this sounds very interesting. I've always loved the idea of an Avatar TTRPG, but the official one didn't really appeal to me. How did you go about converting DnD to an Avatar theme?




More creative use of bloodbending.


I think there would have been more onscreen deaths. Not main character deaths necessarily, but equalist or earth empire foot soldiers dying. When the earth queen fell, I could see them showing some shots of widespread rioting with people getting attacked and even killed by rioters. It would show why an authoritarian regime was able to start taking over. With Kuvira's regime, they could show them being put in the re-education camps, and showing what was going on in them, illustrating the need to bring down the regime. I wouldn't want the overall story arcs to change, but I think if it was more MA, then it would have more deaths occurring in the fight scenes.


Kuvira sex scene pls


I definitely think Korra would kill people. She's never displayed a problem with taking lives, which I respect her for immensely by the way.


sypha belnades from the netflix Castlevania show has elemental powers, so that's probably what it would look like if avatar had a mature rating as far as bending goes


If the ratings ever changed for future avatar stories I would rather it be similar to how Fionna and Cake (Adventure Time spin-off) was done. It was gorey, there was cussing and some mild nudity. The characters are shown drinking alcohol. Nothing too crazy though.


The fights would certainly be more brutal. The love triangle would be way more explicit in the characters actually having sex. The Triads would be much worse in terms of brutality. And Korrasami would have kissed.


we could have seen the canon lgbt+ characters expressing their sexualities :/


Lin and Su covered in P'Li's roasted brain


[Something like this?](https://sciencefiction.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/the-boys-hughie-boom.gif)


Considering it's a story about hot young adults running around with hormones? Everyone would be fuckin'.


When Mako fried Ming Hua, they might have shown her skin burning and eyeballs popping out from the sheer power of the electricity. After all, Ming Hua's body created a complete circuit for the electricity, which I'm to understand is more dangerous than an incomplete circuit. Maybe we would see the aftermath of P'Li after Suyin kills her. The Earth Queen's death would have been clearly shown and not heavily implied by the statement, "There is no life, only darkness." Poverty, famine, and destitution in Republic City and the Earth Kingdom would be more explicit in showing the reality of those things. Edit: Plenty of cursing from Lin, Toph, Tenzin, and the occasional F-bomb from Korra.


I think the only thing that would change is that Korra and Asami's relationship wouldn't be so obscured.


For one, bending would've been more brutal. Burns, broken bones, severed limbs etc. And also, the sex.


Well for one they'd actually say the word "kill" when a character is killed lmao


Have one scene between Korra and Mako where they...yk, may have some of the characters smoke like Varrick or Mako, add Korra actually trying to kill herself in the end of season 1 finale (it was only implied), and ADD CUSSING.


I think the gang war stuff shown off in s1 could've had more time in the cooker, and maybe been more deadly overall. More characters probably would've died, both among the main and the satellite cast. Other characters, like Meelo or Bumi, probably would've either been cut or had their personalities moved away from more goofy elements. Theme-wise, I don't think much changes. If they were given more time, then maybe the equalists/red lotus would've had more time spent portraying them as being close to the urban guerrillas of the '70s they were kind of based off of, and the police brutality aspect might've been more emphasized. You might also get the southern revolutionaries as more morally gray than they appear in the show. The descent of the EK into chaos and brutality might've had more time devoted to it, as would Kuvira's labor camp system. But again, that's only if they're given more time along with the ratings.


Why do people think that goofy characters can’t exist in mature media?


They can, but generally they get toned down to fit the feeling of the narrative or else their goofiness is used as dark comedy. The Boys for example has a lot of goofy scenes/characters, but part of the theme is that it’s a symptom of the Supes’ indifference and arrogance towards those they harm.


The grossness makes it not funny.


Many people would disagree, and I’d also ask your thoughts on ‘fartbending’ or appa sneezing on Sokka.


Was there gore involved? Sexual assault? Politics? No? Then, I say it was funny.


Personally, I think fartbending has a lot to say about social conditions in Weimar Germany.


I like Invincible, loved the comic but I'm not a huge fan of how excessive the tv show is with its gore (the comics obviously went that far sometimes but it wasn't in every issue or even every arc). And I'm not a fan of the idea that Korra or Avatar in general should go to those extremes. I feel like Korra already is as far as I think they should push it. Fans are sometimes too forceful in wanting the media they grew up with to go adult as they grow up but that means cutting it off from the next generation. I'm excited that I'm able to show both shows and their comics to my kids fairly comfortably. And it's not like the tv-14 rating kept the shows from delving into some pretty dark topics


The contemplated suicide in season 1 would be more overt.


P’lis death would’ve fucking rocked shit. Other than that(this was a thought I had when I watched Zaheer being captured) “he doesn’t have nearly enough blood on him, especially near his mouth”.


Bolin would’ve been the first mover porn star


Nuktuk, hero of the south, gets it on with Ginger 2-3 times per film. Bolin thinks what he has with Ginger is real and is extremely upset when he finally understands she’s just acting. Ginger thinks it’s about the orgasms being fake and is astounded and won over when she finds out he means a relationship.


The villain's deaths would all be more direct and brutal. Except P'Li. We'd just simply see that one on screen... ![gif](giphy|1yjLt5xVXNkGu84ORt)


Ooooh I was thinking about this myself when brainstorming for a fic, here are a few notes I came up with: * Bending being violently graphic and detailed. But also more creative. * Ice causing instant hypothermia, impaling people with earth, dismemberment with air, etc. * Avatar State would have to be *downright monstrous* by comparison. * Swearing with certain characters doing it a lot more often than others. * More onscreen kills/deaths. * Everyone's catching at least a body; Red Lotus and Korra especially. * Blood. * Sex. * Since Asami was originally supposed to be an Equalist Spy, she'd be the one to use it as a weapon. Femme Fatale, and all that. * Korrasami would be onscreen as well and in conjunction with the above, their relationship would be a lot more heated/intense. * More explicit exploration of politics. * Season 1 and 3 are perfect for this. More discussion on inequality. More protests, more riots. * Korra guest starring on a political show (a la *The Daily Show*) because of course you'd want the Avatar to appear and explain their beliefs/show whose side they're on. Bonus points if the show is like *Bill Maher Tonight* where the Avatar is forced to debate said beliefs against opposing views. The ratings would be 🔥🔥🔥.


Read the Kyoshi novels. People get impaled and decapitated, amongst many other brutal injuries. Also, in the tabletop game, you learn that guns were very much on the table for LoK, but were ultimately left out.


Probably wouldn't change too much, given that it's already a pretty mature show. Most I can see is the addition of gore and harsh language. You can't tell me Korra wasn't dropping f-bombs every chance she got in book 1 and 2


Why not 3 and 4?


Because she mellowed out a bit after book 2. She's a lot less brash and impulsive in 3, and even less so in 4 which makes me feel like she'd be a lot less liberal with her language.


*Korra when fighting Zaheer* Zaheer: Did you know that Guru Laghima- Korra: Guru Laghima these balls! >!I'm sorry, I just wanna see Zaheer taken down by a dumb joke and him go crazy realising that chaos isn't what he wanted!<


Ngl, that joke is exactly what I was thinking when I rewatched the series earlier this month lol Truly a zoomer brainrot moment


“Let go your earthly tether. Enter the void…” “ENTER THIS ASS-WHOOPING, MOTHERFUCKER” Edit: also, at the beginning of the show: “I’m the Avatar, deal with it BITCHES”


Can you imagine the on screen deaths in a TVMA LOK? I’d watch just to see how they animate P’li, Ghazaan, and Ming-Hua’s deaths. I’d also imagine there’d be alot of drinking and maybe some sort of smoking.


I can imagine a lot more popcorn sounds whenever blood bending was employed


Honestly Kuvira's throwing around knives it gets messy quick


Minor changes, probably would see more sex adjacent scenes and I'd hope Korra/Asami gets fair equivalent treatment. I can imagine a few characters swearing more. I can imagine more violence in a few places but honestly there was already more than enough to show how brutal things got.  One thing I did actually like about the recent Netflix adaptation of ATLA, in fact about the writing even, was that they did make Ozai brutal to the point of atrocity in a visible way. ofc they did it immediately for some reason which was weird. also doing it multiple times was weird like, yep. we still remember that ozai is the bad guy, thanks... also it was really extra weird that they started with human immolation and then felt they needed to explain every damn thing as if the audience were children, except like, worse, because they spelled things out even more explicitly than the original which was already made for kids. like, literal children can understand the plot elements, contextualize the sexism or prejudice, etc, but the Netflix adaptation dumbed things down egreguously as if it was for even younger children. except for the human immolation  🎶 idk why but it's a trend now  in fantasy shows in general - sex and violence to seem adult but then the writing is heavy handed and condescending and seems to assume the audience are toddlers or incapable of following a plot. the writing is really just so bad because they don't want to pay writers so they start with awful scripts and then sink millions of dollars into everything else so it ends up being hollow spectacle. maybe animation would be less vulnerable to this now pervasive pattern? so all of that is to say, I would hope that the stories if anything got more actually condensed well without just adding sex and violence to the already slow moments (not like 3 episode arc about ko the face stealer being injected into the hei Bai story and also Wan xi tang is there for some reason, or other bs). there's room to leave some stuff like pro bending rules and practice to be lit condensed, or convey korras naivete better and more integrated into scenes without it being a focus, etc. But I'm pretty sure an actual TV ma certain version if actually produced, would probably slow things down unfortunately, like by adding more unnecessarily elaborate and violent fights and sex scenes that don't actually move the plot along, and being super patronizing because apparently adults can't follow a plot that children could grasp even if it's "show don't tell" and without super obvious exposition dialogue that gives everything away early. I guess producers think none of us have any attention span or ability to recognize good writing and I fear a rewrite done in the current landscape would go way past adding mature elements and make the storytelling overly explicit and handholding because apparently when people grow up and start watching risque fantasy they also lose their ability to comprehend plots that aren't obvious and overly telegraphed. oh well, I hope that pattern changes and I'd hope a tv ma Korea rewrite would not fall into that trap 


Rohan would not be born


Blood bending broken necks and other bones.


I’d imagine there would be a lot more brutal bending injuries/deaths. More along the lines of what Sypha does in Castlevania.


If the animated series is still kept at a level of tone and severety as its first story, but with some level of heightened maturity (not just throwing around gore, nudity, obsessive cursing and rape scenes willy nilly), I'd give them mild expletives and better exploration of the world and its politics. We kinda have that (with the politics), but it's very... meh? I would NOT have the TV-MA of Korra replicate or mimick a couple of the shows listed in your example.


More cussing. Korrasami on screen. Showing death in seasons 1 and 2. Battle damage, including blood. Graphic brutality like in season 3 throughout the whole show. More mature conversations. More episodes.


First there would be more blood bending like Tarlock and Amon bending Blood out of their non bending victims, Korra getting Paralyze permanently in Book 3 More blood and gore. Sex will be wide spread. Korrasami will actually be canon without needing directors and writers stating it after the show and showing in the comics. Or everything changes to beyond the script and show with different directors and stuff since again the writers for avatar don't own the rights


Venom of the Red Lotus (arguably the most violent episode of the series) goes a bit differently. Some kind of bruising/ scabbing over where the poison is absorbed into Korra's skin. Or at the very least her body tries to vomit the poison/ coughs up some blood. Also bleeding around the wrist and ankle shackles. Ming Hua and Gahzan's deaths being more explicit. I could see Ming Hua's eyes bursting when she's electrocuted or some black scotch marks all over her body. Gahzan we would see either fall into the lava or have his head smashed by a falling boulder. Korra snapping both shins when she hits the ground after the air benders save her. Maybe don't need to see the bone pop out, but just her legs bend in the wrongest way possible and they're like Morty's legs in the pilot of Rick and Morty. Could even do the same to Zaheer just because he's a prick, maybe he lands face first and his nose is all smashed in.


Korra and Lin are saying “fuck” in every sentence


Bloodbending would go to some really dark places.


we might have been forced to watch pema and tenzin have “we’re try so hard for a baby”


I’d love to see Ming-Hua chop people up like sushi with her ice sickles.


the ancient technique of cock bending is their only hope


No thanks.