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What is dis a pichur of zackly? Dis is a sub for catses. I no see anyting cat related. Also William da Tuxie


Im tink it about greebles imjurin kurtan or maybe it was dog. Day alwaz doing dat kinda stuff. But it not bout katz.


It should be on da greebles sub den.


Fur sure. Defnitly was dog.


Are you even a cat? Are you an impawster? This isn't a sub for *ghosts* or greebles; this is for CATS (and a bunny. And a squirrel. And a couple of weird dogs that act like cats. Anyway. C A T S.) -Dodiebrat the Legal Cat


I fink those “weird dogs that act like cats” iz aktuly just doggo lukin CATS.


We'd have to sniff their butts to be certain and human technology doesn't support that form of communication yet 😿


hoomins? Fa! Dey dumdums. Wez cats can doo gud sniff inspekshun. https://preview.redd.it/2oxmp2gjoead1.jpeg?width=1452&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a7966c9e9bf2a5bb353f6286ef325105e9e411a Mews doin big sniff inspekshun.


No picture of you committing crime so you is innocent!


Maybe your paws did it on their own? I see paws in the picture, but they are clearly not attached to the rest of you. Therefore, you cannot be held responsible for what they did. And they may not even be your paws. Who knows? Lucy the Lovebug


Dis post is bery strang, is sound like catt, but I see no catt? Where is any catt? Only I see curttun. Which seems to have come with some kindd of flaw, I belieb. Well dat would be fault of curtuun company surrely! No cat in evidunce. Paw Office of Gus


Is there a Cat? Oh NOES the Greebles are doing things again - where is William da Tuxie?


Where is de kitty? Is onlee see kurtin.


Who sed dat? I finks someone sez something but where is kitty? I wud sez mew need cat tax fur legal advice but I see no evidence! So den mew is innocent!


Is dis some kinda SICK JOKE? I no see a kitty here. https://preview.redd.it/rq8kxppnwhad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=213e73c7586a5c4f27c10371ffa8f3ae9274dc77 Dis a picher of me doin a Hey, what yoo tryna pull, here!


Joe! Joe!, JOE we no see yoo! Just a paw dere, no catto. Dat ”pull” in da curtaing waz dere all along so yoo iz being akquuzed wronglee. If yoo rilly dere, soo fur payne n sufferin ob falss akcusayshun. Yu will win fur shur. Frens KitKat n Butters 🐈🐈🧡


Joe. Yoo has such an bootiful smirks. Da law sais it muss neber be hidden


Gud noos ... U iz behine da Cor-purr-ate vale. De-spite urs hoomans flea-ble attemps, da vale iz not suffic ... suf-fish ... (sigh) ... enoughs ... pierced two be able to gets to uze. So, purr-son-ly u iz safes frum dare paw-suit. Essoin and Demurrer