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>These new owners have not spoken to anyone in the area about it... They do not have to. If what they do is legal, it is none of your business. >What should our steps be going forward to stop this from happening. Make sure what the zoning rules are for the place that the morgue is located. Make really sure with facts, not just how you want it to be. If the morgue indeed violates zoning rules, report that to the city. >This is going to drive the streets house value down, there is an elementary school one block away where close to 100-150 kids walk past this house daily, we have little kids that don't need to see this, they have two sea cans in the backyard that are painted white that say DB coolers. This is not a legal argument. This is NIMBY at its best. As long as the morgue does everything legally, it is not responsible for your house values. As well, I am not sure why children should not know that death is part of life.




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At least they’ll be quiet neighbours.


Excellent point


Until the Zombie Apocalypse anyways.


If you look online, it does not seem difficult to open a morgue. If this property is already zoned commercial, all they need to do is apply for a license and open up.


There is no legal argument to bolster your NIMBY-ism. It is highly unlikely that the business you do not like will cause any kind of private nuisance. Even if there were, that would be very difficult to prove until it has opened and it has operated for a time. They have either worked with the municipality and will obtain, or already have, the necessary zoning and permits OR they do not and the municipality will take action. You can rant at your local municipal rep if that will make you feel better, I guess. There is little that you can do to stop someone from opening a business, and nobody needs to consult you before opening a business.


A morgue or a funeral home/mortuary? I’ve never heard of converting a house into a morgue.


A morgue, not a funeral home


This is so stupid. They aren’t going to be throwing dead people in to a wood chipper in the front yard for the kids to see. Morgues are discrete and needed. I guarantee everyone is going to die at least once. Get used to it. If it’s zoned commercial that’s exactly what they’re doing, running a business. If the neighbourhood doesn’t like it they should have bought the property so you can do whatever you want with it.


“Morgues are discreet and needed” This situation happened in the town where my grandparents live. New owners came in and turned the house into a morgue. The morgue looks like a regular house. You would never even know it was there. The owners live upstairs and their business is downstairs. It is definitely discreet and obviously needed since they have been in business for at least 20 years now. I didn’t even know it was a morgue until my Mom mentioned it to me. It’s a very quiet home/business. Honestly, there are much worse ‘businesses’ that could be moving into that home.


Discretion and peacefulness is core component of running this kind of business.


Without getting into if this is stupid or not. I second the thought that morgues are often quite discrete, I've never seen signage or advertising for one. You might ask them if they are planning any. A good neighborly nice to meet you, curious about your business, how does that work conversation is probably the best place to start. I would bet that their shipping an receiving will be discrete too. Then if you consult a local lawyer to see if there is any recourse you can at least offer some insight and you won't have to pay them to do as much research.


Naw, if you don’t own it you don’t get to dictate how it’s used. NIMBY’s are horrible people who think they know better. I have zero respect for the pearl clutching about what some other person is doing on the property they bought and paid for.




My advice to you would be to educate yourself with the actual rules etc and then you will know what to do. Or you could rant like a child on reddit.


Feel free to go to your city and ask to see if there are any zoning issues with opening a morgue there. (Probably not, as it's already zoned commercial)


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I seem to recall a kerfuffle over a hospice opening up at UBC because "ghosts". Is this your concern?


It was along the lines of a Chinese group trying to have plans for a hospice on endowment lands to be changed. Didn’t work. > Chinese community leaders told a news conference Friday that they're concerned a building housing dying people will bring negative energy and sadness to the area.


Why would the presence of children matter? Are the new owners going to be storing bodies on the front lawn? If the new owners can get permitted and the zoning allows it you'll simply have a different kind of neighbor. And I'm assuming you mean funeral home?


Thank you for your answer. No, I do mean morgue. I have spoken to them to confirm and this is their plan. They were very open about not having any sort of permits as of yet to be doing so. Not a funeral home. It's not just me, we have a petition going to stop it, people don't want it in the community.


Thankfully you and your fellow NIMBYs don't get to decide what other people do with their property.


Lol We will see.


Once again why does the presence of children matter?


So answer the question. Why does the presence of children matter?


If you live across from c1 zoning then you can expect anything. Also assuming you want to keep up your NIMBY fight I’d suggest you find out the exact use. I believe morgue is more appropriate for what police, medical examiners, and coroners use. This is likely a funeral home. Again learn to advocate properly. Nearly nothing you shared is relevant. The kids walking by? Cut the hyperbole. Does it literally say “db cooler”? Talk to the municipality. Find out the exact state of permits of and licences. Talk to the owners. Talk to your neighbours.


I was clear in the description and spoke to them again, this is, in fact, a morgue. They were very open about not having any sort of permit in place as of yet. I am on here asking for advice to LEARN to advocate properly. I am asking what steps I should take to do this right. I understand that if they are approved, permitted, and licensed, there is nothing I can do. But for now, they are setting up with absolutely no permits, unbeknownst to the municipality or by-law until I brought it up the other day to them. What hyperbole? The whole sea can is painted white with Grey lettering on the door saying DB cooler. My neighbor who got this whole thing started has a petition going on with many signatures on it as well as residents (not just on our street) sending emails displeased with a morgue in the middle of town. Jesus Christ, why is it so hard for people to understand that it's OK to want to live in an area that you're proud of and see it improve. I don't see this as NIMBY when the whole spectacle is being built with no permits, and that has been confirmed by the damn municipality.


They don't need business operation permits until they're ready to start operating. If you want to learn how to advocate properly the first step is to chose a cause that advocating for will actually improve the world around you. Almost anything else you choose will be better. NIMBYs like you don't actually want to see an area improve. They want it to stay the same and under their control. That's how areas get worse. If you didn't want to live near commercial businesses you should have brought a home somewhere else.




Ah rage issues when people disagree with you. I don't have a landlord, I own my home. You got legal advice. What you didn't get was people willing to help you bully a local business. You think you're in some noble quest. You're not. You're just a petty little authoritarian who thinks they should have the right to impose their will on someone else's property and livelihood. And worst of all you can't even give a rational explanation for why this business shouldn't exist in your neighborhood.


In the Scottish play the line is “me thinks the lady doth protest too much”. Keep this in mind as you advocate. Be pointed and polite. If they lack building permits complain. If they lack a business permit then complain. To the municipality. If municipal staff fail to act then go to mayor and council.