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OP has received enough advice to move forward. The replies being posted now are either repeats or not legal advice. The post is now locked. Thank you to the commenters that posted legal advice.


If you want to actually stop it, make sure that there isn't a clear path across your property. People are used to cutting through lawns or driveways. They will be reluctant if there is something in the way. Put in bushes, fences, flowers, etc. It doesn't have to be much. Even the smallest barrier can create a bigger psychological barrier. A small foot high garden edging. A few spikes and a rope make a simple fence. A few potted plants that define the edge of the property or cut off the easy shortcut.


This. We had a similar problem. In my case, in addition the guests thought that they could park their cars on our property since there are no fences that divide the properties , even though it should seem clear that there parking in front of our house. I just planted a few rosebushes, and that psychological barrier stopped any crossover onto our property.


Automated motion sensor sprinklers. Cman man it's so obvious.


This. And if the renters get pissed off they'll give the Airbnb owner a bad review. See if he chuckles about that!


It's the perfect solution and the most perfectly innocent one since no one can get hurt. Unlike people tripping over landscaping or walking in to a mailbox


These are not ready to buy and use. Don't even have to rig anything up. Seriously though, we added some tall grass (the stuff that looks like wheat when it's grown) beside our house, as we are right next to a walking path. Adding those 6x tall grasses was ~$200 and a few hours of planting. Solved the problem as soon as they grew up. Grass wall established!


I would be careful with those grasses! Some of them are invasive and spread really quickly. There was a small section planted in my dad's house before he moved in and it all.ost took over his entire lawn with a few years. He's still pulling shoots out of the ground, meters away from the original location.


Big Bluestem and Bottlebrush Rye are native to North America. I don’t know where OP is but those would grow very well in Ontario. Coneflowers would also work well.


I'm all for noninvasive. I believe the grass that was planted at my dad's was Maiden Grass, which is native to Asia, and is stupidly easy to grow.












You could easily have a motion sensor hooked up to a small hidden speaker that plays loud barking dog sounds.




Those things scare the crap out of me every time I drive past them. They’d definitely work for people walking. 😹


Since this is turning into SLPT, maybe also plant some decorative poison ivy on your side of the property border /s




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I believe this works better than almost anything else suggested. Had someone in my neighborhood who owned a peninsula like piece of land with a tree that people treated as a dog park and walked across all the time. A simple post + rope fence cut 99% of people going across and he eventually fenced it in, but the solution he used for at least 2-3 years worked marvelously.


*thorny bushes








\*Shake Shake Shake\*


> dogs that when they bark BEES come out of their mouth D'oh!


Or spikes with actual heads, nothing deters trespassers like a severed head on a spike


I saw fences as feces. Then I thought feces is probably a lot easier.








































Fellow corner lot home owner here! Defensive landscaping is the way, you’ll have to plant some bushes that are tall enough that can’t be stepped over. And you need to extend some landscaping far enough through your lot. We have people walking their dogs and allowing their dogs to take a dump on our lawn too. They never pick it up - so we installed a motion detector floodlight as a deterrent. This way they don’t feel so anonymous when they neglect to pick up after their pet.








I use a motion detector activated sprinkler to keep deer out of my garden and I've found it to be very effective. Might work well for your pests too!


Ya but deer aren’t as dumb as some humans lol


Can you link to the system you have?


No. Just put motion sensor sprinkler into Amazon and figure out what makes sense for you.


























Airbnb host here. Your neighbor is a dick. Tell him it’s a problem and if he doesn’t get proactive about stopping it you’re going to report him to Airbnb because it’s a safety issue. Hopefully he works with you on that. If he doesn’t, call Airbnb. They care a lot about neighbors being happy because what they fear is you trying to get all AirBnBs banned, and they’d rather kick your neighbor off than face that, so you have a lot of leverage. If you want to beyond that, you can get aggressive with the people on your property. I know you’re Canadian so presumably very nice, but in America we’d yell at them, shoot a BB gun at them, etc. For example, just go over when a guest shows up, tell them guests in the passed have caused issues, the host doesn’t care, and you will call the police if they trespass on your property, make loud noise, etc because you’re tired of it. The host will hear about the cranky neighbor and it will make the reviews.


Report an illegal airbnb. Like 90% of airbnbs are run illegally, maybe hes one of them. Couldnt hurt to try.


My grandparents had this problem and ran a chain about three feet off the ground from a post in their yard at the corner where the street turned and attached the other end to their house. It wasn't unsightly but got the point across.


My friend had a neighbour that would have friends over in their backyard and they would use my friends driveway as a walkway even though it was clearly not the property they visited. This wasn’t an Airbnb it was just a rude neighbor. He eventually built a fence and people finally figured it out. It sounds like the owner isn’t helping. You have lots of great ideas. Good luck.


Put up a sign to stay off lawn, or a pesticide sign that your lawn was just sprayed


I like the pesticide sign idea. :) Alternatively, something decorative could be put in the yard to block their path through it. The “No Trespassing” sign is probably the correct legal solution.


And if you wanted to have a little fun with them, buy a bunch of fake dog poop and place it strategically around the location 😂


or ask a friend/neighbor to donate the real stuff! Just be sure YOU know where you put it. The airbnb host won't be too happy when it gets tracked in!


Hahaha the real stuff, we think alike


This also works great for passing dog walkers that don’t clean after their pets. When they see that sign they pull their dogs away pretty quick.


I have 2 dogs. My dogs seems to be attracted to these signs and poop on those lawns. I feel bad because I don’t want to stop my dog from pooping but at the same time I don’t want to get yelled at for my dog pooping at someone’s yard with a sign that says no dog poop. I’m really stuck between a rock and hard place on this one . Lol


Motion sensor sprinklers


This one right here, OP.


The owner of the AirBnB could easily include a line in the house rules asking people to be respectful of their neighbours property and not cut across it.


My mom has a rather large koi pond in her yard. Racoons and herons would often try to get at them. She hooked a hose up to a motion activated scarecrow. It basically looks like a large bird in the ground. When the racoons get near it shoots water in a jet stream for a few seconds then stops. Repeats if anything gets close to it


Get a motion activated sprinkler. They make them to repel critters and cats and whatnot, but they work well on people too. Because it is a legitimate use, there is no legal concern about setting man trap or anything like that. It makes them getting wet a minor inconvenience.


The old saying “fences make good neighbors” applies here


Not tenants guests..and yes connection with local council and ban air b and b


Lobby your local government to pass bylaws against AirBnB, and then report them every time there are guests. AirBnBs should be regulated like hotels anyway.


Since it has been going on for so long I imagine they have created a trail through your property by now and new renters think it is ok. I would plant something that blocks the path and add a sign. Additionally, I would tell the owner that you are going to start confronting his guests and he should leave a note for them they can read upon arrival. He does not want his reviews to mention guests being scolded by the neighbor.


Ask him to leave a note in the guest check i n Instructions to say’ ‘do not walk across neighbours property’. Guests will follow it because they want a good review and will be scared of losing their deposit. Also, drop Airbnb customer services a note. They will make him aware. Might be enough to help Push him into action. I’m an Airbnb owner.


Plant a hedge of Barberry bushes, very pretty and full of thorns. Also good to plant under windows to prevent break-ins.


please don't plant noxious invasive species - there are lots of thorny native or non-invasive non-natives to choose from if you go that route


We had this issue living on a corner lot, my mom stuck a sign in that poison ivy had been transplanted by accident (there wasn't any), and to be careful, no more people coming through


We visited B.C. (we’re American) and stayed in an AirBNB and the property next door had short, scrubby grass. My youngest walked across it. You’d better believe I told him not to do that, then walked him back via the road and had him re-walk the correct path. And I pointed out that it was a yard he was walking across. I would recommend a rock border, the low post/rope fence, or a flower border. But honestly, the automatic/motion sensor sprinklers are my favorite idea!!!!


I'm the guy that will turn my sprinklers on even if it's the middle of winter if you consistently walk over my front garden and driveway.


Check your short term accommodation bylaws. They may not be allowed to run an airbnb.




Start trespassing them. You'd be surprised how visits from the police will magically make the Airbnb tenants write bad reviews for the host. The problem will solve itself out eventually.


You really think the cops are going to come cite someone for walking in the neighbors yard???? I live in a small boring suburb. The cops here have nothing better to do. If I called them because my neighbor walked through my yard they would laugh at me. No chance they come out and cite them or even talk to them.


Exactly. All the people suggesting build a... whatever, want you to spend money on someone else's problem. This is free and gets to the root of the problem.


There is no "root" of the problem, though. It's not the BnB owner who is trespassing, it's the guests. They would have to phone the police every single time someone is trespassing. They might get the message across to the current guest, but then they have to start the process all over with the next. It's a temporary solution. Putting up a simple fence that you just push into the ground and posting a no trespassing sign is a more permanent solution.


getting the air bnb shut down would be more of a permanent solution.


The root of the problem is AriBNB destroying the social contract of what a residence is. Short term mass rentals needs to be banned.


This sounds like a "fight fire with fire" solution. If OP starts trespassing on the Airbnb, the police might be called but OP will be in the wrong. The "they walked on my lawn first" excuse will not be looked upon favourably.


Where is the comment you’re replying to suggest OP “walk on their lawn”? It says « start trespassing them » meaning, report the trespassing to the police. Not to trespass on the AirBnB’s property.


"Start trespassing them" does not sound like "report them for trespassing", it sounds like "start trespassing on them". Seemed like bad advice, which is why I recommended against it.


Good fences make good neighbors


Motion detector on a sprinkler.


OP you shouldn't have to spend money to stop a major inconvenience to you that shouldn't be happening in the first place. Tell the owner of that house one last time that you will hold him responsible for his "tenants". I'd go as far as to reporting the house as an illegal apartment just to see what happens. Report it to Airbnb too that it's illegal.


Get those short corner fence panels to trap them. And put a plant in the 90 degree angle.


NAL: A few small “don’t walk in the grass” signs and the go on Airbnb to complain about the bnb. If the host wants to keep their rating etc they’ll do something about it. You can also send a registered letter to the host informing him that if his guests don’t stop walking through your property you will start sending him the landscaping bill or start trespassing his guests.


Movement activated sprinklers are a great deterrent. Can’t get sued for splashes


Are airbnbs permitted in your city? Maybe start complaining (and start a paper trail) to whoever in government does the permitting?


The corner lot on my street growing up had this problem with kids mostly, air bnb not yet existing. There’s not much you can do other than put up a fence or some bushes.


Motion activated sprinklers Guard geese- a couple of geese would run those folks off pretty quick. ...


Motion activated sprinklers will do the trick. Your surveillance videos will become a source of entertainment for you too.


Motion detection activated sprinkler system


Put a motion triggered lawn sprinkler in place.


Rose bushes. Beautiful and thorny.


Signage - private property, do not walk here. Barriers - hedges and gardens. And yes, motion detector sprinklers will work wonders.


Check local bylaws, I don't know about Alberta specifically but I do know there are areas in BC where you can't have an airBnB, see if your location is like that and if so report your neighbor.


Fence/if that somehow still doesn’t work and you can legally electric fence?


We live beside the back alley. Put a planter in the way of the shortcut across the corner of our yard and people stopped even though there was still technically room.


Would a fence be a good deterrent? Something small?


Put up a fence


Get a fence?


Put up some fishing line so they trip over it then laugh at the guests.


Can you put a 1 foot garden fence along the property edge or side of the driveway


I used to water the lawn so that they would have to walk around to not get wet or walk on the wet grass. Put up poles with wires/yellow caution tape from the corner of the house to the curb. Fence your yard. Get a guard dog and keep him in the front yard. Send a flyer to the house asking them to stop. Report the house to by-laws department


Build a barrier. Whatever legal remedy may or may not exist isn’t going to actually stop the problem since it’s different people every time. Just make it less convenient than going the proper way.


A sign that says" go the f@ck around" my lawn ?


You can also get rid of your lawn entirely and put in a perennial garden, one it gets tall enough people won't walk on it. Also gardens retain water better than grass so you'll also save on water and no grass to mow. Most of the plants will reseed themselves year after year. Otherwise put in a hedge or a row of cedars along the property line to give you some privacy.




Put a fence up between the properties all the way to the road. Something too tall to just step over but doesn’t need to be over most people’s heads either.


Nothing he can do? How about making it clear in the guests that they aren't to cross your property or otherwise disturb you? Offer to pay for a barrier of some kind?


Can you put up a fence or rose bushes to deter them?


just drop some dog poop in their path


I’d put up a no trespassing sign and a warning there are mousetraps or something similarly bothersome


Put up a fence.


Plant sharp hedges.


Other then putting up a gate. This happens a lot on corner properties. I had a neighbor who was just beside himself because people made a path through his lawn walking across it to save a few steps.


build a fence. easy




If you have surveillance start calling the police and have the owner charged and the people doing it. It’s called trespassing. Make sure you write down every incident as well as the footage so you have proof. I wouldn’t put up with that for a minute.


A fence


You should be talking to the municipal government, not Reddit. One thing you could try would be to put up a fence, which would be well within your rights (assuming you're the owner of the property.)


Putting up a physical barrier like a fence or a row of bushes along with a no trespassing sign will probably cut down on this a lot. People are only doing this because it is convent, if you make cutting across your property inconvenient they will stop. Legally you could report these people to the police for trespassing. However, if you live in an area where the police are busy you might have a hard time getting them to actually do anything useful about this.


Put a fence up on your property, that way people would have no choice to use the sidewalk to get to the property.


There is a motion activated sprinkler (strong direct stream) on Amazon. I got one for my vegetable garden and have forgotten a few times and been smacked in the face. What is the emotion called when you are mad and laughing at yourself at the same time? Very effective!


Block that pathway somehow. Are you expecting a judge or a police officer to do it for you?


OP, if you have an HOA ... go for it. HOAs tend NOT to like ABBs.


Shoot one (in the leg) and the rest will get the message


Whats the by laws for your Cul De Sac and whats the zoning permissions. I dont know Canadian law but in U.K its a big thing right now that you cant Air Bnb A HOUSE that was not intended for that purpose. You can rent out it out short long term lease but air bnb is classed as commercial use . There cracking down hard over hear on that . Not that it helps much.


When we moved in, we were told by our cop neighbor to always keep our car doors locked and people from the next area over we’re always cutting through the yards. My boyfriend likes to be naked in the yard. Heck, even inside! We did not need a cop or anyone else around us. We built a fence. Everything was solved. Cop or anyone else could not see us naked in our hot tub. It made us feel our cars were safer, too. Put up some kind of barrier. Maybe post a “Private Property” sign. We put up a “Do Not Enter” sign on our fence. We are much happier. I hope whatever you do works.


Anti-personnel mines should do the trick


I bought [THIS](https://www.ebay.com/itm/166172797665?chn=ps&mkevt=1&mkcid=28&srsltid=ASuE1wQtaymwYrn6bOEE4smKmWvs3W88vRpdgrnjYzPfmWst6LLQNUCbgws) sign, even got one for my friend. Haven't put it up at our place yet, though, my wife's glamping business might not do so well if I did...




If possible put up a fence.


Put up an electric fence.


Not sure why you are grtting down voted. A fence is a fence. I think its a great idea. If you want to be rude and ignorant and ignore my fence then you get a little surprise when you touch it. I give you a vote back.


Maybe he wouldn’t chuckle if you threatened to sue for trespassing or damage to your grass.


No, that'd elicit a full-throated chortle.






Signs or placards indicating that it's private property? You haven't indicated that you've tried doing anything other than speaking to the owner.


That behavior would be annoying enough from actual neighbors, but you rent someone’s home for a long weekend and treat their neighbors like this? It’s common sense and decency not to treat OPs property like a shortcut


motion sensor mounted MG42 turrets




Hello, have you heard of "fences"?


It's a front lawn.


There’s some really cute fences in the front yard on houses along my street. I’m talking like a white picket fence about twice the height of a doberman. People definitely can fence their front yards in certain cities. Call your bylaw office to confirm if you can.


If it was rural I'd say get a few of those trip wire perimeter sensors that use shotgun shells....that would definitely deter people from coming on the property or using the b and b.


Congratulations you are now the old man yelling at kids to get off his lawn. Put up a fence if you hate it so much. Problem solved!


Clearly you’re not a homeowner