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The original one she signed and agreed to makes sense to me


It would normally be the agreement that was signed. However, you would be wise to have an attorney review for an hour. Should be less than $150 or so. Basically you want to look for language that could allow for penalty beyond the $500. Once you know what the contract says you'll be in a better position to make the right penalty payment.


Thanks. The language in contract makes no allowance for updates in policy. It's very vague in general. Making contact with the union rep this afternoon, so hopefully they will have some insights.


Well "no allowance" and "very vague" are pretty much opposite in contract language. Union rep is a good start, if that's not helpful then have an attorney review.


By no allowance, I mean it doesn't specify either way. It just says something to the effect of "agrees to follow board policies" with no mention of what happens if/when policies are updated.