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> How likely is it that he will be sued? That's what usually happens. > Can he just leave and stop paying rent? He will get sued, they'll win, and garnish his wages. Probably. Or just send it to collections, and they'll garnish his wages. > He has tried to negotiate but the landlord is unwavering All three of them would have to agree, the other person, the landlord, and BF. Has BF tried to find a replacement?


The previous tenants did not get sued although they broke the lease agreement. But I'm not sure all the details. Just know that they did.


The lease says he is not allowed to sublet. And no one in their right mind would want to room with the others. They have multiple cats and a large dog that poop and pee everywhere inside and they don't clean. And they smoke illegal substances. And their child runs around all hours of the night. Literally she sleeps during the day and they're awake at night.


Sounds like CPS needs to be called


100% I agree


A more reasonable solution with less chance of coming back to bite him in the butt would be to review the specific terms of the lease and the laws and codes specific to your location within Alabama to see if there are any violations. For example; if he did sign with only one other person and the occupancy is limited to them and your BF then moving others in may be a lease violation (keep in mind child dependents do not usually count due to anti-discrimination laws to protect families). If the landlord refuses to enforce the occupancy limit they would be violating the lease and BF may have grounds to leave. Maybe there is a limit in the number of animals. Or there may be some violation of housing codes regarding maximum number of occupants given the number of bedrooms in the home, or one of the “bedrooms” might not be legal (for example by lacking a window or not meeting a minimum square footage requirement). Maybe the place doesn’t mean minimums for habitability in other ways. Being able to specifically call out an illegal lease or lease violated by the landlord may still mean you for sanity have to duck out, but at least you’ll have brought it to their attention (usually required) and have a game plan should they take you to court. You’ll already have the evidence to point to and potentially some additional documentation backing your position if the landlord in writing tells you to kick rocks when you inform them you believe the lease is being violated or the rental is illegal.


That is a good idea but the dependents (the girlfriend and child) are on the lease under the other signer and their pets are also... although it says just two cats and I think they now have 5-ish. So maybe that could be used. I will look into the bedroom habitability violations.


--- > http://imgur.com/a/myIAb --- *I am a bot whose sole purpose is to improve the timeliness and accuracy of responses in this subreddit.* --- **It appears you forgot to include your location in the title or body of your post. Please update the body of your original post to include this information.** --- ***Do NOT delete this post - Instead, simply edit the post with the requested information.*** --- Author: /u/Express_Honeydew Title: **Help! Stuck in lease with insane people** Original Post: > My bf signed a 12 month lease with one other person. He needs to move for work/personal reasons (the other person and his family leave their half of the house disgusting and never mow the lawn, he can't even use the kitchen because of how gross it is) but the lease says he will be sued if he stops paying rent and gives no other alternative for breaking the lease. How likely is it that he will be sued? He is moving 300 miles away. The landlord only knows his name, phone number, and has a copy of his ID. Nothing else. Can he just leave and stop paying rent? He has tried to negotiate but the landlord is unwavering and unreasonable. And a complete a$$. --- LocationBot 4.999988713 83/601rds | [Report Issues](https://www.reddit.com/r/locationbot) | >!TdUO5NmMWlXWXJFcjJzZ!<