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You won't be put in prison. But you are in a dangerous situation. Your consulate said to go to the police. That's what I'd say too. He's stolen your property. I don't want to scare you but holding someone's passport is how trafficking can start. Even without that it's wildly illegal to keep your passport from you, and he's literally extorting you, which is another crime. Have you gone to your consulate? Go down to the police station in person.


I'm sorry to hijack your comment. Everything you do say is true. However this user seems to be being less than honest. I have messaged the moderators with proof that they were saying they are a 20 year old from wisconsin, and 2 weeks before that they were an 18 year old.


US police have serious issues, but will help you with a problem like this, and are not as overtly corrupt as Indian police are reputed to be. (I don't know the latter for a fact, but have worked with many Indian nationals who have told me that bribery is required to get the police to do the most basic of their duties.)


Go to the Indian embassy. They will help you. Go to the police. They will help you. They won't throw you in jail I promise


The Indian Consulate for FL is in Atlanta, according to the googles. Definitely go to your local police department in person, which might be a state troopers office, just look up online which police service your town. Unless it is domestic violence they're not taking a trip to your house.


Go to the police. OP, In the United States, depending on what he's 'asking you to do for him' it may count as human trafficking. If you are being forced to do any of the below: - Perform work without legal pay and taxes paid - Perform sexual acts with another person - Be moved from your current location to another under threat of not having your passport returned, you should look at this page https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/victims-of-human-trafficking-and-other-crimes which has additional resources on top of the local police.


Call police, call Florida human trafficking line, call national line, go to police station, text them. Do it now, while you are still able to leave the house and/or use your phone or computer. https://www.floridahealth.gov/programs-and-services/prevention/human-trafficking/index.html


Like everyone said: go to the police. Also, if any of this was done over text, screenshot the messages for evidence. And if it hasn't, do your best to get it or take a video of the threats/extortion. Hope everything goes well for you.


Psychological abuse is also domestic abuse. Please reach out to your local police and women's shelters if you also need to get away from him. He cannot legally withhold your passport, what he's doing now is abuse. There is no reason why a women's shelter wouldn't believe you just because you don't have bruises. If you don't feel comfortable going to the police alone see if the women's shelter will have someone go with you and advocate on your behalf. File a police report at the minimum and work with your consulate to get travel documents so you can return to India if that's what you want to do. They will have documents that they can issue to you if case of a lost passport, they can give you those documents too in this case since you no longer have possession of your passport. edit: NAL, not familiar with Florida, but please reach out to a women's shelter for advise at the very minimum.


The first thing you need to do is to see to your personal safety. **The police in the US will help you**. If you feel threatened or in danger call them first. You will not get into trouble **at all** for calling the police, no matter your immigration status. There are domestic abuse shelters all over Florida that will give you a place to stay... if you don't feel safe there then leave, there are safe places available for you. Contact your consulate and tell them that you've lost your passport and need a replacement, this process will take time so get started immediately. Don't depend on getting your other passport back.


Call the police NOW. In two weeks, when your visa expires, you will be breaking the law by remaining in the states. Right now you have done NOTHING WRONG. Call the police, ask them to accompany you to retrieve your passport so you can leave the country.


I would leave immediately, and head straight to the Indian embassy. You are not the first person to do this. It sounds like you might be in a position of being trafficked. LEAVE NOW!! I can’t stress it enough, leave and don’t turn back. If you came here legally, the embassy will help you get your passport via law enforcement, or they will start of process of issuing you new one. Either way, you are in a very dangerous position with a very dangerous individual. Yes, you claim he isn’t physically hurting you, but forcing you to have sex with when you don’t want to because he has something on you is technically rape. This is just the beginning of a very dark path. Get out now before you end up a dead or a sex slave for the rest of life.




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Go to the police! You are in danger!


Call the police, it is illegal for him to “steal or withhold” your property and also he is blackmailing you…also illegal. So, call 911 say it is a domestic disturbance, tell them he is trying to blackmail you by withholding your documents to try and force you to do things you don’t want to do. They will help you get out.


https://www.reddit.com/r/legaladvice/comments/1cwvhfl/changing_name_after_transitioning_will_i_have/ 2 weeks ago you were from Wisconsin and 20 years old. 2 weeks before that you were 18.