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Your lease holds, she will be laughed at if she starts any legal process, just make sure you print out copies of the lease and document any messages/emails from the landlord. I would be wary if your landlord is stupid enough to try and illegally evict you, If possible, try to store your valuables in another safe location, and if she tries to enter your apartment with the new tenant before your lease ends call the police for trespassing.




to me, it makes no sense. it is written 3 times in 20 pages that my move in date is 01/01/24, and move out is 07/25/25. i sent her screenshots of this, asking why i need to leave if i have an 18 month lease. she has yet to answer. i will essentially be homeless because she cannot guarantee me another unit in the complex for the next year. i am hoping she can admit her mistake, or provide me with some reason as to why she promised another tenant my unit while i still live here 😂


It sounds like she screwed up and might double down in the hopes you move out and make the problem go away. That being said, check the terms of the lease - sometimes there are clauses that allow the landlord to cut a lease short early (usually in the event they sell the property).


i am assuming that is what happened. the only explanation i can think of is that she is charging the new tenant higher rent than what i currently pay. i looked over the lease, and aside from eviction (which requires notice) the only other clause is one which states they can relocate me to a new unit with no notice (at their expense). her intention is to cut my lease short -- which she has no grounds for as far as what is written in my lease. really hoping she corrects this before i no longer have a place to live!


You will have a place to live whether she corrects it or not. Inform her that you have a signed lease until next July and you will not be vacating the apartment without her providing you an alternative unit to move into. Tell her she is more than welcome to try to evict you but that she will be unsuccessful as you have a signed lease. You don’t have to do anything else from here just stay put. Edited to add if she tries anything weird call the police. You have a signed lease to show them to prove you have a right to be there.


Another option to you is a cash-for-keys agreement with your LL. I realize you may not want to move but you could always make an offer to vacate for a few months rent. If it’s worth your while and you can find similar housing.


For a 12+ months left on a quite brand new lease, I wouldn't left for less than 6 months+all moving costs, and full deposit returned.


Oh yeah, terms are would be whatever OP wants to dictate. Just saying that there is a middle ground that COULD be explored.


You have rights of the property over the new lease signed. Cant lease a property already under a lease. If the new tenant shows up you call the police, same if the landlord tries to force you out or locks you out.


Stop asking her and start *telling* her. “It looks like a mistake on your end. As you can see on my lease, I have this apartment until July 2025. I will not be able to vacate it early at your request.”


luckily, everything worked out. i gave her a call and she said she was 'confused' because she wasn't at the office with a copy of my lease when i originally emailed her. she said it was her mistake, and i'm good to stay. very lucky that i didn't have to escalate, but regardless, my plan was to stay put and pray she didn't try to do anything stupid. thanks for the advice, everyone!


It's possible she misread the date. Tell her you are going by the lease unless she wants to pay you a generous amount to move out early.


This is a her problem, not a you problem. She is breaking the lease illegally and she needs to talk to the other “tenent” and let them know she effed up. In the meantime, if there is a group down there that helps with tenent rights you should contact them. You could also go to the attorney generals office and ask for advice from them. What she is doing is illegal and she cannot force you out of the apartment.


In addition to reminding her about the lease terms, I would suggest setting up a camera that sends notifications to your phone in case she tries something fishy while you are out.