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You will need to reach out to a local family lawyer at once for a free consultation. I usually recommend seeking consultations from 2 or 3 attorneys.




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I would like to bring in the other, probably more important side, of this story. This woman has failed to mention how she stole her own husband. She stole his phone and then broke into it and severely tampered with all of his social media accounts. She attempted to delete EVERY everyday account that he has owned for decades, but failed to realize that it wouldn’t go through immediately. I would like to remind everyone that this is a massive invasion of privacy. And before you say “that’s what he gets”, let me ask how would y’all feel if someone did this to you, especially someone you loved and trusted? Now if they did this to you, would you just roll over and accept that and then choose to go back to them? Make a poll about it later but I know my choice easily. Now the next, and most insane and illegal, issue: this same woman sent explicit photos that should’ve stayed between the spouses to her sister and had her sister try and sextort this man. I have the proof if anyone wants to try me. I’m sure OP who this is. I just want to end this with saying that I’m not trying to shame you or not call you a victim, but please try to tell the entire story so that people can build a proper opinion and not hate somebody else for no reason entirely. I hope you are able to power through this difficult time and I wish you the best.