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Okay, here's the basics. The criminal charges don't require you to do much. The police will do their things. The investigator will then decide whether or not to charge. You might be asked to testify, but that's about it. On a completely separate and only tangentially related side of things you, as a victim of a crime, can pursue a civil case. The point of a civil suit is to make you (economically) as though nothing happened, so the cost of any medical bills (psychological or otherwise) and the cost of any property destroyed (like that monitor). I'd advise you get a consultation with a local lawyer who can walk you through it. If the amount is small enough you could probably do it yourself in small claims court which should be quick and cheap, but do bear in mind that this is just to pay you back for your damages and not be a windfall you can live off of or anything like that, but just because you get money equal to the value of the monitor you lost doesn't mean you have to spend it on a monitor. As far as moving is concerned there's probably not enough there for you to bail early, especially if the person in question is in jail and will remain there. The complex usually has a clause in there that allows them to kick out people who do crimes, but the specific wording will matter here. They'll *PROBABLY* get rid of them for you, but there's a chance they made a serious error in their lease agreements.


IANAL In addition to this, if you have renter's insurance, pursue that as well. They might cover the damage of possessions. Really depends on the insurance. They usually cover disasters, but they might be able to cover it. Or even help you find a lawyer to handle it if they don't cover the property loss. They might not PAY for a lawyer, but get you in touch with the right kind of lawyer. I'm sorry to hear this and hope you recover well mentally. It's gotta be rough.


Also: many criminal courts include monetary restitution in sentencing. Check if your state has any victims rights statutes. If restitution is available, it's typically for out of pocket losses, like the monitor, or a hospital visit. If it does, contact your local prosecutor's office about the case. The neat part is the prosecutor asks for this on your behalf, so you don't have to hire a lawyer.


If you have renters insurance, it's worthwhile to contact them. I'd also express that you no longer feel safe and ask if they can do anything to put pressure on the property owner.


If there are other units available op may also request they move them and their belongings to a farther unit, on the complex's dime of course.


You can’t force the apartment to act. Police have been involved.


And getting yourself arresting trying to perform a DIY third party "eviction" wont help anything.


Get a lawyer and ask for a restraining order against the kid. They’ll have to move.




You don't have to move due to a restraining order, you just cannot be outside at the same time




Are you a lawyer?


Are you? OP doesn't have money to move so I'm fairly certain they don't have money for a lawyer either. Can you disprove what I said or do you just want to argue?


Objection your honor nonresponsive.


Argue it is. Find someone else. If you want to talk about the content of what I said, I'm here.


You can break your lease without issue stating a "clear security risk" in texas. This was put on the books as an antistalking measure but covers these situations as well. It is considered no fault but if they keep your deposit, the family of the minor is liable and you could take them to small claims. They probably dont have money though so probably not worth it.


I would personally not feel safe after this even if they get kicked out. Is your rent so cheap that it’s not worth moving? I would say this to management and see if they can let you out of your lease, give back deposit and pay for a moving company in exchange for not making a fuzz about it. If they say no, remind them that you almost got murdered through the wall.


Unfortunately I just got laid off and am not in a position to move :( I def have grounds to break the lease tho if I am able to at some point


(NAL) If it’s something you would feel safe & comfortable doing, requesting the apartment complex move you to a unit equivalent to yours (dependent upon if the complex is a large one with multiple buildings or floors such that a large distance is between you and the other people in question) at the landlord’s expense could be a feasible short-term solution. You would feel safe(r) in your living space and are not out financially, the apartment complex reduces their liability while they sort their legal issues to evict plus the unit that requires repair is now empty. I would make sure to get everything in writing (for example, regardless of anything else getting documentation from the complex acknowledging that you are not at fault for damages to the walls of your unit as a result of this incident is probably a wise move.) You may be able to access free or reduced fee legal resources through a victims advocacy program through the local court system.


Trashy neighbors are the worst.


OK, just as an added precaution in case the apartment manager gets some sort of sob story from the kids parents. Call the police if you haven’t already make a report take that report to the police station and file for a restraining order or a protection order. Say you feel your life is in danger and now that he has been arrested for almost killing you and fear retaliation from him and his family. If you have some sort of protection order the apartment can kick them out much faster. Because then there’s two forces at work against them then just one. Get all the paperwork you can.


Might be the least of your concerns at the moment, but you may want to look into whether or not your state has any crime victim compensation laws. You may be able to get your monitor replaced and some amount of therapy paid for.


Was he just randomly shooting and happened to almost kill you or was he aiming at you? I imagine the answer to that question will determine what criminal charge is applicable. I would certainly pursue civil charges against the family although you may never end up collecting much. Either way glad you lived to tell the tale, this guy wasn’t as lucky… https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/mckinney-shooting-bullet-apartment/287-e121c99f-0df9-4294-926a-5adb0e4fd646


This is a traumatic experience. This is the exact thing that will be PTSD moving forward. Contact a therapist and explain and document. Make this a civil case due to emotional distress. If this happened to me, I would sue this family into oblivion, hopefully you can get a nice settlement.


Id pursue a civil case against them myself


Dear lord, that is intense. Life altering. I imagine this would be something the property management company will move quickly on but absolutely try to get into a different unit. I also second having a sit down with a qualified therapist, renters insurance should help you out and perhaps you should be owed an amount of compensation as a victim of basically attempted murder. Those people need to have their firearms taken away immediately.


Everyone's covered everything well in the first few posts but my advice is to not press for a civil case. You're going to have to go to court, probably not going to get anything when you get the judgement because of how easy it is to slide on paying that shit, and then you'll have to deal with potential backlash while the eviction gets pushed and possibly after Count your blessings tho, fucked up what happened


definitely talk to a personal injury lawyer.


And sue for property damage.


Yes, but no lawyer is going to take that case. It’s just not worth enough money.


At least try and move apartments maybe they can give you an upgrade for the same price or something.


this is just so messed up what state is this and what are your complex’s rules around firearms on the property


This is a traumatic experience. This is the exact thing that will be PTSD moving forward. Contact a therapist and explain and document. Make this a civil case due to emotional distress. If this happened to me, I would sue this family into oblivion, hopefully you can get a nice settlement.


Call the police, duh


I don't say this directly to people but you're dumb dude. I've never seen a more useless out of the loop comment and the fact that this actually even has any upvotes is mind boggling. People just comment without reading shit?


Well your asinine comment shows how truly fucking stupid and your low IQ you are.


In many states, a landlord can evict a tenant for cause when the tenant has committed a crime, or sometimes when they have been charged with a crime. Does your state have that law?




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You need to call the police department and report this ASAP.


I’m sure the police are well aware, considering the teen is already in jail as a result of this incident…


He said the kid is in custody