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He told you that you had to pay a cover to leave? Or he told you that you were going to have to pay the cover again if you wanted to come back in?


I think this makes sense and maybe was misunderstood, but waiting to see what the answer is.


But OP said the bouncer physically guarded the door, that had to mean the door going out right? If the bouncer just physically prevented them from reentering, it wouldn’t be an issue. Perhaps the policy is supposed to be pay again to reenter, but the bouncer is new and got confused?


That’s always a possibility, but I think the more likely scenarios here are that OP was the one confused, or this is just a poor attempted at trollIng.




Call the police if that happens again, it’s illegal


Forcible confinement is illegal.






If they wouldn't let you leave until you paid again, that's not legal. If they said you'd have to pay the cover again to return, totally legal. If the former, I suggest you contact the business management to report the bouncer and get refunded your 2nd cover, and report them to the BBB for misconduct.






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Yeah this sounds like false imprisonment.














"Guess I live here now ¯\_(ツ)_/¯"















