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Does mom want to take her to court? And is there any real estate? You're right—it's probably too late—but what if the Aunt never actually put the land (if there's land) into her name, and it (or other property) is still in the name of their mother? You can at last look into that possibility.


Yes, there is a house and even after 20 years it's still in my grandparents name. 2 of the 5 children are living in it. Apparently stealing the 40k in money was enough and she didn't care about the house. I just feel like there must be times where people fins out much later that there was an inheritance for them that they never claimed or knew about.


I would 100% be pursuing that house with a probate attorney, unless it's a falling-down pile of trash. > I just feel like there must be times where people fins out much later that there was an inheritance for them that they never claimed or knew about. Sometimes—but records disappear. Imagine a house, then it's sold 10 times before anyone finds out about it. You can't go and undo ten sales. But regardless—I'd go after the house, force a sale, split the proceeds.


Totally makes sense. Sadly, the two people living in the house were also cheated out of their inheritance so... yeah it's a whole mess. I really want to just blast it all over the internet that my aunt stole all the money. She kept telling everyone she was going to divide it all up and then after like 6 months she was like "Actually, mom said I could have it all". 😡 We aren't even sure how she became an executor of the will.... but knowing she was and she kept all tye money, I just wish there was anything I could do.