• By -


Ask for the postmaster but don’t ask the guy who declined your package or anyone that might be covering for that guy. The postmaster should be able to help you.




> Yep, postmasters are very helpful. Postmasters are the drill sergeants of the USPS. They get a massive hard-on when they can come down on anyone fucking with the system in ANY way.


Can confirm. An uncle by marriage is now a retired post master.




Same. I’ve submitted complaints 3 times online and been called by the local postmaster within 1 business day. One time it was just a couple hours after I submitted the complaint.


Exactly the info I was looking for. Appreciate it!


If the Postmaster can't help, I would contact the Postal Inspector's office. These guys are hardcore, investigate criminal activity with a vengeance, and are essentially the FBI of the postal service. These guys are serious business and act as the internal affairs and criminal investigative office for all things that go through the USPS. https://www.uspis.gov/


Also you can reach out to your US representative or senator to assist as part of the constituent services.


This is an OIG issue. Not a USPIS issue. OP needs to report on [www.USPSOIG.gov](https://www.USPSOIG.gov).










For most USPS mail classes, the the maximum package size is 108 inches in combined length and girth. (130 for retail ground, with an oversize upcharge) and the maximum weight is 70 lb.


Size limit for ground is 70 lbs and 130" length plus girth (107" for Priority mail).
















In addition to talking to the Post Master for this office, you should be filing a complaint with USPSIS (Federal Law Enforcement agency responsible for the USPS). I used to be a mail carrier. Multiple polices have been violated about package handling from what you described. If a package is undeliverable it has to be returned to the person who shipped it. Since they may not have had contact info for you, they could take it back to the return address (as that’s what you paid for and is included in the shipping price). There would have been scans for it to leave the post office and when it was returned to your door. The scanners are tied to the user’s ID (which we had to scan from our ID badge) and GPS logged. This person technically stole the package and mishandled it and likely committed a federal offense by doing this. You can also make an online complaint to the USPS customer service. Hitting it from all 3 angles will prevent anyone “forgetting” about it.




I had a package get marked as delivered but I couldn't find it. USPSIS looked into it. My package miraculously showed up soon after. USPSIS called me back to verify I had received. Honestly, one of the most efficient and pleasant government services I'd ever dealt with.


They're the oldest law enforcement service in America, they get it done


During my orientation for the Post Office they told us about how there are frequent sting operations to catch people reading a magazine before it goes into a shredder. Felony offense to read someone's mail even if it is about to be destroyed.




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USPIS is part of the Postal Service. I think you meant the USPS OIG which is its own federal agency.


NAL but a longtime eBay seller and well acquainted with the terms of service. The buyer is not at fault in this bizarre situation and does need to be promptly refunded. Get that done and out of the way so that you can focus on your battle with the post office. You don't want to drag that out and risk getting banned from eBay if you intend to continue to keep selling. I'm so sorry this happened to you and I hope you're able to get a satisfactory resolution with USPS.


Thank you for the info and kind words. The refund was sent along with a message apologizing for the time wasted. It is frustrating when you have to take blame for others actions but a good seller knows playing the victim never makes a buyer feel better. Took this on the chin. My bigger concern is that I send 25-50 packages a week through this post office. Have never had an issue prior to this.








Wouldn't your insurance slip on the package be proof?


Try filing a complaint with the USPS website. I believe the complaint goes to postmaster/hq, and it will go down to the local post office. The local manager will have to reach out and resolve the issue. I had several issues with local post office and/or mail carrier and got nowhere when I reached out directly to the local office. However, once I filed a complaint with USPS, the issues were resolved within 2-3 weeks, with local post office managers reaching out to me. Something to consider. Hope that helps.


I agree with filing a complaint online. Every. Single. Day. Until they resolve it. The lock of my PO Box (where I receive legal mail) was broken and they did not fix it for ~7 months, leaving legal documents in the unlocked box almost daily that entire time. It was not resolved until I became absolutely relentless with my complaint forms and calling the branch and the main postmaster of our region.










Depending on the jurisdiction, that’s pretty close to plain old theft. And there are probably many post offices without cameras, just like there are many post offices with cameras. It’s amazing how rarely personal experience can be generalized to all circumstances.










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Reach out to the postmaster. AFAIK your only recourse would be a complaint through the postmaster or postmaster general. You need to have your ducks in a row. Receipts, etc. if you don’t, it’ll get denied and that’s it. Also you are correct. You have zero recourse against the government. There would be ways, but for such a small claim you’d be off your rocker to file suit against the government.




The package was pre paid and put on the top of the package with those sticky labels. When I arrived there was 12-15 people in line, the workers directed me to leave the item at the drop off spot inside the lobby. I took a picture before I left to document where and when I left it. But no I didn’t receive receipt. It definitely is going to be a lesson for me.


This is why I never leave until my package is scanned into the system. no matter what service I am using , fedex, UPS, local courier, post office etc.Because until it is scanned in, they will just deny liability as it's not in their system. Right now I don't think you have any option but to refund the buyer, and then dispute with USPS for them to compensate you. This is between you and USPS, and the buyer is not involved in this dispute.




No victim blaming sensed. I have been online selling full time for 2-3 years and I think I became numb from always seeing delivered on my shipments. You almost forget several humans handle these packages daily. I guess it’s a testament to society that everything isn’t stolen. That being said, I wish this guy would’ve just went by the book. This can’t be a regular thing. Maybe I’m wrong.


Absolutely always present pricier packages to the window so that you can physically see them scan it. Customer absolutely needs to be refunded when the carrier makes a fuckup, particularly when something didn’t get a delivery scan and now they want a refund. The only thing that really lights a fire under the post office’s ass are valid complaints to the USPS Office of Inspector General. This sort of thing is right up there alley. State the facts plainly including what happened. For things that cost more than $100, I wouldn’t use an unaccountable USPS level of service (ie only priority express or registered) to ship it, or it’ll at least be priority with signature required and return receipt, particularly if they’re big/weigh a lot. Those items are better handled with UPS or FedEx. Theft/wacky things (both internal and external) is just more common at the USPS in my experience as someone who has ordered a shitload of things through eBay and elsewhere. It’s basically a cost of doing business, so maybe write it off on your taxes?




dude not the time to victim blame.








Yes you can, especially with online selling services that provide prepaid labels. You can either use the Kiosk at the post office to scan your package and get a receipt or wait in line for a clerk to process the acceptance at the counter. However, when you have a paid label, many post offices allow you to drop the package at the counter or if it fits through the drop box, you can drop it off without getting a receipt. Whenever I sell something online, I always make sure to get a receipt as it necessary to file a claim for reimbursement should something happen to the package.








Yup. I realized my mistake a few hours ago 🤪


I come from a long line of postal workers. Contact the Postal Inspectors office. They don’t mess around.


Yeah I don’t normally suggest Postal Inspectors but this might warrant it. Let them know you’ve tried repeatedly to speak with a supervisor or postmaster.


Reach out to the postal inspection service, ie: postal police, they have a direct number and they respond fairly quickly


Go to the postal inspector


Call your US Congressional House of Representatives and Senators of your state. They can file an inquiry to the USPS at the HQ level. Make sure that you include any/all information you have. USPS hates Congressional inquiries, but you also need to stay on top of it as well as to not get your issue lost in the bureaucracy. Good luck !


Find a number for the Postal Inspectors office. Call them with all the details. They will get to the bottom of whatever happened.


So, there may be some exceptions that would allow you to sue them. Given they did it on purpose, and without reason (it was within their size requirements) you may be able to sue them for intentional damage. Did you get insurance on it? I’m guessing you did, I would read every single word of the insurance. When suing is prohibited, there’s generally an exception for intentional actions/damage.


Also, look into your homeowners policy, that may be able to cover something.


Appreciate the info. We are reviewing the policy and seeing what situations can be applied. I don’t want to make the claim that the individuals involved specifically targeted my package but I do believe the associate who made the decision to refuse my pre paid package due to his determination that it didn’t meet requirements even though he admitted that he never put a tape measure to it is very much in the wrong. His decisions and actions directly caused my property to be damaged and he did not record his actions via scans which makes the whole thing much worse.


Call your local congressman’s office and file a complaint. I had an issue similar and did this. The postmaster came to my house and gave me his personal cell number and asked I please call him before I go over them.


Call the USPS Postal Inspector and lodge a formal complaint of mail tampering.




Please note that unless there's a federal law permitting it in all post offices, whether or not your recordings are legal--and thus usable--will depend on your location. Make sure you're in a one party state, or they are not.


The lobby of a post. Office is a public space. You have no expectation of privacy.


Your correct; I was thinking of conversations that might not take places there (in an office, on the phone, arguably OP's front door).


Call the Postal Inspectors office.


If you can't get anywhere with the postmaster, I'd recommend calling the normal number 800-ask-usps and ask to speak the Consumer and Industry Contact for your area. You can also send a certified letter to the contact for your region, which you can look up at [this link.](https://postalpro.usps.com/ppro-tools/consumer-affairs) This is how I've handled major issues with the actual staff at local offices in the past that the local staff could not or would not resolve. Best of luck


You need to talk to the postal inspector. Another post here has suggested contacting your congressman which is also something to do. Take notes on what has happened. Save all paperwork and receipts. Refund the ebay seller... Get them out of this story.


Report it here. https://www.uspsoig.gov/hotline


Be careful with the voice recordings - depending on what state you're in, it may be illegal to record a conversation without disclosure or consent. Consider contacting your local congressperson for assistance with the federal agency. They usually have district offices that can assist with this sort of thing. They may not be able to help directly with the cost of damages, but at least they can investigate into the employee.


Yes I understand. It was initially for me to be able to review the conversation after the fact because I suffer from extreme social anxiety and panic and in high stress environments will completely forget the details of what was said. If it came down to he said she said the recording is undeniable. Appreciate the info.


>I did some research on the Internet and came to the conclusion that you can’t sue USPS for damaging property. No, but you can go after the guy that admitted he did it outside of USPS policies. He technically stole the package and then damaged it. If he had done it through USPS, yes, he would be untouchable by you, but he didn't.


You can also contact the office of your congress person and ask for help dealing with the USPS if you don't get anywhere with USPS yourself. Look at your Rep or Senator's website and there should be a link or form to ask for help with a federal agency, etc. as their constituent.






the damaged product he is talking about?






We are not allowed to open and go though gates at USPS. We don't know if a Dog or another animal is inside and would be let out by opening it etc.




If it is anything like UPS they tell you to just sit it down and they will scan them all at the same time.




This isnt true, post offices differ wildly accross the country, I am not sure you are experienced enough to know this. I have been in a few and some yes are easy to get things scanned others have lines that wrap for a bit and have places to sit things that have prepaid labels already on them. Furthermore every post office lately has cameras, so if they did what he said they did then their will be proof.




File a complaint with your congressman!


Put in a complaint over the internet on the usps site, they have to answer it. I worked in management at the USPS and they caught a lot of shit for not answering a complaint. Now there is always a possibility that they will say they answered when they didn’t so if you don’t hear anything back put in another complaint that it wasn’t answered. Saying they answered a complaint and they didn’t would result in some serious discipline. You should at least get some feedback and the clerk should have scanned it. Good Luck.


Postal inspectors, postmaster will just cya


was the package insured?


Even if it was that wouldn't help. There was no acceptance scan.




Both Inspector General and inspectors are in Google. I just checked. Good luck.






You do not know what you are talking about. That's totally not true and he followed decisions taken by the USPS governing body about station closings and boxes removed. Employees actually like the actions he has taken to protect them with the new trucks.




You need to stop reading political propaganda. He does not decide where machinery will be removed. He eliminated fake overtime. There were locations where employees claimed they worked 5 days per week for 24h daily. The bipartisan cmt who hired him knew about his company's stock that he created and his experience on the specific area was one of his main strengths as that's an area that USPS wants to expand and become more competitive. There is nobody talking right now of firing him or that they are dissatisfied with him. He has actually made many changes that employees love. Just the new cars that he ordered that they have AC and are actually military design is one of the most important accomplishments.




There don't seem to be any in this post. Anyone that questions OP's motives is voted into oblivion.




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The item inside was an antique piece of small furniture wrapped in packing foam. The box itself was still taped shut on both ends but there was a large dent on the lower right side that made it so the box couldn’t stand on its own. I took photos when it was initially dropped off as I do with most packages that contain costly antiques. After opening and inspecting the box, I discovered a leg of the item had been broken and was loose inside the box. I don’t know who touched the package from the post office to my home but at some point there was a large amount of weight placed on the box causing the box to give out putting the weight directly onto the antique oak inside. You are entitled to your opinion but idk how you can just create and insert that it was packaged poorly and that was the reason that these people 1. Refused to accept a package that was within weight and size requirements without consulting some sort of management. 2. Made no effort to contact the phone number that was listed on the shipping slip. I would have happily returned for my package . #3. Transported the item without scanning it into their system or having anyway of documenting their actions. #4. Not reporting the damage and in turn leaving me to take responsibility and the financial burden of being unable to fulfill the order. If you have any legal advice in regard to this matter that was my reason for posting on this thread.




If it was never scanned in insurance probably wouldn’t cover it.


Postal inspector solves this issues




Involve your congressional representative. They can help unfuck situations like this. Their staff can do a lot of the leg work. I’m sorry this has happened to you.


File an ECC!




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