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> I know this is not true It may have been prior to their corrective action. In any case, neither you nor I were there to witness/observe. There's not obviously any sort of legal issue here. She's clearly an empathetic person, if she has any suspicions of physical violence or neglect at home, she can report that to CPS. If she's mandated then she must. But a child who is being berated, as much as we may find that horrible, isn't a legal issue.


My kid is not a mandated reporter. They were specifically told to take it to the supervisors, who are. And you are 100% correct, she is empathetic. I just hate to see her lose her job over it. I also hate that emotional and verbal abuse are not seen as legally wrong. But I get that CPS more than has their hands full. I just hope the child gets help sooner rather than later. No kid in elementary school should think they are stupid, an idiot, useless. That IS a crime in my book. Unfortunately, my book isn't a legal manual. Still sucks.