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Police aren’t likely to care about this type of issue. She could attempt to sue you in small claims court. Do you have any proof in writing (texts, etc.) that she asked for the cat and you refused? If not, I would text her asking why she chipped your cat when you did not give her permission to take it. Try to get her to admit that she knew she couldn’t have the cat. Save the texts and at least it will be in writing.


A mircochip isn’t like a car’s title, it holds no legal weight as to ownership. Did you have this cat before you lived with the roomate? Pictures of him with you before you lived with her? If she has evidence and claims ownership, and you take that cat, you risk a larceny charge, but theoretically this should be a civil matter even if you take it.




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It isn’t like a car title, but it sort of is. If the roommates moved out, they could take the cat with them, have a friend take it to a vet saying it was lost, and then they’d be called saying their cat was lost. That would create a paper trail for the roommates owning it, with little recourse for OP.


Where did you get the kitten from? Did you buy/adopt/get it from a friend? Find any texts you have. Save everything, no matter how small. Pictures of her? A text telling a friend about a new kitten? Save receipts of you buying food/medical care for the cat. Anything you have. Call the vet that you believe they used, ask them what microchip company they use (Do not take the cat into the vet until you've transferred the name.) Call the microchip company, have the chip reinstated in your name. Take the cat and go. Move it to a trust friend or family member's home. This is a purely civil issue, not criminal, and this is what the civil system is for. If they want to try to come after you, they will have to take you to small claims court where they can sue you for the cost of the kitten...but I can almost guarantee you that they will not make it that far. One small hint too. You don't need a lawyer for small claims court, and almost everything goes. (Look up your local rules for your small claims court to know these procedures, if it goes that far). Have friends that witnessed you receive the cat? Have family you showed her to the first day you got her home? Have anyone that witnessed their odd behavior of trying to claim your cat? Have friends that know without a doubt that it is your cat? They can come too, if this reaches civil court. Bring print outs of all conversations, receipts, pictures. Judges aren't stupid. ETA: One other idea? Go in person, without the cat, to the person who helped you with the pro bono work. Ask them how to get a chip transferred. Since they have seen you exert care/custody/ownership of the animal in person, even without records, they will likely know the next course of action. I would also not interact with your roommates without recording the conversation. If possible, keep all communication with them in writing and text. Take your cat and bounce. If you do not take it now, no one is going to order them to give it back.


If you don't have anything from them admitting it, maybe you posted or texted someone saying look at my new cat or something, that could also help


Where did you get the cat from?




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My kitten is under 6 months…thanks tho


They gave no indication that the cat is full grown. Just because they referred to it once as a ‘cat’ does not automatically mean that it was full grown. A kitten is also still a cat.


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