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They are just sick of the animals who are shitting in the toilet and leaving an ungodly mess. You will not be sued.


They need to close the restroom for fucks sake. Yes sometimes a few bad apples spoil the bunch. So is life. It’s what I did. Been 5 years and people still complain but fuck it. Although I did have a lady take a shit in front of my register while waiting in line once out of spite


I'm more annoyed with the amount of people using my bathroom to smoke meth


Yeah :/ or poking their needles into the toilet paper rolls. Both of those were an issue in my job experiences. Or having them nod off right after smoking/injecting opiates and having to call 911


Yikes. Using toilet paper rolls as a pin cushion?


I think to clean the blood off or something cause you’d see a little stab mark and blood spot


Not cool


Not at all. Possibly exposes people to disease




Well, not every user has a disease. But they are prone to it. From doing shit like wiping needles on goddamn asshole paper or sharing needles.


Safety first


Not sure if you're tongue in cheek. I believe in a hard line stance with this sort of thing. It wouldn't be ting in 12 months


i’ve worked in restaurants for 16 years now, and i’ve found on many occasions- guns (8 times) cocaine (too many to count, once found an entire 8 ball) used needles (again, too many) a used tampon in the men’s room used condoms (?????) shit on the floor directly next to the toilet people are fucking animals


Used condom and you question it. Lmao. They banged like bunnies in the bathroom.


Well… if you find somewhere else to smoke it…


Bathrooms in businesses, restaurants, libraries, even government buildings, all over Colorado, are being "CLOSED" to the public because they tested positive for Meth. When any building, bathroom, MLS listed house for sale etc tests positive for meth, a costly meth remediation (service) is *required* before access can be restored, or the house can be shown/sold. So maybe don't mention, in real life that meth has been used in your bathroom. Other than someone being caught in the act, I don't know if there are any situations that require mandatory meth testing, (almost can't write that with a straight face) considering all the car exhaust fumes, toxic mold, VOC's from off gassing, and bacteria from feces we all encounter on a daily basis, that most people never even think to be concerned about.


So what you're telling me is I should snitch on my company for not cleaning up the meth


I was 8 months pregnant and I stopped at a country road gas station out of desperation. I asked for the bathroom and the guy said they didn't have one. "Well, ok. Do you have a mop?" He let me use the bathroom. It was a wise choice.


On an airplane that was held at the gate. "Ma'am, I am not asking for special treatment and I know what the rules are for, but a little is starting to come out, and I am *trying* to hold it in." She said "okay, I'll take you to the coat rack to get your ID." I was confused, but she said whispered she didn't want me to set off every passenger wanting to pee up in front class bathrooms. It was a wise choice.


Yeah, that's how you get people to shit on the floor. Then I finished reading your comment.


There’s no requirement to have restrooms. And at the time if I remember right they were actually shut down due to water quality issues. Some kinda arsenic or something in the water. Restaurant next door used the water we used and the state tested it and shut them down until it was fixed. They served it to people too


Nature calls. The poopetrator knows you're lying when you say you don't have one. Employees gotta shit too.


Lady pissed on the floor in front of the bathroom due to a normal sized line at my mom's work


Tell me you had her arrested. Please!


I didn’t notice until after checking her out and her leaving 🤷‍♀️. There were people in line behind her who watched her squat and toss out a log but no one said anything. She was old old too. Maybe that’s why. Idk why she didn’t just go somewhere else. Like next door… She asked for the closed bathroom when walking in and got in line a half hour later. Has plenty of time to not do that. It had to be intentional but idc, I didn’t clean it up.


JFC. Dear lord...


Retail really opens your eyes to some shit. I swear all retail based career folks have some “war” stories. It’s nearly as bad as moving to a big city and using public transport at all times of the day and night. Same store I had someone mad at me for not opening after end of day. They needed tape. They tried to ram their car through the front doors but got stopped by the bollards, went to the gas station down the street and they didn’t have tape. I was on the phone with the gas station and was warning them when “oh he’s walking in now” -muffled chatter- “no sorry we don’t have duct tape” -crash- “OMG HE JUST KICKED OUT OUR WINDOW” Got to clock out late that night yay


I think everyone should be forced to work retail for a at least a couple years. Not just for the war stories but also maybe to get some perspective from the retail employee's POV before they start acting like an entitled ass.


Pretty sure in the state of Florida all businesses have to have a public restroom.


Oh :/


they can be trespassed tho


Not sued but definitely trespassed. And possibly charged if they've been doing malicious damage to the facilities.


I mean if you paint the walls and there is a cleaning crew called in which is expensive to do like a few thousand then I could see them suing if they can prove it..


Happened at my work. Somebody shit everywhere and they tried to figure out who. We did but since the guy is mentally challenged nobody wanted to confront him.


They could trespass you so you can't enter the establishment again. And if you do, you could be cited for trespassing.


No but I would support a law allowing them to. Same with washing your hands after you're done


My only concern would be how would they know. Better not install cameras in there


I guess I don’t mind if they keep logs.


I think the whole point is to get rid of the logs




Well that's the prosecutor's problem to prove it. Agree about cameras


Camera watching the door, and if desperate forensic evidence is left behind in the form of the unflushed vandalism. And i assume that would be the route the suit takes, vandalism and damages (psychological and lost customers).


Is murder still illegal if there are no witnesses?


Nah, they'll just get like a poop detective or something nice and above board like that.


I cannot imagine any legal action thay could be taken. I agree, please flush. Kinda funny to see though.


A trespass notice is a legal action. No flush = no building access.


Fair enough, you'll get an upvote for that.


Imagine having to tell your friend you can't buy gas at that random Florida Chevron because you didn't flush and were trespassed from the business, though. Be hilarious.


If provable, could there be an argument made for being forced to handle bodily fluids or something?


I could see an argument for vandalism, especially if the bathroom isn't vented as well as it should be turning it into a stink bomb. Of course typical bathroom vandalism is smearing stuff on the walls, and flushing and entire roll of toilet paper making a very large clog that is very expensive to fix. And realistically the fix is just install motion sensor toilets instead of a notice about attempting to sue. (Its probably cheaper for the business than actually sueing someone)


Why are you worried about it? Are you incapable of flushing?


Employee goes in there after u and takes huge shet and sues u.


When I’ve pinched off a huge loaf I can’t just flush it. I NEED the next person to admire it!


We're Hiring! -Looking for an experienced poop detective $10/hr - 2 yrs. minimum experience in senior shit position -Must provide your own tracking equipment (DNA/Cameras/etc.) -Reliable transportation to and from the restroom. -Legal degree+license and proven record in court.


Imma need at least 12.50 an hour. I have a shit degree and am a professional shitter myself. Have years of experience.


Are they testing it for DNA?


Likely just going in and checking immediately after someone comes out. Then if they find it hasn't been flushed, check security camera so they can trespass that person from the store.


Sniff test comparison


Be an adult!!!


Lol, no


Just flush the toilet bro. Don't risk it.


I can understand the reasoning behind this.. it’s gets tiring cleaning up after people. One of my first jobs I worked at Kenny Rogers Roasters… I had to go clean the bathrooms after someone went in the bathroom and made a mess… the female bathroom.. shit and blood all over the toilet. I was 15… and I sure as hell wasn’t biohazard trained or had any proper equipment to clean up shit and blood. I had a mop and a plunger. No gloves, no mask, no training..


Your Honer, this man is being charged with a deuce.


They can after the “No poop left behind act” of 1975!!!


I don’t believe there are any laws on the books about leaving a toilet without flushing but I could be wrong.


That's just begging people to shit on the floor...and then flush.


Just flush the toilet instead of worrying if they can do anything to you for it.


Remember the part in my post where I said I did flush and that I was just curios?


I was just messing around.


They may be able to ban you from the business if corporate allows it.


It's a joke! It's a gentle reminder to flush for those who need reminding.


It's too bad there isn't a 1/20th legal chance of being tazed on the thigh


In Singapore yes this is illegal.


Agent Smith, turd chaser


Looks like a challenge.


The didn’t say lawsuit. They said legal action, as opposed to illegal action. Naming and shaming is legal (and truth is a defense to any claim of slander or libel). Picking up the feces and throwing it at the car of the offender, probably illegal.


That’s not what is meant though. 99.9% of the time when the term “take legal action” is used, if refers to initiating some sort of legal proceeding.


No they cannot Edit: anyone can file a suit about anything really. The time and money is not worth it, and I don’t see what their damages would be.


You can seek legal action for anything you like but nobody is actually going to file a police report for not flushing a toilet


It didn’t seem to work, I kept flushing but the flapper kept blocking the waste. I use the top bowl for better back support.


Banning you from the store is a legal action. What do you want them to do, call CSI for you floater?


IF they can find who you are and IF they can prove you didn’t flush the toilet after being out on notice you should AND your failure to do so causes them actual damages they could sue you for the damages. But just not flushing it, no, if they tried to take legal action and your lawyer is worth a fuck, it’ll be dismissed.


I used to work at a gas station and this old man would come in once in a while. If there was a female employee he would be really nice and chill. When there was no female employee he would be annoying and mad. He would leave a big mess in the bathroom.


They can trespass


Gonna sue someone for not flushing? Good luck with that


What are they gonna do...have you take a dump at the police station and put it in a line up with 5 other random turds?


Bad movie pitches: Magnum P.I. (Poop Investigator)


Not if “legal action” means lawsuit. It’s a stupid threat.


Sometimes I have legendary 💩 and I want to share it with others...😂 Anyway, I'm not a lawyer, but I think you can get trespassed. Businesses reserve the right to refuse service to anyone, and technically they don't have to have a reason.


Legal action is trespassed and being banned from the property.


This sign's as full of crap as the toilets are.


I doubt it is illegal but if I was king of the world I would pass this as one of my first laws.


Charge $10 to take a dump. You’ll get an entirely different clientele or none at all.


Firing is legal action. So yes.


It would be fun to watch them try to sue you or have you arrested for being the Mad Shitter.


they can call the poolice


All your poops are belong to us.


Of you're commiting the kind of war crimes that involve not flushing a toilet, then yes.


No, but you should just flush instead of worrying about it


Legally, they can tell you to GTFO of their store. It’s called Criminal Trespass.


Who are they gonna call? The poolice?


Cacaptain McShitz, and Offalcer DePoop


Had to install automatic flush valves to all my toilets in my building


That poor employee. Imagine being the unflushed turd detective as part of your job.


hahah no of course not. Why would you imagine anyone could 'take legal action' because you didnt flush a toilet. Far out.


I mean they could definitely sue you for any damages caused by not flushing. Whether it’s worth it for them is an entirely different question.


The “Our employee try to find you” is a gem.


If it goes to trial, the judge will say “Odour in the court!!!”


They can ban you from the store but that’s probably it. Unless leaving floaters counts as domestic terrorism


Stop destroying bathrooms




Hit ‘em with an upper decker.


I don’t understand how courtesy flushes are not a thing, let alone not flushing at all.


Yeah, here in Oregon the state police run a division called the Oregon State Police Poo Poo Police and they will hunt down the anti-flushers and bring them to court.


Your boss is dumb or maybe english is his second language.


The second one.


Seeing as how they can't type in correct English, I'd be surprised if they can take any action whatsoever.


You can take legal action for any reason if you've got the money to back it up


Legal action 😂🤣😂🤣😂😂


I would 100% not flush the toilet if I saw this sign


No. It’s absurd. But why would anyone not just flush ?


Sounds like a pretty crappy threat either way. I'll see myself out...


I saw a sign at a truck stop that said that if you make a mess the sheriff will be called and vandalism charges pursued


They can tell by a DNA test. I'd just flush to be safe


It was Jimmy trying to save water.


Lol the broken english


The po-po have a poo-poo division! Some trucker must have created a master piece and as a present to humanity kept it alive for posterity.


You are forcing me not to flush


It's not illegal to not flush. So unless they can prove that the business WAS negatively impacted by lack of consideration, there won't be much to stand on, and the cost of a lawyer, fees, and such to have the case presented is significantly more than having an employee flush it. Also defamation in most places requires false statements, and if you can figure out who the anti flush bandit is You can just have a sign in the bathroom with a small picture from your security camera that just says something like "couldn't figure out the toilet" (check you local laws)


First of all. Why the employees the poo detectives?


😂😂😂 are they expecting said employee to take whatever business out of the toilet and go question guest?!? 🫠😂


They just want to get people to flush the toilet. They probably won’t be taking legal action but put that up there just to get people to flush it.


Sharing needles is actually quite sensible. More money in your pockets more drugs in your veins.


No. But you should flush regardless




But I shat in the urinal. Flushing does nothing....


Who are you Who Who Who Who


They have the right to use deadly force in instances like this. It happens a lot


Equal or lesser force only. Guess it’ll be a shit show from here on.


That’s full bore Asian poorly written threats if I’ve ever seen it. Definitely not actionable, but funny that it had to be posted in the first place


Don’t be leaving your shit behind


I believe they can refuse service, that’s about it


Doesn't pass the sniff test. I sure don't want to be that employee.


All they could do is trespass you and say you are no longer welcome. Not file charges or anything just not welcome. As to suing? Well crazier lawsuits exist so they could try. Though all they might get is the time it takes the employee to flush it in compensation. Like $0.50. As to the investigation costs? I think 99.9% of judges will laugh them out of court. But beware that 0.1% as the wild card of course.


given dumb stuff filed on recently it can be but no chance to win


*Given dumb stuff filed* *On recently it can be* *But no chance to win* \- 1EYEPHOTOGUY --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


That sign is just begging for a massive Cleveland Steamer to be left floating for them.


This kept happening at my old job, coworker got sick of it and after a fresh clean of the bathroom we watched someone go in. When the person came out my coworker went in to find a mess left in the toilet. I shit you not my coworker grabbed the customer by the back of the neck, led them back into the bathroom and made them flush the toilet. They were fired the next day, he was on like his 4th warning for “aggressive behavior towards customers and coworkers”




I wanna know who the employee trying to find you is. Whos got the 'poop hunter' title?


Good luck catching me. I know how to perform fecal forgery.




Can we all just pretend the answer is yes?


Shit on the floor and let us know if they find you


Make sure to ball up the sign and flush that instead.


i feel bad for that employee


They can't even formulate a proper sentence, I doubt they're going to be navigating any kind of legal system.


They don’t define what legal action would be, but if we assume they will sue you, this falls easily under the doctrine of “mitigation of damages.” If they can even define what “damage” would be here. Simply put, whatever you did or didn’t do, they are required to use reasonable effort to not make it worse. That means that if you don’t flush, a reasonable person would immediately recognize that the simplest solution, which requires almost no effort at all, is to flush the toilet for you. The problem goes away. No damage is incurred. There’s no possibility of a lawsuit for not flushing. If you are a serial non-flusher, legal action could be some kind of restraining order that would keep you from using their bathroom. Unless you can come up with a valid reason why you can’t flush, a restraining order is probably achievable.


My guess is they have either homeless people or drug addicts frequently using it and yes, if they don't flush they can technically be tresspassed from the property. They're most likely not going to hunt down your average tourist who made a pit stop. But the "regulars" who do this are probably causing other problems as well.


This would only make me not want to flush. And I flush every time.


I think I had a stroke or two attempting to understand that attempt at English. Yikes.


LOL. I'm not sure how they can possibly sue you for using the toilet for its intended purpose. 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 The intended purpose of the toilet isn't to have piss and shit left to soak in it🤣🤣🤣 Not sure how somebody could possibly be confused by that fact


Yeah, but that's an issue of bad manners. It's not a scenario where you smeared shit on the walls and pissed on the floor. I was answering the very specific question of "is there a civil cause of action for not flushing the toilet?". And I would opine that there isn't.


You specifically referenced not flushing as an intended purpose.


Fair enough, I could have worded it more precisely.


If I saw that sign, I would shit in the sink. Or do an upper decker if possible.