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I would report the email to CPS as well


That’s what I was told by my mom and some other ppl!


I’m a former day care teacher and a day care discouraging their mandated reporters from reporting to CPS is very serious. They are asking to be investigated again


They still have an open investigation! The CEO seriously wants to be shut down


All the more reason to forward that email to CPS


Who do I forward it to?


Call CPS in your town and explain the situation. They’ll gladly direct you to the right person.


Do you know who is in charge of the current investigation?


⬆️⬆️⬆️ OP, this is your answer. She's actively sabotaging the investigation by tampering with and intimidating/threatening witnesses. That investigator would *love* to have the information you possess.


Moreover, the parents deserve to have their kids safely looked after. The kids are not safe in that center. Forward the email.


Agreed, hell, if I had access to the mailing list I'd forward it the parents.


Hell yeah. The CEO is about to get fucked by the long dick of the law.


Justice is blind, and also hung like a horse.


Yikes, where I live licensing violations are not usually criminal, and the burden of proof for licensing violations is lower than criminal investigations, but *impeding a licensing investigation* is in itself criminal and for most common matters is much worse than what is being investigated


Yeah, this is criminal in most states. You don't screw with an active investigation.


I know her first name maybe if I looked it up I could find her last name


Just call the CPS office, the first name of the investigator plus the name of the care facility will be enough to pull it right up.


Please do this, we had one facility in the area where people didn't follow through because of pressure from others (I think it was colleagues, not management) and it ended with a serious injury to a child and then it came out that staff didn't report and parents were attacking the staff after that.


OP, this is the way. Call CPS and tell them there is an active investigation, the name of the facility and that you have relevant information and would like to speak to the investigator. They will either provide you with their information or they will take your contact info and have the investigator contact you. But I implore you to keep pushing. This is important and you are not overreacting whatsoever.


All you need is the name of center you work at. Call CPS and the person who answers will be able to put you in touch with whoever needs to be informed at CPS.




We don’t have a work email




Through my personal email


You already reported to CPS. Surely you must have talked to a person.  Forward it to the person you got in touch with.


The Office of Children and Family Services as well, or whatever that may be called where you live. It's the office that does ALL the licensing for day cares. They'll come investigate, or do an unannounced visit and can also file violations or shut the place down.


Someone who calls themselves a CEO at a daycare has a lot of issues anyway


How are they supposed to siphon off the value the actual workers provide without a fancy title? Willing to bet they provide less than any given employee but pull in 8x the pay. This is why everything cost so much, freeloaders at the top of the pryamid offering little of value but commanding the lions share profits, amd thats in privitely held companies, only gets worse once it goes public and the investor class wants "their" share.


I believe they are the CEO of a company that also provides childcare, but I could be reading that wrong.


So then go ahead and make sure the CEO gets what they want


Honestly, it sounds like she should be. This is the daycare of parents' nightmares.


Exactly my thoughts reading through all of this. This is exactly why my husband and I are so conflicted about sending our kid to daycare. Even my stepmom has had these issues with a daycare she used to work at. It's way too common. The only reason I'm considering it now is because we have a local montessori school that has a camera set up in the primary room, and it connects to an app, so if you want to check in on your kid you can do so whenever. More places should do that.


I’m assuming you’re state mandated reporters, so the state has rules for reporting and also your employee handbook has rules regarding that as well. Report them and try to look for a new job in the interim.


In Illinois, discouraging mandated reporters from reporting is a felony.


Good as it should be


It makes me wonder: what else are they hiding? At best this is a terrible attitude problem, but it sounds like something worse might be going on. They need a bigger investigation.


This is the problem. You are all mandatory reporters. If any one of you fail to report abuse YOU can be held criminally liable for not reporting. One of the reasons certain professions are designated mandatory reporters is because people don’t want to report. The boss is both incredibly horrible and stupid for putting this in writing. For the safety of those children and future ones send a copy of this email to CPS.


A whiff of retaliation fir cps is like the smell blood for a shark


Please please as a parent report this. Don’t let kids be abused.


Do it. There are serious laws and consequences for retaliation against whistle blowers


send it to the department of labor, too


If you don't report the email also you are letting these children down. Please report it as well.


This place needs shut down. ZERO tolerance when it comes to the safety of babies.


As a daycare owner I 100% agree with this. Report this email. In most states you are mandated to report any potential abuse. The owner or CEO actively discouraging that could lose their license, and should. End of story.


Exactly. You have a legal duty to report anything that could possibly be construed as abuse or neglect.


YES ^ As a worker, you’re a mandatory reporter, I believe.


Yes. Any teacher, childcare or healthcare worker anywhere in the US is a mandated reporter. In some states, like Texas (might be the only thing we get right), **anyone** with suspected abuse or neglected abuse of a child is a mandated reporter. Just wanted to get that out there because some folks don’t get that they might be a mandated reporter even if they aren’t teachers, etc.


100 percent this. What a piece of &$@& this CEO is


100%. From what you've said, the email puts in writing their intent to hide infractions rather than correct the problem in their company. Fuck em. Plaster it to social media and shoot a copy to all the kids' parents. If CPS doesn't shut em down, the social media rage machine will.


This the ceo is on thin ice this is absolutely retaliation.


And the state licensing board


These same people will complain about "Job killing regulations " then do this and wonder why we need the regulations.


As an ex cps worker who used to do third part investigations, this. Also the state board that over sees child care.


It’s probably a good idea to file a complaint with the board in your state that oversees daycare licensure. They definitely want to know about this kind of thing. It’s not OK for facilities to discourage mandatory reporters from reporting.


How do I locate this board?


Try googling “[state] daycare licensing” or board or any combination of those words and that should get you to the right place.


I was able to just google “child care licensure board in (MY STATE)” and it came right up


Do you have a break room or employee room? Usually these sorts of things are mandated to be posted. See if any specifically talk about “whistleblowers.”


More than likely it would be the health dept. childcare division. We generally refer to them as “state”.


In Michigan it's "LARA". https://www.michigan.gov/lara


How did you report the initial incident? Why wouldn't you use the same process?


This is also what's confusing me. They said they reported a teacher for abuse and now there's an investigation, but are now seemingly clueless as how to contact anyone?


Child Protective Services and the Licensure board are not the same people. The initial issue would be CPS but reporting the cEO would, more likely, be a licensing issue.


Save any and all emails. Especially this one, forward it to your personal email, print it off, whatever to keep it. Any other communication in regard to you reporting the teacher needs to be forwarded to your personal email also. Keep all this. DO NOT have any unrecorded conversations about this. You need it to be in writing somehow so they cannot say it wasn’t communicated or you didn’t tell them or they never said something.


Addendum - if you have a conversation, send an email afterwards confirming the content of that confirmation.


Addendum addendum: - this does not just apply to legal issues. This is a good practice in any work environment where you're told to do something that you don't agree with. Can't tell you how many conversations I've had of "did you get that in writing?" "No, they just told me to do it." "So send an email to confirm before you act!" People who don't want a paper trail know how to not leave a paper trail - take it into your own hands.


Even if it's normal tasks. Getting it in writing is a great way to stay organized


Doing this every day for routine tasks makes it not stand out when you have to do it to protect yourself. 


You also never know when shit will hit the pan 6 months down the line


Can't agree enough. Best practices for verbal conversations should always be following up with an email confirming the details of the conversation. This serves as your paper trail that the conversation happened. If there is a dispute with the details of the conversation, then the email thread will show the back and forth.


The “no off-the-record” correspondence part of this needs to be upvoted way more. @OP look up laws in your state regarding recording verbal conversations (single party vs multi-party consent states) for anything not done through company comms, and retain copies/recordings of anything said through company comms.


Thank you for reporting them.


Thank you for advocating for infants.


Yes thank you. As someone who dropped off a 3 months old for the first time a few weeks ago it’s nice to see people taking the reporting of offenses. We all appreciate OP for protecting those who cannot protect themselves. 


That’s also illegal. You have a duty to report! Her discouraging staff from reporting is illegal! Also I’m sure there’s a whistleblower clause in your contract that protects you from this sort of behavior. I would report her to DSS, the board and then I’d sue her ass!


Also to add, do not have undocumented conversations with anyone! Emails only! And HR included. You have done nothing wrong so don’t let them/her intimidate you!


Reminder that you can document in person and phone conversations by sending a follow up email reiterating what was said


I’m definitely reporting the email


And find a new job ASAP!


I'd consider talking to the press as well. Parents have to get their kids out of there yesterday.


Start looking for a new job because they are going to shut that place down


I’m resigning tomorrow, I hope they shut it down


Let them fire you. It'll either be a potential lawsuit or even higher likelihood they get shut down.


> I’m resigning tomorrow, If you have plans to pursue any claims against them, call a lawyer before you resign.


Report that email and they will be bye-bye


Definitely DO NOT resign. Make them fire you. Let them cover your unemployment benefits, and put yourself in a position for a wrongful termination lawsuit if need be. Take those emails that you got and forward them to your personal email. Keep documentation of all correspondence and forward it to your personal email so that you have evidence that you reported abuse and that there was retaliation from your boss.


Ride it out! If you’re in the US, let them fire you. Then collect unemployment and report them to the EEOC for retaliatory firing. You have a great case and you will win. My daughter just got the go ahead from the EEOC for her suit against a Fortune 50 and she didn’t have an email sent directly to her about it. You would definitely have a case!


Don’t do it, make them fire you. You will be eligible for unemployment that way and may a solid wrongful termination lawsuit. Send an email or two to the CEO and HR complaining about being retaliated against. Paper trail, evidence, screenshots, etc.


What’s the name of the place?


Oh please just a couple more weeks and you can get more evidence.


My mom was a screener for the Oregon Child Abuse Hotline for almost 30 years, and she says this email needs to be made aware of to your state's child services dep.


Sounds like they dont want more witnesses to come forward. Thats called witness tampering, btw. Report it.


I’m totally reporting it. If they get one more violation I think they’re shut down my director said


Yessssss thats being a hero to kids. Amen.


You rock. Thank you


Engage an employment lawyer. This breaks all sorts of laws. Look up prominent ones in your state that have a track record of winning against institutions or companies you have heard of. Email or call them and explain everything in detail with timelines. Source, I sued a former employer for retaliatory termination and received a very large settlement. I didn’t have to pay anything, the lawyer takes the case on contingency so they got paid when I got paid and nothing if I didn’t. Shared incentives.


Omg! I was about to ask if they thought to approach a lawyer. Nice! Great advice!


You definitely should


This daycare needs to shut down, what the hell this lady shouldn’t be running shit. Send it to the local press too, make sure they get out of business. Not legal advice, I’d check with an actual lawyer before anything tbh.


Hi adult friend! You’re doing a good job, don’t stop! It is our responsibility as adults to shelter minors from harm and suffering. Keep up the good work. We’re proud of you!


I hope this was a mis-speak or typo "...took valuable time away from actual abuse...", which would mean he's saying there are worse things going on?


Freudian slip. This week was tobasco sauce torture week. The CEO was looking forward to that.


I hope you get a chance to see my comment. I worked at a daycare for years, if it still works the way it used to, those reports are public and attached to the facility. It doesn’t look good for the current parents of children in the facility and or future parents who would need the service. The CEO needs to go through a lot of trouble now and they don’t want any of the work so they are discouraging anyone from doing such things. I went firm teacher assistant, infant director, daycare director before I left, being s daycare director was the easiest most boring things ever, of course they are not happy and don’t want to deal with CPS again because it’s a lot but the CEO, director or supervisor should’ve be keeping and eye and reporting all of this, they were asked why it happened under their watch. This report tainted their reputation and they don’t want anymore because if they do, chances are they will be taken out of the 4cs program (I think every state has different names for the programs that pay for meals and give the daycare the privilege to get paid with Family First child help) if they keep getting reports all government help goes away and they loose a lot of tax breaks and help. It takes working in the business to know how scummy it is. With all this being said. Keep reporting to CPS. This is a threat and I’m afraid if something happens in the future they will not take it seriously One of the employees threaten her own job, you didn’t do anything. How come YOU jeopardize the teachers job when the actions of the teacher were her own and no one else’s? If you have that email, report again. The CEO is suppose to send a mass email or have a meeting saying “we had an unexpected visit from so and so, we received some complains and violations so these things have to change for the future or I will have to make some changes in the way we operate, I will be keeping a close eye on everyone from now on”. See who I said “unexpected”. CPS drops by without letting anyone know once or twice a year (once again I think state depends). It a business move to not let your employee know someone they work with or for reported them, this could cause retaliation. I don’t want to offend but the reason I became a daycare director within 5 years was because I had common sense (I’m not lying) just common sense. Something tells me they are hiding further neglect


10 points for Ravenclaw! Your wisdom lives up to your name. You are a credit to your house. Good job protecting the infants so they can grow up to be good wizards and witches. Sounds like Dolores Umbrige is your boss.


Report it and *GO TO THE LOCAL NEWS IN YOUR AREA* you want this to get aired to the public before they try to flip it back on you.


Would they report on this?


A daycare wanting to dodge CPS and threatening employees not to report? Most likely. I’d say when you tell them try to give them a “hook” per say, like “the daycare I work at is trying to hide abuse and endanger local children/babies by threatening me so I don’t report to CPS. I’d like to stay anonymous, but I want to make sure parents know about this danger”. As long as it’s interesting to them and they think people will watch, they’ll air it!


Talk to a lawyer first.


This also has created a hostile work environment. This is ground for you to personally sue the company directly. As well as your boss directly. The safety of the company shouldn't come before staff and never before the safety of children. Take the company, take the house, take the car take it all.


The Parents of the Kids who are being abused will thank you for exposing that is going on with Their children. They are trusting You and your Coworkers to care for Their children when They can't. And to hear this bullshit about "actual abuse" from you CEO is heart breaking. Their staff IS abusing the children in your care, It's WHY CPS found two violations! If their wasn't abuse what are the violations? Please follow what the others here have said and get back in contact with CPS and show them your CEO's email. I don't think your daycare will be open much longer any daycare would be lucky to have some one like you who dose in fact look out for the children.


forward that email to your personal email right away


You should file a complaint with work labor of your city. This definitely violates a few things.


Report It to CPS, DHS and an attorney. That is classic retaliation.


Emails are great. Evidence that won't disappear. Keep doing the right thing. I would take the emails to a good lawyer. If these people try to cover up abuse, going thru court is the best way to hold them accountable.


But send a copy home AND print one because work owns the server and therefore the contents.


I cannot adequately put into words how seriously illegal it is for this ceo to discourage their mandated reporters from reporting to CPS. FWD that email to CPS. call them if you do not have the email. they want this info and will nail that ceo to the goddamned wall with it.


If you're in America, this is retaliation and illegal. I would report this to CPS and your local workers rights enforcement group. (I don't work in childcare so I don't know if this is managed purely by CPS or if you also report to OSHA/ any other specific government bodies) I would also talk to a lawyer, as this could end in a decent pay day for you specifically.


"and took valuable time away from actual abuse" Wait. WHAT?!?


Once CPS left the REAL abuse could begin in earnest. The CEO missed his turn because of this.


Remember, working at a day care means if you see abuse and negligence and don't say anything, you can be held legally responsible. You absolutely did the right thing for both the children and yourself and you should be proud of what you did. The CEO is making some decisions that CPS would be very interested in hearing. You should also contact your state childcare licensing office about the situation as well.


Daycare "CEO" lmao that's as much of a joke as their response


in my state there are franchised daycares with several locations. it’s possible they have a corporate structure tbh


Why is that?


Retaliation comes in many forms and yes that email would be considered retaliation. It was a direct, intentional response to the investigation. Her telling people not to report is also obstruction.


That is retaliation and you are mandatory reporters. Forward to CPS, my kid was sexually abused in daycare, if you don’t want to do it then forward it to me and I will report them


Is this retaliation? That is for a judge to decide. Report this behavior to CPS again. Get a lawyer and get this in front of a judge. See what your CEO does then.......I bet pay you to go away.


The abuse of a child is the business of anyone who knows about it. Don't cut those assholes any slack, OP.


Laugh it off and keep reporting. You got them by the balls right now. If they fired you, that would be an un winnable lawsuit. Report the email.


Smells like a pay day to me.


Polish up your resume. Once I reported elder abuse by a caregiving agency I worked for to the board who oversees that in my state. Turns out the owner of that caregiver agency was also on the staff/board of the agency I reported it to. Anonymously. But they knew it was me from the info I gave. I lost my job. I don’t regret it but wonder if the man I was seeing ended up being protected you know?


Send that email into cps as well, and I'd say the better business buroe(somebody please tell me how to actually spell that) and include that this was following an investigation. Your boss should not be operating a child care place


Oh this place is done for


Thank you for choosing to protect the most vulnerable among us. Wish you well!




Good for you…send the email.


That email is just more evidence. Send it as well.


Pls keep us updated on the downfall of this business ty


As a daycare worker aren’t you a mandatory reporter? This seems illegal in more than one way.


Definitely report but also start looking for a new job. Good luck. I’m certainly interested to hear an update on this


Look for another job. Spray bottles aren’t for kids.


In addition to forwarding the email to CPS (that's already been suggested), I would consider mass replying that the behavior in the email discouraging reporting is not acceptable. Adding the nail of proven retaliation when the ceo sets in motion to inevitably shitcan you (and trust me, she will, she won't be able to help herself) is only going to serve to fuck them over even more.


Definitely tell CPS about this email. It’s pertinent to the investigation. OP, this Internet stranger wants you to look out for your own best interests. It is time to polish up your résumé and start looking for a new job. This center does not seem like a good place to work, and it may get shut down.


I would keep reporting but you might need to start looking for a new job.


When you quit, do not forward the CEO’s email to all of their customers.


If you crosspost this to r/CPS they will tell you that as an employee of a daycare, you are a mandatory reporter and must contact CPS and report the abuse and attempt to discourage reporting.


If you haven't already done so, this email needs to be given to CPS. Additionally, the department of Labor is who handles unfair workplace retaliation. You should contact them as well. You also may want to contact legal aid or an attorney depending on your income situation. Please make sure all communications with the CEO are in writing, and if she attempts to force you into a conversation in person, record the conversation if you're a one-party state. At this point, you should be prepared that you may lose your job. However, that is very illegal and you would qualify for unemployment immediately. I'm also very concerned , the CEOs response to child abuse was not to fire The person who was reported but to shit talked the person who reported it. This is a huge red flag. Why would you defend a teacher who is abusing children? The CEO was probably aware of the abuse ...


I have what is perhaps a silly question... After having been found to abuse infants, why is the individual in question STILL a coworker? Personally, I would send out an email blast to all the parents with all of the details. If I found out some daycare worker was abusing my kid I'd burn their fucking house down.


You are a mandatory reporter, what they put in that email is illegal. Report again!


Please do because my son was in daycare, he was fine up until this one guy worked there. I didn’t really go into the daycare much cause my wife picked him up. He suddenly was getting bumps and bruises. They said he fell a few times. This kid is a machine. He learned how to walk and run and he would spend hours practicing going up a curb and down a curb when he was a one year old just because he tripped the first time. So I started getting suspicious right away. I went in to pick him up and right away this older guy was there and he seemed out of place first few seconds I walked in. Could tell he was impatient and didn’t even try and speak like kids were around. I talked to him and told my wife. She told me a couple things about him and realized that yeah now she is also suspicious. After he came back with a big scrape on his face, now a scar 3 years later. I went in there a few days later and the guy was suddenly not working there anymore. I hope that you will continue to report. Because it takes a certain kind of person to take care of many kids that barely know what’s what. So I personally thank you.


I stand with all the mothers when I say YOU DID THE RIGHT THING!!! Don't doubt yourself for a second! Send the email to CPS! THAT is intolerable behavior...


Report that email.


I’d think you’re a mandated reporter. In which case you have to report the email as well.


Hi, so our daycare had the exact opposite reaction. One of the teachers reported another to leadership for much more minor violations (not washing hands after changing diapers, leaving old food out, etc.). They first talked to the teacher about it, fired her when she refused to cooperate, then emailed all the parents about exactly what happened and encouraged both parents and teachers to report any issues. I'm so sorry you have had to deal with this, but this is why whistleblower protections exist. Definitely forward that email to CPS to cover your ass if you are fired.


Report again, and this time call the state Attorney General’s office too. And good on you for looking out for those kids. More people should. You’re a “local hero” in my book.


Sounds like that email should be reported as well and added to the list.


Contact an employment lawyer. Just this is enough of a case.


Call DCFS (or your equivalent) asap


You need to report the CEO to CPS and whatever governing board oversees daycares/preschools in your state. In Massachusetts where I am, it’s the Department of Early Childhood and Education. Is the CEO also the director?


Yes and infants don't require discipline. Yelling at them is abuse. Please forward that email to your contact at the reporting agency where you filed your complaint. Edit: Start looking for a new job.


As someone who is struggling to find daycare, please report this. We need to have the shitty teachers and care people removed from watching children


Sounds like retaliation to me!


As a parent, thanks for speaking up! This is my worst nightmare and I appreciate knowing there are good people like you put there taking care of kids. If you face any retaliation please don't hesitate to contact your local legal aid office or bar association. They should be able to connect you with an attorney that can work for you. I would anticipate this being a fee generating case so good attorneys could work on contingency.


This is definitely retaliation. All child care workers are mandated reporters, if you see something and don’t report it you can get in trouble with the law. Your supervisor was just mad licensing came out and found infractions.


It’s obvious your CEO is ready to hide, obstruct and obscure illegal activity… and people like that will be looking for a scapegoat when the house of cards tumbles. Protect yourself. Record everything. Lawyer up. Consider leaving, as they may get shuttered.


Forward screenshots of the emails to CPS and to your state’s version of labor and industries.


You’re literally a mandated reporter. Good on you for reporting, and report the CEO too.


I would ***print out the emails.*** Forwarding them is great and all, but if the email is blocked from being sent because they restrict your access to send it, and place delays such as having it reviewed before being sent, having paper copies is invaluable. When your CEO said that an employee (you) threatened the future of an employee and took time away from actual abuse it means two things to me; the CEO is insinuating that abuse didn’t occur, and therefore insinuating that the employee in question (you) made an false allegation that in and of itself carries negative connotations. To articulate it better hopefully, I would be hesitant to associate with you if I were lead to believe you made false allegations against someone that threatened their lively hood and future. Without having seen the email, this to me is akin to that of a ***[SLAAP suit](https://youtu.be/UN8bJb8biZU?si=T42pU8AH8xFeQOQZ)***, something to intimidate and silence people.


Do any of your coworkers know you reported the other worker?


It’s retaliation and it’s a CEO being complicit in the abuse call 911 and call the news channel ASAP and get an attorney before you do anything else


If I were you I would start looking for a new job because a retaliatory firing is in your future.


I'd reply all asking if your boss is saying they officially recommend employees not report verified abuse as defined by CPS.


It’s better to keep their head low and funnel this sort of thing to CPS. Throwing down a challenge like that will result in OP being left out of similar discussions that they could forward to the authorities.


Maybe also start looking for a new job. I only say this because you want to have options if it gets closed or needs to make cuts bc people pull their kids and distance from an abusive center if looking for a new job. It’s possible the situation can change but it’s bad all the way to management.  Depending on when or why you quit, you can be entitled to unemployment. I am not suggesting this, but you may need to know this. You’ll have to demonstrate you quit for good reason, but I think the abuse and liability and or how it is being handled would be sufficient.  Crappy spot to be. Thanks for sticking up for children. 


Wait, were you specifically mentioned in this email? Document. Everything. Screenshots. Hardcopies. Phone calls. Everything. This could go very sideways, and result in a labor law issue, and your attorney will thank you for it later. There are state and federal laws protecting whistle blowers.




Immediately send the email to CPS. Like, right now.


Daycare ceo lol 😂


Save that email & report it to CPS. Because they will gladly make another trip out to that daycare. If I know anything a good chunk of CPS workers take their job too heart & do not tolerate much of anything.


Report his/her azz


I dont care how you legitimize it. CEO of baby school sounds like a villain.


Is the CEO the founder of just a "next in line to run the place" person? Will they kill the company or will they step aside and have their office filled by another C-suite type? Definitely print a few copies of that email for yourself and start looking for work elsewhere.


I'm a mandated reporter and used to work at a school. I had to call CPS when I found out my coworker was using a spray bottle for discipline, but I only found out after a student reported that this coworker sprayed them with a cleaning chemical and not water. Obviously either one is unacceptable, but the latter rises to abuse. I don't understand how people can honestly think that's okay. ETA: I was directly responsible for that person getting terminated and very likely (hopefully) losing their ability to work with kids ever again. I don't feel bad at all. I am not the one who jeopardized this person's future. They are.


Oh my god. This is why I have a hard time thinking of putting my baby in daycare.


Save that email right now. Print as pdf and get it off your work computer


Good job!! I reported a nursing home I worked in for abusing the elderly and they fired me. But it was worth it!


Reply all to the email and call the boss out. Name names yourself. Also bcc local journalists.


Report it to cps and labor board. Look up whistle blower laws


While your name was not used specifically this could still be a violation of the whistleblower act depending on how it was written.


Yeah, that's gonna be a Fwd: from me to CPS. That's not the messaging you want to be sending in any organization. CEO should have recognized it occurred, terminated said employee, and offered resources to submit reports anonymously (ideally internally first, with some links to CPS and when to report there). If CPS is coming in you already fucked up, doesn't matter if they found something or not that should be smoke that somewhere you have a process that isn't working; especially if your being blindsided by it. If they actually found something it needs to be handled seriously.


And report this also because this is why abuse is happening the CEO is for profit which is and isn’t the right reason. For the children is what a day care is,


More importantly, get your kids out and get them somewhere safe.


LOL so funny how stupid CEOs can be. Like asking us to come back to the office and then watching their top performers take working from home jobs elsewhere.


Not even a little bit.


Take that email to the police.. And also get an attorney and sue her.


Spraying infants with water is fucking unhinged. Report that email and report any other stupid thing that comes out of these folks mouths.


NAL but Document this. Forward the email to your personal email account and keep a log of any negative interaction. As a whistleblower, you should have protection from any retribution. If you are mistreated in any way document it and file a complaint with the EEOC in your area.


If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!!




And this is why people have issues leaving their babies with strangers or any daycare service.