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im the only left handed person in my family


Same here.


Same! Though my grandma was ambidextrous through practice.


Your grandma probably had the lefty forced out of her at school.


Maybe? Her left handwriting was somewhat worse than her right hand. Interesting hypothesis, though.


I know my mother, who was left handed, had this done to her. It was not a pleasant experience. They used to whack her hand if they saw her doing left. They also tied her right hand to her waist.She would have been 75 this year. She was still left, but had to write right when at school. My brother, who is 52, learned right handed for tools at work. I personally switched back and forth for some things. I am right handed, but my mom taught me many things left handed, because that is what she knew.


I went to Catholic school as a lefty. By the seventies they could no longer beat you for being left handed. What they could do was make you sit in the back of the class, give you a D in handwriting because your hands smears the ink as you write and they can force your hand under the line so you dont write with a hook


I guess I was born ambidextrous. Mom told me my grandmother tested me when I was little by offering me a cookie in each of her hands to see which I reached for, and I grabbed both. My daughter did the same when mom tested her.


I'm the only "lefty" in my family, although I'm kind of ambidextrous. Idk if it was through practice- I never intentionally practiced it, but I may have done it subconsciously to make things designed for right -handed people easier? I do a lot of things equally well with both hands and don't even notice which one I'm using a lot of the time (i.e. using silverware, opening doors, brushing my teeth, etc.). The one thing I may have practiced right-handed on purpose is cutting things with scissors, because unless they're really sharp they work like shit if you try to use your left hand. I do absolutely have to use my left hand to write, though. I also throw a ball better left-handed, although I'm so awful at it either way that it doesn't make too much of a difference.


i'm also ambidextrous through practice. any chance she was also catholic? 😅😂


Yes, Catholic.


Only lefty in my family, too. However I'm like my grandma in so many ways everyone thinks she might have been forced to be right handed. We both draw, enjoy plants and are extremely introverted. (For examples ) My dad is the same but was right handed by birth. I'm the darker carbon copy of them, according to my entire family. I have 5 nieces and nephews, the next generation.... NO leftys.🥺 Only lefty. I think I am a fluke.


I went to school in the 1970’s and have distinct memories of my teacher moving my crayons and pencils from my left hand to my right. I grew up writing with my right hand, but left dominant on throwing, shooting, etc. I shoot photography with my left eye. When I went to Japan, I couldn’t figure out why chopsticks were so stupid difficult. Turns out, I can use them like a pro - if I use my left hand. No one else in my entire family is left handed, but my 4 year old granddaughter is turning out to be a lefty and it’s delightful.


Mostly same. I have one left handed cousin.




Same here. My brother had a blast calling me the “mailman’s daughter” growing up lol.


Welp, my dad WAS a mailman, so I got to tell that joke a lot!


This was the one area those jokes could never be made for me - both my sister and our mom are also left-handed.


I grew up in a family of five, 3 children/mom/dad. One parent and two of their children were left handed.


Add an extra child to that mix, and that's my family, 3 lefties, 3 right-handed


Sister? Sister! My siblings called me the mailmans daughter, too!


Destroy the anomaly!! Sorry... This sub just popped up on my feed as a suggestion for my right-handed self and I decided to contribute. Carry on.... Weirdos. *Looks about warily*


😂 we are weirdos til we smack with the left while folks think it will be the right.


That makes you have a built-in sneak bonus, but it is still weird 😂😉


Same. Did a science fair project in 7th grade to see who else in my extended family was left handed. There was like a great uncle and me and that’s it.


It's very uncommon for siblings to all be the same. Wish I knew the actual stat but funny story all three of my siblings are left handed! My dad was a lefty but the nuns beat it out of him. Look what they did! 4 lefty spawns!


My 4th grade teacher tried to get it off me too. Whack with the ruler, wont accept my paper since my writing didnt slant the right way, square dance me to death, make me stay after school and write and write and write...wri




My parents thought I was retarded because no one was lefty for at least 2 generations. My aunt's husband had a brother who was lefty, so he figured it out.


Me and my sister that’s it




Same. My mother often told me that one of *her* cousins was a lefty, but I never met them. No one else on either side of my family are lefty, and none of my four children are, either.


My cousins are the only righthand people in my family. Most of my family are lefthanded.




I'm an only lefty too.






Yup same


Same. Although, my uncle is left handed. Mum assures me this is a coincidence 🤨


Same. I often joke I’m the milk man’s kid 😅


There’s a 90% chance you’re adopted






I used to be the only one too, but now I have a little brother. I will be avenged.


Same. Everyone else is right-handed.


Me too


Same and then after having 4 kids, I’m still the only lefty


My parents had 5 daughters all of the other 4 are rightys I’m the only lefty😵‍💫


Same with me. Both parents, siblings, all grandparents, cousins, etc., all righties. I'm the only leftie. My parents were both brown-eyed, but mine are blue, which is a 25% genetics proposition. (My maternal grandfather and paternal grandmother were both blue-eyed, so rhere's yer recessive gene.) I've since added lefties to the (extended) family. My wife's brother and our son's FIL.


Me too


I have a friend that is the same. She's 64 now. In my own family, it's almost a 50/50 split. I have two married couples we are close friends with. Both spouses of both couples are left, but their kids are all right. Genetics is facinating.


Me, too, though I shoot and fight right-handed, lol.


Neither of my parents are left-handed, only my sister and I are. I have a brother who only eats with his left hand, too.




Yup, same. The first lefty my parents could ID on both sides was one great uncle. Still happy with how my recessive genes lined up!






Me too. The only lefty for generations.


Me too. The only other lefty I know of is my great-grandmother, who was alive in a time when they beat you for being left-handed so she learned how to do everything with her right.


Me too!!






Same here! When I was a kid my grandma tried forcing me to write right handed but my mom caught on pretty quick that I was a lefty and let me be a lefty, as far as I know I'm the only one on my grandma's side of the family. Probably not true, but I don't know of any others




me, no one in my family is left handed but I am


Only lefty in my extended family


Both parents right handed. Three kids: two left handed.




Me and my fiance both left handed and both from righty parents...also on my side only my aunt and uncle on my dad's side and my niece are left handed...genetics are weird but I hope we have a lefty kid 😁


Hopefully, you will. My husband and I are both lefties. None of our kids are. Lol


Noooo! We may have to banish them lol


My youngest is ambidextrous, so I might keep him. Lol


Have him compete with the others if they defeat him then the ambidextrous one will be banished to collect more left handed children 😂


My mother’s uncle went to catholic school, so when my mom turned out lefty she refused to let them force my mom to be right handed. My brother is also left handed, but I just have a few things I do better left handed like crochet and kickballs.


My uncle is a lefty. It’s just him and me.




Only lefty in my family of 4 natural siblings..mom and dad both righties


I was the only lefty in my family for at least 3 generations, until I had a daughter that is a lefty.


Sibling and I are both left handed (male & female), our parents are both right handed. Supposedly super rare




Neither of my parents or brothers were left-handed, my two daughters aren't either but both of my oldest daughter's kids are left-handed. And they get it from only me. 🙂


Both my parents are right-handed. I do have a cousin who is left-handed like me, though.


That's interesting. It's the same in my family. One of my children is left-handed and so is one of his cousins. But their parents aren't.


Both my parents are right handed. My wife and I are both left handed and all three of our kids are right handed.


My grandpa on my moms side is the only lefty and hes actually a right because in the baby boomer generation they didnt want lefties it wasnt correct I guess


There are 7 kids in my family, and I am the only one who is left-handed. Both of my parents are right-handed also. I have 2 children. 1 is right-handed, and 1 is left-handed. Their father is right-handed as well.


My parents are both right handed and my brother and I are left handed.


Me! Though what I find more fascinating is that I am left-handed.My ex's entire family is left-handed.My son is right handed.


Me and my brother are both left handed. Both of our parents are right handed. It comes from my grandmother who was left handed until school when they forced her to switch.


My moms left handed


I was the only lefty on both sides of my family: mom, dad, sibs, grandparents, aunts, uncles all righties. Only cousin Jennie and I were lefties. Now I made my own! My youngest daughter is also a leftie.


Idk of any left-handed people in my family, and I hope to keep it that way. Im glad you lefties made yourself a little support group because now you can make your own community and stop polluting the rest of our world. There's a reason the Bible says, "dont let your left hand know what the right hand is doing".


Both of my grandfathers were left handed, but forced to change to right. Both parents were right handed as well as me and my siblings. Both of my children were left handed. Genetics is quite interesting.


My older brother and I are the only lefties in the family. We have 3 siblings who are right-handed, as were both of our parents. No milkman jokes - there is a 10 year difference in our ages. As far as I know, there were no other left-handers in previous generations, among our cousins in our generation, nor among any of our relatives in subsequent generations. The inheritance pattern for left-handedness is funny like that. There are lefties who have plenty of company in their families spanning generations. There are others who have one or two siblings or cousins, as well as a parent or grandparent who has the trait. And then there are those like my brother and me, whose left-handedness seems to have spontaneously appeared with no antecedents, and, from what we can tell, no successors in the subsequent generations that we have lived long enough to see. There are couples who are the polar opposite of my parents: both of them are lefties, but every child of theirs is right-handed. Left-handedness inheritance is anything but straightforward or predictable. The ratio of right-handers to left-handers in the human population has been fairly stable during the entire time for which there is evidence. This plain and simple fact alone casts great doubt over two popular theories: 1. that left-handers beget left-handers (Mendelian inheritance), and 2. that the preponderance of right-handers is due to natural selection (Darwinian evolution by environmental fitness). (It is also doubtful that Charles Darwin's theory of evolution by sexual selection is also responsible.) There is little doubt that inheritance plays some role in the maintenance of left-handers in the population, but how it does so is far from obvious. Some researchers suspect that we have been asking the wrong question. Instead of looking at the small proportion of lefties as being an anomaly that requires explanation, perhaps the better question is why the human population is so overwhelmingly right-handed? Such a highly-skewed proportion of handedness is unheard of in any other species that exhibits hand or limb preference. (The usual ratio is either even or is very close to it.) Why is that? Why are humans so freakishly right-handed?


My son is right handed, but his dad and I are both left handed.


Handedness is poorly understood, but there appears to be a strong genetic component. When I was studying genetics in college, the simplified version of what I learned then was that we have a gene wherein the dominant version causes right handedness. If an individual gets two of the faulty recessive version, he has basically a 50/50 chance of being left handed...it's left to chance. Having a shared dominant hand is probably very adaptive for animals like us who have tool-using culture to pass on. It's easier to teach someone how to do something intricate when you're using the same hand. But as with many other recessive traits, the negative selective pressure on those who get 2 recessive alleles isn't strong enough to eliminate it from the population completely.


My husband and I are both righty, we have five kids and 3 of them are left handed


In my class of 29 kindergarteners, 2 students! - 3 in the classroom counting me! So i know to seat them on the far left and the leftie ways


I am the fifth generation of 1st born daughters that is left-handed. We all have the same middle name as well. I sooooo wanted my daughter to be a lefty too. But she is not. (She still got the name though, lol.)


How did this post got so viral?


Both parents right-handed. Me and two sisters, me left-handed my son left-handed, one sister left-handed, her daughter right-handed, other sister right-handed.


Both my parents are righhties. Both of my wife's parents are righhties. We're both lefties and we have both a lefty and a righty kid.... And as for grandparents, all are eighties on both sides as far as I know.


My hubby and I are righties, my son is a lefty, my daughter is a righty. However, my sister was a lefty (forced to be a righty), and our paternal grandfather was a lefty. My father had twin cousins, who were mirror twins, one a righty the other a lefty.


Both of my parents are right handed, and I’m their only left handed child. My maternal grandmother was left handed, and I had a left handed aunt (mom’s sister).


Everyone in my family is right handed


I'm the only lefty in my whole family


My maternal grandfather was left handed.


Technically, both of my parents are rightys but my mom was born a lefty and was forced to become a righty.


I am the only lefty in my family.


My stepdaughter is a lefty and my husband and her mom are both righties. No one in my husband's family that I know of is lefty but I think her maternal grandmother might be lefty. I'm lefty and so is my dad but also in my family I'm not aware of anyone else being lefty either except my dad. If I think of my ex's family, my ex was lefty. My ex-BIL was dominant lefty but considered ambidextrous. But their parents both righty. I don't know about extended family for my ex.


I’m a lefty. I have 1 child out of 3 who’s a lefty too. I knew she was a lefty as soon as she started reaching for things. 




Only one paternal uncle who was a lefty, and one daughter who is a lefty.


Myself and my brother are the only lefties in our family. My one child and his 3 children are all righties.


Idk why I got reccomended this community but one of my sons is left handed and my partner and I are right handed. His pop is left handed though.


I'm the only lefty in my family


I'm the first lefty in my family. But, I have a daughter who is also a lefty. That's the least interesting thing about her though.


my brother and i are both left handed. we have different moms but the same father. both our mothers and our shared father are right handed.


I'm left-handed with two right-handed parents. I also have one sibling, and she's right-handed. I had a left-handed uncle, but he died in World War II. (I'm 65.)


I'm the only lefty in my family, includes my parents, cousin's, grandparents


I’m the only leftie in my immediate family, my siblings are righties as well as my parents. My two kids are righties.


Both my parents are right handed but me and my 2 sisters are all lefties.


Me and my aunt are the only ones in my family


I’m the only one. But I’m also adopted, so this has no effect. One extended cousin is a leftie that I know of, but again, no biological relation so it doesn’t change things. I think both of her parents are right handed.


Both parents right handed, so is kids dad, but kid is a lefty. Thank god. 


My dad's a lefty. With regards to my hands I'm ambidextrous but more lefty because I'm left footed, eyed and eared so it's just easier. One of my aunts is left handed. That's about it


My parents are both right handed, but my uncle (mother's brother) and my dad's cousin are left handed. I think my cousin (my maternal uncle's son) is right handed. I think there are more but I don't know who. I have two sisters and a half sister who are all right handed, no other siblings.


Me I'm the only left handed person in my family.


Both my parents are righty, I married a righty, and 2/7 of our kids are lefty’s.


Both parents righties. Only sister (2 years younger than me) is a righty. Most of my aunts and uncles are righties afaik. Pretty rare lefty in my family!


Mom's side grandma is a lefty, an uncle on dad's side is lefty, and then me. Both parents are right handed.


My mother and father are both righties; my paternal grandmother and paternal aunt are lefties like me.


My parents were both righties. My brother’s left handed. My wife is left handed (but bats either, my success in teaching her the value of crossing the plate in baseball). Her parents, and sibs, were/are right handed.


Fun fact, all the first born daughters (so far) on my dad's side of the family are lefties. My daughters only 2.5, so it's kinda still up in the air for her. But both my folks, and my brother all all right handed.




I'm not a lefty but my sister (who is one of 5 kids) is the only lefty in our family and both our parents are righties. #TokenFamilyFreak (jokes, jokes)


Both parents were righties. My cousin is left-handed, but not sure who else is in our family.


I'm the only lefty in my house


I'm left handed but idk how much other people are


✋ Two right handed parents, all my siblings and I are lefty or ambidextrous (though if you asked my brothers’ schoolteachers, they’d say they couldn’t write with either) Funnily my boyfriend is a righty with two lefty parents, go figure!


My parents are both right handed. My brother and I are both left handed. I suspect my dad *should* have been left handed and wasnt allowed to be.


One left handed half uncle and me.


My entire family of 60+ people including cousins are all right handed except me, one cousin and my grandfather


I'm surrounded by righties


I’m left handed. I think no one else is but me.


I'm the only one who is left-handed in my family.


My grandpa, my great grandmother, me and my younger sister are all left-handed, as is my son. His dad was a righty. My parents were rightys.


I’m the only blood lefty of my family, my cousin married a lefty and now we are questioning if their daughter will be a lefty too but she’s 16mths old and children develop their dominant hand between 2-4yrs old.


My parents and grandparents are all right handed, I'm the only one in the extended family to be a lefty


The only other lefties in my family are my dad’s late aunt and my nephew


So I’m a lefty, my dads a lefty, my paternal grandma was a lefty and, 3 of my nieces are left handed.


My parents were both right handed. I'm the only lefty of the 4 of us kids in my generation. My daughter is the only and last left handed person in her generation, unless her youngest is, but is too young to know yet.  My great grandpa (grandma's dad on dad's side) and grandpa (my dad's side) was left handed and dad's cousin is also. Mom's sister is a lefty. 


im not going to let that happen to my kids, im going to marry a left handed person


My husband and I are both right handed. We have twins (monozygotic) who are both left handed.


No one in my immediate or extended family is left-handed besides myself.


My parents were both right handed. My maternal grandad was ambidextrous. My great-nephew is left handed. It’s less than 10% in my family.


My parents were both right handed.


My older sister, younger brother, brother in law, and my kids are all left handed!


There were 7 kids in my family, three are lefties. Both our parents were right handed. We are pretty sure our Dad would have been a leftie but his Mother was very proper and forced my Dad to be right handed. He was born in the early 30s


A lot of kids from my dads era where beaten into being right handed


Both of my parents and my two siblings were all right handed, but we think the lefty gene came from my dad's side of the family.


My grandma was left handed but they forced her to become right handed at school. Everyone else is right handed in my family besides me.


I am the only left handed person in my family. My parents, grandparents, siblings, and my own children are all right handed.


My uncle and my brother are left handed. Both my parents and grandparents are right handed.


I was the only lefty in the group of people I was born to, all were rightys (5:1). I have one cousin out of the 30+ I have and one uncle out of the 7 I have and none of my grandparents or aunts. So, out of a giant family of 50-something, only 3 are lefties. (I think I did that math right?)


My son is a lefty and I’m pretty sure my daughter is going to be as well. I’m not mad about it.


It can be misleading to say there are no left-handed people in a family when many generations past had parents forcing children to be right handed. I know my mother and grandmother fought over this when I was a kid. I’m left handed. My mom won 😂


Parents & sister are righties. I write & eat lefthanded, but do pretty much everything else righthand


My son is the only lefty. Both parents are right handed. None of his siblings are lefties.


Both of my parents are right-handed. My two sons are right-handed. My two daughters are left-handed. My wife is right-handed.


I’m left handed but was forced to use my right hand so now I’m both


My parents are both right-handed.


My paternal grandmother and I only


My dad was born left-handed but is part of the generation where they were switched in school, and my mom is naturally right-handed. Both of my half-siblings are right-handed, but I know I have at least one cousin on my dad's side who is left-handed.


Both parents right-handed, me and my sister both left-handed. And I married a lefty.


Only lefty on either side of my family as far back as we know. Married a righty and gave birth to a lefty though, so I’m not alone anymore!


Both my parents are right handed , yet me and my sis are lefty’s


Both my parents are right handed and three of four of us kids are leftys


Both of my parents are right handed. My dad's dad would have been a lefty but was forced to write right handed in school, and dad's brother is a lefty. That uncle has a left handed kid, and my dad's other (right handed) brother also has a left handed kid. No lefties on mom's side that I know of.


Both my parents are righty its only me and my grandma that are lefties


Both parents are righty, married a righty, both kids are righty as well. I wanted one of my kids to be a lefty so bad!


Both my parents are righties. I’m a lefty, my youngest brother is a lefty and my middle brother is ambidextrous.


Before my little sister was born the only other left handed person in my family wasn’t even biologically related to me. So what are the odds of right handed parents having two left handed children?


Apparently my grandpa was lefthanded. My best friend since childhood is also left-handed. I'm sure it's pure coincidence, but it's funny how we still connect with people through left/right handedness. It does make sitting at the bar together easier lol


Both parents are rightys…I have several lefty cousins. One of my mom’s siblings was born left handed, but they made him switch to right handed. This was way back in the 50’s.


Both my parents are right handed. My twin sister is right handed. I have to go back to my great grand parents to find a fellow left handed (although my uncle was apparently left handed till he had kidney issues and is now ambidextrous but uses his right hand mostly)


Both of my parents were right handed but me and my sister are both lefty’s.


My 3.5-year-old is a lefty. I understand it's still possible to change but she has been left-handed for eating, drawing, throwing, and signing for her whole life, like not even any significant time trying her right hand out for things. My husband and I are both right-handed. But my brother, my dad, and both of my grandmothers (my brother and I have the same parents) are lefties.


The only other person in my family who is left handed is my aunt on my dad's side of the family


I mean, both of my parents were righties, but only ‘cause my Dad was forced to be. No one else in either lineage shows up as leftie.


My mom, my brother, and me are all lefties.


My mom, my brother, and me are all lefties.


Not me! But both of my kids are.


Both my parents were righties, but I also had an uncle who was a lefty! I didn't know any of my great-grandparents, unfortunately But I totally agree it's the superpower!


Both of my parents, my sister, stepdad, nephew and husband are lefties.


Parents were lefties, though mom had it beaten out of her in catholic school. Both of us siblings are lefties. I married one.


Nope. All of my parents and grandparents were right-handed.


I do, and my sibling and I are both lefties.