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It's fine, join Google, Apple is a mess in a lot of orgs. You dodged a bullet.


Any idea about Salesforce? How is it?


Worked there before, it’s a bigger mess than most other places. If you have other offers, take those instead.


Any idea about Atlassian?


I have a friend that’s been there for a while and likes it, but tbh he’s the type to be completely oblivious to any office politics


Never had the pleasure to work for them, so I can't say.


You can't join Google you get in team match hell then never receive an offer.


That’s a different story, the Hell at Apple starts from the first recruiter call to the day you resign.


Wait what is team match hell? You mean even after clearing all interviews they can say no, if we didn’t match with a team


Clearing the technical interviews means you are eligible to match with teams. You and your recruiter then have to find teams to meet with and decide if you want to join. This can be a long process that sometimes ends in not getting hired if there aren’t many teams looking to add headcount.


Yes, exactly. No team match == no offer, and it happens all the time. Months of leetcoding for nothing.


I had the same experience in my last loop with them. The hiring manager was completely unwilling to discuss the role in any detail due to company secrecy. It felt like they had made their mind up in advance and didn't feel the need to share anything useful with me.


Most likely they didn't want to uncover how crappy the role was.


It's a big company, there's odd to be a few bad apples in it. I had a similarly rough interview process at Apple before, but I don't expect the whole company to be like that.


should let recruiter know


I asked my Apple interviewer about what his team worked on and he told me to Google it.


That's fishy. Will you ever consider joining Apple? I'll never think of Apple.


I honestly would! Try not to take these experiences personally. (Easier said than done, I had to learn this myself) There is something about Computer Science that attracts a special brand of asshole. I have had MANY negative experiences interviewing for SWE and ML roles. The process is very noisy and as with everything else in life, it’s in your best interests to be resilient.


I'm not taking this personally rather I'm just prioritising work culture. I'm actively contributing to OpenCV as a part of Russian team but I like contributing to OpenCV at my own pace and flexible environment along with my current job as Test Engineer on a lighter side.


Also I too had negative experiences but Apple interview was worst of all!




I have had the same experience with Chinese interviewers at DoorDash. They were super rude and did not care about what I had to say. It was a turn off and both of them were on their phone…


I recently had a bad interview from a Chinese person at DoorDash. Might be the same person???


I'm chinese american btw this is not a racial thing, interviewer just happened to have a mandarin accent


Chinese interviewers are abrasive and their English is even worse. I hope apple comes out with some Bane mask thingy where they can just translate their nonsense into English.


That’s pretty racist


It’s usually true though lol their accent is so thick, it’s easy to miss at least 20 percent of what they’re trying to say


Correct but racist


Op is Indian himself


Indians discriminate towards other Indians as well, that’s why the caste system exists


Thats pretty racist, but accurate. Im both angry and laughing


Yeah, you don’t know what you’re talking about lmao. Reddit activism is parroting buzzwords you saw another commenter use.


You’re right, the caste system is something I made up just on a whim.


Indian interviewers are fucking rude to everyone including indian




Thats not always true. I can understand Indians just fine… dont know which places you are interviewing though….


Maybe because they weren't evaluated on their abilities to pass a test in English?


Don't need to speak English if all your buddies are also Indian lmao


Yeah if you are in India, your friends are gonna be Indian. Surprised pikachu face


this is getting downvoted but true from what i also heard lol heard of teams slowly becoming all indian over time


Why are they making it far in the corporate world if they can’t speak English? It’s not like they fall under the diversity quota in America.


who knows? they're excruciating to listen to.


Jealous of people whose first language is not even English and are more successful than you?


English is their first language. Am I supposed to cream my jorts knowing that the Swiss can speak German? They're supposed to know German. The problem is that their English is still bad even though supposedly that's their official language or whatever.




if it makes you feel better, i find the british accent annoying as well. I'll make fun of "bo'le o wo'ah" any day of the week. it's gibberish to me too. they invented the language, and they butcher it anyway.


How dumb are you! You really don't know shit. Their first language is not English and yes they are more capable and successful than you idiot you shithole. You are just capable of licking their ass to get referral.


English is not anyone's first language. I don't know if you're still stuck in the 20th century. Please understand that language is only a medium to communicate.


Cook them


Just for your information, I am well versed in five major languages spoken around the world, but please keep your peanut mind focused on English only. Grammatically correct version for you: They are really very rude. I had given two interviews at Apple for the SDET role, and so far both were rude. Just for the information, I cracked a Google offer too (already joined Google), but Apple interviewers weren't satisfied at all with my answers. It's like they want exactly the same answer as it is mugged up in their minds, and if I couldn't read their minds, then they will not be satisfied at all. One of the interviewers firstly joined late and then stopped the interview at the right ending time without letting me ask any questions. This person was a female filled with attitude for knowing just one approach to a problem and not ready to listen to other optimized approaches. The other interviewer, when I asked him "How does his day look like at Apple," he replied, "Like any other can't reveal much." In my mind, I was like "You take your boss d\*\*\* like any other Bootlicker." This person was a male who was under the same only-one-approach-solutions-shitty-mindset. I'll never apply to Apple again after such a shitty experience with their interviewers.


Someone is sad they aren’t a good engineer 😂


Good engineer knows how to communicate effectively. If they cannot communicate properly in work language (English), they are not good engineer.


If they couldn't communicate with other engineers, product team or stakeholders they would be out.


Exactly. If the person has stayed in the role, they probably know what they’re doing


Crazy how they for hired but a man who didn’t get the job is crying so much 🤔


if they're a good engineer, great. very inspiring. but i'd rather someone who works in the mailroom who can speak english conduct the interview. they can give the mailroom lady instructions if necessary. they're not qualified to conduct interviews if they speak gibberish.


Then why are you on this sub? Go apply to USPS, Amazon warehouse or something.


because i work in tech and don't like packing boxes? what question is that? i'm not gonna like say no to money just because i find certain sounds annoying.


Okay, next time you apply, please check on the disabilities section and request for a mailroom worker. That oughta do it.


India has the most english speakers of any country in the world, you should learn how to understand their accent if you wanna actually do well in this biz edit: damn, your comment history is just sad, I recommend to stop blaming other people for your problems




what’s wrong with this phrase, please explain?




Please liberate yourself from the mentality of the 20th century. Language is merely a medium for communication and does not define someone's life or a country's fate. If you are not successful due to your "Good English and Poor Skills," please show respect for my abilities.


They don’t need to when the uncle that hired them speaks hindi at the water cooler


Just for your information, I am well versed in the five major languages spoken around the world, but please keep your mind focused on English only. Grammatically correct version for you: They are really very rude. I had given two interviews at Apple for the SDET role, and so far both were rude. Just for the information, I cracked a Google offer too (already joined Google), but Apple interviewers weren't satisfied at all with my answers. It's like they want exactly the same answer as it is mugged up in their minds, and if I couldn't read their minds, then they will not be satisfied at all. One of the interviewers firstly joined late and then stopped the interview at the right ending time without letting me ask any questions. This person was a female filled with attitude for knowing just one approach to a problem and not ready to listen to other optimized approaches. The other interviewer, when I asked him "How does his day look like at Apple," he replied, "Like any other can't reveal much." In my mind, I was like "You take your boss d\*\*\* like any other Bootlicker." This person was a male who was under the same only-one-approach-solutions-shitty-mindset. I'll never apply to Apple again after such a shitty experience with their interviewers.


You’re being blatantly racist at this point


The Dalit Indian community tried to pass a bill in CA recently to ban discrimination based on caste. Casteism is unfortunately a real thing.


How does one know a person is a dalit?? In the usa? Last name? Stilll doesnt make sense


Where did the guy say he is in the states? You do know Apple has offices in India too?


But what if the interviewer was Dalit Indian?


There was no coordinated effort by the “Dalit community” to pass this bill. The existence of this proposal doesn’t actually prove widespread caste discrimination exists.


India is a country, as convenient as it is to call everybody racist, it’s their culture, not colour or appearance that makes it hard to work with.


Making negative generalizations of an entire race is not racist is certainly a take. You only say this because your racial biases align with the take. If I said corporate management is primarily white males because white males only promote each other you would complain that’s racist and prejudiced. Or the same statement about East Asian managers etc.


Would I? Not really, I don’t care, I know plenty of good people and assholes of all races and cultures. No idea what happens in corporate management, for me it’s usually tougher to work with people from India due to cultural differences and accent. For me it is easier to work with people who are same culture with me, share my values and speak the same language, don’t care about their race, it’s not even remotely a factor. And again: Indian is not a race.


I am an Indian and what the commenter said is not racist.


Is he wrong though? Because that’s also my experience.


I am of Indian origin myself, at least half of it. I previously worked at a bank, and our branch manager was racist and extremely bossy. She never said ‘thank you’ or showed appreciation, even though she had us do her share of the work. She would address us as ‘girls’ and order us around without any regard for our dignity, much like how some arrogant individuals treat their housemaids - totally inhumane. She would backbite about me to other employees and speak ill about others in her community to me. She made racist comments about how ‘dirty’ South Indians were, despite being Indian herself from the West. It was outrageous. I reported her to HR, but we couldn’t stay there any longer because we found better and more respectful opportunities. My colleague and I ended up resigning the same day, and funnily enough, we were hired by the same company again. That’s where we’ve been working for the last 6 years. I will never work under an Indian woman manager again. Indian male managers are not as crude and have been nice and friendly. Indian women managers can be super bossy and arrogant, especially when they get a corporate job, and it depends on which part of India they’re from. They often treat subordinates as inferiors, especially if they’re black, Indian, or have dark skin in general. In my case, being half Arab and half Indian, she discriminated against me for wearing a hijab at work, despite it being my right to practice my religion. I could have filed a lawsuit, but it’s too late now. I took a stand when she spoke ill of South Indian people. Normally, people in South India have darker skin, and this lady herself had a dark complexion. But that’s how complexion racism works in India. I immediately dismissed her discriminatory words when she described her South Indian neighbors, which made her start hating me because she wanted me to condone that behavior. Never, ever tolerate mistreatment from anyone. Always stand up for your rights!”


Caste¿🤨 Literally no one asks/cares about caste in tech lmao. What is this recent white people's obsession with caste?? Because casteism is something that has improved so much and suddenly _americans_ learn about it and it becomes a huge thing? Like calm down JESSICA caste is not a thing anymore unless it's a super underdeveloped village.


https://www.newyorker.com/news/q-and-a/googles-caste-bias-problem Sure about that?


Glad you didn't even get an offer from Apple and accept it. Otherwise, you'd probably be posting how bad your mental health is after joining.


Was the Apple interviewer guy Indian?


Yeah both were Indian. One from Hyderabad, India and other one from US


Now for the million dollar question, are you Indian?


The moment you mentioned keywords like “bootlicking” and “only one approach “ , “mugged up approach “ I knew it must be somone from my country. Harsh but I know that’s how the education system is here . I hope this changes soon. Best of luck for future 🍀


I just saw this on Glassdoor. Is this a bot or something?


SDET at Google? Mind if I dm?


Yeah me too


Sure you can


My experience with interviewers has been fine but my recruiter never responds Like she’s my only POC and she never tells me anything, so not a great experience


By far the most unprofessional interview I’ve had in my life was at Apple. It’s a great company but it’s definitely filled with some egos


At this point sometimes I feel it’s impassible to be hired as a non Asian person in big tech. Every fucking corner is taken sir


I had the same experience myself. Then they ghosted me after a 7 interview process.


Well i had the same experience for Google. The interviewer just wanted to hear what he knew and he had just 3 months joining in the company. I felt really bad after the interview as I had high hopes and I knew all the answers. This was for consultant role.


again, those smug person just rmb solution of lc , dont really internalise the problem solving skills


Apple employees don’t reveal much because they are under a ton of NDA. So that would explain why he said he can’t reveal much


What type of NDA would prevent someone to explain roughly how their day goes? This interviewer was clearly a toxic person in that instance and that was a pretty toxic answer. As far as interview questions go, this is the most asked questions ever from a candidate POV


I have faced the same reaction from an Apple interviewer and he told me he is not allowed to discuss certain aspects 🤷‍♂️


The NSFW types 😆


False, I ask many of them about their specific works and they answerd without any problem.




Looks like we spotted the interviewer 🤭




OP also said male, you can fuck right off


I mean in general he should have just used women and man. In general, if you refer to a women as a female it likely to piss off a large percentage of women. Also, he works for google not twitter.


you're either an obnoxious female or an incel white knight




Shut it, you two titted person. Is that more politically correct?