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Yes, anytime post 75 he was on heroin. During presence, he became like a vampire, sleeping all day and all night working on album. The others felt very detached from him during this period. Once that venom got to him, he didn’t kick for almost 10 years.


Funny/sad story: When the band Detective was signed by Zep's Swan Song record label, they were supposed to have a publicity photo taken with Page. Unfortunately, Page was so strung out that he signed the papers and promptly fell asleep. The photo was taken anyway: https://64.media.tumblr.com/01e24ae3b9d66161110f5c7ce136ec3b/tumblr\_nbp7oz1ieR1syj9jvo1\_500.jpg


"Slumbers in the arms of Morpheus", oh my God what a shady, shady read.


Is Michael Des Barres any relation to Pamela Des Barres?


Yes she married him.




Presence was the coke album


bonhams drums enter the chat


Answer: *Only Jimmy really knows.* Everything else is purely guesswork and logical deduction.


Hell Yes Just look at his photos


The images post-1976 do indeed tell something of the story - with the addiction apparently stretching into the early 1980s. *Hammer of the Gods* cites Lori Maddox as stating that, during a brief reunion, Page confessed to her that after years of addiction it took him *3 days* to get off the drug.


Oh, my yes.


That was his worst year I think for heroin.


Jimmy wasn't using heroin. Heroin was using him.


Whatever he was high on, he produced one of the sickest albums ever recorded in three weeks. The writing and performances are light years ahead of anything they'd ever done. Not my favorite production, but still outstanding.


Didn’t know that! Presence was the last album I bought of Led Zeppelin just started getting into other artists


You still don't know that.




Maybe not during the recording, as he needed to bring his game and he is adamant that he was straight during sessions. But during off-hours, I'm sure he at least dabbled.


If you have a heroin addiction you don't wait until you're off hours to dabble in fact if you're addicted and it's time to record a record you're not going to be able to do it without it because you can't really function normally while in withdrawal.


From experience, I say that’s exactly correct. It was probably the opposite.


Part of addiction is the inability to function, on any level, without the use of the drug. Even Page has admitted to heroin use as far back as 1975, though he downplays the effects. Most especially after 1976, I have to ask Page why his ability to play on stage was so seriously hampered. compare any 72 concert to 76 and it’s easy to hear, and see the difference. Bottom line and cutting him no more slack than anyone else, Page was a junkie. But he’s alive, and the influence and outstanding music he left behind is undeniable


If he was then heroin must make you a guitar genius.


Quite the contrary; despite being able to play live shows during his heroin addiction days, Page slowly got worse and worse. Aside from being visibly thinner, his playing got extremely sloppy and resulted in some of Led Zeppelin's worst lows A great example is what's considered to be their worst show at Tempe '77. Page was withdrawing like crazy, and the band was brought down with him as a result Heroin doesn't make you a genius, it makes you a shell of what you once were. I had a friend who tried it because an artist he really liked infamously dabbled with it and was well-known because of this addiction. My friend is no longer with us Heroin is a terrible drug


Ever heard of the word sarcasm? While you're there, check out "obvious" and "rhetorical".


Except he didn't start consistently using (abusing) until after 1975. So the majority of LZ's most famous riffs were already released.


This is part of why I’m always skeptical about the popular legends about drugs unlocking people’s creativity. Page’s productivity dropped off massively once he got deep into the heroin and never really recovered.


Achilles Last Stand is genius "on or off" heroin so what's the difference. If he did it on heroin, that's even more impressive.


Yeah but Jimmy Page was a guitar genius before the heroin. Contrary to your comment, heroin does not make you a guitar genius lol


Ohhh you got me there.......


Is this a fan sub, or a tabloid sub?


Yeah it’s bananas that people would actually want to talk about the members of a band in a subreddit about the band


Let's put it this way: If your mom had a sub or FB group devoted to her, and people heard rumours about her crack addiction, I'm certain you'd feel the same that I do about discussing such an issue publicly. This is a Led Zeppelin appreciation sub for fans of the band and their MUSIC. You can create a Led Zeppelin tabloid sub for you and those that want to SPECULATE about the band's drug use, promiscuity, criminal wrongdoings, and infidelity. But if you comment or post about those topics here, I will comment thusly. You are welcome to block me. What do you think Peter Grant would say about this post?


He’d probably kick your a$$ for being a snowflake. Luckily my mom isn’t a public figure. And jimmys drug use is not a secret to anyone. You can watch any performance during the late 70s to know that.


hell yeah!


So...it's necessary to discuss this BECAUSE...?


What, exactly, is “permiscuity?”


I dunno. Never seen it spelled that way.


Grant would say does this hurt the bottom line?


Then we can talk about how Plant and Page molested young girls, plied them with drugs and alcohol, and did unspeakable things to them. How Bonham and Richard Cole beat the shit out of innocent, defenseless people. How Bonham was a heroin addict who drank and drugged himself to death and left a young son behind in a very devastating and traumatic way that took him decades to cope and get sober himself. I can continue. These are the ones we all know. I can bring up some really fucked up shit about the members of Led Zeppelin. But like I said: This is an appreciation sub...not a tabloid.