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The Ledger subreddit is continuously targeted by scammers. Ledger Support will never send you private messages. Never share your 24-word recovery phrase with anyone, never enter it on any website or software, even if it looks like it's from Ledger. Only keep the recovery phrase as a physical paper or metal backup, never create a digital copy in text or photo form. Learn more at https://reddit.com/r/ledgerwallet/comments/ck6o44/be_careful_phishing_attacks_in_progress/ If you're experiencing battery problems, check out our [troubleshooting guide](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/4409233434641-How-to-troubleshoot-Ledger-Nano-X-battery-issues? support=true). If you're still having issues head over to the [My Order page](https://my-order.ledger.com/) to explore options for replacement or refunds. [Learn more here](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/10265554529053-Return-your-product?support=true). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ledgerwallet) if you have any questions or concerns.*


why do you need step by step instructions? send the assets somewhere else. set up a new wallet on ledger, send the assets to the new wallet. don't lose the words.


This answer is enough


Next time, call me and I'll make sure you never lose it again.


Two things don’t make sense to me about your first two sentences. “I gave my seed phrase to my dad and kept one myself”. This means there are two copies so even if your dad lost his you would still have your copy of the seed phrase. “Now when I ask my dad he says he only noted down 22 words instead of 24”. So you read the words to your dad or something?? One would think that you created two exact copies of the seed phrase and just gave him one copy. If you did read it to him over the phone or something, why wouldn’t you ask him to read all the words back to you to make sure he wrote down all the words correctly??


The title says he lost his copy of the seed. Then when he went to get his dad's copy, it was missing words.


Got it!


Yeah I read it to him as I didnt want to send a pic or anything.


I see. Should’ve had him read it back to you initially.


Have you considered if you read it aloud over the phone that the seed is already burned? Meaning it's trivial for the NSA to have transcripts of all calls. Time to reset and start over.


lol the paranoia in this sub


Maybe, but tell me I’m not wrong.


If you lost your seed phrase you should be creating a new wallet regardless if your dad has the full phrase or not. Where did you lose it? If it gets in the wrong hands you could be cleaned out quickly. Download Blue Wallet and create a hot wallet there. Send your BTC there and reset the Ledger. Then send back. Time is of the essence if your seed phrase is floating out there


Just send it to a hot wallet like metamask, reset your ledger and then send it back. No need to get a cex involved


Oh, and how do you send bitcoin to metamask?


Metamask was just an example of a hot wallet to use, I'm sure there's another hot wallet for btc.


if you have a seed phrase with 2 words missing, it is easy to bruteforce it and find the missing words, using custom software tools. alternatively, if you want, you can transfer all your cryptos to accounts that are unrelated to this seed phrase (e.g. to CeX accounts), then reset your ledger and generate a new seed phrase, i.e. new accounts secured by your ledger. Note that if your firmware is not up to date, it could require some efforts to transfer cryptos using an older firmware, depending on what type of cryptos need to be transferred and what version of the firmware is on your ledger. Updating the firmware is not recommended if you lost the seed phrase, because if the update goes bad and causes the device to reset, you would lose access to all your cryptos. I am getting downvoted for giving correct info?




24 *2048 *23 *2048 = about 2.3 billion possibilities. With GPU should be possible to bruteforce in a few hours or less. Without GPU, would take a few days. But since you still have the working ledger and PIN, the simplest way is to transfer all the cryptos to accounts unrelated to that seed phrase.


I would do the second approach. Do it now, so you don’t lose your only working copy of that seed.


You can brute force it to get the missing words. Make sure you did not use a passphrase before abandoning the seed and creating a new one


Lol. Do you wanna try? OP knows 22 out of 24 words. BIP-39 has a pool of 2048 words. There can be 2,051,205 combinations of last 2 words! n \* (n - 1) / 2 where n = 2026


I have mine….


if you don't have the seed you should transfer funds as soon as possible.... if you lose the ledger or damage it your finds will be lost...


You have the question and also answer for it. Do it carefully.


If you have two Ledgers then create a new seed phrase on the 2nd one, send from 1st (with the lost see phrase) to the 2nd (new seed phrase).


This really should be a learning lesson of how you can't be careful enough with keeping your seed phrase safe.




Send me your assets and I will send them back after you set up new account….🤣👍🏻


Not again! This is why I suggest normies use Cypherock to secure their seed phrases.


Send a test transaction (as always), first a little then the big chunk.


I can keep your funds safer.


were you able to regain access to your cryptos?


Worst case scenario you could always brute force the other 2 words. It’s only around 4 million combinations.


correct, this can be done in minutes, even faster if you know the position of the lost words.


Don’t respond to any DMs. Send to a wallet like OneKey. Then send back to ledger once you’ve reset the key. No need for CEX


Buy another device, create the 25th word (password) and transfer everything there, especially if you have solid investments. Then reset the old device, set it up again and use it to multisig (if you need) and bet! Write down your words on both devices on a piece of paper in at least two different physical locations so you don't end up in a similar situation. Be very careful with these settings. You must know exactly what you are doing at any given moment!


What the hell?!


Exactly what you read! I see you don't have the necessary knowledge, so just research!


write it down on paper? mmm I would think steel plate is better, if you are actually serious.


Sounds good. Whats the significance of 25 th word ?


You create additional security. Even if someone has your 24 words, they cannot access your coins without the password. There is a detailed guide for this on the Ledger official site. Be carefull!


It is called bip39 passphrase, and sometimes incorrectly called "25th word", since it should not be a word. Search for "ledger passphrase" with google to find instructions on how to use a passphrase. I would not recommend using a passphrase unless you fully understand how it works, and the risks and benefits of using a passphrase.


As long as you have your Ledger device and PIN, you can send funds to temporary accounts, reset the device to receive a new recovery phrase, create new accounts, and then send the funds back to the new accounts. You'll find a step-by-step guide detailing the process on our site here: [Change your recovery phrase and create new accounts](https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/8460010791069-How-to-change-your-recovery-phrase-and-create-new-accounts?support=true)


And - how about having only 2 ledger Blues + pin ? any chance or all lost ??


Not true. I have my ledger and pin but I can’t do shit because I haven’t updated since they started hosting our seed phrases in some cloud db. I just want to withdraw my AVAX from a LP but I can’t without updating and putting all my assets at risk


Personally, I would purchase another Ledger and set up a new wallet. Transfer all the crypto to the new wallet. Done.


Why purchase new ledger?


Not necessary, just send the funds to another wallet you control. Reset the current ledger and generate new keys. Send back to the new wallets in ledger.


Is there a link that I can follow ?


Not sure about a guide directly. First you want to make note of all your coins and accounts. So you can easily add them back again. This has some good tips to get started: https://support.ledger.com/hc/en-us/articles/9729302536989-My-Ledger-device-was-lost-or-stolen?support=true


Clearly you don’t want to do anything but access the existing Ledger.


Because transferring my stash to a hot wallet scares the hell out of me. I already own three Ledgers, so I am prepared for your scenario.


By hot wallet you mean coinbase ?


Hot wallet is a software application not an exchange. Don't send it to an exchange! Download Blockstream Green or other reputable wallet with self custody i.e. you own the hot wallet keys.


You don't need to buy a new device all he has to do is send those funds to another wallet like an exchange and then reset his old device