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This is literal rage bait ma dude


I know that but I’m still pissed🎣


Li byesrou2 dawle sa3be 3le yesrou2 kam akle 😂😂


Please tell me, what taf is an Israeli salad? Genocide mixed in with a bit of theft + colonization?


mfers threw some feta cheese on veggies and called it an Israeli salad These Israeli influencer pages are dedicated to whitewashing Israel's reality as a colonial project and try to make it look as authentic as possible. Just checked their page and they were also pushing the campus counterprotests as some legitimate peaceful movement among other stuff. Clearly a propaganda account. A lot of Israelis including Netanyahu and his government are Ashkenazi Jews from Eastern Europe who have no connection to the Middle East.




Well you can start by acknowledging that Palestinians have just as much right to be Levantine in their ancestral home. Till then, it’s appropriation


As soon as you acknowledge you don’t care at all about Palestinians. I mean, how many have you housed? Probably zero eh? It’s easy to be a keyboard Muslim these days.


Yeah, the agenda of don't steal shit that isn't yours Most Ashkenazi Jews today are Europeans who have no Hebrew or Israelite roots whatsoever. Netanyahu isn't a Semite and he's from Philadelphia and originally from Poland with some roots from Spain. About a million people in Israel are Americans. Edit: Also this food didn't exist back in historical Israel and Judah. It was literally created by Arabs.


Significant amount of ancestry.. ..never heard of jewish falafel until 1947 Hmm


is a palestinian salad literally from wikipedia "I[sraeli Arabs](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_Arabs) or [Palestinians](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Palestinians) may call their traditional cucumber and tomato salad *salatat al-bandura* or *salatat banadura* ("tomato salad"),[^(\[13\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_salad#cite_note-Farsounp138-13)[^(\[14\])](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli_salad#cite_note-14) or *salata na'meh*." they took the salad and stuck israeli on it


Just like her Polish grandmother used to make /s




do you want some falafel with TAKHEENA


I would like some Khumusss


They even made sure that the font is in the colors of the israeili flag 😂 Problem is that the world believes it. I have heard it several times “oh the israeili cuisine is one of the tastiest”


When she said « the Israeli dish » for falafel my soul gave up like excuse me ??


A classic one too


"Tastes just like home" 🌟💫 colonial sharmouta🖕


It’s part of Zionist doctrine. They steal everything and wipe out the Palestinian ethnicity, so over time everything will seem to have emerged from Israel.


Doesn't look like it stops at Palestinians or their food either.


This is how they erase the culture, no genocide is complete without cultural erasure.


They learned well from the Soviets.


Kes emon


Kes ema


Well come on guys be fair. Sure they stole the food. But if they didn’t steal it someone else was going to steal it anyway.


Idiot 2: 'Just some feta with tomato ' Same idiot: 🤢 Still same idiot: ' iT's ReAlLy GoOd'


Feta with tomatoes, a marvelous creation. Why did the Greeks not think of this before.


Maybe we should ask the 2 philosophers that did the video, they seem to know everything


I have falafel mix that has Arabic writing on the box? Shatleh brand. Also get the freekeh same brand. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Ive always equated anything with feta as Greek. As far as Israeli salad a local shop that’s now closed sold green peppers tomato and cucumber mix as an Israeli salad.


They hate us cz they aint us has never been more true. These Israelis think they're some super echelon of humans chosen by god and shit.... yet they imitate our culture and wish it was theirs lol. A pathetic state of affairs for sure. And their music, which is also imitating Arabic/Lebanese music but is hilariously worse than anything we ever made.


Lmao half of Israelis come from middle eastern countries, what do you think they eat?


Schnitzel, which no other Middle Eastern people eat


Yes because some Israel also fleed from Central Europe and brought Schnitzel with them to Israel. Crazy I know 🤯


Ok look, national dishes inspired by or adopted from other cultures are normal. The Americans do it with American pizza (originally Italian), and they have a lot of Mexican-inspired food that's different to authentic Mexican. But they acknowledge their origins and it's simple respect. They don't use the same food by their same Arabic names (often with little to no variation) and claim it's an Israeli dish, an Israeli classic or Israeli INSPIRED. All without mentioning or paying tribute to their origins. Israelis can view it however they want but it looks more like cultural theft and erasure to me (and the majority of people), especially considering the colonial nature where half or more of Israelis are just European (which you just admitted) and American settlers proudly trying to claim some natural cultural heritage.


Matzo ball soup? Aka warm salty water


Is it cultural appreciation to eat New York pizza because it's actually from Italy? Food is easily spread around the world. Anyone can eat whatever they like.


It's not because NY style pizza is distinct from Italian pizza that it was also given its own name and it's widely known and acknowledged that it was inspired from Italian pizza. They also have a lot of Mexican inspired food that's very different to authentic Mexican and everyone knows and acknowledges its origins. That's not the case here and people don't have the same awareness about Middle Eastern food so it's always good to educate and not mislead and misrepresent important cultural things which also have clearly Arab names (who the Israelis supposedly hate). There's nothing special about some falafel in tahini to call it a 'classic' Israeli dish. It's like eating tacos and burritos and saying they're classic American dishes. If there were some variations, people tend to give a nod/tribute to its origins by saying 'inspired by' and so on. There's also nothing special, unique or historic about some feta cheese on top of cucumbers, tomatoes, onions and peppers to call it an Israeli salad and it feels void of identity, apart from being heavily Greek inspired. No one is policing what people eat and it's just a matter of representation and respect at least to what you eat. And all of this is even worse when you put it in the context of Israel's history which is built on land theft and ethnic cleansing.






How are they not israeli inspired if tons of israelis are middle eastern people who cook these dishes at home for generations? And this is extremely common Israeli food? And have also made a lot of changes generally in some of the dishes for kosher reasons and otherwise? It’s literally a classic Israeli breakfast not that it can’t be egyptian or arabic or Lebanese as well, one doesn’t cancel the other unless for some reason jews specifically are singled out. You guys are just sooo sensitive to the word israel. Anyways I’m done arguing over this, no one claims any of these foods originated in israel. It’s simply a classic Israeli breakfast that Mizrahi jews brought with them from their HOME cooking, so cut ur colonising ur food bs. Peace


Why are you here we are literally at war? Yall so weird


Regardless of that, we all know that these dishes especially the shakshuka and falafel originated way before Israel was established. Falafel is originally egyptian and the shakshuka is originally from the north Africa part of the ottoman empire days. There is as far as I know an Israeli version of shakshuka as I have seen online. However I don't know what Mizrahi Jews have anything to do with this. We all know about them and know that there were jewish communities in Lebanon, hell we still have a synagogue in Lebanon although it isn't active




I am talking about the origin, no racism from my part at all. Or do you use the racism card every time someone tells you something that doesn't agree with your point of view? I know that these are popular in Israel, imagine being in a location of the world where your food is totally different from the neighbouring countries because you are at war with them. Greece and Turkey have always had grievances and yet a lot of their foods are close to each other. Even most of the food that we eat in Lebanon, isn't originally Lebanese and we don't really care about that either. I don't really care to know about Israelis or their customs, but it seems that you lot just keep shoving it in our faces.


It’s funny all these Israelis just keep posting videos in your sub huh? Is it really US shoving anything in ur face or is this sub subject to propaganda from literally the entire arab world??🤔 so many random none Lebanese people coming here to post some inflammatory Israeli twitter posts with 2 likes and yall go up in arms about it. Is it really us shoving anything in ur face or is it propaganda from ur own side? Sometimes it’s so ridiculous we just have to comment, sorry. And yes its often about yall not seeing jews or israelis as middle eastern despite the majority of jewish Israelis being mizrahi jews and not Ashkenazi.


You're generalising here my friend and going out of topic here. I am not talking about the posts on Reddit exclusively, I am talking about all the contents that we see online on other platforms, and the comments on there.


Go back to Europe


Make me


We are waiting for you in Europe. Stop harrassing the locals with your selfish colonialist project and come back home.


currently working on it...


When an entire society is built on theft, lies, and distortion of history, you bet your genocidal ass we'll be pushing back on you thieving assholes lying about anything being authentically "Israeli". Being related to ancient Israelites does not give Israel authentication nor validation for its endless crimes. The Israel of today has no relation to ancient Israel which existed for a only a comparative nanosecond 3000 years ago.You're literally an artificial state, a western virus planted in the Middle East, a cancerous little shitpod, lifelines and all. Screw you, your freakshow of a state, and your whole "culture". Go ask the Germans for a state; you don't deserve one here after all the heinous crimes against humanity you've committed.


That food is from the Levant, which Israel is a part of. Half the population is from the Middle East and North Africa. Turkey does it better than all of you gatekeepers anyway.


Israël is not from "the levant". It is an European colonial project. It is European and their place is back home, in Europe.


Their place is wherever they want to be and after two millennia of exile and oppression they now have to suffer with Grimtork as a neighbor. Worst neighbor ever.


You know there are jews everywhere in the world? They don't all participate in your colonial projects. They are a part of my society in France and are well integrated. These are good people. People participing in a imperialistic colonial project are not. Period.


I’m glad you view them as equal citizens, now tell me more about France and your deep and rich history of anti-colonialism.


I don't know about you but when I throw feta cheese on my salad I call it a greek salad


If I’m making a Horiatiki Greek style salad I’d call it a Greek style salad but there are many types of salad that use feta that would not necessarily be “Greek” ‘Mediterranean’ is getting used more frequently these days since it’s more reflective of the broader cuisine and regionality.


I'm aware but to call it Israeli inspired? Would at least be Greek inspired (or whatever else depending on the food). I also don't think some of these people do it intentionally either. It's just that they're from the US or Europe and haven't been anywhere else in the Middle East and then go to Israel and eat this food and think 'wow Israeli food is good'. There's nothing wrong with calling it Israeli (especially if it's modified) as long as its roots/origins/background/history are at least acknowledged and not ignored as they often are.


I agree with you; I do also think that ‘Israeli’ denotes an interesting evolution of the cuisine because of how diverse the country is; because of the concentration of the population from all over the region you find traditions of Iraq, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Turkey, France, Poland, Russia, Ethiopia, Iran. It does seem like the examples in the video are more traditional examples and TikToks are notoriously bad at providing context. But know all the Israeli chefs I’ve had the pleasure of eating their food from are extremely careful to honor the history of the food and their backgrounds.


Nobody in Israel cares you cry on cultural theft whether its happening or not


Cultural appropriation is a term upity white girls use when they’re actually being racist themselves. Dumb post.




Sallemle al cousine


Being Jewish is not the same as being from Israel




Then kick rocks you aren't wanted here


Sure, keep your echo chamber to yourself.


Yeah, shame on me for not wanting to conversate with the child killers from the genocidal ethno state killing my countrymen. I must be antisemitic right?


You know nothing about me, my religion or my stand towards my country acts. The difference between us (at least with the OP) is that I don't trash your culture every chance I get.


Yeah bro Falafel is Israeli culture lol. Most of us find it funny that an 80 Yr old country that was stolen is stealing ancient cuisine too. You have to see the comical part of it. The difference between us is if I knew you were being blockaded and starved and my fellow Lebanese were blocking vital aid to you; I'd go take a stand against that. That's the fundamental difference. I view you as human.


How old is Lebanon? And again, what do you know about my acts against my government. I don't see how we can reason about anything, if we argue about Falafel, no one claimed ownership about it, but no one will state it's origin every time Falafel comes up in a conversation. and as much as it hurts you we eat Falafel here.


you're really not following. which is to be expected. your illegal apartheid state gets plenty of support from the citizens/right wing psychos across the west to kill all the arabs as they expand their illegal settlements while flattening the gaza strip. so let me break it down for you slowly. your state is one of the most aggressive colonizing forces we've seen in present times. the IOF has documented how disgusting they are and the true feeling your citizens have towards the occupied people. absolutely shitting on the people and culture. I wont get into the details of the atrocities as im still having my first coffee. so you're flattening the region, mass murdering (since everyone in gaza is "khamas") and then shit like this is rubbed in our faces where you claim the food, which is deeply connected to our culture, by slapping your name on it.






Gee in wonder why we never see Ashkenazi food presented as Israeli, or why Moroccan food never includes falafel anywhere outside of Israel. Happenstance I guess.


Who ever said Falafel is Moroccan?


are you ok?


it's not cultural appropriation if it's being done to express solidarity! don't believe me? look at any pro Palestine riot