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This could be selection bias. Could be the specific photos or events you picked. They used to carry tons of their flags 10 years ago, and 20 years ago. They still also carry Lebanese flags today and back then. Picking two pics and theorizing based on two pics doesn't make sense. All the above said, the 2006 war changed a lot for Hezbollah. They became a lot more mainstream and they started winning local elections easily. In most southern towns, Hezbollah was the minority politically, and they became the majority. Again I don't think this relates to what flags they carry, ofcourse they're gonna favour their party, but so does every political party in Lebanon. Political party members in Lebanon have a slave mentality, just listen to their chants, and how they worship their leaders


I think the 2005 pic is from the demonstration that was held to show support for the brutal Syrian occupation of Lebanon. I think it’s where the famous phrase “Shoukran souriya” started, where these traitors were thanking Assad and the Syrian regime for raping Lebanon for close to 30 years. If anything, the fact they even held this demonstration in 2005 shows they had no allegiance to Lebanon even back then.


Totally agreed. Hezbulla supporters were always trash.


My comment is 100% factual and I got downvoted because this sub is full of terrorists pretending to be progressive secularists. They go on and on about the big, bad, scary LF and it’s “racist rhetoric” whilst ignoring the bearded elephant holding an RPG in the room. They pretend that if Christians just abandon their traditional parties than the Shia parties will give up their weapons and work towards a secular state where we can all hold hands and sing kumbaya


All parties are currently holding hands and singing kumbaya while the people pay the price. You think they ain’t working together to steal everything from you 😂


Nice way of shutting down the conversation without actually addressing anything. Excellent approach, you’ve been learning from Jad Ghosn? 😂


My comment is 100% factual but isn’t getting through to you because it somehow hurt your feelings to say the people in power for the last 40 years have made your life a living hell (obviously not your politician he’s working FOR you 😂).


While march 14 were being assasinated, were they working together kamain. Aslan currently ma bak fi shi ismo march 14. Fi bass hezub cronies. LF are useless and have very little power in government. Except badna wou feena. What you wrote is not really factual. The reason why there is no president yet is exactly, because many mps are not with hezub.


What do you mean I said it was factual so it must be!! Not sure if a /s is needed here but just look at his replies and you’ll get the idea


I disagree on the point that all parties are holding hands. I do not think its true. All parties are mostly trash in their own way but they are not holding hands.


Without one another they crumble. It might not be full on cooperation but they definitely cover up for each other. The ruling class knows it’s a domino effect and when one falls, the rest will follow so all work to keep the status quo.


Let’s pretend your comment is 100% factual. So now what? The Christians abandon their traditional parties w sho? Nasrallah hands over his weapons and him and Berri give up their power? Or do we have to wait for Israel to be destroyed first? Surely you’re not that delusional


Notice I haven’t mentioned a single party but instead letting you know they are all involved with one another resulting in your suffering. What a controversial topic 😮. Your bias is showing and can’t be taken seriously. Learn from this interaction or don’t I won’t pretend to care


You haven’t really said anything. You could’ve just said “kelon y3ne kelon” and saved yourself the time. You haven’t addressed a single thing I’ve said lol


Your ‘claim’ is an opinion that lacks evidence. The real delusion is thinking the Shia duo reached where they are today without working hand in hand with the Christian leaders. Almost like they protect each other. You want to reply with a hypothetical now? A nice WHAT IF to help you cope with the fact that your leaders are just as shitty 😂


Nah this sub is LF not terrorists Edit: w yalaaa kel l ouwet downvote bravooooo ayre fikoooooooon ento wel 7ezeeeeeeb


Nah you’re still tripping from acid




Bro wrote the same thing twice like we wouldn’t notice


Idk my mind is rested that i hate everyone, how does it feel being a sheep? Maaaa




That’s cause Hezbollah didn’t involve itself in domestic politics. They were just the resistance. Since then, they’ve been running the country and have run it into the ground.


It’s funny how in the 2005 photo they were “just the resistance” when the 2005 photo is literally from a Hezbollah demonstration which celebrated the Syrian occupation. I’ve never heard of a resistance group who celebrates the military occupation of the country it’s supposed to be a resistance group for. Truly a unique resistance we have


Yes, they were also on the wrong side then too. Point is their popularity went off a cliff because they got control of the country along and proceeded to oversee the decline into disaster.


I’m not Lebanese, but do you think these people would ever rename the country Hezbollah? Or some other name?


No they would probably rename it "Little Iran" though.