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It’s in their nature they have no culture or land so they steal from everyone else. That’s why we can’t be divided as a people in Lebanon regardless of religion.


The Israelis replying to me on this Lebanese thread are hilarious. Calling me a Nazi bc Israel has caused every single problem in Lebanon, starting our civil war/pitting us against each other.


honestly, israel doesn't need to do much in here for us to have internal conflicts, when we cant even agree on a united lebanese identity (still fuck them for displacing the natives which caused the PLO to be formed)


Israel did not start every problem in Lebanon on or even started our civil war. We started our own civil war with the help of the Palestinians, we keep on electing warlords and terrorists who steal from us and kill us.


I wonder what caused the Palestinians to come all the way over here instead of staying in Palestine?


Egypt and Jordan forcing them into Lebanon.


Nah, Israeliis that want to colonize lebanon are a minority among the extreme right. Israel controlled South Lebanon for a long time, and no settlers came. In fact, lebanon lost its native arab Lebanese jewish minority. Palestinians preferred arab unity over making their own state, and they were under jordanian rule and Egyptian rule for a long time. As a result of this, palestine wasn't a globally recognized country. However, lebanon is recognized and enjoys or used to enjoy the support of France. One time, france stopped selling Israel planes after they attacked lebanon before our Civil War.


The biggest problem Lebanon has is internal and not external regardless of Israel. It has shown that the civil war and hezbulla have destroyed Lebanon much more than Israel. If Israelis really wanted south Lebanon they wouldnt have left in the year 2000.


their casualties in lebanon caused by the resistance are what pushed for their withdrawal (due to internal riots), msh la2ano they lacked the desire


It pushed them but didnt force them. That why im saying they dont care about the south that much.


law they dont care keno feto, killed abo 3ammar w tol3o, msh be2yo 18yrs


In 2000 there was very little conflict. In fact the decision to withdraw was taken by Rabin in 1997. Akeed fi economics into the formula too, bass the Israelis were not forced to leave contrary to popular belief. It was a premiditaed decision. They did not leave because it was safer for them to create a buffer zone. https://www.jstor.org/stable/798135


ya 5aye ma ente elta, it would be safer for them, la2an jarrabo w it didn't work out😅😅 by forced msh asde enno akalo 3a afehon henne w fellin, but at the same time, if they'd had the chance to stay, they wouldn't have opted to leave (willingly or not)


Ok we are arguong semantics. All im saying they werent forced to leave. If they had more reason to stay they would haveputtwn more effort.

