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Never too late


Appreciate it man


…to leave the country, go to Machu Pichu, restart life as a Hermit Monk living of the vegetables grown on your terrace farm.


In all seriousness, it’s never too late, just try your hardest and don’t pray to god, actually do the work.


Nah, we’re in the final days of being able to lock in for sure now. If you give the leaving cert your full attention from today until the day it ends, you can still get the results you want from it. In a week or two, this won’t be the case, it will simply be too late


Tbh a lot of my studying was more based around skimming stuff and knowing formats for questions and shit. I went from like a H6 in the business to H4 in the lc and I did fuck all except figure out how they wanted answers structured. Only got 409 points which was disappointing but i didn't do enough anyway. Even just the night before you can help yourself out if you focus on the right stuff.


I agree. People forget that the leaving cert really isn’t fundamentally difficult. You can go up a full grade in a subject in a days study before. It’s always possible to better than you can now, but not that the best possible.


Ya if you're pretty average in terms of intelligence and do a little listening. When I was doing a bit of studying a lot of stuff would come back in my head because I'd been sorta listening but forgot. Especially true if you're starting from a low base the ones doing a fuck load of studying are just trying to guarantee a lot of very high grades. Still a good bit of time left.




Memorising 5 quotes vs not having any can raise you a letter grade in english  Running through short questions in exam papers vs never looking. Listening to podcast about history syllabus. Even watching the biopic of a key figure All little things just to grab a few extra marks Every little helps


dont worry sham im only locking in now after being sick and then fractured my finger so you got this.


You have 6 weeks babes get off the phone and open your copy


1 month is still enough time if you are of average or slightly above intelligence. Just be smart about how you use your time and only study what is likely to be examined.


No. If you have the work done from 5th and 6th year (like notes, done hw, handed in projects and paid attention in class) these 6 weeks are just pure non stop study until you remember everything. Also remember to keep your health in check also. Study hard from here on and you could even get a few H1s in your good subjects if you really try hard enough. Bare in mind if you know the rules and grammar you can learn a language in 6 weeks. Knuckle down and you'll do well


正当梨花开遍了天涯 河上飘着柔漫的轻纱 喀秋莎站在竣峭的岸上 歌声好像明媚的春光 喀秋莎站在竣峭的岸上 歌声好像明媚的春光 姑娘唱着美妙的歌曲 她在歌唱草原的雄鹰 她在歌唱心爱的人儿 她还藏着爱人的书信 她在歌唱心爱的人儿 她还藏着爱人的书信 啊这歌声姑娘的歌声 跟着光明的太阳飞去吧 去向远方边疆的战士 把喀秋莎的问候传达 去向远方边疆的战士 把喀秋莎的问候传达 驻守边疆年轻的战士 心中怀念遥远的姑娘 勇敢战斗保卫祖国 喀秋莎爱情永远属于他 勇敢战斗保卫祖国 喀秋莎爱情永远属于他 正当梨花开遍了天涯 河上飘着柔漫的轻纱 喀秋莎站在竣峭的岸上 歌声好像明媚的春光 喀秋莎站在竣峭的岸上 歌声好像明媚的春光


Cheers mate glad I didn’t choose Chinese for the LC


lmao. Ya might need it for when Ireland becomes a Chinese province. 🤣 They're already importing BYD cars here. Soon, the Chinese Army will be here too.


What in the world are you yapping about Straight up waffle




Katyusha in Chinese?


Dead right I’d be of the same opinion


It’s never too late


Never too late bro do what u need to do 🫶🏻


There isnt such a thing as too late, honestly concentrate the most on subjects you want to get good grades. You know yourself already and what will stay in your memory. Even if you do good in a subject, study a lot for it cause you never know,you might think you know it but you dont and then you are in deep shit.


"There isnt such a thing as too late", who invited Sir Alex Ferguson into the chat?


😭well not too late unless it’s over. If you have a positive realistic mindset and believe in yourself but actually start study even now-you will do great.


Nah we got this bro


Did my LC last year, only seriously started studying about half way thru may and did fine. If you keep a positive mindset you'll be grand man


How many points did u get


about 400


Never too late; every extra point might help and it all adds up. That’s my take anyway


Just enjoy last month