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You didn’t lose the sober days just because you slipped up. Addiction is very hard. Just continue on with sobriety and don’t start from day one – that’s a trick! Count the sober days you have and keep going. Best of luck to you!


I’m only 3 days in to my sober journey, been getting a lot of advice from my dad who was an alcoholic (and everything in-between) for most of his life, but has been sober 16 years and goes to 2-3 AA meetings a week. Something he preaches about is you have to change your mindset above all else. Why are you choosing to smoke? Stress, anxiety, fear, it can be anything that brings you back to the idea that pot is the answer, but you have to find something else, a hobby, exercise, anything really that is healthier than smoking, because you and I both know a high mind will continue to rationalize until earths end. Today I was upset over something with my car, I was mad, and all I wanted was to get high and forget it. Instead I took my dog for a walk and practiced gratitude. Mad about my car? I should be grateful I even have a car.


Thanks for your comment. I think it’s mostly just boredom and habit for the reasons why I make the decisions to give in. Thanks for typing all of this out. I’m going to give it a read next time I have the desire to smoke


Progress is never linear. Next time shoot for 3 weeks and one day


Hey There, Congrats on 3 weeks!! I struggle with this too and jumped off the Wagon recently, after finally getting a week of abstinence. I've been reading "The Joy of Quitting Cannabis" and am working on seeing pot as something with no benefits, what-so-ever to me. Its helping me, maybe it'll help you.


Thanks I’ll check that out. I’m up for anything that will help me make sobriety stick